Exemple #1
        // Elements
        // Purpose:
        //   Computes the osculating Keplerian elements from the satellite state vector
        //   for elliptic orbits
        // Input/Output:
        //   GM        Gravitational coefficient
        //             (gravitational constant * mass of central body)
        //   y         State vector (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz)
        //   <return>  Keplerian elements (a,e,i,Omega,omega,M) with
        //               a      Semimajor axis
        //               e      Eccentricity
        //               i      Inclination [rad]
        //               Omega  Longitude of the ascending node [rad]
        //               omega  Argument of pericenter  [rad]
        //               M      Mean anomaly  [rad]
        // Notes:
        //   The state vector and GM must be given in consistent units,
        //   e.g. [m], [m/s] and [m^3/s^2]. The resulting unit of the semimajor
        //   axis is implied by the unity of y, e.g. [m].
        //   The function cannot be used with state vectors describing a circular
        //   or non-inclined orbit.
        /// <summary>
        /// 由某点的位置和速度,求解开普勒轨道根数。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GM"> Gravitational coefficien<t/param>
        /// <param name="y"> State vector (x,y,z,vx,vy,vz) </param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Geo.Algorithm.Vector Elements(double GM, Geo.Algorithm.Vector stateVector)
            // Variables
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector r = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3), v = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3), h = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3);
            double H, u, R;
            double eCosE, eSinE, e2, E, nu;
            double a, e, i, Omega, omega, M;

            r = stateVector.Slice(0, 2);                         // Position
            v = stateVector.Slice(3, 5);                         // Velocity

            h = r.Cross3D(v);                                    // Areal velocity
            H = h.Norm();

            Omega = Math.Atan2(h[0], -h[1]);                                // Long. ascend. node
            Omega = MathUtil.Modulo(Omega, OrbitConsts.TwoPI);
            i     = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(h[0] * h[0] + h[1] * h[1]), h[2]); // Inclination
            u     = Math.Atan2(r[2] * H, -r[0] * h[1] + r[1] * h[0]);       // Arg. of latitude

            R     = r.Norm();                                               // Distance
            a     = 1.0 / (2.0 / R - v.Dot(v) / GM);                        // Semi-major axis
            eCosE = 1.0 - R / a;                                            // e*cos(E)
            eSinE = r.Dot(v) / Math.Sqrt(GM * a);                           // e*Math.Sin(E)

            e2 = eCosE * eCosE + eSinE * eSinE;
            e  = Math.Sqrt(e2);                                          // Eccentricity
            E  = Math.Atan2(eSinE, eCosE);                               // Eccentric anomaly

            M     = MathUtil.Modulo(E - eSinE, OrbitConsts.TwoPI);       // Mean anomaly
            nu    = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(1.0 - e2) * eSinE, eCosE - e2); // True anomaly
            omega = MathUtil.Modulo(u - nu, OrbitConsts.TwoPI);          // Arg. of perihelion

            // Keplerian elements vector
            return(new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(a, e, i, Omega, omega, M));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        ///计算航天器是否在太阳光照中。1 为是, 0 为否。 可用于计算太阳光压。
        /// Computes the fractional illumination of a spacecraft in the
        ///   vicinity of the Earth assuming a cylindrical shadow model
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="satXyz_m">Spacecraft position vector [m]</param>
        /// <param name="sunXyz_m">   Sun position vector [m]</param>
        /// <returns>  Illumination factor:
        ///                     nu=0   Spacecraft in Earth shadow
        ///                     nu=1   Spacecraft fully illuminated by the Sun</returns>
        public static double Illumination(Geo.Algorithm.Vector satXyz_m, Geo.Algorithm.Vector sunXyz_m)
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector e_Sun = sunXyz_m.DirectionUnit(); // Sun direction unit vector
            double s = satXyz_m.Dot(e_Sun);                        // Projection of s/c position

            return((s > 0 || (satXyz_m - s * e_Sun).Norm() > OrbitConsts.RadiusOfEarth) ? 1.0 : 0.0);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 从两个位置向量和中间时间计算扇区三角形比率
        ///   Computes the sector-triangle ratio from two position vectors and
        ///   the intermediate time
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="r_a">r_a        Position at time t_a</param>
        /// <param name="r_b">Position at time t_b</param>
        /// <param name="tau">   Normalized time (Math.Sqrt(GM)*(t_a-t_b))</param>
        /// <returns> Sector-triangle ratio</returns>
        private static double FindEta(Geo.Algorithm.Vector r_a, Geo.Algorithm.Vector r_b, double tau)
            // Constants
            const int    maxit = 30;
            const double delta = 100.0 * eps_mach;

