public void LoadRBAC() { ClearRBAC(); Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Rbac, "AccountMgr:LoadRBAC"); uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); uint count1 = 0; uint count2 = 0; uint count3 = 0; Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Rbac, "AccountMgr:LoadRBAC: Loading permissions"); SQLResult result = DB.Login.Query("SELECT id, name FROM rbac_permissions"); if (result.IsEmpty()) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded 0 account permission definitions. DB table `rbac_permissions` is empty."); return; } do { uint id = result.Read <uint>(0); _permissions[id] = new RBACPermission(id, result.Read <string>(1)); ++count1; }while (result.NextRow()); Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Rbac, "AccountMgr:LoadRBAC: Loading linked permissions"); result = DB.Login.Query("SELECT id, linkedId FROM rbac_linked_permissions ORDER BY id ASC"); if (result.IsEmpty()) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded 0 linked permissions. DB table `rbac_linked_permissions` is empty."); return; } uint permissionId = 0; RBACPermission permission = null; do { uint newId = result.Read <uint>(0); if (permissionId != newId) { permissionId = newId; permission = _permissions[newId]; } uint linkedPermissionId = result.Read <uint>(1); if (linkedPermissionId == permissionId) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "RBAC Permission {0} has itself as linked permission. Ignored", permissionId); continue; } permission.AddLinkedPermission(linkedPermissionId); ++count2; }while (result.NextRow()); Log.outDebug(LogFilter.Rbac, "AccountMgr:LoadRBAC: Loading default permissions"); result = DB.Login.Query("SELECT secId, permissionId FROM rbac_default_permissions ORDER BY secId ASC"); if (result.IsEmpty()) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded 0 default permission definitions. DB table `rbac_default_permissions` is empty."); return; } uint secId = 255; do { uint newId = result.Read <uint>(0); if (secId != newId) { secId = newId; } _defaultPermissions.Add((byte)secId, result.Read <uint>(1)); ++count3; }while (result.NextRow()); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded {0} permission definitions, {1} linked permissions and {2} default permissions in {3} ms", count1, count2, count3, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
void HandleRequestBattlefieldStatus(RequestBattlefieldStatus packet) { // we must update all queues here Battleground bg = null; for (byte i = 0; i < SharedConst.MaxPlayerBGQueues; ++i) { BattlegroundQueueTypeId bgQueueTypeId = GetPlayer().GetBattlegroundQueueTypeId(i); if (bgQueueTypeId == 0) { continue; } BattlegroundTypeId bgTypeId = Global.BattlegroundMgr.BGTemplateId(bgQueueTypeId); ArenaTypes arenaType = Global.BattlegroundMgr.BGArenaType(bgQueueTypeId); if (bgTypeId == GetPlayer().GetBattlegroundTypeId()) { bg = GetPlayer().GetBattleground(); //i cannot check any variable from player class because player class doesn't know if player is in 2v2 / 3v3 or 5v5 arena //so i must use bg pointer to get that information if (bg && bg.GetArenaType() == arenaType) { BattlefieldStatusActive battlefieldStatus; Global.BattlegroundMgr.BuildBattlegroundStatusActive(out battlefieldStatus, bg, GetPlayer(), i, GetPlayer().GetBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgQueueTypeId), arenaType); SendPacket(battlefieldStatus); continue; } } //we are sending update to player about queue - he can be invited there! //get GroupQueueInfo for queue status BattlegroundQueue bgQueue = Global.BattlegroundMgr.GetBattlegroundQueue(bgQueueTypeId); GroupQueueInfo ginfo; if (!bgQueue.GetPlayerGroupInfoData(GetPlayer().GetGUID(), out ginfo)) { continue; } if (ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID != 0) { bg = Global.BattlegroundMgr.GetBattleground(ginfo.IsInvitedToBGInstanceGUID, bgTypeId); if (!bg) { continue; } BattlefieldStatusNeedConfirmation battlefieldStatus; Global.BattlegroundMgr.BuildBattlegroundStatusNeedConfirmation(out battlefieldStatus, bg, GetPlayer(), i, GetPlayer().GetBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgQueueTypeId), Time.GetMSTimeDiff(Time.GetMSTime(), ginfo.RemoveInviteTime), arenaType); SendPacket(battlefieldStatus); } else { bg = Global.BattlegroundMgr.GetBattlegroundTemplate(bgTypeId); if (!bg) { continue; } // expected bracket entry PvpDifficultyRecord bracketEntry = Global.DB2Mgr.GetBattlegroundBracketByLevel(bg.GetMapId(), GetPlayer().getLevel()); if (bracketEntry == null) { continue; } uint avgTime = bgQueue.GetAverageQueueWaitTime(ginfo, bracketEntry.GetBracketId()); BattlefieldStatusQueued battlefieldStatus; Global.BattlegroundMgr.BuildBattlegroundStatusQueued(out battlefieldStatus, bg, GetPlayer(), i, GetPlayer().GetBattlegroundQueueJoinTime(bgQueueTypeId), avgTime, arenaType, ginfo.Players.Count > 1); SendPacket(battlefieldStatus); } } }
