private IEnumerator ResumeStateActions() { yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); if (OnStateChange != null) { OnStateChange(m_currentState); } BaseState currentState = CurrentState; // resume the state and become paused if (currentState != null && Time.timeScale == 0.0f && m_fSavedTimeDelta != 0.0f) { // restore the timescale, reset the saved time delta // and resume the current state Time.timeScale = m_fSavedTimeDelta; m_fSavedTimeDelta = 0.0f; currentState.OnResumeState(true); } else if (currentState != null && PreviousSubStateId != UNDEFINED_STATE) { currentState.OnResumeState(false); } }
private IEnumerator WaitForActive(long value, float time) { while (!gameObject.activeInHierarchy) { yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); } yield return(AnimateTo(value, time)); }
private IEnumerator spinUntilManagersAreSetup() { while (!GCore.Instance.IsInitialized) { yield return YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame(); } continueOnEnter(); }
IEnumerator WaitForPreviousTransition(StateMapping nextState) { while (isInTransition) { yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); } ChangeState((T)nextState.state); }
// fade our AudioSource object based on speed (> 0 fades volume up, < 0 fades volume out, // == 0 assumes the sound is playing and just destroys it) private IEnumerator FadeAudioObject(GameObject in_aObject, float in_fadeSpeed) { Animation apAnim = in_aObject.GetComponent <Animation>(); AudioSource aSource = in_aObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); // we are not a fade audio object if (apAnim == null) { // we simply destroy the object and return if (in_fadeSpeed <= 0) { Destroy(in_aObject); } // we are a psitive playing sound, so just play it if (in_fadeSpeed > 0 && aSource != null) { aSource.Play(); } yield return(true); } // animation clip is default to fade out (1 to 0), these will look reveresed but //they are correct if (in_fadeSpeed < 0) { apAnim[].time = apAnim[].length; } else { apAnim[].time = 0; } // set our speed apAnim[].speed = in_fadeSpeed; // play the audio if (aSource.isPlaying == false) { aSource.Play(); } // play the fade apAnim.Play(); // yield the length of the clip if (in_fadeSpeed < 0) { while (apAnim.isPlaying) { yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); } Destroy(in_aObject); } }
private IEnumerator DelayedSelectedToggle() { float originalTime = UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup; while (UnityEngine.Time.realtimeSinceStartup - originalTime < 0.35f) { yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); } ; OnSelected(false); }
IEnumerator LoadLevelProgress(AsyncOperation in_loadingOperation) { float normTime = Mathf.Clamp01((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - m_fStartLoadingTime) / MIN_LOADING_TIME); while (normTime < 1.0f) // waiting for the time to transition { normTime = Mathf.Clamp01((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - m_fStartLoadingTime) / MIN_LOADING_TIME); yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); } TransitionLoadComplete(); }
private IEnumerator SafeOnAnimationEvent(object in_name) { yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); string name = (string)in_name; if (m_arEventListeners != null && m_arEventListeners.ContainsKey(name)) { m_arEventListeners[name](this); } else { GDebug.LogWarning("Animation event key not found : " + name, gameObject); } }
private IEnumerator UpdateKeyboardMouseControls() { while (true) { UpdateLastSelected(); if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { if (m_lastSelectedGameObject != null) { m_lastSelectedGameObject.Select(); } yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); } yield return(null); } }
public IEnumerator FadeOutSound(uint in_soundId, float in_FadeTime) { // look up to see if its still active if (m_activeAudioSources.ContainsKey(in_soundId) && m_activeAudioSources[in_soundId] != null) { AudioSource audioSource = m_activeAudioSources[in_soundId]; float startVolume = audioSource.volume; while (audioSource != null && audioSource.volume > 0) { audioSource.volume -= startVolume * Time.deltaTime / in_FadeTime; yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); } cleanupAudioSource(in_soundId); } yield return(true); }
private IEnumerator Animate(long value, float time) { float startTime = Time.timeSinceLevelLoad; float startValue = CurrentValue; float percent = 0f; long curVal = 0; while (percent < 1f) { percent = (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad - startTime) / time; curVal = (long)Mathf.Lerp(startValue, value, percent); SetValue(curVal); yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); } CurrentValue = curVal; yield return(null); }
IEnumerator LoadLevelProgressProLicense(AsyncOperation in_loadingOperation) { float normTime = Mathf.Clamp01((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - m_fStartLoadingTime) / MIN_LOADING_TIME); while (!in_loadingOperation.isDone || // NOT , DONE in_loadingOperation.progress < 0.9f || // progress less then 90% normTime < 1.0f) // waiting for the time to transition { normTime = Mathf.Clamp01((Time.realtimeSinceStartup - m_fStartLoadingTime) / MIN_LOADING_TIME); // This is where I'm actually changing the scene if (in_loadingOperation.progress >= 0.9f) { in_loadingOperation.allowSceneActivation = true; } yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); } TransitionLoadComplete(); }
