public static string EvaluateScript(this GeckoWebBrowser browser, string jsString) { using (var autoJSContext = new AutoJSContext(browser.Window.JSContext)) { var jsVal = autoJSContext.EvaluateScript(jsString, browser.Window.DomWindow); return jsVal.ToString(); } }
public void JS_TypeOfValue() { if (Xpcom.IsLinux && IntPtr.Size == 8) Assert.Ignore("unsafe test:seg faults on 64bit Linux"); using (AutoJSContext cx = new AutoJSContext(GlobalJSContextHolder.BackstageJSContext)) { Assert.AreEqual(JSType.JSTYPE_NUMBER, SpiderMonkey.JS_TypeOfValue(cx.ContextPointer, JsVal.FromPtr(0))); Assert.AreEqual(JSType.JSTYPE_NUMBER, SpiderMonkey.JS_TypeOfValue(cx.ContextPointer, JsVal.FromPtr(0xffff0000ffffffff))); Assert.AreEqual(JSType.JSTYPE_BOOLEAN, SpiderMonkey.JS_TypeOfValue(cx.ContextPointer, JsVal.FromPtr(0xffffffffffffffff))); } }
public JSAutoCompartment(AutoJSContext context, nsISupports comObject) { if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("context"); if (context.ContextPointer == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentException("context has Null ContextPointer"); if (context == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("comObject"); _obj = context.ConvertCOMObjectToJSObject(comObject); _cx = context.ContextPointer; _oldCompartment = SpiderMonkey.JS_EnterCompartment(_cx, _obj); }
/// <summary> /// Unittest helper method to create a String JsVal /// </summary> /// <param name="value"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static JsVal CreateJsVal(string jscript) { using (AutoJSContext cx = new AutoJSContext(GlobalJSContextHolder.BackstageJSContext)) { var ptr = new JsVal(); var _securityManager = Xpcom.GetService<nsIScriptSecurityManager>(";1"); var _systemPrincipal = _securityManager.GetSystemPrincipal(); IntPtr globalObject = SpiderMonkey.JS_GetGlobalForScopeChain(cx.ContextPointer); bool ret = SpiderMonkey.JS_EvaluateScript(cx.ContextPointer, globalObject, jscript, (uint)jscript.Length, "script", 1, ref ptr); Assert.IsTrue(ret); Marshal.ReleaseComObject(_securityManager); return ptr; } }
/// <summary> /// Get byte array with png image of the current browsers Window. /// Wpf methods on windows platform don't use a Bitmap :-/ /// Not captures plugin (Flash,etc...) windows /// </summary> /// <param name="xOffset"></param> /// <param name="yOffset"></param> /// <param name="width"></param> /// <param name="height"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static byte[] CanvasGetPngImage(IGeckoWebBrowser browser, uint xOffset, uint yOffset, uint width, uint height) { if (width == 0) throw new ArgumentException("width"); if (height == 0) throw new ArgumentException("height"); // Use of the canvas technique was inspired by: the abduction! firefox plugin by Rowan Lewis // // Some opertations fail without a proper JSContext. using (AutoJSContext jsContext = new AutoJSContext(GlobalJSContextHolder.BackstageJSContext)) { GeckoCanvasElement canvas = (GeckoCanvasElement)browser.Document.CreateElement("canvas"); canvas.Width = width; canvas.Height = height; nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement canvasPtr = (nsIDOMHTMLCanvasElement)canvas.DomObject; nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2D context; using (nsAString str = new nsAString("2d")) { context = (nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2D)canvasPtr.MozGetIPCContext(str); } // the bitmap image needs to conform to the (Full)Zoom being applied, otherwise it will render wrongly var zoom = browser.GetMarkupDocumentViewer().GetFullZoomAttribute(); context.Scale(zoom, zoom); using (nsAString color = new nsAString("rgb(255,255,255)")) { context.DrawWindow((nsIDOMWindow)browser.Window.DomWindow, xOffset, yOffset, width, height, color, (uint)(nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2DConsts.DRAWWINDOW_DO_NOT_FLUSH | nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2DConsts.DRAWWINDOW_DRAW_VIEW | nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2DConsts.DRAWWINDOW_ASYNC_DECODE_IMAGES | nsIDOMCanvasRenderingContext2DConsts.DRAWWINDOW_USE_WIDGET_LAYERS)); ; } string data = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(data.Substring("data:image/png;base64,".Length)); return bytes; } }
