Exemple #1
        //Menu entities stuff
        void SetUpMenuEntities()
            //Menu controller

            // Background
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new MenuBackgroundComponent(
                    new Point(0, 0),
            // MenuTitle
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new SoundComponent(new string[] { "Menu_Theme" }, new string[] { "Sound/MenuTheme" }),
                new MenuTitleComponent(
                    new Vector2(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.X - 200, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Top + 50)
            //Main Menu - 1 Player
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new SoundComponent(new string[] { "Selected", "Pressed" }, new string[] { "Sound/1PlayerSelected", "Sound/StartGamePressed" }),
                new MenuButtonComponent(
                    new Vector2(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.X - 200, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Top + 220),
            // Main Menu - 2 Players
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new SoundComponent(new string[] { "Selected", "Pressed" }, new string[] { "Sound/1PlayerSelected", "Sound/StartGamePressed" }),
                new MenuButtonComponent(
                    new Vector2(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.X - 200, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Top + 340),
            // Main Menu - Quit game
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new SoundComponent(new string[] { "Selected", "Pressed" }, new string[] { "Sound/1PlayerSelected", "Sound/StartGamePressed" }),
                new MenuButtonComponent(
                    new Vector2(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.X - 200, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Top + 460),
            // Pause Menu //

            // Pause Menu - Resume
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new SoundComponent(new string[] { "Selected", "Pressed" }, new string[] { "Sound/1PlayerSelected", "Sound/StartGamePressed" }),
                new MenuButtonComponent(
                    new Vector2(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.X - 200, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Top + 220),
            // Pause Menu - Quit
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new SoundComponent(new string[] { "Selected", "Pressed" }, new string[] { "Sound/1PlayerSelected", "Sound/StartGamePressed" }),
                new MenuButtonComponent(
                    new Vector2(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Center.X - 200, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Top + 340),
Exemple #2
        //Game entities stuff
        void SetUpGameEntities()
            //################# OUTSIDE MAP FOREST ###############################

            // Left oob
            for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                    new TextureComponent("forest", RenderLayer.Background1),
                    new PositionComponent(-500, -600 + 600 * i)
            // Right oob
            for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                    new TextureComponent("forest", RenderLayer.Background1),
                    new PositionComponent(128 * 40 + 500, 300 + 600 * i)
            // top oob
            for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                    new TextureComponent("forest", RenderLayer.Background2),
                    new PositionComponent(500 + 1000 * i, -300)
            // bot oob
            for (int i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
                cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                    new TextureComponent("forest", RenderLayer.Background2),
                    new PositionComponent(500 + 1000 * i, 128 * 14 + 300)

            //########################## TREES ####################################

            //---------Trees by the water - bot -----------------
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new TextureComponent("GameWorld/treeNoGrass", RenderLayer.Foreground2),
                new PositionComponent(128 * 17 + 250, 128 * 13 + 90)
            factory.AddOneTree(128 * 17 - 4, 128 * 13 + 55);
            factory.AddOneTree(128 * 17 + 250, 128 * 13 + 55);

            // ---------------Tree chunks------------------------
            for (int i = 1; i <= 8; i++)
                factory.AddTreeChunk(128 + 600 * i, 128 * 2);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(228, 128 * 3);
            for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                factory.AddTreeChunk(128 + 950 * i, 128 * 4);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 37, 128 * 4);
            for (int i = 1; i <= 9; i++)
                factory.AddTreeChunk(128 + 500 * i, 140 * 6);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 21, 128 * 10);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 24, 128 * 10);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 27, 128 * 10);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 30, 128 * 10);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 33, 128 * 10);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 36, 128 * 10);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 39, 128 * 10);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 22, 128 * 12);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 25, 128 * 12);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 28, 128 * 12);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 31, 128 * 12);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 34, 128 * 12);
            factory.AddTreeChunk(128 * 38, 128 * 12);
            for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                factory.AddTreeChunk(128 + 350 * i, 128 * 11);

            // ----------- Single trees ------------- - TODO
            for (int i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
                factory.AddOneTree(110, 140 * i + 300);
            factory.AddOneTree(128 * 19, 120);
            factory.AddOneTree(128 * 19, 128 * 6);
            factory.AddOneTree(128 * 19, 128 * 4);

