public void Rule1(float dt, World world){ switch (s1) { case -1: if(!(Source.PlanetStats.IsSome)) { s1 = -1; return; }else { goto case 6; } case 6: ___direction10 = ((Target.Position) - (BaseShip.Position)); if(((((Target.Owner.IsSome) && (((Target.Owner.Value) == (BaseShip.Owner))))) && (((Target.PlanetStats.Value.Research) > (Source.PlanetStats.Value.Research))))) { ___direction11 = ((___direction10.normalized) * (((2.5f) + (((0.35f) * (Target.PlanetStats.Value.Research)))))); }else { ___direction11 = ((___direction10.normalized) * (((2.5f) + (((0.35f) * (Source.PlanetStats.Value.Research)))))); } Velocity = ___direction11; BaseShip.Position = BaseShip.Position; Target = Target; s1 = 3; return; case 3: if(!(((0f) > (UnityEngine.Vector3.Dot(___direction11,(Target.Position) - (BaseShip.Position)))))) { s1 = 3; return; }else { goto case 2; } case 2: ___next_hop14 = ( (Target.Neighbours).Select(__ContextSymbol220 => new { ___n10 = __ContextSymbol220 }) .SelectMany(__ContextSymbol221=> (world.Planets).Select(__ContextSymbol222 => new { ___q14 = __ContextSymbol222, prev = __ContextSymbol221 }) .Where(__ContextSymbol223 => ((((__ContextSymbol223.prev.___n10.Item1) == (Target.UnityPlanet))) && (((__ContextSymbol223.prev.___n10.Item2) == (__ContextSymbol223.___q14.UnityPlanet))))) .Select(__ContextSymbol224 => __ContextSymbol224.___q14) .ToList<Planet>())).ToList<Planet>(); if(((___next_hop14.Count) > (0))) { ___next_hop15 = ___next_hop14.Head(); }else { ___next_hop15 = Target; } Velocity =; BaseShip.Position = Target.Position; Target = ___next_hop15; s1 = -1; return; default: return;}}
public AttackingShip(Ship baseship, Planet target) {JustEntered = false; frame = World.frame; Target = target; Strength = 0f; BaseShip = baseship; }
public TravelingShip(Planet n, Planet s, Ship baseship) {JustEntered = false; frame = World.frame; Velocity = new UnityEngine.Vector3(1f,1f,1f); Target = n; Source = s; BaseShip = baseship; }
public Battle(Planet n) {JustEntered = false; frame = World.frame; UnityBattle = UnityBattle.Instantiate(n.Position); SmallestFleet = (new Nothing<AttackingShip>()); ShipsToMerge = ( Enumerable.Empty<MergingShip>()).ToList<MergingShip>(); Planet = n; NextPossibleOwner = (new Nothing<Commander>()); AttackingShips = ( Enumerable.Empty<AttackingShip>()).ToList<AttackingShip>(); }
public Ship(Commander o, UnityEngine.Vector3 pos, System.Int32 amount, Planet final_target, Planet target, Planet source, Option<UnityShip> BaseShip) {JustEntered = false; frame = World.frame; UnityShip ___unityShip00; if(BaseShip.IsSome) { ___unityShip00 = BaseShip.Value; }else { ___unityShip00 = UnityShip.Instantiate(pos,target.Position); } UnityShip = ___unityShip00; Target = target; Source = source; Owner = o; InitialPosition = pos; FinalTarget = final_target; AmountOfShips = amount; }
public void Rule0(float dt, World world){ switch (s0) { case -1: counter30 = -1; if((((Sources).Count) == (0))) { goto case 1; }else { ___s010 = (Sources)[0]; goto case 3; } case 3: counter30 = ((counter30) + (1)); if((((((Sources).Count) == (counter30))) || (((counter30) > ((Sources).Count))))) { goto case 1; }else { ___s010 = (Sources)[counter30]; goto case 4; } case 4: IntermediateHops = IntermediateHops; Temp = (new Just<Planet>(___s010)); IsDone = IsDone; s0 = 16; return; case 16: ___temp_in_IntermediateHops00 = ( (IntermediateHops).Select(__ContextSymbol171 => new { ___i04 = __ContextSymbol171 }) .Where(__ContextSymbol172 => ((__ContextSymbol172.___i04.Item1) == (Temp.Value))) .Select(__ContextSymbol173 => __ContextSymbol173.___i04) .ToList<Tuple<Planet, Planet>>()).ToList<Tuple<Planet, Planet>>(); goto case 5; case 5: if(!