public string JSCall(string script) { string outString = ""; using (var js = new Gecko.AutoJSContext(browser.Window.JSContext)) { try { js.EvaluateScript(script, (nsISupports)browser.Window.DomWindow, out outString); } catch (GeckoJavaScriptException ex) { System.Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } catch (System.NotImplementedException ex) { System.Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } return(outString); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a rule at the specified position in the collection. The return value is the index in the list where the item was actually inserted, /// or -1 if the rule contains syntax errors and could not be added to the collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="index"></param> /// <param name="rule"></param> public int Insert(int index, string rule) { if (IsReadOnly) { throw new InvalidOperationException("This collection is read-only."); } else if (index < 0 || index > Count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule)) { return(-1); } using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(GetJSContext())) { context.PushCompartmentScope((nsISupports)StyleSheet._DomStyleSheet); var val = context.EvaluateScriptBypassingSomeSecurityRestrictions(String.Format("this.insertRule('{0}',{1});", rule, index)); return(val.ToInteger()); } return(index); }
/// <summary> /// Converts to COM object without null check /// </summary> /// <param name="cx"></param> /// <returns></returns> private object ToComObjectInternal(IntPtr cx) { using (var context = new AutoJSContext(cx)) { var jsObject = SpiderMonkey.JS_ValueToObject(context.ContextPointer, this); var guid = typeof(nsISupports).GUID; var pUnk = IntPtr.Zero; try { pUnk = Xpcom.XPConnect.Instance.WrapJS(context.ContextPointer, jsObject, ref guid); var comObj = Xpcom.GetObjectForIUnknown(pUnk); return(comObj); } finally { if (pUnk != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.Release(pUnk); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a rule at the specified position in the collection. The return value is the index in the list where the item was actually inserted, /// or -1 if the rule contains syntax errors and could not be added to the collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="index"></param> /// <param name="rule"></param> public int Insert(int index, string rule) { if (IsReadOnly) { throw new InvalidOperationException("This collection is read-only."); } else if (index < 0 || index > Count) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("index"); } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rule)) { return(-1); } const int NS_ERROR_DOM_SYNTAX_ERR = unchecked ((int)0x8053000c); using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(GetJSContext())) { index = (int)StyleSheet._DomStyleSheet.InsertRule(new nsAString(rule), (uint)index); } return(index); }
public override string ToString() { using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext()) { IntPtr jsString = SpiderMonkey.JS_ValueToString(context.ContextPointer, this); return Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(SpiderMonkey.JS_EncodeString(context.ContextPointer, jsString)); } }
void Window_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e) { string jsResults; using (var context = new AutoJSContext(_browser.Window.JSContext)) using (new JSAutoCompartment(context, (nsISupports)_browser.Window.DomWindow)) { context.EvaluateScript("(Blockly.Xml.domToPrettyText(Blockly.Xml.workspaceToDom(Blockly.mainWorkspace)))", out jsResults); } _browser.Navigate(""); _browser.Dispose(); Settings.Default.WindowWidth = Width; Settings.Default.WindowHeight = Height; Settings.Default.WindowIsMaximized = WindowState == WindowState.Maximized; Settings.Default.ArduinoPath = ArduinoPath; Settings.Default.SelectedPogrammer = SelectedProgrammer != null ? SelectedProgrammer.Name : ""; Settings.Default.SelectedPort = SelectedPort; Settings.Default.SavedProgram = jsResults; Settings.Default.Save(); foreach (var tempPath in _tempPathsCreated) { if (File.Exists(tempPath)) { File.Delete(tempPath); } else if (Directory.Exists(tempPath)) { Directory.Delete(tempPath, true); } } }
public override string ToString() { using (var context = new AutoJSContext()) { return context.ConvertValueToString(this); } }
void Upload_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string message; if (ValidateArduinoSetup(ArduinoPath, Programmers, SelectedProgrammer, ProgrammerPorts, SelectedPort, true, out message)) { string jsResults; using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(_browser.Window.JSContext)) using (JSAutoCompartment compartment = new JSAutoCompartment(context, (nsISupports)_browser.Window.DomWindow)) { context.EvaluateScript("(Blockly.Generator.workspaceToCode('Arduino'))", out jsResults); } System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(_browser.ClientRectangle.Width, _browser.ClientRectangle.Height); _browser.DrawToBitmap(bmp, _browser.ClientRectangle); var screenshot = System.Windows.Interop.Imaging.CreateBitmapSourceFromHBitmap( bmp.GetHbitmap(), IntPtr.Zero, System.Windows.Int32Rect.Empty, BitmapSizeOptions.FromWidthAndHeight(bmp.Width, bmp.Height)); //The