Units differ from Dynamic objects that that can be controlled by intellect (GameEntities.Intellect).
Inheritance: Dynamic
Exemple #1
        protected override bool OnTake( Unit unit )
            base.OnTake( unit );

            if( Type.InfluenceType == null )
                Log.Warning( "InfluenceItem.OnTake: Type.InfluenceType == null" );
                return false;

            unit.AddInfluence( Type.InfluenceType, Type.InfluenceTime, true );
            return true;
Exemple #2
        public bool Take( Unit unit )
            bool ret = OnTake( unit );
            if( ret )
                unit.SoundPlay3D( Type.SoundTake, .5f, true );

                if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() )

            return ret;
        protected override bool OnTake( Unit unit )
            bool take = base.OnTake( unit );

            if( Type.WeaponType != null )
                PlayerCharacter character = unit as PlayerCharacter;
                if( character != null && character.TakeWeapon( Type.WeaponType ) )
                    take = true;
                Log.Warning( "WeaponItem.OnTake: Type.WeaponType == null" );

            return take;
Exemple #4
        public bool Take(Unit unit)
            bool ret = OnTake(unit);

            if (ret)
                unit.SoundPlay3D(Type.SoundTake, .5f, true);

                //After save in the inventory, delete the item
                this.Visible = false;

            return ret;
        public SpringWheel(Bone bone, Unit unit, float size, float stiffness, float damping)
            this.bone = bone;
            this.size = size;
            this.stiffness = stiffness;
            this.damping = damping;
            this.unit = unit;
            originalBonePosition = bone.Position;
            originalBoneRotation = bone.Rotation;

            mesh = new MapObjectAttachedMesh();
            mesh.MeshName = "Types/Units/AwesomeAircraft/AwesomeAircraftWheel.mesh";
            mesh.ScaleOffset = new Vec3(1, 1, 1);
            mesh.RotationOffset = Quat.Identity;
            mesh.PositionOffset = bone.GetDerivedPosition();
Exemple #6
        protected override bool OnTake( Unit unit )
            bool take = base.OnTake( unit );

            //float lifeMax = unit.Type.LifeMax;

            //if( unit.Life < lifeMax )
            //    float life = unit.Life + Type.Health;
            //    if( life > lifeMax )
            //        life = lifeMax;

            //    unit.Life = life;

            //    take = true;
            return unit.Inventory.AddItem(this);
        protected override bool OnTake( Unit unit )
            bool take = base.OnTake( unit );

            float lifeMax = unit.Type.LifeMax;

            if( unit.Life < lifeMax )
                float life = unit.Life + Type.Health;
                if( life > lifeMax )
                    life = lifeMax;

                unit.Life = life;

                take = true;

            return take;
        protected override bool OnTake( Unit unit )
            bool take = base.OnTake( unit );

            PlayerCharacter character = unit as PlayerCharacter;
            if( character != null )
                bool taked = false;
                bool taked2 = false;

                if( Type.BulletType != null )
                    taked = character.TakeBullets( Type.BulletType, Type.BulletCount );
                if( Type.BulletType2 != null )
                    taked2 = character.TakeBullets( Type.BulletType2, Type.BulletCount2 );

                if( taked || taked2 )
                    take = true;

            return take;
        protected override void OnTick()


            if (currentDelay < Type.HomingDelay)
                currentDelay += TickDelta;

            if (target == null)
               target = AquireNewTarget();

            if (target == null)

            if (target.Died)
                target = AquireNewTarget();

            if (target == null)

            if (firstTick)
                startDistance = (target.Position - Position).LengthFast();
                firstTick = false;

            Vec3 direction = target.Position - Position;

            if (direction.LengthFast() < 0.5f) base.Type.Gravity = 9.81f;


            Vec3 velocity = Rotation.GetForward().GetNormalizeFast() * Type.Velocity;
            base.Velocity = velocity;

        private float CalculateAngleTo(Unit unit)
            Vec3 dir = (unit.GetInterpolatedPosition() - Position);

