void HandlePetCastSpell(PetCastSpell petCastSpell) { Unit caster = Global.ObjAccessor.GetUnit(GetPlayer(), petCastSpell.PetGUID); if (!caster) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "WorldSession.HandlePetCastSpell: Caster {0} not found.", petCastSpell.PetGUID.ToString()); return; } SpellInfo spellInfo = Global.SpellMgr.GetSpellInfo(petCastSpell.Cast.SpellID, caster.GetMap().GetDifficultyID()); if (spellInfo == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "WorldSession.HandlePetCastSpell: unknown spell id {0} tried to cast by {1}", petCastSpell.Cast.SpellID, petCastSpell.PetGUID.ToString()); return; } // This opcode is also sent from charmed and possessed units (players and creatures) if (caster != GetPlayer().GetGuardianPet() && caster != GetPlayer().GetCharmed()) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "WorldSession.HandlePetCastSpell: {0} isn't pet of player {1} ({2}).", petCastSpell.PetGUID.ToString(), GetPlayer().GetName(), GetPlayer().GetGUID().ToString()); return; } // do not cast not learned spells if (!caster.HasSpell(spellInfo.Id) || spellInfo.IsPassive()) { return; } SpellCastTargets targets = new(caster, petCastSpell.Cast); Spell spell = new(caster, spellInfo, TriggerCastFlags.None); spell.m_fromClient = true; spell.m_misc.Data0 = petCastSpell.Cast.Misc[0]; spell.m_misc.Data1 = petCastSpell.Cast.Misc[1]; spell.m_targets = targets; SpellCastResult result = spell.CheckPetCast(null); if (result == SpellCastResult.SpellCastOk) { Creature creature = caster.ToCreature(); if (creature) { Pet pet = creature.ToPet(); if (pet) { // 10% chance to play special pet attack talk, else growl // actually this only seems to happen on special spells, fire shield for imp, torment for voidwalker, but it's stupid to check every spell if (pet.GetPetType() == PetType.Summon && (RandomHelper.IRand(0, 100) < 10)) { pet.SendPetTalk(PetTalk.SpecialSpell); } else { pet.SendPetAIReaction(petCastSpell.PetGUID); } } } SpellPrepare spellPrepare = new(); spellPrepare.ClientCastID = petCastSpell.Cast.CastID; spellPrepare.ServerCastID = spell.m_castId; SendPacket(spellPrepare); spell.Prepare(targets); } else { spell.SendPetCastResult(result); if (!caster.GetSpellHistory().HasCooldown(spellInfo.Id)) { caster.GetSpellHistory().ResetCooldown(spellInfo.Id, true); } spell.Finish(false); spell.Dispose(); } }
public bool ReGenerate() { if (m_weatherChances == null) { m_type = WeatherType.Fine; m_grade = 0.0f; return(false); } // Weather statistics: // 30% - no change // 30% - weather gets better (if not fine) or change weather type // 30% - weather worsens (if not fine) // 10% - radical change (if not fine) uint u = RandomHelper.URand(0, 99); if (u < 30) { return(false); } // remember old values WeatherType old_type = m_type; float old_grade = m_grade; long gtime = Global.WorldMgr.GetGameTime(); var ltime = Time.UnixTimeToDateTime(gtime).ToLocalTime(); uint season = (uint)((ltime.DayOfYear - 78 + 365) / 91) % 4; string[] seasonName = { "spring", "summer", "fall", "winter" }; Log.outError(LogFilter.Server, "Generating a change in {0} weather for zone {1}.", seasonName[season], m_zone); if ((u < 60) && (m_grade < 0.33333334f)) // Get fair { m_type = WeatherType.Fine; m_grade = 0.0f; } if ((u < 60) && (m_type != WeatherType.Fine)) // Get better { m_grade -= 0.33333334f; return(true); } if ((u < 90) && (m_type != WeatherType.Fine)) // Get worse { m_grade += 0.33333334f; return(true); } if (m_type != WeatherType.Fine) { // Radical change: // if light . heavy // if medium . change weather type // if heavy . 50% light, 50% change weather type if (m_grade < 0.33333334f) { m_grade = 0.9999f; // go nuts return(true); } else { if (m_grade > 0.6666667f) { // Severe change, but how severe? uint rnd = RandomHelper.URand(0, 99); if (rnd < 50) { m_grade -= 0.6666667f; return(true); } } m_type = WeatherType.Fine; // clear up m_grade = 0; } } // At this point, only weather that isn't doing anything remains but that have weather data uint chance1 = m_weatherChances.data[season].rainChance; uint chance2 = chance1 + m_weatherChances.data[season].snowChance; uint chance3 = chance2 + m_weatherChances.data[season].stormChance; uint rn = RandomHelper.URand(1, 100); if (rn <= chance1) { m_type = WeatherType.Rain; } else if (rn <= chance2) { m_type = WeatherType.Snow; } else if (rn <= chance3) { m_type = WeatherType.Storm; } else { m_type = WeatherType.Fine; } // New weather statistics (if not fine): // 85% light // 7% medium // 7% heavy // If fine 100% sun (no fog) if (m_type == WeatherType.Fine) { m_grade = 0.0f; } else if (u < 90) { m_grade = (float)RandomHelper.NextDouble() * 0.3333f; } else { // Severe change, but how severe? rn = RandomHelper.URand(0, 99); if (rn < 50) { m_grade = (float)RandomHelper.NextDouble() * 0.3333f + 0.3334f; } else { m_grade = (float)RandomHelper.NextDouble() * 0.3333f + 0.6667f; } } // return true only in case weather changes return(m_type != old_type || m_grade != old_grade); }
