private void ListBoxSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (ReplayNameListBox.SelectedItem != null) { ConfirmButton.IsEnabled = true; string[] words = (ReplayNameListBox.SelectedItem as ReplayListItem).Title.Split(' '); GUISelection.fileName = words[words.Length - 1]; List <string> heroNameList = ParserHandler.GetHeroNameList(Path.Combine("Parser", GUISelection.fileName + "/")); List <HeroListItem> heros = new List <HeroListItem>(); foreach (string heroName in heroNameList) { heros.Add(new HeroListItem() { ImagePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "hero_icon_images/" + replayParse.heroID.ID_heroDictionary[heroName].ToString() + ".png"), Title = heroName }); } MainWindow.HeroList.ItemsSource = heros; } else { ConfirmButton.IsEnabled = false; } }
public MainWindow() { if (Process.GetProcessesByName("GamingSupervisor").Length != 1) { MessageBox.Show(this, "Gaming Supervisor is already running. Close the other instance and try again.", "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information, MessageBoxResult.OK, MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly); Application.Current.Shutdown(); } InitializeComponent(); HideInstructions(); DescriptionToggle.IsChecked = false; Description = GUIDescription; HeroList = HeroNameItemsControl; HeroList.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; ParserHandler.StartInfoParsing(); DifficultySelection difficultySelection = new DifficultySelection(); GUINavigation.Navigate(difficultySelection); }
public ReplayHeroSelection() { InitializeComponent(); MainWindow.Description.Text = "Select which hero to analyze."; List <string> heroNameList = ParserHandler.GetHeroNameList(GUISelection.replayDataFolderLocation); replayParse.heroID heroId = new replayParse.heroID(); List <HeroListItem> heros = new List <HeroListItem>(); foreach (string heroName in heroNameList) { heros.Add(new HeroListItem() { ImagePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "hero_icon_images/" + replayParse.heroID.ID_heroDictionary[heroName].ToString() + ".png"), Title = heroName }); } HeroNameListBox.ItemsSource = heros; ConfirmButton.IsEnabled = false; MainWindow.HeroList.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; MainWindow.Description.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; }
public void Start() { CreateAutoExecFile(); switch (GUISelection.gameType) { case break; case GUISelection.GameType.replay: ParserHandler.StartFullParsing(GUISelection.fileName + ".dem"); break; } bool isDotaAlreadyRunning = Process.GetProcessesByName("dota2").Length != 0; if (!isDotaAlreadyRunning) { StartDota(); } switch (GUISelection.gameType) { case liveAnalyzer = new LiveAnalyzer(); break; case GUISelection.GameType.replay: ParserHandler.WaitForFullParsing(); replayAnalyzer = new ReplayAnalyzer(); break; } if (!isDotaAlreadyRunning) { WaitForDotaToOpen(); } switch (GUISelection.gameType) { case liveAnalyzer.Start(); break; case GUISelection.GameType.replay: replayAnalyzer.Start(); break; } }
private async Task WaitForParsingAsync() { ParserHandler.WaitForInfoParsing(); if (replays != null) { return; } using (ApiHandler api = new ApiHandler("8BFC2C10E3D1E95B85DCF6AAD861782D")) { var leagues = await api.GetLeagueListings(); replays = new List <ReplayListItem>(); foreach (string replay in Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "Parser"))) { if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(replay, "info.txt"))) { continue; } string info = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(replay, "info.txt")); var matches = Regex.Matches(info, @"match_id: (?<MatchID>\d+)"); if (matches.Count == 0) { continue; } string replayID = matches[0].Groups["MatchID"].Value; Console.WriteLine(replayID); var matchResult = await api.GetDetailedMatch(replayID); string winner = ""; switch (matchResult.WinningFaction) { case Dota2Api.Enums.Faction.Dire: winner = "Dire"; break; case Dota2Api.Enums.Faction.Radiant: winner = "Radiant"; break; } TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(matchResult.Duration); string timeString = time.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"); string leagueName = ""; /*if (leagues.Leagues.Count != 0) * { * leagueName = (from league in leagues.Leagues * where league.LeagueId == matchResult.LeagueId * select league.Name).Single(); * }*/ leagueName = leagueName.Replace("#DOTA_Item", ""); leagueName = leagueName.Replace("_", " "); leagueName = leagueName == "" ? "" : $"League: {leagueName}\n"; string entry = $"{leagueName}Duration: {timeString} Winner: {winner}\nGameID: {matchResult.MatchId}"; replays.Add(new ReplayListItem() { Title = entry }); } } }