            Radian unitAngle = (Rotation.ToAngles().Yaw) / -57.29578f;
            Radian needAngle = MathFunctions.ATan(dir.Y, dir.X);
            Radian diffAngle = needAngle - unitAngle;
            return Math.Abs(diffAngle);
Exemple #11
 protected float GetTaskMoveObjectPriority( Unit obj )
     return 0;
Exemple #12
        //protected float GetMoveObjectPriority( Unit obj )
        //    return 0;
        protected float GetAttackObjectPriority( Unit obj )
            if( ControlledObject == obj )
                return 0;

            if( obj.Intellect == null )
                return 0;

            //RTSConstructor specific
            if( ControlledObject.Type.Name == "RTSConstructor" )
                if( Faction == obj.Intellect.Faction )
                    if( obj.Life < obj.Type.LifeMax )
                        Vec3 distance = obj.Position - ControlledObject.Position;
                        float len = distance.LengthFast();
                        return 1.0f / len + 1.0f;
                if( Faction != null && obj.Intellect.Faction != null && Faction != obj.Intellect.Faction )
                    Vec3 distance = obj.Position - ControlledObject.Position;
                    float len = distance.LengthFast();
                    return 1.0f / len + 1.0f;

            return 0;
Exemple #13
 protected virtual void OnControlledObjectChange( Unit oldObject )
Exemple #14
        /// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnRelatedEntityDelete(Entity)"/></summary>
        protected override void OnRelatedEntityDelete( Entity entity )
            base.OnRelatedEntityDelete( entity );

            if( player == entity )
                player = null;
            if( controlledObject == entity )
                controlledObject = null;
Exemple #15
        protected float GetTaskAttackObjectPriority( Unit obj )
            if( ControlledObject == obj )
                return 0;

            if( obj.Intellect != null )
                if( Faction != obj.Intellect.Faction )
                    Vec3 distance = obj.Position - ControlledObject.Position;
                    float len = distance.LengthFast();
                    return 1.0f / len + 1.0f;
            return 0;
        protected override void OnRelatedEntityDelete( Entity entity )
            base.OnRelatedEntityDelete( entity );

            //mainNotActiveUnit destroyed
            if( mainNotActiveUnit == entity )
                if( !IsSetDeleted )
                    if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() || EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsSingle() )
                        mainNotActiveUnit = null;
                    mainNotActiveUnit = null;
Exemple #17
 protected virtual bool OnTake( Unit unit )
     return false;
        protected override bool OnTake(Unit unit)
            bool take = base.OnTake(unit);
            float armorMax = unit.Type.ArmorMax;
            //float armornow = unit.Armor;
            taken = true;


            if (EngineConsole.Instance != null && Type.RandomArmorValue == true)
                string v = "Random Armoritem value: " + Armor.ToString();

            if (unit.Life > 0f && Type.Armor <= armorMax)
                float armor = unit.Armor + Type.Armor;

                if (armor > armorMax)
                    armor = armorMax;
                else if (armor < 0f)
                    armor = 0;

                unit.Armor = armor;

                take = true;

            return take;
        void ServerOrSingle_ChangeMainControlledUnit( Unit unit )
            //Change player controlled unit
            mainNotActiveUnit = ControlledObject;

            //send mainNotActiveUnit to clients
            if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() )
                Server_SendMainNotActiveUnitToClients( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.RemoteEntityWorlds );

            if( mainNotActiveUnit != null )
                AddRelationship( mainNotActiveUnit );

                mainNotActiveUnit.SetIntellect( null, false );
                mainNotActiveUnitRestorePosition = mainNotActiveUnit.Position;

                //disable collision for shapes and save contact groups
                mainNotActiveUnitShapeContactGroups = new Dictionary<Shape, int>();
                foreach( Body body in mainNotActiveUnit.PhysicsModel.Bodies )
                    foreach( Shape shape in body.Shapes )
                        mainNotActiveUnitShapeContactGroups.Add( shape, shape.ContactGroup );
                        shape.ContactGroup = (int)ContactGroup.NoContact;

                mainNotActiveUnit.Server_EnableSynchronizationPositionsToClients = false;

