public void DumpTree() { //address will be alligned to 4 UInt32 paddress = 0x80000038; //Create a memory stream for the actual dump MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(); try { //dump data gecko.Dump(paddress, paddress + 8, stream); //go to beginning stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); Byte[] buffer = new Byte[8]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, 8); //Stream can be cleared now stream.Close(); //Read buffer UInt32 fstadd = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0); UInt32 fstsize = BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 4); //Swap to machine endianness and return fstadd = ByteSwap.Swap(fstadd); fstsize = ByteSwap.Swap(fstsize); stream = new MemoryStream(); gecko.Dump(fstadd, fstadd + fstsize + 1, stream); stream.Seek(-1, SeekOrigin.End); buffer = new Byte[] { 0xFF }; stream.Write(buffer, 0, 1); stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); buffer = new Byte[0xC]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, 12); Byte flag = buffer[0]; UInt32 truenameoff; buffer[0] = 0; UInt32 nameoff = ByteSwap.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0)); UInt32 offset = ByteSwap.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 4)); UInt32 entries = ByteSwap.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 8)); long fstpos = stream.Position; UInt32 strpos = entries * 0x0C; UInt32 endpos = strpos; //List<TreeNode> rootArr = new List<TreeNode>(); List <fileStructure> rootArr = new List <fileStructure>(); List <UInt32> dirSize = new List <UInt32>(); dirSize.Add(0); fstTextPositions.Clear(); sourceFile = null; targetFile = null; generatedSwapCode.Text = ""; targetFileName.Text = ""; sourceFileName.Text = ""; setAsSourceButton.Enabled = false; setAsTargetButton.Enabled = false; generateFileSwap.Enabled = false; swapFilesNow.Enabled = false; selectedFile = -1; //TreeNode current = treeView.Nodes.Add("Root"); fileStructure current = new fileStructure("Root", -1); root = current; int tag; int curDir = 0; rootArr.Add(current); String nname; do { stream.Seek(fstpos, SeekOrigin.Begin); stream.Read(buffer, 0, 12); flag = buffer[0]; truenameoff = ByteSwap.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0)); buffer[0] = 0; nameoff = ByteSwap.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0)); offset = ByteSwap.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 4)); entries = ByteSwap.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 8)); fstTextPositions.Add(new fstEntry((UInt32)fstpos + fstadd, truenameoff, offset, entries, (UInt32)fstpos + strpos + nameoff)); tag = fstTextPositions.Count - 1; fstpos = stream.Position; stream.Seek(strpos + nameoff, SeekOrigin.Begin); //fstTextPositions.Add((UInt32)stream.Position + fstadd); nname = ReadString(stream); do { if (fstpos == dirSize[curDir] * 0x0C + 0x0C && curDir > 0) { dirSize[curDir] = 0; curDir--; } } while (curDir != 0 && fstpos >= dirSize[curDir] * 0x0C + 0x0C); if (flag == 0) { //current = rootArr[curDir].Nodes.Add(nname); rootArr[curDir].addFile(nname, tag); //image crap } else { curDir++; current = rootArr[curDir - 1].addSubFolder(nname, tag); //current = rootArr[curDir-1].Nodes.Add(nname); //image crap if (rootArr.Count > curDir) { rootArr[curDir] = current; dirSize[curDir] = entries; } else { rootArr.Add(current); dirSize.Add(entries); } } } while (fstpos < endpos); stream.Close(); root.Sort(); root.ToTreeView(treeView); } catch (EUSBGeckoException e) { exceptionHandling.HandleException(e); } catch { } }