            // Variables
            int    i;
            double kappa, m, l, s_a, s_b, eta_min, eta1, eta2, F1, F2, d_eta;

            // Auxiliary quantities
            s_a = r_a.Norm();
            s_b = r_b.Norm();

            kappa = Math.Sqrt(2.0 * (s_a * s_b + r_a.Dot(r_b)));

            m = tau * tau / Math.Pow(kappa, 3);
            l = (s_a + s_b) / (2.0 * kappa) - 0.5;

            eta_min = Math.Sqrt(m / (l + 1.0));

            // Start with Hansen's approximation
            eta2 = (12.0 + 10.0 * Math.Sqrt(1.0 + (44.0 / 9.0) * m / (l + 5.0 / 6.0))) / 22.0;
            eta1 = eta2 + 0.1;

            // Secant method
            F1 = F(eta1, m, l);
            F2 = F(eta2, m, l);

            i = 0;
            while (Math.Abs(F2 - F1) > delta)
                d_eta = -F2 * (eta2 - eta1) / (F2 - F1);
                eta1  = eta2; F1 = F2;
                while (eta2 + d_eta <= eta_min)
                    d_eta *= 0.5;
                eta2 += d_eta;
                F2    = F(eta2, m, l); ++i;

                if (i == maxit)
                    throw new ArgumentException("WARNING: Convergence problems in FindEta");

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        ///  Scalar Measurement Update
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="z"></param>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="sigma"></param>
        /// <param name="G"></param>
        public void MeasUpdate(double z,                          // Measurement at new epoch
                               double g,                          // Modelled measurement
                               double sigma,                      // Standard deviation
                               Geo.Algorithm.Vector G)            // Partials dg/dx
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector K = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(n); // Kalman gain
            double Inv_W           = sigma * sigma;               // Inverse weight (measurement covariance)

            // Kalman gain
            K = P * G / (Inv_W + G.Dot(P * G));

            // State update
            x = x + K * (z - g);

            // Covariance update
            P = (Matrix.CreateIdentity(n) - MatrixUtil.Dyadic(K, G)) * P;
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        ///  本地空间直角坐标到极坐标的转换,结果包括微分。 AzEl Computes azimuth, elevation and partials from local tangent coordinates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="localEnz">本地水平坐标ENZ, Topocentric local tangent coordinates (East-North-Zenith frame)</param>
        /// <param name="azimuthRad"> A Azimuth [rad] </param>
        /// <param name="elevationRad"> E Elevation [rad]</param>
        /// <param name="dAds">  dAds   Partials of azimuth w.r.t. s</param>
        /// <param name="dEds"> dEds   Partials of elevation w.r.t. s</param>
        static public void LocalEnzToPolar(Geo.Algorithm.Vector localEnz, out double azimuthRad, out double elevationRad, out Geo.Algorithm.Vector dAds, out Geo.Algorithm.Vector dEds)
            double rho = Math.Sqrt(localEnz[0] * localEnz[0] + localEnz[1] * localEnz[1]);

            // Angles
            azimuthRad   = Math.Atan2(localEnz[0], localEnz[1]);
            azimuthRad   = ((azimuthRad < 0.0) ? azimuthRad + OrbitConsts.TwoPI : azimuthRad);
            elevationRad = Math.Atan(localEnz[2] / rho);
            // Partials
            dAds = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(localEnz[1] / (rho * rho), -localEnz[0] / (rho * rho), 0.0);
            dEds = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(-localEnz[0] * localEnz[2] / rho, -localEnz[1] * localEnz[2] / rho, rho) / localEnz.Dot(localEnz);
Exemple #6
        // Elements
        // Purpose:
        //   Computes orbital elements from two given position vectors and
        //   associated times
        // Input/Output:
        //   GM        Gravitational coefficient
        //             (gravitational constant * mass of central body)
        //   Mjd_a     Time t_a (Modified Julian Date)
        //   Mjd_b     Time t_b (Modified Julian Date)
        //   r_a       Position vector at time t_a
        //   r_b       Position vector at time t_b
        //   <return>  Keplerian elements (a,e,i,Omega,omega,M)
        //               a      Semimajor axis
        //               e      Eccentricity
        //               i      Inclination [rad]
        //               Omega  Longitude of the ascending node [rad]
        //               omega  Argument of pericenter  [rad]
        //               M      Mean anomaly  [rad]
        //             at time t_a
        // Notes:
        //   The function cannot be used with state vectors describing a circular
        //   or non-inclined orbit.
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算轨道根数,由两个已知位置。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="GM"></param>
        /// <param name="Mjd_a"></param>
        /// <param name="Mjd_b"></param>
        /// <param name="r_a"></param>
        /// <param name="r_b"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Geo.Algorithm.Vector Elements(double GM, double Mjd_a, double Mjd_b,
                                                    Geo.Algorithm.Vector r_a, Geo.Algorithm.Vector r_b)
            // Variables