                ControlledObject = unit;
                unit.SetIntellect( this, false );
                unit.Destroying += AlternativeUnitAllowPlayerControl_Destroying;
        Vec3 FindFreePositionForUnit( Unit unit, Vec3 center )
            Vec3 volumeSize = unit.MapBounds.GetSize() + new Vec3( 2, 2, 0 );

            for( float zOffset = 0; ; zOffset += .3f )
                for( float radius = 3; radius < 8; radius += .6f )
                    for( float angle = 0; angle < MathFunctions.PI * 2; angle += MathFunctions.PI / 32 )
                        Vec3 pos = center + new Vec3( MathFunctions.Cos( angle ),
                            MathFunctions.Sin( angle ), 0 ) * radius + new Vec3( 0, 0, zOffset );

                        Bounds volume = new Bounds( pos );
                        volume.Expand( volumeSize * .5f );

                        Body[] bodies = PhysicsWorld.Instance.VolumeCast(
                            volume, (int)ContactGroup.CastOnlyContact );

                        if( bodies.Length == 0 )
                            return pos;
        void Client_ReceiveMainNotActiveUnit( RemoteEntityWorld sender, ReceiveDataReader reader )
            uint networkUIN = reader.ReadVariableUInt32();
            if( !reader.Complete() )

            if( mainNotActiveUnit != null )
                mainNotActiveUnit.Visible = true;

            mainNotActiveUnit = Entities.Instance.GetByNetworkUIN( networkUIN ) as Unit;
        protected override void OnControlledObjectChange( Unit oldObject )
            base.OnControlledObjectChange( oldObject );

            if( oldObject != null )
                oldObject.Damage -= ControlledObject_Damage;
            if( ControlledObject != null )
                ControlledObject.Damage += ControlledObject_Damage;
        public void TryToChangeMainControlledUnit( Unit unit )
            if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() || EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsSingle() )
                ServerOrSingle_ChangeMainControlledUnit( unit );

            if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsClientOnly() )
                SendDataWriter writer = BeginNetworkMessage( typeof( PlayerIntellect ),
                    (ushort)NetworkMessages.ChangeMainControlledUnitToServer );
                writer.WriteVariableUInt32( unit.NetworkUIN );
Exemple #24
        public void ChangeMainControlledUnit( Unit unit )
            //Change player controlled unit
            mainNotActiveUnit = ControlledObject;
            if( mainNotActiveUnit != null )
                AddRelationship( mainNotActiveUnit );

                mainNotActiveUnit.Intellect = null;
                mainNotActiveUnitRestorePosition = mainNotActiveUnit.Position;
                ControlledObject = unit;
                unit.Intellect = PlayerIntellect.Instance;
                unit.Destroying += AlternativeUnitAllowPlayerControl_Destroying;

                //disable collision for shapes and save contact groups
                mainNotActiveUnitShapeContactGroups = new Dictionary<Shape, int>();
                foreach( Body body in mainNotActiveUnit.PhysicsModel.Bodies )
                    foreach( Shape shape in body.Shapes )
                        mainNotActiveUnitShapeContactGroups.Add( shape, shape.ContactGroup );
                        shape.ContactGroup = (int)ContactGroup.NoContact;
        protected override void OnControlledObjectChange( Unit oldObject )
            base.OnControlledObjectChange( oldObject );

            //update look direction
            if( ControlledObject != null )
                lookDirection = SphereDir.FromVector( ControlledObject.Rotation * new Vec3( 1, 0, 0 ) );

