public bool NetworkPacketReceived(PacketServer packet) { switch (packet.PacketId) { case ServerPacketId.FiniteInventory: { FiniteInventory = packet.FiniteInventory.BlockTypeAmount; ENABLE_FINITEINVENTORY = packet.FiniteInventory.IsFinite; FiniteInventoryMax = packet.FiniteInventory.Max; } return true; case ServerPacketId.Season: { CurrentSeason = packet.Season.Season; if (CurrentSeason == 0 || CurrentSeason == 3) { terrain.UpdateAllTiles(); } } return true; default: return false; } }
public bool NetworkPacketReceived(PacketServer packet) { switch (packet.PacketId) { case ServerPacketId.FiniteInventory: { //check for null so it's possible to connect //to old versions of game (before 2011-05-05) if (packet.Inventory.Inventory != null) { d_Inventory.CopyFrom(packet.Inventory.Inventory); } /* FiniteInventory = packet.FiniteInventory.BlockTypeAmount; ENABLE_FINITEINVENTORY = packet.FiniteInventory.IsFinite; FiniteInventoryMax = packet.FiniteInventory.Max; */ } return true; case ServerPacketId.Season: { if (packet.Season.Season != CurrentSeason) { CurrentSeason = packet.Season.Season; d_Data.Update(); if (CurrentSeason >= 0 && CurrentSeason <= 3) { RedrawAllBlocks(); } } packet.Season.Hour -= 1; if (packet.Season.Hour < 0) { //shouldn't happen packet.Season.Hour = 12 * HourDetail; } if (NightLevels == null) { string[] l = MyStream.ReadAllLines(d_GetFile.GetFile("sunlevels.csv")); NightLevels = new int[24 * HourDetail]; for (int i = 0; i < 24 * HourDetail; i++) { string s = l[i]; if (s.Contains(";")) { s = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf(";")); } if (s.Contains(",")) { s = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf(",")); } s = s.Trim(); NightLevels[i] = int.Parse(s); } } int sunlight = NightLevels[packet.Season.Hour]; SkySphereNight = sunlight < 8; d_SunMoonRenderer.day_length_in_seconds = 60 * 60 * 24 / packet.Season.DayNightCycleSpeedup; int hour = packet.Season.Hour / HourDetail; if (d_SunMoonRenderer.Hour != hour) { d_SunMoonRenderer.Hour = hour; } if (d_Shadows.sunlight != sunlight) { d_Shadows.sunlight = sunlight; d_Shadows.ResetShadows(); RedrawAllBlocks(); } } return true; case ServerPacketId.BlobInitialize: { blobdownload = new MemoryStream(); blobdownloadhash = ByteArrayToString(packet.BlobInitialize.hash); blobdownloadname =; ReceivedMapLength = 0; //todo } return true; case ServerPacketId.BlobPart: { BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(blobdownload); bw.Write(; ReceivedMapLength +=; //todo } return true; case ServerPacketId.BlobFinalize: { byte[] downloaded = blobdownload.ToArray(); if (ENABLE_PER_SERVER_TEXTURES || Options.UseServerTextures) { if (blobdownloadhash == serverterraintexture) { using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(downloaded))) { d_TerrainTextures.UseTerrainTextureAtlas2d(bmp); } } } if (blobdownloadname != null) // old servers { d_GetFile.SetFile(blobdownloadname, downloaded); } blobdownload = null; } return true; case ServerPacketId.ServerIdentification: { serverterraintexture = ByteArrayToString(packet.Identification.TerrainTextureMd5); } return true; case ServerPacketId.Sound: { d_Audio.Play(packet.Sound.Name); } return true; case ServerPacketId.RemoveMonsters: { foreach (int id in new List<int>(players.Keys)) { if (id >= MonsterIdFirst) { players.Remove(id); } } } return true; default: return false; } }