public void DumpTree(params String[] folders) { UInt32 FSInit; UInt32 FSAddClient; UInt32 FSDelClient; UInt32 FSInitCmdBlock; UInt32 FSOpenDir; UInt32 FSCloseDir; UInt32 FSReadDir; UInt32 memalign; UInt32 free; switch (gecko.OsVersionRequest()) { case 400: case 410: FSInit = 0x01060d70; FSAddClient = 0x01061290; FSDelClient = 0x0106129c; FSInitCmdBlock = 0x01061498; FSOpenDir = 0x01066f3c; FSCloseDir = 0x01066fac; FSReadDir = 0x0106702c; memalign = gecko.peek(0x10049edc); free = gecko.peek(0x100adc2c); break; case 500: case 510: FSInit = 0x010666fc; FSAddClient = 0x01066d80; FSDelClient = 0x01066d8c; FSInitCmdBlock = 0x01066fec; FSOpenDir = 0x0106db58; FSCloseDir = 0x0106dbc8; FSReadDir = 0x0106dc48; memalign = gecko.peek(0x1004e2d0); free = gecko.peek(0x100b41fc); break; case 532: case 540: FSInit = 0x010683C8; FSAddClient = 0x010689FC; FSDelClient = 0x01068A08; FSInitCmdBlock = 0x01068C54; FSOpenDir = 0x0106F690; FSCloseDir = 0x0106F700; FSReadDir = 0x0106F780; memalign = gecko.peek(0x100b4878); free = gecko.peek(0x100b487c); break; default: MessageBox.Show("Unsupported Wii U OS version.", "Version mismatch", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); return; } try { UInt32 ret; ret = gecko.rpc(FSInit); UInt32 pClient = gecko.rpc(memalign, 0x1700, 0x20); if (pClient == 0) { goto noClient; } UInt32 pCmd = gecko.rpc(memalign, 0xA80, 0x20); if (pCmd == 0) { goto noCmd; } ret = gecko.rpc(FSAddClient, pClient, 0); ret = gecko.rpc(FSInitCmdBlock, pCmd); UInt32 pDh = gecko.rpc(memalign, 4, 4); if (pDh == 0) { goto noDh; } UInt32 pPath = gecko.rpc(memalign, 0x200, 0x20); if (pPath == 0) { goto noPath; } UInt32 pBuf = gecko.rpc(memalign, 0x200, 0x20); if (pBuf == 0) { goto noBuf; } root = new fileStructure("vol", -1); Queue <fileStructure> scanQueue = new Queue <fileStructure>(); foreach (String item in folders) { scanQueue.Enqueue(root.addSubFolder(item, -1)); } while (scanQueue.Count > 0) { fileStructure current = scanQueue.Dequeue(); using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(current.Path + "\0"))) { gecko.Upload(pPath, pPath + (uint)ms.Length, ms); } ret = gecko.rpc(FSOpenDir, pClient, pCmd, pPath, pDh, 0xffffffff); if (ret != 0) { goto noDir; } UInt32 dh = gecko.peek(pDh); do { ret = gecko.rpc(FSReadDir, pClient, pCmd, dh, pBuf, 0xffffffff); if (ret != 0) { break; } using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) { gecko.Dump(pBuf, pBuf + 0x200, ms); Byte[] data = ms.ToArray(); UInt32 attr = ByteSwap.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 0)); UInt32 size = ByteSwap.Swap(BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, 8)); String name = new String(Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(data, 0x64, 0x100)); name = name.Remove(name.IndexOf('\0')); if ((attr & 0x80000000) != 0) { scanQueue.Enqueue(current.addSubFolder(name, -1)); } else { current.addFile(name, -1, size); } } } while (true); gecko.rpc(FSCloseDir, pClient, pCmd, dh, 0); noDir: continue; } gecko.rpc(free, pBuf); noBuf: gecko.rpc(free, pPath); noPath: gecko.rpc(free, pDh); noDh: ret = gecko.rpc(FSDelClient, pClient); gecko.rpc(free, pCmd); noCmd: gecko.rpc(free, pClient); noClient: if (root != null) { root.Sort(); root.ToTreeView(treeView); } } catch (ETCPGeckoException e) { exceptionHandling.HandleException(e); } catch { } }