            //TankGame specific
                //set small damage for player tank
                Tank oldTank = oldObject as Tank;
                if( oldTank != null )
                    oldTank.ReceiveDamageCoefficient = 1;
                Tank tank = ControlledObject as Tank;
                if( tank != null )
                    tank.ReceiveDamageCoefficient = .1f;
        void ServerOrSingle_RestoreMainControlledUnit()
            if( mainNotActiveUnit == null )

            if( ControlledObject != null )
                ControlledObject.SetIntellect( null, false );
                ControlledObject.Destroying -= AlternativeUnitAllowPlayerControl_Destroying;

            if( !mainNotActiveUnit.IsSetDeleted )
                mainNotActiveUnit.Server_EnableSynchronizationPositionsToClients = true;

                mainNotActiveUnit.Position = mainNotActiveUnitRestorePosition;
                //find free position for movable player controlled units
                if( ControlledObject != null )
                    //Tank specific
                    if( ControlledObject is Tank )
                        mainNotActiveUnit.Position = FindFreePositionForUnit(
                            mainNotActiveUnit, ControlledObject.Position );

                mainNotActiveUnit.OldPosition = mainNotActiveUnit.Position;

                mainNotActiveUnit.Visible = true;

                RemoveRelationship( mainNotActiveUnit );

                //restore contact groups for shapes
                if( mainNotActiveUnitShapeContactGroups != null )
                    foreach( Body body in mainNotActiveUnit.PhysicsModel.Bodies )
                        foreach( Shape shape in body.Shapes )
                            int group;
                            if( mainNotActiveUnitShapeContactGroups.TryGetValue( shape, out group ) )
                                shape.ContactGroup = group;
                    mainNotActiveUnitShapeContactGroups = null;

                mainNotActiveUnit.SetIntellect( this, false );

                ControlledObject = mainNotActiveUnit;
                ControlledObject = null;

            mainNotActiveUnit = null;

            //send mainNotActiveUnit to clients
            if( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.IsServer() )
                Server_SendMainNotActiveUnitToClients( EntitySystemWorld.Instance.RemoteEntityWorlds );
        /// <summary>
        ///     Overrides the corresponding method from the Item base type.
        /// </summary>
        protected override bool OnTake(Unit unit)
            bool take;
            //player faction will be set by selecting a team in gui
            // flags have faction set in item class
            if (playerpickup != null) //player pickup should be null prior to picking up which would mean code error or bug
                return false;

            if (this.Type.InitialFaction != null || unit.InitialFaction != null) //not a CTF game don't allow pickup 
                if (this.Type.InitialFaction == unit.InitialFaction)
                    //can't Take own flag .. for now
                    return false;
                else if (this.Type.InitialFaction != unit.InitialFaction)
                    //TODO: Add your implementation before or after the following base method call
                    take = base.OnTake(unit);
                    this.Type.Taken = true;
                    //add model of object on the unit at Alias position

                    playerpickup = unit; //statically save the player holding this item
                    return take = true;
                    return false;
                return false;
Exemple #28
        /// <summary>Overridden from <see cref="Engine.EntitySystem.Entity.OnRelatedEntityDelete(Entity)"/></summary>
        protected override void OnRelatedEntityDelete( Entity entity )
            base.OnRelatedEntityDelete( entity );

            if( sourceUnit == entity )
                sourceUnit = null;
            if( reasonObject == entity )
                reasonObject = null;
        public bool DropFlagItem(Unit unit)
            bool droppeditem;

            this.Type.DroppedItem = true;
            //remove flag from player 
            //remove unit form playerpickup
            droppeditem = true;

            playerpickup = null;

            return droppeditem;
        float GetAttackObjectPriority( Unit obj )
            if( ControlledObject == obj )
                return 0;
            if( obj.Intellect == null )
                return 0;
            if( obj.Intellect.Faction == null )
                return 0;
            if( Faction == obj.Intellect.Faction )
                return 0;

            Vec3 distance = obj.Position - ControlledObject.Position;
            float len = distance.LengthFast();
            return 1.0f / len + 1.0f;
Exemple #31
 protected virtual bool OnTake(Unit unit)