void HandleTextEmote(CTextEmote packet) { if (!GetPlayer().IsAlive()) { return; } if (!GetPlayer().CanSpeak()) { string timeStr = Time.secsToTimeString((ulong)(m_muteTime - Time.UnixTime)); SendNotification(CypherStrings.WaitBeforeSpeaking, timeStr); return; } Global.ScriptMgr.OnPlayerTextEmote(GetPlayer(), (uint)packet.SoundIndex, (uint)packet.EmoteID, packet.Target); EmotesTextRecord em = CliDB.EmotesTextStorage.LookupByKey(packet.EmoteID); if (em == null) { return; } uint emote_anim = em.EmoteId; switch ((Emote)emote_anim) { case Emote.StateSleep: case Emote.StateSit: case Emote.StateKneel: case Emote.OneshotNone: break; case Emote.StateDance: case Emote.StateRead: GetPlayer().SetEmoteState((Emote)emote_anim); break; default: // Only allow text-emotes for "dead" entities (feign death included) if (GetPlayer().HasUnitState(UnitState.Died)) { break; } GetPlayer().HandleEmoteCommand((Emote)emote_anim); break; } STextEmote textEmote = new STextEmote(); textEmote.SourceGUID = GetPlayer().GetGUID(); textEmote.SourceAccountGUID = GetAccountGUID(); textEmote.TargetGUID = packet.Target; textEmote.EmoteID = packet.EmoteID; textEmote.SoundIndex = packet.SoundIndex; GetPlayer().SendMessageToSetInRange(textEmote, WorldConfig.GetFloatValue(WorldCfg.ListenRangeTextemote), true); Unit unit = Global.ObjAccessor.GetUnit(GetPlayer(), packet.Target); GetPlayer().UpdateCriteria(CriteriaTypes.DoEmote, (uint)packet.EmoteID, 0, 0, unit); // Send scripted event call if (unit) { Creature creature = unit.ToCreature(); if (creature) { creature.GetAI().ReceiveEmote(GetPlayer(), (TextEmotes)packet.EmoteID); } } }
void HandleMovementOpcode(ClientOpcodes opcode, MovementInfo movementInfo) { Unit mover = GetPlayer().m_unitMovedByMe; Player plrMover = mover.ToPlayer(); if (plrMover && plrMover.IsBeingTeleported()) { return; } GetPlayer().ValidateMovementInfo(movementInfo); if (movementInfo.Guid != mover.GetGUID()) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "HandleMovementOpcodes: guid error"); return; } if (!movementInfo.Pos.IsPositionValid()) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "HandleMovementOpcodes: Invalid Position"); return; } // stop some emotes at player move if (plrMover && (plrMover.GetUInt32Value(UnitFields.NpcEmotestate) != 0)) { plrMover.SetUInt32Value(UnitFields.NpcEmotestate, (uint)Emote.OneshotNone); } //handle special cases if (!movementInfo.transport.guid.IsEmpty()) { if (movementInfo.transport.pos.GetPositionX() > 50 || movementInfo.transport.pos.GetPositionY() > 50 || movementInfo.transport.pos.GetPositionZ() > 50) { return; } if (!GridDefines.IsValidMapCoord(movementInfo.Pos.posX + movementInfo.transport.pos.posX, movementInfo.Pos.posY + movementInfo.transport.pos.posY, movementInfo.Pos.posZ + movementInfo.transport.pos.posZ, movementInfo.Pos.Orientation + movementInfo.transport.pos.Orientation)) { return; } if (plrMover) { if (!plrMover.GetTransport()) { Transport transport = plrMover.GetMap().GetTransport(movementInfo.transport.guid); if (transport) { transport.AddPassenger(plrMover); } } else if (plrMover.GetTransport().GetGUID() != movementInfo.transport.guid) { plrMover.GetTransport().RemovePassenger(plrMover); Transport transport = plrMover.GetMap().GetTransport(movementInfo.transport.guid); if (transport) { transport.AddPassenger(plrMover); } else { movementInfo.ResetTransport(); } } } if (!mover.GetTransport() && !mover.GetVehicle()) { GameObject go = mover.GetMap().GetGameObject(movementInfo.transport.guid); if (!go || go.GetGoType() != GameObjectTypes.Transport) { movementInfo.transport.Reset(); } } } else if (plrMover && plrMover.GetTransport()) // if we were on a transport, leave { plrMover.GetTransport().RemovePassenger(plrMover); } // fall damage generation (ignore in flight case that can be triggered also at lags in moment teleportation to another map). if (opcode == ClientOpcodes.MoveFallLand && plrMover && !plrMover.IsInFlight()) { plrMover.HandleFall(movementInfo); } if (plrMover && movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MovementFlag.Swimming) != plrMover.IsInWater()) { // now client not include swimming flag in case jumping under water plrMover.SetInWater(!plrMover.IsInWater() || plrMover.GetMap().IsUnderWater(plrMover.GetPhaseShift(), movementInfo.Pos.posX, movementInfo.Pos.posY, movementInfo.Pos.posZ)); } uint mstime = Time.GetMSTime(); if (m_clientTimeDelay == 0) { m_clientTimeDelay = mstime - movementInfo.Time; } movementInfo.Time = movementInfo.Time + m_clientTimeDelay; movementInfo.Guid = mover.GetGUID(); mover.m_movementInfo = movementInfo; // Some vehicles allow the passenger to turn by himself Vehicle vehicle = mover.GetVehicle(); if (vehicle) { VehicleSeatRecord seat = vehicle.GetSeatForPassenger(mover); if (seat != null) { if (seat.Flags.HasAnyFlag(VehicleSeatFlags.AllowTurning)) { if (movementInfo.Pos.GetOrientation() != mover.GetOrientation()) { mover.SetOrientation(movementInfo.Pos.GetOrientation()); mover.RemoveAurasWithInterruptFlags(SpellAuraInterruptFlags.Turning); } } } return; } mover.UpdatePosition(movementInfo.Pos); MoveUpdate moveUpdate = new MoveUpdate(); moveUpdate.Status = mover.m_movementInfo; mover.SendMessageToSet(moveUpdate, GetPlayer()); if (plrMover) // nothing is charmed, or player charmed { if (plrMover.IsSitState() && movementInfo.HasMovementFlag(MovementFlag.MaskMoving | MovementFlag.MaskTurning)) { plrMover.SetStandState(UnitStandStateType.Stand); } plrMover.UpdateFallInformationIfNeed(movementInfo, opcode); if (movementInfo.Pos.posZ < plrMover.GetMap().GetMinHeight(movementInfo.Pos.GetPositionX(), movementInfo.Pos.GetPositionY())) { if (!