(((((!(((Target) == (Temp.Value)))) && (((Temp.Value.Owner) == (___s010.Owner))))) && (((___temp_in_IntermediateHops00.Count) == (0)))))) { s0 = 3; return; }else { goto case 6; } case 6: ___next_hop02 = ( (Temp.Value.Neighbours).Select(__ContextSymbol174 => new { ___h02 = __ContextSymbol174 }) .SelectMany(__ContextSymbol175=> (world.Planets).Select(__ContextSymbol176 => new { ___p011 = __ContextSymbol176, prev = __ContextSymbol175 }) .Where(__ContextSymbol177 => ((((__ContextSymbol177.prev.___h02.Item1) == (Target.UnityPlanet))) && (((__ContextSymbol177.___p011.UnityPlanet) == (__ContextSymbol177.prev.___h02.Item2))))) .Select(__ContextSymbol178 => __ContextSymbol178.___p011) .ToList<Planet>())).ToList<Planet>(); ___next_hop03 = ___next_hop02.Head(); if(((___next_hop03.Owner) == (___s010.Owner))) { goto case 7; }else { goto case 8; } case 7: ___lst00 = (( (new Cons<Tuple<Planet, Planet>>(new Casanova.Prelude.Tuple<Planet,Planet>(Temp.Value,___next_hop03),(new Empty<Tuple<Planet, Planet>>()).ToList<Tuple<Planet, Planet>>())).ToList<Tuple<Planet, Planet>>()).ToList<Tuple<Planet, Planet>>()).Concat(IntermediateHops).ToList<Tuple<Planet, Planet>>(); UnityEngine.Debug.Log(((Temp.Value.Name) + (" -> ")) + (___next_hop03.Name)); IntermediateHops = ___lst00; Temp = (new Just<Planet>(___next_hop03)); IsDone = IsDone; s0 = 5; return; case 8: IntermediateHops = IntermediateHops; Temp = (new Just<Planet>(___next_hop03)); IsDone = IsDone; s0 = 5; return; case 1: IntermediateHops = IntermediateHops; Temp = Temp; IsDone = true; s0 = 0; return; case 0: if(!(false)) { s0 = 0; return; }else { s0 = -1; return; } default: return;}}
public PlanetInfo(Planet p, PlanetStatModifier psm) {JustEntered = false; frame = World.frame; UpgradeState = (new Nothing<System.Int32>()); UnityStat = UnityStat.FindStat(p.UnityPlanet); StatModifiers = psm; ResearchState = ResearchNeutral; ResearchOn = 0.25f; ResearchOff = -0.25f; ResearchNeutral = -0.1f; ResearchCost = -0.5f; Research = p.Owner.Value.Research; ProductivityState = ResearchNeutral; Productivity = p.Owner.Value.Production; Planet = p; DefenseState = ResearchNeutral; Defense = p.Owner.Value.Defense; AttackState = ResearchNeutral; Attack = p.Owner.Value.Attack; }
public Link(UnityLink l, Planet p1, Planet p2, System.Boolean are_sources_reversed) {JustEntered = false; frame = World.frame; UnityLink = l; TravelingShips = ( Enumerable.Empty<TravelingShip>()).ToList<TravelingShip>(); Target = p2; SourcesReversed = are_sources_reversed; Source = p1; ShipsToRemove = ( Enumerable.Empty<TravelingShip>()).ToList<TravelingShip>(); AutoHopActive = false; }
public AutoHopManager(List<Planet> sources, Planet target) {JustEntered = false; frame = World.frame; Temp = (new Nothing<Planet>()); Target = target; Sources = sources; IsDone = false; IntermediateHops = ( Enumerable.Empty<Tuple<Planet, Planet>>()).ToList<Tuple<Planet, Planet>>(); }
public override void InitializeEnvironment() { bool useCustomTerrain = false; if (useCustomTerrain) { try { physicsManager.PhysicsSystem.Gravity = Vector3.Zero; physicsManager.AddGravityController(new Vector3(0, -101, 0), 100, 10); /*terrain = new Terrain(new Vector3(0, -15, 0), // position //new Vector3(100f, .1f, 100f), // X with, possible y range, Z depth new Vector3(15000f, .55f, 15000f), // X with, possible y range, Z depth 100, 100, graphicsDevice, moon);*/ planet = new Planet(new Vector3(0, -101, 0), // Position new Vector3(100, 100, 100), // Radius 0, Math.PI / 8, 2, graphicsDevice, moon); objectsToAdd.Add(planet.ID, planet); //objectsToAdd.Add(terrain.ID, terrain); } catch (Exception E) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(E.StackTrace); } } else { try { // some video cards can't handle the >16 bit index type of the terrain HeightmapObject heightmapObj = new HeightmapObject(terrainModel, Vector2.Zero, new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); objectsToAdd.Add(heightmapObj.ID, heightmapObj); } catch (Exception E) { // if that happens just create a ground plane //planeObj = new PlaneObject(planeModel, 0.0f, new Vector3(0, -15, 0), ""); //newObjects.Add(planeObj.ID, planeObj); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(E.StackTrace); } } }
public void Rule15(float dt, World world){ switch (s15) { case -1: if(Selected) { goto case 42; }else { s15 = -1; return; } case 42: if(((LandedShips) > (0))) { goto case 44; }else { s15 = -1; return; } case 44: if(((((world.TargetedPlanet.IsSome) && (Battle.IsNone))) && (!(world.InputMonitor.ShiftKey)))) { goto case 46; }else { s15 = -1; return; } case 46: if(world.InputMonitor.ControlKey) { ___amount_of_ships150 = LandedShips; }else { ___amount_of_ships150 = ((System.Int32)((((LandedShips) + (1))) / (2))); } ___target151 = world.TargetedPlanet.Value; ___next_hop150 = ( (this.Neighbours).Select(__ContextSymbol131 => new { ___h150 = __ContextSymbol131 }) .SelectMany(__ContextSymbol132=> (world.Planets).Select(__ContextSymbol133 => new { ___q152 = __ContextSymbol133, prev = __ContextSymbol132 }) .Where(__ContextSymbol134 => ((((__ContextSymbol134.prev.___h150.Item1) == (world.TargetedPlanet.Value.UnityPlanet))) && (((__ContextSymbol134.prev.___h150.Item2) == (__ContextSymbol134.___q152.UnityPlanet))))) .Select(__ContextSymbol135 => __ContextSymbol135.___q152) .ToList<Planet>())).ToList<Planet>(); ShipToSend = ( (new Cons<TravelingShip>(new TravelingShip(___next_hop150.Head(),this,new Ship(Owner.Value,Position,___amount_of_ships150,world.TargetedPlanet.Value,___next_hop150.Head(),this,(new Nothing<UnityShip>()))),(new Empty<TravelingShip>()).ToList<TravelingShip>())).ToList<TravelingShip>()).ToList<TravelingShip>(); LandedShips = 0; s15 = 47; return; case 47: ShipToSend = ( Enumerable.Empty<TravelingShip>()).ToList<TravelingShip>(); LandedShips = LandedShips; s15 = -1; return; default: return;}}
public void Rule1(float dt, World world){ switch (s1) { case -1: count_down1 = 1f; goto case 11; case 11: if(((count_down1) > (0f))) { count_down1 = ((count_down1) - (dt)); s1 = 11; return; }else { goto case 9; } case 9: ___posx10 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(175f,200f); ___posz10 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(175f,200f); if(((UnityEngine.Random.value) > (0.5f))) { ___posx11 = ___posx10; }else { ___posx11 = ((___posx10) * (-1f)); } if(((UnityEngine.Random.value) > (0.5f))) { ___posz11 = ___posz10; }else { ___posz11 = ((___posz10) * (-1f)); } ___mass10 = UnityEngine.Random.Range(3f,350f); ___position10 = new UnityEngine.Vector3(___posx11,0f,___posz11); ___velocity10 = ((UnityEngine.Vector3.Normalize((___position10) * (-1f))) * (UnityEngine.Random.Range(1f,6f))); ___rotv10 = new UnityEngine.Vector3(UnityEngine.Random.Range(-50f,50f),UnityEngine.Random.Range(-50f,50f),UnityEngine.Random.Range(-50f,50f)); ___newPlanet10 = new Planet(___position10,___mass10,___velocity10,___rotv10); Planets = new Cons<Planet>(___newPlanet10, (Planets)).ToList<Planet>(); s1 = -1; return; default: return;}}