            double tau, eta, p;
            double n, nu, E, u;
            double s_a, s_b, s_0, fac, sinhH;
            double cos_dnu, sin_dnu, ecos_nu, esin_nu;
            double a, e, i, Omega, omega, M;

            Geo.Algorithm.Vector e_a = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3), r_0 = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3), e_0 = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3), W = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3);

            // Calculate vector r_0 (fraction of r_b perpendicular to r_a)
            // and the magnitudes of r_a,r_b and r_0

            s_a = r_a.Norm(); e_a = r_a / s_a;
            s_b = r_b.Norm();
            fac = r_b.Dot(e_a); r_0 = r_b - fac * e_a;
            s_0 = r_0.Norm(); e_0 = r_0 / s_0;

            // Inclination and ascending node

            W     = e_a.Cross3D(e_0);
            Omega = Math.Atan2(W[0], -W[1]);                                // Long. ascend. node
            Omega = MathUtil.Modulo(Omega, OrbitConsts.TwoPI);
            i     = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt(W[0] * W[0] + W[1] * W[1]), W[2]); // Inclination
            if (i == 0.0)
                u = Math.Atan2(r_a[1], r_a[0]);
                u = Math.Atan2(+e_a[2], -e_a[0] * W[1] + e_a[1] * W[0]);

            // Semilatus rectum

            tau = Math.Sqrt(GM) * 86400.0 * Math.Abs(Mjd_b - Mjd_a);
            eta = FindEta(r_a, r_b, tau);
            p   = Math.Pow(s_a * s_0 * eta / tau, 2);

            // Eccentricity, true anomaly and argument of perihelion

            cos_dnu = fac / s_b;
            sin_dnu = s_0 / s_b;

            ecos_nu = p / s_a - 1.0;
            esin_nu = (ecos_nu * cos_dnu - (p / s_b - 1.0)) / sin_dnu;

            e  = Math.Sqrt(ecos_nu * ecos_nu + esin_nu * esin_nu);
            nu = Math.Atan2(esin_nu, ecos_nu);

            omega = MathUtil.Modulo(u - nu, OrbitConsts.TwoPI);

            // Perihelion distance, semimajor axis and mean motion

            a = p / (1.0 - e * e);
            n = Math.Sqrt(GM / Math.Abs(a * a * a));

            // Mean anomaly and time of perihelion passage

            if (e < 1.0)
                E = Math.Atan2(Math.Sqrt((1.0 - e) * (1.0 + e)) * esin_nu, ecos_nu + e * e);
                M = MathUtil.Modulo(E - e * Math.Sin(E), OrbitConsts.TwoPI);
                sinhH = Math.Sqrt((e - 1.0) * (e + 1.0)) * esin_nu / (e + e * ecos_nu);
                M     = e * sinhH - Math.Log(sinhH + Math.Sqrt(1.0 + sinhH * sinhH));