(plrMover.GetBattleground() && plrMover.GetBattleground().HandlePlayerUnderMap(GetPlayer()))) { // NOTE: this is actually called many times while falling // even after the player has been teleported away /// @todo discard movement packets after the player is rooted if (plrMover.IsAlive()) { plrMover.SetFlag(PlayerFields.Flags, PlayerFlags.IsOutOfBounds); plrMover.EnvironmentalDamage(EnviromentalDamage.FallToVoid, (uint)GetPlayer().GetMaxHealth()); // player can be alive if GM/etc // change the death state to CORPSE to prevent the death timer from // starting in the next player update if (plrMover.IsAlive()) { plrMover.KillPlayer(); } } } } else { plrMover.RemoveFlag(PlayerFields.Flags, PlayerFlags.IsOutOfBounds); } } }
public void LoadCreatureTexts() { uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); mTextMap.Clear(); // for reload case //all currently used temp texts are NOT reset PreparedStatement stmt = DB.World.GetPreparedStatement(WorldStatements.SEL_CREATURE_TEXT); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query(stmt); if (result.IsEmpty()) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded 0 ceature texts. DB table `creature_texts` is empty."); return; } uint textCount = 0; uint creatureCount = 0; do { CreatureTextEntry temp = new(); temp.creatureId = result.Read <uint>(0); temp.groupId = result.Read <byte>(1); = result.Read <byte>(2); temp.text = result.Read <string>(3); temp.type = (ChatMsg)result.Read <byte>(4); temp.lang = (Language)result.Read <byte>(5); temp.probability = result.Read <float>(6); temp.emote = (Emote)result.Read <uint>(7); temp.duration = result.Read <uint>(8); temp.sound = result.Read <uint>(9); temp.BroadcastTextId = result.Read <uint>(10); temp.TextRange = (CreatureTextRange)result.Read <byte>(11); if (temp.sound != 0) { if (!CliDB.SoundKitStorage.ContainsKey(temp.sound)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "GossipManager: Entry {0}, Group {1} in table `creature_texts` has Sound {2} but sound does not exist.", temp.creatureId, temp.groupId, temp.sound); temp.sound = 0; } } if (ObjectManager.GetLanguageDescByID(temp.lang) == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "GossipManager: Entry {0}, Group {1} in table `creature_texts` using Language {2} but Language does not exist.", temp.creatureId, temp.groupId, temp.lang); temp.lang = Language.Universal; } if (temp.type >= ChatMsg.Max) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "GossipManager: Entry {0}, Group {1} in table `creature_texts` has Type {2} but this Chat Type does not exist.", temp.creatureId, temp.groupId, temp.type); temp.type = ChatMsg.Say; } if (temp.emote != 0) { if (!CliDB.EmotesStorage.ContainsKey((uint)temp.emote)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "GossipManager: Entry {0}, Group {1} in table `creature_texts` has Emote {2} but emote does not exist.", temp.creatureId, temp.groupId, temp.emote); temp.emote = Emote.OneshotNone; } } if (temp.BroadcastTextId != 0) { if (!CliDB.BroadcastTextStorage.ContainsKey(temp.BroadcastTextId)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "CreatureTextMgr: Entry {0}, Group {1}, Id {2} in table `creature_texts` has non-existing or incompatible BroadcastTextId {3}.", temp.creatureId, temp.groupId,, temp.BroadcastTextId); temp.BroadcastTextId = 0; } } if (temp.TextRange > CreatureTextRange.World) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "CreatureTextMgr: Entry {0}, Group {1}, Id {2} in table `creature_text` has incorrect TextRange {3}.", temp.creatureId, temp.groupId,, temp.TextRange); temp.TextRange = CreatureTextRange.Normal; } if (!mTextMap.ContainsKey(temp.creatureId)) { mTextMap[temp.creatureId] = new MultiMap <byte, CreatureTextEntry>(); ++creatureCount; } mTextMap[temp.creatureId].Add(temp.groupId, temp); ++textCount; } while (result.NextRow()); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded {0} creature texts for {1} creatures in {2} ms", textCount, creatureCount, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
void HandleChat(ChatMsg type, Language lang, string msg, string target = "") { Player sender = GetPlayer(); if (lang == Language.Universal && type != ChatMsg.Emote) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "CMSG_MESSAGECHAT: Possible hacking-attempt: {0} tried to send a message in universal language", GetPlayerInfo()); SendNotification(CypherStrings.UnknownLanguage); return; } // prevent talking at unknown language (cheating) LanguageDesc langDesc = ObjectManager.GetLanguageDescByID(lang); if (langDesc == null) { SendNotification(CypherStrings.UnknownLanguage); return; } if (langDesc.skill_id != 0 && !sender.HasSkill((SkillType)langDesc.skill_id)) { // also check SPELL_AURA_COMPREHEND_LANGUAGE (client offers option to speak in that language) var langAuras = sender.GetAuraEffectsByType(AuraType.ComprehendLanguage); bool foundAura = false; foreach (var eff in langAuras) { if (eff.GetMiscValue() == (int)lang) { foundAura = true; break; } } if (!foundAura) { SendNotification(CypherStrings.NotLearnedLanguage); return; } } // send in universal language if player in .gm on mode (ignore spell effects) if (sender.IsGameMaster()) { lang = Language.Universal; } else { // send in universal language in two side iteration allowed mode if (HasPermission(RBACPermissions.TwoSideInteractionChat)) { lang = Language.Universal; } else { switch (type) { case ChatMsg.Party: case ChatMsg.Raid: case ChatMsg.RaidWarning: // allow two side chat at group channel if two side group allowed if (WorldConfig.GetBoolValue(WorldCfg.AllowTwoSideInteractionGroup)) { lang = Language.Universal; } break; case ChatMsg.Guild: case ChatMsg.Officer: // allow two side chat at guild channel if two side guild allowed if (WorldConfig.GetBoolValue(WorldCfg.AllowTwoSideInteractionGuild)) { lang = Language.Universal; } break; } } // but overwrite it by SPELL_AURA_MOD_LANGUAGE auras (only single case used) var ModLangAuras = sender.GetAuraEffectsByType(AuraType.ModLanguage); if (!ModLangAuras.Empty()) { lang = (Language)ModLangAuras.FirstOrDefault().GetMiscValue(); } } if (!sender.CanSpeak()) { string timeStr = Time.secsToTimeString((ulong)(m_muteTime - Time.UnixTime)); SendNotification(CypherStrings.WaitBeforeSpeaking, timeStr); return; } if (sender.HasAura(1852) && type != ChatMsg.Whisper) { SendNotification(Global.ObjectMgr.GetCypherString(CypherStrings.GmSilence), sender.GetName()); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg)) { return; } if (new CommandHandler(this).ParseCommand(msg)) { return; } switch (type) { case ChatMsg.Say: // Prevent cheating if (!sender.IsAlive()) { return; } if (sender.GetLevel() < WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatSayLevelReq)) { SendNotification(Global.ObjectMgr.GetCypherString(CypherStrings.SayReq), WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatSayLevelReq)); return; } sender.Say(msg, lang); break; case ChatMsg.Emote: // Prevent cheating if (!sender.IsAlive()) { return; } if (sender.GetLevel() < WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatEmoteLevelReq)) { SendNotification(Global.ObjectMgr.GetCypherString(CypherStrings.SayReq), WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatEmoteLevelReq)); return; } sender.TextEmote(msg); break; case ChatMsg.Yell: // Prevent cheating if (!sender.IsAlive()) { return; } if (sender.GetLevel() < WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatYellLevelReq)) { SendNotification(Global.ObjectMgr.GetCypherString(CypherStrings.SayReq), WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatYellLevelReq)); return; } sender.Yell(msg, lang); break; case ChatMsg.Whisper: // @todo implement cross realm whispers (someday) ExtendedPlayerName extName = ObjectManager.ExtractExtendedPlayerName(target); if (!ObjectManager.NormalizePlayerName(ref extName.Name)) { SendChatPlayerNotfoundNotice(target); break; } Player receiver = Global.ObjAccessor.FindPlayerByName(extName.Name); if (!receiver || (lang != Language.Addon && !receiver.IsAcceptWhispers() && receiver.GetSession().HasPermission(RBACPermissions.CanFilterWhispers) && !receiver.IsInWhisperWhiteList(sender.GetGUID()))) { SendChatPlayerNotfoundNotice(target); return; } if (!sender.IsGameMaster() && sender.GetLevel() < WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatWhisperLevelReq) && !receiver.IsInWhisperWhiteList(sender.GetGUID())) { SendNotification(Global.ObjectMgr.GetCypherString(CypherStrings.WhisperReq), WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatWhisperLevelReq)); return; } if (GetPlayer().GetTeam() != receiver.GetTeam() && !HasPermission(RBACPermissions.TwoSideInteractionChat) && !receiver.IsInWhisperWhiteList(sender.GetGUID())) { SendChatPlayerNotfoundNotice(target); return; } if (GetPlayer().HasAura(1852) && !receiver.IsGameMaster()) { SendNotification(Global.ObjectMgr.GetCypherString(CypherStrings.GmSilence), GetPlayer().GetName()); return; } if (receiver.GetLevel() < WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatWhisperLevelReq) || (HasPermission(RBACPermissions.CanFilterWhispers) && !sender.IsAcceptWhispers() && !sender.IsInWhisperWhiteList(receiver.GetGUID()))) { sender.AddWhisperWhiteList(receiver.GetGUID()); } GetPlayer().Whisper(msg, lang, receiver); break; case ChatMsg.Party: { // if player is in Battleground, he cannot say to Battlegroundmembers by /p Group group = GetPlayer().GetOriginalGroup(); if (!group) { group = GetPlayer().GetGroup(); if (!group || group.IsBGGroup()) { return; } } if (group.IsLeader(GetPlayer().GetGUID())) { type = ChatMsg.PartyLeader; } Global.ScriptMgr.OnPlayerChat(GetPlayer(), type, lang, msg, group); ChatPkt data = new ChatPkt(); data.Initialize(type, lang, sender, null, msg); group.BroadcastPacket(data, false, group.GetMemberGroup(GetPlayer().GetGUID())); } break; case ChatMsg.Guild: if (GetPlayer().GetGuildId() != 0) { Guild guild = Global.GuildMgr.GetGuildById(GetPlayer().GetGuildId()); if (guild) { Global.ScriptMgr.OnPlayerChat(GetPlayer(), type, lang, msg, guild); guild.BroadcastToGuild(this, false, msg, lang == Language.Addon ? Language.Addon : Language.Universal); } } break; case ChatMsg.Officer: if (GetPlayer().GetGuildId() != 0) { Guild guild = Global.GuildMgr.GetGuildById(GetPlayer().GetGuildId()); if (guild) { Global.ScriptMgr.OnPlayerChat(GetPlayer(), type, lang, msg, guild); guild.BroadcastToGuild(this, true, msg, lang == Language.Addon ? Language.Addon : Language.Universal); } } break; case ChatMsg.Raid: { Group group = GetPlayer().GetGroup(); if (!group || !group.IsRaidGroup() || group.IsBGGroup()) { return; } if (group.IsLeader(GetPlayer().GetGUID())) { type = ChatMsg.RaidLeader; } Global.ScriptMgr.OnPlayerChat(GetPlayer(), type, lang, msg, group); ChatPkt data = new ChatPkt(); data.Initialize(type, lang, sender, null, msg); group.BroadcastPacket(data, false); } break; case ChatMsg.RaidWarning: { Group group = GetPlayer().GetGroup(); if (!group || !