public void Setup() { D.onDLog += Console.WriteLine; WorldTestHelper.GenerateInitData(); InitialSaveFileCreator i = new InitialSaveFileCreator(); _world = new World(i.CreateRelay("../InitData1/")); _adam = _world.tingRunner.GetTing<Character>("Adam"); _seat = _world.tingRunner.CreateTing<Seat>("Chair", new WorldCoordinate("Eden", 0, 3)); }
public void Sit(Seat pSeat) { if(pSeat == null) { D.LogError(name + " is trying to sit on pOtherTing that is null"); return; } if(seat == null) { seat = pSeat; } //D.Log("Sit called for " + name + " on seat " + pSeat); direction = pSeat.direction; position = pSeat.position; StopAction(); sitting = true; var possibleComputerTile = room.GetTile(seat.computerPoint); if (possibleComputerTile != null) { var computerInFrontOfChair = possibleComputerTile.GetOccupantOfType<Computer>(); if (computerInFrontOfChair != null) { if (rememberToHackComputerAfterSittingDown) { Hack (computerInFrontOfChair); } else { InteractWith (computerInFrontOfChair); } } } }