public Gene()
     this.slot = new Slot();
       this.evt = new Event(); = new Room();
       cannotChange = false;
 public Gene(Slot slot, Event evt, Room room, bool cannotChange)
     this.slot = slot;
       this.evt = evt; = room;
       this.cannotChange = cannotChange;
        /* Checks for any clashes between groups and rooms for a particular slot */
        public bool doClashesExist(Slot s, Event e, Room r)
            int indexOfSelectedSlot = Program.slots.IndexOf(s);
              bool clashes = false;
              int i = 0;

              // ensure there are no index out of bound errors
              if ((indexOfSelectedSlot + e.getDuration()) >= Program.slots.Count)
            clashes = true;

              /* Check that there are no clashes for any hours of the event */
              while ((i < e.getDuration()) && (!clashes))
            List<Gene> eventsAtThisTime = new List<Gene>();

            foreach (Gene g in chromosome)
              if (g.getSlot() == s)

            int j = 0;
            while ((j < eventsAtThisTime.Count) && (!clashes))
              if ((eventsAtThisTime[j].getEvent().getGroups().Intersect(e.getGroups()).Count() > 0) ||
              (eventsAtThisTime[j].getRoom() == r && r != Program.lunchRoom))
            clashes = true;

            s = Program.slots[++indexOfSelectedSlot];
              return clashes;
        public bool enoughTimeInDay(Slot s, Event e)
            List<Slot> remainingSlotsInDay = new List<Slot>();
              for (int i = 0; i < Program.slots.Count; i++)
            if ((Program.slots[i].getDay() == s.getDay()) && (Program.slots[i].getWeek() == s.getWeek()))

              if (((remainingSlotsInDay.IndexOf(s) + e.getDuration()) > remainingSlotsInDay.Count))
            return false;
            return true;
 public SlotEventGroupsKey(Slot slot, string[] groups)
     this.slot = slot;
       this.groups = groups.ToList();
        private void scheduleLists(Slot s, List<Gene> p1, List<Gene> p2, Chromosome child)
            List<Gene> combinedList = new List<Gene>();

              foreach (Gene g in combinedList)
            if (p1.Contains(g))
            if (p2.Contains(g))

              combinedList.RemoveAll(delegate(Gene g) { return g.getCannotChange() == true || g.getEvent().getCourse() == "Lunch"; });

              for (int i = combinedList.Count; i > 0; i--)
            bool success = child.scheduleEventFromList(s, combinedList[i - 1]);
            if (!success)
              child.unscheduableEvents.Add(combinedList[i - 1].getEvent());
            combinedList.Remove(combinedList[i - 1]);

 public void setSlot(Slot newSlot)
     slot = Program.slots[Program.slots.IndexOf(newSlot)];
 /* this method is required as some places the chromosome is viewed
  * as a Chromosome instead of a List<Gene> */
 public void add(Slot s, Event e, Room r, bool cannotChange)
     chromosome.Add(new Gene(s, e, r, cannotChange));
        private void bookSlots(Slot s, Gene g)
            if (g.getEvent().getWeekly() && s.getWeek() == "B")
            s = getCorrespondingSlot(s);

              for (int i = 0; i < g.getEvent().getDuration(); i++)
            int slotIndex = Program.slots.IndexOf(s);
            slotIndex += i;
            s = Program.slots[slotIndex];
            chromosome.Add(new Gene(s, g.getEvent(), g.getRoom(), g.getCannotChange()));

            slotIndex = Program.slots.IndexOf(s);
            if (slotIndex < Program.slots.Count)
              s = Program.slots[slotIndex];

            if (g.getEvent().getWeekly())
              chromosome.Add(new Gene(s, g.getEvent(), g.getRoom(), g.getCannotChange()));
 public void scheduleUnscheduableEvents(Slot s)
     Slot originalSlot = s;
       for (int i = unscheduableEvents.Count; i > 0; i--)
     s = originalSlot;
     if (hasEventBeenScheduled(unscheduableEvents[i - 1]))
       unscheduableEvents.Remove(unscheduableEvents[i - 1]);
       if (enoughTimeInDay(s, unscheduableEvents[i - 1]))
     List<Room> possibleRooms = findAvailableRooms(unscheduableEvents[i - 1].getRoomSize(),
                                                   unscheduableEvents[i - 1].getActivity());
     bool stop = false;
     int j = 0;
     while ((j < possibleRooms.Count) && (!stop))
       bool clashes = doClashesExist(s, unscheduableEvents[i - 1], possibleRooms[j]);
       if (!clashes && unscheduableEvents[i-1].getWeekly())
         clashes = doClashesExist(getCorrespondingSlot(s), unscheduableEvents[i-1], possibleRooms[j]);
       if (!clashes)
         stop = true;
         Gene aGene = new Gene(s, unscheduableEvents[i-1], possibleRooms[j], unscheduableEvents[i-1].getWeekly());
         bookSlots(s, aGene);
 public bool scheduleEventFromList(Slot s, Gene g)
     if (!hasEventBeenScheduled(g.getEvent()))
     bool clashes = doClashesExist(s, g.getEvent(), g.getRoom());
     if (!clashes && g.getEvent().getWeekly())
       clashes = doClashesExist(getCorrespondingSlot(s), g.getEvent(), g.getRoom());
     if (!clashes && enoughTimeInDay(s, g.getEvent()))
       bookSlots(s, g);
       return true;
       return false;
       return true;
 public bool hasLunchBeenScheduled(Slot s, Event e)
     int numberTimesScheduled = (from g in chromosome
                           where g.getEvent() == e && g.getSlot().getDay() == s.getDay()
                           select g).Count();
       if (numberTimesScheduled == 1)
     return true;
     return false;
 public Slot getCorrespondingSlot(Slot selectedSlot)
     return Program.slots.Find(delegate(Slot compareSlot)
                                         return (compareSlot.getDay() == selectedSlot.getDay() &&
                                         compareSlot.getTime() == selectedSlot.getTime() &&
                                         compareSlot.getWeek() != selectedSlot.getWeek());
Exemple #14
 public SlotEventGroupsKey(Slot slot, string[] groups)
     this.slot   = slot;
     this.groups = groups.ToList();
 } // constructor