following is like 3 card Monty with threads and contexts, but it does work ;) var loadingWindow = new UploadingWindow() { Owner = this, WindowStartupLocation = System.Windows.WindowStartupLocation.CenterOwner}; loadingWindow.BlocksImage.Source = screenshot; IsEnabled = false; loadingWindow.Loaded += (s, ev) => { Task.Run(() => { string errorText; bool result = SendToArduino(true, jsResults, out errorText); Dispatcher.InvokeAsync(() => { loadingWindow.Close(); IsEnabled = true; if (result) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Success!" ,"Upload Complete!",MessageBoxButton.OK,MessageBoxImage.Information); } else { MessageBox.Show(this, "There were problems:\n" + errorText ?? "UNKNOWN ERROR","Upload Failed :(", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } } ); }); }; loadingWindow.ShowDialog(); } }
public void JS_TypeOfValue_OnBoolJsValCreatedBySpiderMonkey_ReturnsTypeBool() { var jsVal = CreateBoolJsVal(true); using (AutoJSContext cx = new AutoJSContext(GlobalJSContextHolder.BackstageJSContext)) { Assert.AreEqual(JSType.JSTYPE_BOOLEAN, SpiderMonkey.JS_TypeOfValue(cx.ContextPointer, jsVal)); } }
public void JS_TypeOfValue_OnStringJsValCreatedBySpiderMonkey_ReturnsTypeString() { var jsVal = CreateStringJsVal("hello world"); using (AutoJSContext cx = new AutoJSContext(GlobalJSContextHolder.BackstageJSContext)) { Assert.AreEqual(JSType.JSTYPE_STRING, SpiderMonkey.JS_TypeOfValue(cx.ContextPointer, jsVal)); } }
public void EvaluateScript_Run500TimesNavigatingToANewDocumentEachTime_DoesNotCrash() { for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { GeckoWebBrowserTextExtensionMethods.TestLoadHtml(browser, String.Format("{0}", i));//"hello <span>world</span>"); //browser.TestLoadHtml(String.Format("{0}", i)); using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(browser.JSContext)) { string result; context.EvaluateScript("2+3;", out result); Assert.AreEqual("5", result); } } }
public void EvaluateScript_PassBodysFirstChildAndPassToAInlineFunction_FunctionReturnsExpectedResults() { GeckoWebBrowserTextExtensionMethods.TestLoadHtml(browser, "hello <span>world</span>"); //browser.TestLoadHtml("hello <span>world</span>"); using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(browser.JSContext)) { string result; context.EvaluateScript("function dosomthing(node) { return node.textContent; } dosomthing(this);", (nsISupports)browser.Document.Body.FirstChild.DomObject, out result); Assert.AreEqual("hello ", result); } }
public void EvaluateScript_PassBodyasThis_ThisEqualsBodyObject() { GeckoWebBrowserTextExtensionMethods.TestLoadHtml(browser, "hello world"); //browser.TestLoadHtml("hello world"); using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(browser.JSContext)) { string result; context.EvaluateScript("this;", (nsISupports)browser.Document.Body.DomObject, out result); Assert.AreEqual("[object HTMLBodyElement]", result); } }
public void EvaluateScript_JavascriptAccessExistingGlobalObjects_ScriptExecutesAndReturnsExpectedResult() { GeckoWebBrowserTextExtensionMethods.TestLoadHtml(browser, "hello world"); //browser.TestLoadHtml("hello world"); using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(browser.JSContext)) { string result; Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("this", out result)); Assert.AreEqual("[object Window]", result); Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("this.document.body.innerHTML;", out result)); Assert.AreEqual("hello world", result); Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("this.document.body.innerHTML = 'hi';", out result)); Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("this.document.body.innerHTML;", out result)); Assert.AreEqual("hi", result); Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("x=10;y=20;x*y;", out result)); Assert.AreEqual("200", result); } }
public void EvaluateScript_JavascriptAccessExistingGlobalObjectsWithoutNormalDocumentSetup_ScriptExecutesAndReturnsExpectedResult() { using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(browser.JSContext)) { string result; Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("this", out result)); Assert.AreEqual("[object Window]", result); Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("this.document.body.innerHTML;", out result)); Assert.AreEqual(String.Empty, result); Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("this.document.body.innerHTML = 'hi';", out result)); Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("this.document.body.innerHTML;", out result)); Assert.AreEqual("hi", result); Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("x=10;y=20;x*y;", out result)); Assert.AreEqual("200", result); } }