(group.IsRaidGroup() || WorldConfig.GetBoolValue(WorldCfg.ChatPartyRaidWarnings)) || !(group.IsLeader(GetPlayer().GetGUID()) || group.IsAssistant(GetPlayer().GetGUID())) || group.IsBGGroup()) { return; } Global.ScriptMgr.OnPlayerChat(GetPlayer(), type, lang, msg, group); ChatPkt data = new ChatPkt(); //in Battleground, raid warning is sent only to players in Battleground - code is ok data.Initialize(ChatMsg.RaidWarning, lang, sender, null, msg); group.BroadcastPacket(data, false); } break; case ChatMsg.Channel: if (!HasPermission(RBACPermissions.SkipCheckChatChannelReq)) { if (GetPlayer().GetLevel() < WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatChannelLevelReq)) { SendNotification(Global.ObjectMgr.GetCypherString(CypherStrings.ChannelReq), WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.ChatChannelLevelReq)); return; } } Channel chn = ChannelManager.GetChannelForPlayerByNamePart(target, sender); if (chn != null) { Global.ScriptMgr.OnPlayerChat(GetPlayer(), type, lang, msg, chn); chn.Say(GetPlayer().GetGUID(), msg, lang); } break; case ChatMsg.InstanceChat: { Group group = GetPlayer().GetGroup(); if (!group) { return; } if (group.IsLeader(GetPlayer().GetGUID())) { type = ChatMsg.InstanceChatLeader; } Global.ScriptMgr.OnPlayerChat(GetPlayer(), type, lang, msg, group); ChatPkt packet = new ChatPkt(); packet.Initialize(type, lang, sender, null, msg); group.BroadcastPacket(packet, false); break; } default: Log.outError(LogFilter.ChatSystem, "CHAT: unknown message type {0}, lang: {1}", type, lang); break; } }
public void Update() { if (_initialized) { uint currentTimestamp = GameTime.GetGameTimeMS(); uint diff = currentTimestamp - _previousTimestamp; _previousTimestamp = currentTimestamp; if (_dataSent) { uint maxClientResponseDelay = WorldConfig.GetUIntValue(WorldCfg.WardenClientResponseDelay); if (maxClientResponseDelay > 0) { // Kick player if client response delays more than set in config if (_clientResponseTimer > maxClientResponseDelay * Time.InMilliseconds) { Log.outWarn(LogFilter.Warden, "{0} (latency: {1}, IP: {2}) exceeded Warden module response delay for more than {3} - disconnecting client", _session.GetPlayerInfo(), _session.GetLatency(), _session.GetRemoteAddress(), Time.secsToTimeString(maxClientResponseDelay, TimeFormat.ShortText)); _session.KickPlayer("Warden::Update Warden module response delay exceeded"); } else { _clientResponseTimer += diff; } } } else { if (diff >= _checkTimer) { RequestData(); } else { _checkTimer -= diff; } } } }
public void LoadCreatureTextLocales() { uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); mLocaleTextMap.Clear(); // for reload case SQLResult result = DB.World.Query("SELECT CreatureId, GroupId, ID, Locale, Text FROM creature_text_locale"); if (result.IsEmpty()) { return; } do { uint creatureId = result.Read <uint>(0); uint groupId = result.Read <byte>(1); uint id = result.Read <byte>(2); string localeName = result.Read <string>(3); Locale locale = localeName.ToEnum <Locale>(); if (!SharedConst.IsValidLocale(locale) || locale == Locale.enUS) { continue; } var key = new CreatureTextId(creatureId, groupId, id); if (!mLocaleTextMap.ContainsKey(key)) { mLocaleTextMap[key] = new CreatureTextLocale(); } CreatureTextLocale data = mLocaleTextMap[key]; ObjectManager.AddLocaleString(result.Read <string>(4), locale, data.Text); } while (result.NextRow()); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded {0} creature localized texts in {1} ms", mLocaleTextMap.Count, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
public void LoadDisables() { uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); // reload case m_DisableMap.Clear(); SQLResult result = DB.World.Query("SELECT sourceType, entry, flags, params_0, params_1 FROM disables"); if (result.IsEmpty()) { Log.outError(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded 0 disables. DB table `disables` is empty!"); return; } uint total_count = 0; do { DisableType type = (DisableType)result.Read <uint>(0); if (type >= DisableType.Max) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Invalid type {0} specified in `disables` table, skipped.", type); continue; } uint entry = result.Read <uint>(1); byte flags = result.Read <byte>(2); string params_0 = result.Read <string>(3); string params_1 = result.Read <string>(4); DisableData data = new DisableData(); data.flags = flags; switch (type) { case DisableType.Spell: if (!