            // Keplerian elements vector

            return(new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(a, e, i, Omega, omega, M));
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算地球重力场引起的加速度。
        /// Computes the acceleration due to the harmonic gravity field of the central body
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="satXyz"> r Satellite position vector in the inertial system</param>
        /// <param name="earthRotationMatrix"> E Transformation matrix to body-fixed system</param>
        /// <param name="GM"> GM Gravitational coefficient</param>
        /// <param name="R_ref">R_ref Reference radius </param>
        /// <param name="CS">CS Spherical harmonics coefficients (un-normalized)</param>
        /// <param name="n_max">n_max Maximum degree </param>
        /// <param name="m_max"> m_max Maximum order (m_max<=n_max; m_max=0 for zonals, only)</param>
        /// <returns>Acceleration (a=d^2r/dt^2)</returns>
        public static Geo.Algorithm.Vector AccelerOfHarmonicGraviFiled(Geo.Algorithm.Vector satXyz, Matrix earthRotationMatrix,
                                                                       double GM, double radiusOfRefer, Matrix spherHarmoCoeff,
                                                                       int maxDegree, int maxOrder)
            // Local variables
            int    n, m;                                             // Loop counters
            double r_sqr, rho, Fac;                                  // Auxiliary quantities
            double x0, y0, z0;                                       // Normalized coordinates
            double ax, ay, az;                                       // Acceleration vector
            double C, S;                                             // Gravitational coefficients

            Geo.Algorithm.Vector r_bf = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3); // Body-fixed position
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector a_bf = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3); // Body-fixed acceleration

            Matrix V = new Matrix(maxDegree + 2, maxDegree + 2);     // Harmonic functions
            Matrix W = new Matrix(maxDegree + 2, maxDegree + 2);     // work array (0..n_max+1,0..n_max+1)

            // Body-fixed position
            r_bf = earthRotationMatrix * satXyz;

            // Auxiliary quantities
            r_sqr = r_bf.Dot(r_bf);               // Square of distance
            rho   = radiusOfRefer * radiusOfRefer / r_sqr;

            x0 = radiusOfRefer * r_bf[0] / r_sqr;          // Normalized
            y0 = radiusOfRefer * r_bf[1] / r_sqr;          // coordinates
            z0 = radiusOfRefer * r_bf[2] / r_sqr;

            // Evaluate harmonic functions
            //   V_nm = (R_ref/r)^(n+1) * P_nm(sin(phi)) * cos(m*lambda)
            // and
            //   W_nm = (R_ref/r)^(n+1) * P_nm(sin(phi)) * sin(m*lambda)
            // up to degree and order n_max+1

            // Calculate zonal terms V(n,0); set W(n,0)=0.0
            V[0, 0] = radiusOfRefer / Math.Sqrt(r_sqr);
            W[0, 0] = 0.0;

            V[1, 0] = z0 * V[0, 0];
            W[1, 0] = 0.0;

            for (n = 2; n <= maxDegree + 1; n++)
                V[n, 0] = ((2 * n - 1) * z0 * V[n - 1, 0] - (n - 1) * rho * V[n - 2, 0]) / n;
                W[n, 0] = 0.0;

            // Calculate tesseral and sectorial terms
            for (m = 1; m <= maxOrder + 1; m++)
                // Calculate V(m,m) .. V(n_max+1,m)
                V[m, m] = (2 * m - 1) * (x0 * V[m - 1, m - 1] - y0 * W[m - 1, m - 1]);
                W[m, m] = (2 * m - 1) * (x0 * W[m - 1, m - 1] + y0 * V[m - 1, m - 1]);

                if (m <= maxDegree)
                    V[m + 1, m] = (2 * m + 1) * z0 * V[m, m];
                    W[m + 1, m] = (2 * m + 1) * z0 * W[m, m];

                for (n = m + 2; n <= maxDegree + 1; n++)
                    V[n, m] = ((2 * n - 1) * z0 * V[n - 1, m] - (n + m - 1) * rho * V[n - 2, m]) / (n - m);
                    W[n, m] = ((2 * n - 1) * z0 * W[n - 1, m] - (n + m - 1) * rho * W[n - 2, m]) / (n - m);

            // Calculate accelerations ax,ay,az
            ax = ay = az = 0.0;

            for (m = 0; m <= maxOrder; m++)
                for (n = m; n <= maxDegree; n++)
                    if (m == 0)
                        C   = spherHarmoCoeff[n, 0]; // = C_n,0
                        ax -= C * V[n + 1, 1];
                        ay -= C * W[n + 1, 1];
                        az -= (n + 1) * C * V[n + 1, 0];
                        C   = spherHarmoCoeff[n, m];     // = C_n,m
                        S   = spherHarmoCoeff[m - 1, n]; // = S_n,m
                        Fac = 0.5 * (n - m + 1) * (n - m + 2);
                        ax += +0.5 * (-C * V[n + 1, m + 1] - S * W[n + 1, m + 1])
                              + Fac * (+C * V[n + 1, m - 1] + S * W[n + 1, m - 1]);
                        ay += +0.5 * (-C * W[n + 1, m + 1] + S * V[n + 1, m + 1])
                              + Fac * (-C * W[n + 1, m - 1] + S * V[n + 1, m - 1]);
                        az += (n - m + 1) * (-C * V[n + 1, m] - S * W[n + 1, m]);