public static IntPtr GetJSContextForDomWindow(nsIDOMWindow window) { Xpcom.AssertCorrectThread(); IntPtr pUnk = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(window); Marshal.Release(pUnk); IntPtr context; if (!_windowContexts.TryGetValue(pUnk, out context)) { context = IntPtr.Zero; foreach (IntPtr cx in _unknownContexts) { IntPtr pGlobal = SpiderMonkey.JS_GetGlobalObject(cx); if (pGlobal != IntPtr.Zero) { using (var auto = new AutoJSContext(cx)) { nsISupports global = auto.GetGlobalNsObject(); if (global != null) { var domWindow = Xpcom.QueryInterface<nsIDOMWindow>(global); if (domWindow != null) { try { IntPtr pUnkTest = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(domWindow.GetWindowAttribute()); Marshal.Release(pUnkTest); if (pUnk == pUnkTest) { _windowContexts.Add(pUnk, cx); _unknownContexts.Remove(cx); context = cx; break; } } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(domWindow); } } } } } } } return context; }
public void JS_TypeOfValue_OnNumberJsValCreatedBySpiderMonkey_ReturnsTypeNumber() { var jsVal = CreateNumberJsVal(100); using (AutoJSContext cx = new AutoJSContext(GlobalJSContextHolder.BackstageJSContext)) { Assert.AreEqual(JSType.JSTYPE_NUMBER, SpiderMonkey.JS_TypeOfValue(cx.ContextPointer, jsVal)); } }
public string RunJavaScript(string script) { var browser = ((GeckoWebBrowser)_pdfViewerControl); Debug.Assert(!InvokeRequired); Debug.Assert(browser.Window != null); if (browser.Window != null) { using (var context = new AutoJSContext(browser.Window)) { string result; context.EvaluateScript(script, (nsISupports)browser.Document.DomObject, out result); return result; } } return null; }
public void JS_NewStringCopyN() { using (AutoJSContext cx = new AutoJSContext(GlobalJSContextHolder.BackstageJSContext)) { IntPtr jsString = SpiderMonkey.JS_NewStringCopyN(cx.ContextPointer, "hello world", 11); Assert.NotNull(jsString); IntPtr str = SpiderMonkey.JS_EncodeString(cx.ContextPointer, jsString); string result = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(str); Assert.AreEqual("hello world", result); } }
public void BrowserPrint() { var browser = ((GeckoWebBrowser)_pdfViewerControl); using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext (browser.Window)) { nsIDOMWindow domWindow = browser.Window.DomWindow; nsIWebBrowserPrint print = Xpcom.QueryInterface<nsIWebBrowserPrint> (domWindow); try { if (PrintProgress != null) { // Send event to disable print, simple, outside cover and inside buttons // while printing PrintProgress.Invoke (this, new PdfPrintProgressEventArgs(true)); } _printing = true; print.Print (null, this); } catch (COMException e) { if (PrintProgress != null) { PrintProgress.Invoke (this, new PdfPrintProgressEventArgs(false)); } //NS_ERROR_ABORT means user cancelled the printing, not really an error. if (e.ErrorCode != GeckoError.NS_ERROR_ABORT) throw; } finally { Marshal.ReleaseComObject (print); } } }
public void EvaluateScript_Run500Times_CreatingNewSafeAutoJSContextEachTime_DoesNotCrash() { for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { using (var safeContext = new AutoJSContext(IntPtr.Zero)) { string result; safeContext.EvaluateScript("2+3;", out result); Assert.AreEqual("5", result); } } }
internal object ToComObject(IntPtr cx) { using (var context = new AutoJSContext(cx)) { var jsObject = SpiderMonkey.JS_ValueToObject(context.ContextPointer, this); var guid = typeof(nsISupports).GUID; var pUnk = IntPtr.Zero; try { pUnk = Xpcom.XPConnect.Instance.WrapJS(context.ContextPointer, jsObject, ref guid); var comObj = Xpcom.GetObjectForIUnknown(pUnk); return comObj; } finally { if (pUnk != IntPtr.Zero) { Marshal.Release(pUnk); } } } }
public void EvaluateScript_Run500Times_DoesNotCrash() { GeckoWebBrowserTextExtensionMethods.TestLoadHtml(browser, string.Empty); //browser.TestLoadHtml(""); using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(browser.JSContext)) { for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { string result; context.EvaluateScript("2+3;", out result); Assert.AreEqual("5", result); } } }
public void EvaluateScript_SimpleJavascriptWithoutNormalDocumentSetup_ScriptExecutesAndReturnsExpectedResult() { using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(browser.JSContext)) { string result; Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("3 + 2;", out result)); Assert.AreEqual(5, Int32.Parse(result)); Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("'hello' + ' ' + 'world';", out result)); Assert.AreEqual("hello world", result); } }