(Global.SpellMgr.HasSpellInfo(entry, Difficulty.None) || flags.HasAnyFlag <byte>(DisableFlags.SpellDeprecatedSpell))) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Spell entry {0} from `disables` doesn't exist in dbc, skipped.", entry); continue; } if (flags == 0 || flags > DisableFlags.MaxSpell) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Disable flags for spell {0} are invalid, skipped.", entry); continue; } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.SpellMap)) { var array = new StringArray(params_0, ','); for (byte i = 0; i < array.Length;) { if (uint.TryParse(array[i++], out uint id)) { data.param0.Add(id); } } } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.SpellArea)) { var array = new StringArray(params_1, ','); for (byte i = 0; i < array.Length;) { if (uint.TryParse(array[i++], out uint id)) { data.param1.Add(id); } } } break; // checked later case DisableType.Quest: break; case DisableType.Map: case DisableType.LFGMap: { MapRecord mapEntry = CliDB.MapStorage.LookupByKey(entry); if (mapEntry == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Map entry {0} from `disables` doesn't exist in dbc, skipped.", entry); continue; } bool isFlagInvalid = false; switch (mapEntry.InstanceType) { case MapTypes.Common: if (flags != 0) { isFlagInvalid = true; } break; case MapTypes.Instance: case MapTypes.Raid: if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.DungeonStatusHeroic) && Global.DB2Mgr.GetMapDifficultyData(entry, Difficulty.Heroic) == null) { flags -= DisableFlags.DungeonStatusHeroic; } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.DungeonStatusHeroic10Man) && Global.DB2Mgr.GetMapDifficultyData(entry, Difficulty.Raid10HC) == null) { flags -= DisableFlags.DungeonStatusHeroic10Man; } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.DungeonStatusHeroic25Man) && Global.DB2Mgr.GetMapDifficultyData(entry, Difficulty.Raid25HC) == null) { flags -= DisableFlags.DungeonStatusHeroic25Man; } if (flags == 0) { isFlagInvalid = true; } break; case MapTypes.Battleground: case MapTypes.Arena: Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Battlegroundmap {0} specified to be disabled in map case, skipped.", entry); continue; } if (isFlagInvalid) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Disable flags for map {0} are invalid, skipped.", entry); continue; } break; } case DisableType.Battleground: if (!CliDB.BattlemasterListStorage.ContainsKey(entry)) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Battlegroundentry {0} from `disables` doesn't exist in dbc, skipped.", entry); continue; } if (flags != 0) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Disable flags specified for Battleground{0}, useless data.", entry); } break; case DisableType.OutdoorPVP: if (entry > (int)OutdoorPvPTypes.Max) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "OutdoorPvPTypes value {0} from `disables` is invalid, skipped.", entry); continue; } if (flags != 0) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Disable flags specified for outdoor PvP {0}, useless data.", entry); } break; case DisableType.Criteria: if (Global.CriteriaMgr.GetCriteria(entry) == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Criteria entry {0} from `disables` doesn't exist in dbc, skipped.", entry); continue; } if (flags != 0) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Disable flags specified for Criteria {0}, useless data.", entry); } break; case DisableType.VMAP: { MapRecord mapEntry = CliDB.MapStorage.LookupByKey(entry); if (mapEntry == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Map entry {0} from `disables` doesn't exist in dbc, skipped.", entry); continue; } switch (mapEntry.InstanceType) { case MapTypes.Common: if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.VmapAreaFlag)) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Areaflag disabled for world map {0}.", entry); } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.VmapLiquidStatus)) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Liquid status disabled for world map {0}.", entry); } break; case MapTypes.Instance: case MapTypes.Raid: if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.VmapHeight)) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Height disabled for instance map {0}.", entry); } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.VmapLOS)) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "LoS disabled for instance map {0}.", entry); } break; case MapTypes.Battleground: if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.VmapHeight)) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Height disabled for Battlegroundmap {0}.", entry); } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.VmapLOS)) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "LoS disabled for Battlegroundmap {0}.", entry); } break; case MapTypes.Arena: if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.VmapHeight)) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Height disabled for arena map {0}.", entry); } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(DisableFlags.VmapLOS)) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "LoS disabled for arena map {0}.", entry); } break; default: break; } break; } case DisableType.MMAP: { MapRecord mapEntry = CliDB.MapStorage.LookupByKey(entry); if (mapEntry == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Map entry {0} from `disables` doesn't exist in dbc, skipped.", entry); continue; } switch (mapEntry.InstanceType) { case MapTypes.Common: Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Pathfinding disabled for world map {0}.", entry); break; case MapTypes.Instance: case MapTypes.Raid: Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Pathfinding disabled for instance map {0}.", entry); break; case MapTypes.Battleground: Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Pathfinding disabled for Battlegroundmap {0}.", entry); break; case MapTypes.Arena: Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Pathfinding disabled for arena map {0}.", entry); break; default: break; } break; } default: break; } if (!m_DisableMap.ContainsKey(type)) { m_DisableMap[type] = new Dictionary <uint, DisableData>(); } m_DisableMap[type].Add(entry, data); ++total_count; }while (result.NextRow()); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Loaded {0} disables in {1} ms", total_count, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
public void CheckQuestDisables() { if (!m_DisableMap.ContainsKey(DisableType.Quest) || m_DisableMap[DisableType.Quest].Count == 0) { Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Checked 0 quest disables."); return; } uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); // check only quests, rest already done at startup foreach (var pair in m_DisableMap[DisableType.Quest]) { uint entry = pair.Key; if (Global.ObjectMgr.GetQuestTemplate(entry) == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Quest entry {0} from `disables` doesn't exist, skipped.", entry); m_DisableMap[DisableType.Quest].Remove(entry); continue; } if (pair.Value.flags != 0) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Sql, "Disable flags specified for quest {0}, useless data.", entry); } } Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Checked {0} quest disables in {1} ms", m_DisableMap[DisableType.Quest].Count, Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
public void ScanDesign(CellFace start, Vector3 direction, ComponentMiner componentMiner) { FurnitureDesign design = null; FurnitureDesign furnitureDesign = null; Dictionary <Point3, int> valuesDictionary = new Dictionary <Point3, int>(); Point3 point = start.Point; Point3 point2 = start.Point; int startValue = base.SubsystemTerrain.Terrain.GetCellValue(start.Point.X, start.Point.Y, start.Point.Z); int num = Terrain.ExtractContents(startValue); if (BlocksManager.Blocks[num] is FurnitureBlock) { int designIndex = FurnitureBlock.GetDesignIndex(Terrain.ExtractData(startValue)); furnitureDesign = GetDesign(designIndex); if (furnitureDesign == null) { componentMiner.ComponentPlayer?.ComponentGui.DisplaySmallMessage("Unsuitable block found", Color.White, blinking: true, playNotificationSound: false); return; } design = furnitureDesign.Clone(); design.LinkedDesign = null; design.InteractionMode = FurnitureInteractionMode.None; valuesDictionary.Add(start.Point, startValue); } else { Stack <Point3> val = new Stack <Point3>(); val.Push(start.Point); while (val.Count > 0) { Point3 key = val.Pop(); if (valuesDictionary.ContainsKey(key)) { continue; } int cellValue = base.SubsystemTerrain.Terrain.GetCellValue(key.X, key.Y, key.Z); if (IsValueDisallowed(cellValue)) { componentMiner.ComponentPlayer?.ComponentGui.DisplaySmallMessage("Unsuitable block found", Color.White, blinking: true, playNotificationSound: false); return; } if (IsValueAllowed(cellValue)) { if (key.X < point.X) { point.X = key.X; } if (key.Y < point.Y) { point.Y = key.Y; } if (key.Z < point.Z) { point.Z = key.Z; } if (key.X > point2.X) { point2.X = key.X; } if (key.Y > point2.Y) { point2.Y = key.Y; } if (key.Z > point2.Z) { point2.Z = key.Z; } if (MathUtils.Abs(point.X - point2.X) >= 16 || MathUtils.Abs(point.Y - point2.Y) >= 16 || MathUtils.Abs(point.Z - point2.Z) >= 16) { componentMiner.ComponentPlayer?.ComponentGui.DisplaySmallMessage("Furniture design is too large", Color.White, blinking: true, playNotificationSound: false); return; } valuesDictionary[key] = cellValue; val.Push(new Point3(key.X - 1, key.Y, key.Z)); val.Push(new Point3(key.X + 1, key.Y, key.Z)); val.Push(new Point3(key.X, key.Y - 1, key.Z)); val.Push(new Point3(key.X, key.Y + 1, key.Z)); val.Push(new Point3(key.X, key.Y, key.Z - 1)); val.Push(new Point3(key.X, key.Y, key.Z + 1)); } } if (valuesDictionary.Count == 0) { componentMiner.ComponentPlayer?.ComponentGui.DisplaySmallMessage("No suitable blocks found", Color.White, blinking: true, playNotificationSound: false); return; } design = new FurnitureDesign(base.SubsystemTerrain); Point3 point3 = point2 - point; int num2 = MathUtils.Max(MathUtils.Max(point3.X, point3.Y, point3.Z) + 1, 2); int[] array = new int[num2 * num2 * num2]; foreach (KeyValuePair <Point3, int> item in valuesDictionary) { Point3 point4 = item.Key - point; array[point4.X + point4.Y * num2 + point4.Z * num2 * num2] = item.Value; } design.SetValues(num2, array); int