IEnumerator LoadAssetLevelProgress(AssetBundles.AssetBundleLoadOperation in_loadingOperation, string in_name) { AssetBundles.AssetBundleLoadLevelOperation loadLevelOperation = in_loadingOperation as AssetBundles.AssetBundleLoadLevelOperation; ms_fillAmount = 0.0f; while (!in_loadingOperation.IsDone()) { UpdateAssetBundleLoading(loadLevelOperation); yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); } // now its done, load the level #if UNITY_EDITOR if (AssetBundles.AssetBundleManager.SimulateAssetBundleInEditor) { TransitionLoadComplete(); } else #endif { AssetBundles.AssetBundleLoadLevelOperation loadingOperation = (AssetBundles.AssetBundleLoadLevelOperation)in_loadingOperation; ms_fillAmount = 0.0f; while (!loadingOperation.IsDone()) { UpdateAssetBundleLoading(loadLevelOperation); yield return(loadingOperation); } if (Application.HasProLicense()) { StartCoroutine(LoadLevelProgressProLicense(loadingOperation._Request)); } else { StartCoroutine(LoadLevelProgress(loadingOperation._Request)); } } }
/** * Fades out the audio object for an amount of time then fade in back. * Good to play a sound on top of the music and fade the music temporaly * * @param in_aObject Audio source * @param in_totalTime the total time of the fade out/fade in. * @param in_fadeOutTime duration of the fading out * @param in_fadeInTime duration of the fading in * */ private IEnumerator FadeAudioObjectOutAndIn(GameObject in_aObject, float in_totalTime, float in_fadeOutTime, float in_fadeInTime) { AudioSource aSource = in_aObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); float startingVolume = aSource.volume; // Fade out float time = in_fadeOutTime; while (time > 0) { yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); if (in_aObject == null) { yield return(true); // AudioSource might have been destroyed } time -= Time.deltaTime; if (time < 0) { time = 0; } aSource.volume = time / in_fadeOutTime * startingVolume; if (time <= 0) { break; } } // Silence time = in_totalTime - in_fadeOutTime - in_fadeInTime; while (time > 0) { yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); if (in_aObject == null) { yield return(true); // AudioSource might have been destroyed } time -= Time.deltaTime; if (time <= 0) { break; } } // Fade in time = 0; while (time < in_fadeInTime) { yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); if (in_aObject == null) { yield return(true); // AudioSource might have been destroyed } time += Time.deltaTime; if (time > in_fadeInTime) { time = in_fadeInTime; } aSource.volume = time / in_fadeInTime * startingVolume; if (time >= in_fadeInTime) { break; } } aSource.volume = startingVolume; yield return(true); }
//public Firebase.FirebaseApp FireBase { get; private set; } #endif private IEnumerator StartUpMgrs() { if (!m_bInitialized) { Physics.queriesHitTriggers = true; // Start up StateMgr yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); GDebug.Log("StartupMgrs --- " + GStateManager.Instance.CurrentStateId); yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); GEventManager.Instance.StartUp(); yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); GConfigManager.Instance.StartUp(); yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); GPlayerMgr.Instance.StartUp(); // Register our Global BC Error handler yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); m_wrapper.Client.EnableNetworkErrorMessageCaching(true); m_wrapper.Client.RegisterNetworkErrorCallback(onNetworkError); m_wrapper.Client.RegisterGlobalErrorCallback(HandleBrainCloudFailError); yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); GSoundMgr.Instance.StartUp(); yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); GLevelManager.Instance.StartUp(); yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); GFriendsManager.Instance.StartUp(); #if UNITY_ANDROID /* * Firebase.FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWith(task => { * var dependencyStatus = task.Result; * if (dependencyStatus == Firebase.DependencyStatus.Available) * { * // Create and hold a reference to your FirebaseApp, i.e. * FireBase = Firebase.FirebaseApp.DefaultInstance; * // Set a flag here indicating that Firebase is ready to use by your * // application. * } * else * { * GDebug.LogError(System.String.Format( * "Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: {0}", dependencyStatus)); * // Firebase Unity SDK is not safe to use here. * } * }); */ #elif STEAMWORKS_ENABLED GSteamAuthManager.Instance.StartUp(); GSteamAuthManager.Instance.SetupSteamManager(); yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForSeconds(0.15f)); #endif } yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); m_bInitialized = true; }
private IEnumerator StateChangeAfterTick(eState in_state) { yield return(YieldFactory.GetWaitForEndOfFrame()); State = in_state; }