/// <summary>
        /// Parse a directory for its contents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">The name of this directory.</param>
        /// <param name="base_offset">Location of its filename infos.</param>
        /// <param name="nodes">File descriptor dictionary</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private FSGIMGDirectory RecursivelyGetFiles(FSGIMGDirectory parent, string name, long base_offset, string path_acc, Dictionary <uint, file_descriptor> nodes)
            filestream.Position = base_offset;
            string          filename;
            FSGIMGDirectory ret = new FSGIMGDirectory(parent, name, base_offset);

            while ((filename = filestream.ReadASCIINullTerminated()) != "")
                long            pos       = filestream.Position;
                string          real_name = filename.Substring(1);
                file_descriptor desc;
                string          nextPath = path_acc == "" ? real_name : $"{path_acc}/{real_name}";
                nodes.TryGetValue(Hash(nextPath), out desc);
                if (filename[0] == 'D')
                    ret.AddDir(RecursivelyGetFiles(ret, real_name, desc.data_offset, nextPath, nodes));
                    filestream.Position = pos;
                else if (filename[0] == 'F')
                    ret.AddFile(new OffsetFile(real_name, ret, filestream, desc.data_offset, desc.size));
                    throw new InvalidDataException($"Got invalid filename prefix: {filename[0]}.");
        public FSGIMGPackage(IFile f)
            FileName = f.Name;
            var parts = new List <Stream>(1);

            if (f.Name.Split('.').Length > 2) // this is a .part* file
                int   partNum = 1;
                IFile tmp;
                while (f.Parent.TryGetFile(f.Name.Substring(0, f.Name.Length - 1) + partNum, out tmp))
                    var fs = tmp.GetStream();
            filestream = new MultiStream(parts);

            if (filestream.ReadASCIINullTerminated(16) != "FSG-FILE-SYSTEM")
                throw new InvalidDataException("FSG-FILE-SYSTEM header not found.");

            filestream.ReadUInt32BE(); // unknown, == 2
            uint header_length = filestream.ReadUInt32BE();
            uint num_sectors   = filestream.ReadUInt32BE();

            //points to a list of all (used) sectors?
            //starting at 0x180 and increasing by 0x80 up to (num_sectors + 3) << 17
            uint sectormap_offset = filestream.ReadUInt32BE();
            uint base_offset      = filestream.ReadUInt32BE();

            filestream.ReadUInt32BE(); // unknown, read buffer size?
            filestream.ReadUInt32BE(); // unknown, == 8
            uint num_files = filestream.ReadUInt32BE();
            uint zero      = filestream.ReadUInt32BE();
            uint checksum  = filestream.ReadUInt32BE();
            var  nodes     = new Dictionary <uint, file_descriptor>((int)num_files);

            byte[] sector_types = new byte[num_sectors + (base_offset >> 17)];

            for (var i = 0; i < num_files; i++)
                var node = new file_descriptor();
                node.filename_hash = filestream.ReadUInt32BE();
                node.type          = (byte)filestream.ReadByte();
                node.offset        = filestream.ReadUInt24BE();
                nodes.Add(node.filename_hash, node);
            foreach (file_descriptor node in nodes.Values)
                filestream.Position = node.offset;
                long offset = filestream.ReadUInt32BE();
                node.data_offset = (offset << 10) + base_offset;
                node.size        = filestream.ReadUInt32BE();
            root = RecursivelyGetFiles(null, ROOT_DIR, base_offset, "", nodes);