steps = (start.Face > 3) ? CellFace.Vector3ToFace(direction, 3) : CellFace.OppositeFace(start.Face); design.Rotate(1, steps); Point3 location = design.Box.Location; Point3 point5 = new Point3(design.Resolution) - (design.Box.Location + design.Box.Size); Point3 delta = new Point3((point5.X - location.X) / 2, -location.Y, (point5.Z - location.Z) / 2); design.Shift(delta); } BuildFurnitureDialog dialog = new BuildFurnitureDialog(design, furnitureDesign, delegate(bool result) { if (result) { design = TryAddDesign(design); if (design == null) { componentMiner.ComponentPlayer?.ComponentGui.DisplaySmallMessage("Too many different furniture designs", Color.White, blinking: true, playNotificationSound: false); } else { if (m_subsystemGameInfo.WorldSettings.GameMode != 0) { foreach (KeyValuePair <Point3, int> item2 in valuesDictionary) { base.SubsystemTerrain.DestroyCell(0, item2.Key.X, item2.Key.Y, item2.Key.Z, 0, noDrop: true, noParticleSystem: true); } } int value = Terrain.MakeBlockValue(227, 0, FurnitureBlock.SetDesignIndex(0, design.Index, design.ShadowStrengthFactor, design.IsLightEmitter)); int num3 = MathUtils.Clamp(design.Resolution, 4, 8); Matrix matrix = componentMiner.ComponentCreature.ComponentBody.Matrix; Vector3 position = matrix.Translation + 1f * matrix.Forward + 1f * Vector3.UnitY; m_subsystemPickables.AddPickable(value, num3, position, null, null); componentMiner.DamageActiveTool(1); componentMiner.Poke(forceRestart: false); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { Time.QueueTimeDelayedExecution(Time.FrameStartTime + (double)((float)i * 0.25f), delegate { m_subsystemSoundMaterials.PlayImpactSound(startValue, new Vector3(start.Point), 1f); }); } if (componentMiner.ComponentCreature.PlayerStats != null) { componentMiner.ComponentCreature.PlayerStats.FurnitureItemsMade += num3; } } } }); if (componentMiner.ComponentPlayer != null) { DialogsManager.ShowDialog(componentMiner.ComponentPlayer.GuiWidget, dialog); } }
public static void CleanDatabase() { // config to disable if (!WorldConfig.GetBoolValue(WorldCfg.CleanCharacterDb)) { return; } Log.outInfo(LogFilter.Server, "Cleaning character database..."); uint oldMSTime = Time.GetMSTime(); // check flags which clean ups are necessary SQLResult result = DB.Characters.Query("SELECT value FROM worldstates WHERE entry = {0}", (uint)WorldStates.CleaningFlags); if (result.IsEmpty()) { return; } CleaningFlags flags = (CleaningFlags)result.Read <uint>(0); // clean up if (flags.HasAnyFlag(CleaningFlags.AchievementProgress)) { CleanCharacterAchievementProgress(); } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(CleaningFlags.Skills)) { CleanCharacterSkills(); } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(CleaningFlags.Spells)) { CleanCharacterSpell(); } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(CleaningFlags.Talents)) { CleanCharacterTalent(); } if (flags.HasAnyFlag(CleaningFlags.Queststatus)) { CleanCharacterQuestStatus(); } // NOTE: In order to have persistentFlags be set in worldstates for the next cleanup, // you need to define them at least once in worldstates. flags &= (CleaningFlags)WorldConfig.GetIntValue(WorldCfg.PersistentCharacterCleanFlags); DB.Characters.DirectExecute("UPDATE worldstates SET value = {0} WHERE entry = {1}", flags, (uint)WorldStates.CleaningFlags); Global.WorldMgr.SetCleaningFlags(flags); Log.outInfo(LogFilter.ServerLoading, "Cleaned character database in {0} ms", Time.GetMSTimeDiffToNow(oldMSTime)); }
public void Update(float dt) { if (!base.IsAddedToProject) { return; } if (IsOnFire) { m_fireDuration = MathUtils.Max(m_fireDuration - dt, 0f); if (m_onFireParticleSystem == null) { m_onFireParticleSystem = new OnFireParticleSystem(); m_subsystemParticles.AddParticleSystem(m_onFireParticleSystem); } BoundingBox boundingBox = ComponentBody.BoundingBox; m_onFireParticleSystem.Position = 0.5f * (boundingBox.Min + boundingBox.Max); m_onFireParticleSystem.Radius = 0.5f * MathUtils.Min(boundingBox.Max.X - boundingBox.Min.X, boundingBox.Max.Z - boundingBox.Min.Z); if (ComponentBody.ImmersionFactor > 0.5f && ComponentBody.ImmersionFluidBlock is WaterBlock) { Extinguish(); m_subsystemAudio.PlaySound("Audio/SizzleLong", 1f, 0f, m_onFireParticleSystem.Position, 4f, autoDelay: true); } if (Time.PeriodicEvent(0.5, 0.0)) { float distance = m_subsystemAudio.CalculateListenerDistance(ComponentBody.Position); m_soundVolume = m_subsystemAudio.CalculateVolume(distance, 2f, 5f); } m_subsystemAmbientSounds.FireSoundVolume = MathUtils.Max(m_subsystemAmbientSounds.FireSoundVolume, m_soundVolume); } else { if (m_onFireParticleSystem != null) { m_onFireParticleSystem.IsStopped = true; m_onFireParticleSystem = null; } m_soundVolume = 0f; } if (!(m_subsystemTime.GameTime > m_nextCheckTime)) { return; } m_nextCheckTime = m_subsystemTime.GameTime + (double)m_random.Float(0.9f, 1.1f); TouchesFire = CheckIfBodyTouchesFire(); if (TouchesFire) { m_fireTouchCount++; if (m_fireTouchCount >= 5) { SetOnFire(null, m_random.Float(12f, 15f)); } } else { m_fireTouchCount = 0; } if (ComponentBody.ImmersionFactor > 0.2f && ComponentBody.ImmersionFluidBlock is MagmaBlock) { SetOnFire(null, m_random.Float(12f, 15f)); } }