void HandlePetActionHelper(Unit pet, ObjectGuid guid1, uint spellid, ActiveStates flag, ObjectGuid guid2, float x, float y, float z) { CharmInfo charmInfo = pet.GetCharmInfo(); if (charmInfo == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "WorldSession.HandlePetAction(petGuid: {0}, tagGuid: {1}, spellId: {2}, flag: {3}): object (GUID: {4} Entry: {5} TypeId: {6}) is considered pet-like but doesn't have a charminfo!", guid1, guid2, spellid, flag, pet.GetGUID().ToString(), pet.GetEntry(), pet.GetTypeId()); return; } switch (flag) { case ActiveStates.Command: //0x07 switch ((CommandStates)spellid) { case CommandStates.Stay: // flat = 1792 //STAY pet.GetMotionMaster().Clear(MovementGeneratorPriority.Normal); pet.GetMotionMaster().MoveIdle(); charmInfo.SetCommandState(CommandStates.Stay); charmInfo.SetIsCommandAttack(false); charmInfo.SetIsAtStay(true); charmInfo.SetIsCommandFollow(false); charmInfo.SetIsFollowing(false); charmInfo.SetIsReturning(false); charmInfo.SaveStayPosition(); break; case CommandStates.Follow: // spellid = 1792 //FOLLOW pet.AttackStop(); pet.InterruptNonMeleeSpells(false); pet.GetMotionMaster().MoveFollow(GetPlayer(), SharedConst.PetFollowDist, pet.GetFollowAngle()); charmInfo.SetCommandState(CommandStates.Follow); charmInfo.SetIsCommandAttack(false); charmInfo.SetIsAtStay(false); charmInfo.SetIsReturning(true); charmInfo.SetIsCommandFollow(true); charmInfo.SetIsFollowing(false); break; case CommandStates.Attack: // spellid = 1792 //ATTACK { // Can't attack if owner is pacified if (GetPlayer().HasAuraType(AuraType.ModPacify)) { // @todo Send proper error message to client return; } // only place where pet can be player Unit TargetUnit = Global.ObjAccessor.GetUnit(GetPlayer(), guid2); if (!TargetUnit) { return; } Unit owner = pet.GetOwner(); if (owner) { if (!owner.IsValidAttackTarget(TargetUnit)) { return; } } // This is true if pet has no target or has target but targets differs. if (pet.GetVictim() != TargetUnit || !pet.GetCharmInfo().IsCommandAttack()) { if (pet.GetVictim()) { pet.AttackStop(); } if (!pet.IsTypeId(TypeId.Player) && pet.ToCreature().IsAIEnabled()) { charmInfo.SetIsCommandAttack(true); charmInfo.SetIsAtStay(false); charmInfo.SetIsFollowing(false); charmInfo.SetIsCommandFollow(false); charmInfo.SetIsReturning(false); CreatureAI AI = pet.ToCreature().GetAI(); if (AI is PetAI) { ((PetAI)AI)._AttackStart(TargetUnit); // force target switch } else { AI.AttackStart(TargetUnit); } //10% chance to play special pet attack talk, else growl if (pet.IsPet() && pet.ToPet().GetPetType() == PetType.Summon && pet != TargetUnit && RandomHelper.IRand(0, 100) < 10) { pet.SendPetTalk(PetTalk.Attack); } else { // 90% chance for pet and 100% chance for charmed creature pet.SendPetAIReaction(guid1); } } else // charmed player { charmInfo.SetIsCommandAttack(true); charmInfo.SetIsAtStay(false); charmInfo.SetIsFollowing(false); charmInfo.SetIsCommandFollow(false); charmInfo.SetIsReturning(false); pet.Attack(TargetUnit, true); pet.SendPetAIReaction(guid1); } } break; } case CommandStates.Abandon: // abandon (hunter pet) or dismiss (summoned pet) if (pet.GetCharmerGUID() == GetPlayer().GetGUID()) { GetPlayer().StopCastingCharm(); } else if (pet.GetOwnerGUID() == GetPlayer().GetGUID()) { Cypher.Assert(pet.IsTypeId(TypeId.Unit)); if (pet.IsPet()) { if (pet.ToPet().GetPetType() == PetType.Hunter) { GetPlayer().RemovePet(pet.ToPet(), PetSaveMode.AsDeleted); } else { //dismissing a summoned pet is like killing them (this prevents returning a soulshard...) pet.SetDeathState(DeathState.Corpse); } } else if (pet.HasUnitTypeMask(UnitTypeMask.Minion)) { ((Minion)pet).UnSummon(); } } break; case CommandStates.MoveTo: pet.StopMoving(); pet.GetMotionMaster().Clear(); pet.GetMotionMaster().MovePoint(0, x, y, z); charmInfo.SetCommandState(CommandStates.MoveTo); charmInfo.SetIsCommandAttack(false); charmInfo.SetIsAtStay(true); charmInfo.SetIsFollowing(false); charmInfo.SetIsReturning(false); charmInfo.SaveStayPosition(); break; default: Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "WORLD: unknown PET flag Action {0} and spellid {1}.", flag, spellid); break; } break; case ActiveStates.Reaction: // 0x6 switch ((ReactStates)spellid) { case ReactStates.Passive: //passive pet.AttackStop(); goto case ReactStates.Defensive; case ReactStates.Defensive: //recovery case ReactStates.Aggressive: //activete if (pet.IsTypeId(TypeId.Unit)) { pet.ToCreature().SetReactState((ReactStates)spellid); } break; } break; case ActiveStates.Disabled: // 0x81 spell (disabled), ignore case ActiveStates.Passive: // 0x01 case ActiveStates.Enabled: // 0xC1 spell { Unit unit_target = null; if (!guid2.IsEmpty()) { unit_target = Global.ObjAccessor.GetUnit(GetPlayer(), guid2); } // do not cast unknown spells SpellInfo spellInfo = Global.SpellMgr.GetSpellInfo(spellid, pet.GetMap().GetDifficultyID()); if (spellInfo == null) { Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "WORLD: unknown PET spell id {0}", spellid); return; } foreach (var spellEffectInfo in spellInfo.GetEffects()) { if (spellEffectInfo.TargetA.GetTarget() == Targets.UnitSrcAreaEnemy || spellEffectInfo.TargetA.GetTarget() == Targets.UnitDestAreaEnemy || spellEffectInfo.TargetA.GetTarget() == Targets.DestDynobjEnemy) { return; } } // do not cast not learned spells if (!pet.HasSpell(spellid) || spellInfo.IsPassive()) { return; } // Clear the flags as if owner clicked 'attack'. AI will reset them // after AttackStart, even if spell failed if (pet.GetCharmInfo() != null) { pet.GetCharmInfo().SetIsAtStay(false); pet.GetCharmInfo().SetIsCommandAttack(true); pet.GetCharmInfo().SetIsReturning(false); pet.GetCharmInfo().SetIsFollowing(false); } Spell spell = new(pet, spellInfo, TriggerCastFlags.None); SpellCastResult result = spell.CheckPetCast(unit_target); //auto turn to target unless possessed if (result == SpellCastResult.UnitNotInfront && !pet.IsPossessed() && !pet.IsVehicle()) { Unit unit_target2 = spell.m_targets.GetUnitTarget(); if (unit_target) { if (!pet.IsFocusing()) { pet.SetInFront(unit_target); } Player player = unit_target.ToPlayer(); if (player) { pet.SendUpdateToPlayer(player); } } else if (unit_target2) { if (!pet.IsFocusing()) { pet.SetInFront(unit_target2); } Player player = unit_target2.ToPlayer(); if (player) { pet.SendUpdateToPlayer(player); } } Unit powner = pet.GetCharmerOrOwner(); if (powner) { Player player = powner.ToPlayer(); if (player) { pet.SendUpdateToPlayer(player); } } result = SpellCastResult.SpellCastOk; } if (result == SpellCastResult.SpellCastOk) { unit_target = spell.m_targets.GetUnitTarget(); //10% chance to play special pet attack talk, else growl //actually this only seems to happen on special spells, fire shield for imp, torment for voidwalker, but it's stupid to check every spell if (pet.IsPet() && (pet.ToPet().GetPetType() == PetType.Summon) && (pet != unit_target) && (RandomHelper.IRand(0, 100) < 10)) { pet.SendPetTalk(PetTalk.SpecialSpell); } else { pet.SendPetAIReaction(guid1); } if (unit_target && !GetPlayer().IsFriendlyTo(unit_target) && !pet.IsPossessed() && !pet.IsVehicle()) { // This is true if pet has no target or has target but targets differs. if (pet.GetVictim() != unit_target) { CreatureAI ai = pet.ToCreature().GetAI(); if (ai != null) { PetAI petAI = (PetAI)ai; if (petAI != null) { petAI._AttackStart(unit_target); // force victim switch } else { ai.AttackStart(unit_target); } } } } spell.Prepare(spell.m_targets); } else { if (pet.IsPossessed() || pet.IsVehicle()) // @todo: confirm this check { Spell.SendCastResult(GetPlayer(), spellInfo, spell.m_SpellVisual, spell.m_castId, result); } else { spell.SendPetCastResult(result); } if (!pet.GetSpellHistory().HasCooldown(spellid)) { pet.GetSpellHistory().ResetCooldown(spellid, true); } spell.Finish(false); spell.Dispose(); // reset specific flags in case of spell fail. AI will reset other flags if (pet.GetCharmInfo() != null) { pet.GetCharmInfo().SetIsCommandAttack(false); } } break; } default: Log.outError(LogFilter.Network, "WORLD: unknown PET flag Action {0} and spellid {1}.", flag, spellid); break; } }