            // Body-fixed acceleration
            a_bf = (GM / (radiusOfRefer * radiusOfRefer)) * new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(ax, ay, az);

            // Inertial acceleration
            return(earthRotationMatrix.Transpose() * a_bf);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 计算大气密度,基于Harris-Priesterm模型。
        ///  Computes the atmospheric density for the modified Harris-Priester model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Mjd_TT">Mjd_TT      Terrestrial Time (Modified Julian Date)</param>
        /// <param name="xyz">r_tod       Satellite position vector in the inertial system [m]</param>
        /// <returns> Density [kg/m^3]</returns>
        public static double AtmosDensity_HP(double Mjd_TT, Geo.Algorithm.Vector xyz)
            // Constants
            const double upper_limit = 1000.0;   // Upper height limit [km]
            const double lower_limit = 100.0;    // Lower height limit [km]
            const double ra_lag      = 0.523599; // Right ascension lag [rad]
            const int    n_prm       = 3;        // Harris-Priester parameter
            // 2(6) low(high) inclination

            // Harris-Priester atmospheric density model parameters
            // Height [km], minimum density, maximum density [gm/km^3]

            const int N_Coef = 50;

            Geo.Algorithm.Vector h     = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(Data_h, N_Coef);
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector c_min = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(Data_c_min, N_Coef);
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector c_max = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(Data_c_max, N_Coef);

            // Variables
            int    i, ih;                                             // Height section variables
            double height;                                            // Earth flattening
            double dec_Sun, ra_Sun, c_dec;                            // Sun declination, right asc.
            double c_psi2;                                            // Harris-Priester modification
            double density, h_min, h_max, d_min, d_max;               // Height, density parameters

            Geo.Algorithm.Vector r_Sun = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3); // Sun position
            Geo.Algorithm.Vector u     = new Geo.Algorithm.Vector(3); // Apex of diurnal bulge

            // Satellite height
            var geoCoord = Geo.Coordinates.CoordTransformer.XyzToGeoCoord(new Geo.Coordinates.XYZ(xyz[0], xyz[1], xyz[2]));

            height = geoCoord.Height / 1000.0;              //  [km]

            // Exit with zero density outside height model limits
            if (height >= upper_limit || height <= lower_limit)

            // Sun right ascension, declination
            r_Sun   = CelestialUtil.Sun(Mjd_TT);
            ra_Sun  = Math.Atan2(r_Sun[1], r_Sun[0]);
            dec_Sun = Math.Atan2(r_Sun[2], Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(r_Sun[0], 2) + Math.Pow(r_Sun[1], 2)));

            // Unit vector u towards the apex of the diurnal bulge in inertial geocentric coordinates
            c_dec = cos(dec_Sun);
            u[0]  = c_dec * cos(ra_Sun + ra_lag);
            u[1]  = c_dec * sin(ra_Sun + ra_lag);
            u[2]  = sin(dec_Sun);

            // Cosine of half angle between satellite position vector and apex of diurnal bulge
            c_psi2 = 0.5 + 0.5 * xyz.Dot(u) / xyz.Norm();

            // Height index search and exponential density interpolation
            ih = 0;                           // section index reset
            for (i = 0; i <= N_Coef - 1; i++) // loop over N_Coef height regimes
                if (height >= h[i] && height < h[i + 1])
                    ih = i; break;
                }                                                          // ih identifies height section

            h_min = (h[ih] - h[ih + 1]) / Math.Log(c_min[ih + 1] / c_min[ih]);
            h_max = (h[ih] - h[ih + 1]) / Math.Log(c_max[ih + 1] / c_max[ih]);

            d_min = c_min[ih] * Math.Exp((h[ih] - height) / h_min);
            d_max = c_max[ih] * Math.Exp((h[ih] - height) / h_max);

            // Density computation
            density = d_min + (d_max - d_min) * Math.Pow(c_psi2, n_prm);

            return(density * 1.0e-12);       // [kg/m^3]