public void OnUpdate() { m_direction = -this.GameObj.Transform.Pos; this.GameObj.Transform.Angle = m_direction.Xy.Angle + MathF.RadAngle180; Vector3 moveDelta = Time.TimeMult * m_direction * m_speed; LevelController levelController = this.GameObj.ParentScene.FindComponent <LevelController>(); // Hovering animation { SpriteRenderer sprite = this.GameObj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); if (this.initialSpriteRect == Rect.Empty) { this.initialSpriteRect = sprite.Rect; } float hoverTimeOffset = (float)(this.GameObj.Id.GetHashCode() % 1000) / 1000.0f; sprite.Rect = new Rect( this.initialSpriteRect.X, this.initialSpriteRect.Y + 10.0f * (1.0f + MathF.Sin(2.0f * (float)Time.GameTimer.TotalSeconds + hoverTimeOffset)), this.initialSpriteRect.W, this.initialSpriteRect.H); } switch (m_shipState) { case ShipState.MoveToTarget: this.GameObj.Transform.MoveBy(moveDelta); if (IsInShootingRange()) { StartScanning(); } break; case ShipState.ScanTarget: //Log.Game.Write("countdownTime: {0}, lastDelta: {1}", m_countdownToAttack, Time.LastDelta); if (m_beamSoundInstance == null || m_beamSoundInstance.Disposed) { m_beamSoundInstance = DualityApp.Sound.PlaySound(m_beamSound); m_beamSoundInstance.Looped = true; m_beamSoundInstance.Pitch = MathF.Rnd.NextFloat(0.8f, 1.25f); } m_countdownToAttack -= Time.LastDelta / 1000; if (levelController == null || levelController.IsGameOver) { m_beamSoundInstance.Volume = 0.1f + 0.1f * MathF.Clamp(1.0f - ((float)m_countdownToAttack / (float)m_scanDuration), 0.0f, 1.0f); } else { m_beamSoundInstance.Volume = 0.5f + 0.5f * MathF.Clamp(1.0f - ((float)m_countdownToAttack / (float)m_scanDuration), 0.0f, 1.0f); } UpdateLineRenderer(false); if (m_countdownToAttack <= 0) { //Log.Game.Write("distance: {0}", this.GameObj.Transform.Pos.LengthSquared); Vector2 hitPos; if (ScanPlanet(out hitPos)) { m_hitPosition = new Vector3(hitPos.X, hitPos.Y, 0); StartShooting(); } else { StartLeaving(); } m_beamSoundInstance.FadeOut(0.1f); } break; case ShipState.ShootTarget: if (m_target != null) { if (levelController != null && !levelController.IsGameOver) { DualityApp.Sound.PlaySound(m_lockAcquiredSound); } Planet planetComp = m_target.GetComponent <Planet>(); if (planetComp != null) { planetComp.IncreaseDetectionCounter(); } } SpawnParticle(); m_shipState = ShipState.LockPosition; break; case ShipState.LeaveTarget: this.GameObj.Transform.MoveBy(-moveDelta); if (IsOutsideRange()) { StartWaiting(); } break; case ShipState.Waiting: m_countdownToAttack -= Time.LastDelta / 1000; if (m_countdownToAttack <= 0) { StartMovingToTarget(); } break; case ShipState.LockPosition: // occasionally spawn particles pulled towards the ship m_countdownToAttack -= Time.LastDelta / 1000; if (m_countdownToAttack <= 0) { SpawnParticle(); } break; default: break; } }
public Battle(Planet planet) {JustEntered = false; frame = World.frame; MySource = planet; FleetsToMerge = ( Enumerable.Empty<AttackingFleetToMerge>()).ToList<AttackingFleetToMerge>(); FleetsToDestroyNextTurn = ( Enumerable.Empty<AttackingFleet>()).ToList<AttackingFleet>(); DefenceLost = (new Nothing<System.Int32>()); AttackingFleets = ( Enumerable.Empty<AttackingFleet>()).ToList<AttackingFleet>(); AttackLost = (new Nothing<System.Int32>()); }
public Link(UnityLine ul, Planet s, Planet d) {JustEntered = false; frame = World.frame; UnityLine = ul; TravellingFleets = ( Enumerable.Empty<TravellingFleet>()).ToList<TravellingFleet>(); Source = s; IsAutoRouteActive = false; Destination = d; }
public TravellingFleet(Fleet myfleet, Planet destination) {JustEntered = false; frame = World.frame; UnityEngine.Vector3 ___velocity00; ___velocity00 = (destination.Position) - (myfleet.Position); UnityEngine.Vector3 ___velocity_norm00; ___velocity_norm00 = ___velocity00.normalized; Velocity = ___velocity_norm00; MyFleet = myfleet; MaxVelocity = 1f; Destination = destination; }