public void Print() { #if !__MonoCS__ var arc = _pdfViewerControl as AdobeReaderControl; if (arc != null) { // The print button is only enabled after we have generated a PDF and tried to display it, // so if we still have an ARC by this point, it displayed successfully, and presumably can also print. arc.Print(); return; } // PDFjs printing has proved unreliable, so GhostScript is preferable even on Windows. if (TryGhostcriptPrint()) return; var browser = ((GeckoWebBrowser)_pdfViewerControl); using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(browser.Window)) { string result; context.EvaluateScript(@"window.print()", (nsISupports)browser.Document.DomObject, out result); } #else // on Linux the isntaller will have a dependency on GhostScript so it should always be available. // We've had many problems with PDFJs so hopefully this solves them. if (TryGhostcriptPrint()) return; // BL-788 Print dialog appears behind Bloom on Linux // Finally went to minimizing Bloom to allow the print window to be // displayed and then restore to the original size after the // Print or Cancel button is pushed on the print dialog. _pauseTimer = new Timer(); _pauseTimer.Interval = 250; _pauseTimer.Tick += PrintAfterPause; _savedState = this.ParentForm.WindowState; this.ParentForm.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized; _pauseTimer.Start(); #endif }
public void EvaluateScript_SimpleJavascript_ScriptExecutesAndReturnsExpectedResult() { GeckoWebBrowserTextExtensionMethods.TestLoadHtml(browser, string.Empty); //browser.TestLoadHtml(""); using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(browser.JSContext)) { string result; Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("3 + 2;", out result)); Assert.AreEqual(5, Int32.Parse(result)); Assert.IsTrue(context.EvaluateScript("'hello' + ' ' + 'world';", out result)); Assert.AreEqual("hello world", result); } }
private void FillFormField(string id, string value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) return; // Only fill out the form field if we have an id if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) || value == ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Click) { #region IE if (this.browserType == BrowserType.InternetExplorer) { if (this.internetExplorer.Document == null) return; HtmlElement element = this.internetExplorer.Document.GetElementById(id); // The element hasn't been found -> try to find it by name if (element == null) { HtmlElementCollection collection = this.internetExplorer.Document.All; foreach (HtmlElement e in collection) { if (e.Name == id) { element = e; break; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id) && element != null) { if (value != ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Click & value != ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Redirect && value != ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Script) { element.SetAttribute("value", this.ParseValue(value)); } else if (value == ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Click) { // Prevent the browser from looping // e.g. a GMail user has entered a wrong pwd // the browser would now loop until the site // (which will never change) chages. if (this.repeatedClickCount >= 1) { return; } this.repeatedClickCount++; element.InvokeMember("click"); } } else if (value == ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Click) { HtmlElementCollection collection = this.internetExplorer.Document.All; if (collection == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < collection.Count; i++) { element = collection[i]; string type = element.GetAttribute("type"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { if (element.GetAttribute("type").ToLowerInvariant() == "submit") { // Prevent the browser from looping // e.g. a GMail user has entered a wrong pwd // the browser would now loop until the site // (which will never change) chages. if (this.repeatedClickCount >= 1) { return; } this.repeatedClickCount++; element.InvokeMember("click"); } } } } else if (value == ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Redirect & redirected == false) { redirected = true; this.Home = id; this.internetExplorer.Navigate(id); } else if (value == ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Script) { string script = id; string functionName = GetScriptFunctionName(ref script); HtmlElement head = internetExplorer.Document.GetElementsByTagName("head")[0]; HtmlElement scriptElement = internetExplorer.Document.CreateElement("script"); scriptElement.SetAttribute("text", script); head.AppendChild(scriptElement); this.internetExplorer.Document.InvokeScript(functionName); } } #endregion #region FF #if GECKO else if (this.browserType == BrowserType.Firefox) { if (this.firefox.Document != null) { GeckoElement element = this.firefox.Document.GetElementById(id); bool useName = false; // The element hasn't been found -> try to find it by name if (element == null) { GeckoElementCollection collection = this.firefox.Document.GetElementsByName(id); if (collection != null && collection.Length >= 1) element = collection[0]; useName = true; if (element == null && value != ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Redirect && value != ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Click && value != ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Script) { return; } } if (value != ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Click && value != ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Redirect && value != ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Script) { // The below code doesn't work // element.SetAttribute("value", this.ParseValue(value)); using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(firefox.Window.JSContext)) { string result; // by id if(!useName) context.EvaluateScript(string.Format("document.getElementById('{0}').value = '{1}';", id, this.ParseValue(value)), out result); // by name else context.EvaluateScript(string.Format("document.GetElementsByName('{0}')[0].value = '{1}';", id, this.ParseValue(value)), out result); if (result.Equals("undefined")) { return; } } } else if (value == ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Click) { // Prevent the browser from looping // e.g. a GMail user has entered a wrong pwd // the browser would now loop until the site // (which will never change) chages. if (this.repeatedClickCount >= 1) { return; } this.repeatedClickCount++; if (element == null) { IEnumerable<GeckoHtmlElement> collection = this.firefox.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input"); if (collection == null) { return; } foreach (GeckoHtmlElement el in collection) { string type = el.GetAttribute("type"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type)) { if (el.GetAttribute("type").ToLowerInvariant() == "submit") { // Prevent the browser from looping // e.g. a GMail user has entered a wrong pwd // the browser would now loop until the site // (which will never change) chages. if (this.repeatedClickCount >= 1) { return; } this.repeatedClickCount++; (el).Click(); } } } } else ((GeckoInputElement)element).Click(); } else if (value == ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Redirect & redirected == false) { redirected = true; this.Home = id; this.firefox.Navigate(id); } else if (value == ConnectionManager.ParsingConstants.Script) { string script = id; //string functionName = GetScriptFunctionName(ref script); if (prevScript == script) { prevScript = null; return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(prevScript) || prevScript != script) prevScript = script; using (AutoJSContext context = new AutoJSContext(firefox.Window.JSContext)) { string result; context.EvaluateScript(script, out result); } } } } #endif #endregion } }
private void RunJavascript(string javascript) { using (var context = new AutoJSContext(geckoWebBrowser1.Window.JSContext)) { context.EvaluateScript(javascript); } }
public string RunJavaScript(string script) { Debug.Assert(!InvokeRequired); // Review JohnT: does this require integration with the NavigationIsolator? if (_browser.Window != null) // BL-2313 two Alt-F4s in a row while changing a folder name can do this { using (var context = new AutoJSContext(_browser.Window)) { string result; context.EvaluateScript(script, (nsISupports)_browser.Document.DomObject, out result); return result; } } return null; }
internal static IntPtr GetJSContextForDomWindow(nsIDOMWindow window) { IntPtr context = IntPtr.Zero; nsIDOMEventTarget eventTarget = window.GetWindowRootAttribute(); try { context = eventTarget.GetJSContextForEventHandlers(); if (context == IntPtr.Zero) { IntPtr pUnk = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(window); Marshal.Release(pUnk); if (!_windowContexts.TryGetValue(pUnk, out context)) { context = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr cx; IntPtr iterp = IntPtr.Zero; IntPtr rt = Runtime; while ((cx = SpiderMonkey.JS_ContextIterator(rt, ref iterp)) != IntPtr.Zero) { IntPtr pGlobal = SpiderMonkey.DefaultObjectForContextOrNull(cx); if (pGlobal != IntPtr.Zero) { using (var auto = new AutoJSContext(cx)) { using (ComPtr <nsISupports> global = auto.GetGlobalNsObject()) { if (global != null) { var domWindow = Xpcom.QueryInterface <nsIDOMWindow>(global.Instance); if (domWindow != null) { try { IntPtr pUnkTest = Marshal.GetIUnknownForObject(domWindow.GetWindowAttribute()); Marshal.Release(pUnkTest); if (pUnk == pUnkTest) { _windowContexts.Add(pUnk, cx); context = cx; break; } } finally { Xpcom.FreeComObject(ref domWindow); } } } } } } } } } } finally { if (eventTarget != null) { Xpcom.FreeComObject(ref eventTarget); } } return(context); }