            //####################### STONES ####################################

            //Stones by the water - left
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new TextureComponent("GameWorld/stone3", RenderLayer.Background1),
                new PositionComponent(50, 128 * 9)
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new TextureComponent("GameWorld/stone3", RenderLayer.Background1),
                new PositionComponent(85, 128 * 9)
            //Stone by the water - bot
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new TextureComponent("stone1", RenderLayer.Foreground1),
                new PositionComponent(128 * 17 - 4, 128 * 14 - 5)

            factory.AddOneStone(200, 200);
            factory.AddOneStone(120 * 19, 128 * 4);
            factory.AddOneStone(128 * 25, 128 * 5);
            factory.AddOneStone(128 * 33, 128 * 11);

            //################## Map bounds (Collisions) ###############################

            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new CollisionComponent(40, 128 * 14),
                new PositionComponent(0, 128 * 7)
            // Top
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new CollisionComponent(128 * 40, 40),
                new PositionComponent(128 * 20, 0)
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new CollisionComponent(40, 128 * 14),
                new PositionComponent(128 * 40, 128 * 7)
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new CollisionComponent(128 * 40, 40),
                new PositionComponent(128 * 40 / 2, 128 * 14)
            //Water at bridge - left
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new CollisionComponent(128 * 6 + 10, 20),
                new PositionComponent(128 * 3 + 20, 128 * 9 - 12)
            //Water at bridge - right
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new CollisionComponent(128 * 12 + 30, 20),
                new PositionComponent(128 * 13, 128 * 9 - 10)
            //water - other
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new CollisionComponent(128 + 164, 128 * 5),
                new PositionComponent(128 * 18 - 3, 128 * 11 + 54)
            // water small lake
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new CollisionComponent(158, 150),
                new PositionComponent(128 * 33 + 62, 128 * 5 - 75)

            //################### WORLD ITEMS ########################

            // Sign post
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(factory.CreateSignPost(20, 20, "Be Aware Of The Skeletons Lurking In These Woods! \nIt Might Be A Good Idea To Investigate The Stone By The Bridge."));

            //Blood stone with loot
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(factory.CreateNormalSword(128 * 6, 128 * 10 - 50));
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(factory.CreateNormalSword(128 * 6, 128 * 10 - 50));

            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(factory.CreateKnightBodyArmor(128 * 3, 128 * 13));
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(factory.CreateKnightHeadArmor(128 * 16, 128 * 13));
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(factory.CreateMageBodyArmor(128 * 16, 128 * 4));
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(factory.CreateMageHeadArmor(128 * 11, 128 * 6));
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(factory.CreateArcherBodyArmor(128 * 8, 128 * 3));
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(factory.CreateArcherHeadArmor(128 * 17, 128 * 6));

            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(new IComponent[]
                new TextureComponent("GameWorld/BloodStone1", RenderLayer.Foreground1),
                new PositionComponent(128 * 6 - 10, 128 * 10 - 50),
                new CollisionComponent(40, 30)

            //Player arms!
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(new IComponent[]
                new PositionComponent(0, 0),
                new AnimationGroupComponent("PlayerAnimation/MEDIUM/PlayerArmsSpritesheetMEDIUM", new Point(4, 8), 150, RenderLayer.Layer3,
                                            new[] {
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 0), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 1), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 2), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 3), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 4), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 5), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 6), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 7), new Point(4, 1)),
                new ArmComponent(),

            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(new IComponent[]
                new PositionComponent(100, 100),
                new AnimationGroupComponent("PlayerAnimation/MEDIUM/PlayerArmsSpritesheetMEDIUM", new Point(4, 8), 150, RenderLayer.Layer3,
                                            new[] {
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 0), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 1), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 2), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 3), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 4), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 5), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 6), new Point(4, 1)),
                    new Tuple <Point, Point>(new Point(0, 7), new Point(4, 1)),
                new ArmComponent(),

            //################ ENEMIES #########################

            // Skeletons
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(new EnemySpawnComponent(new Point(11 * 128, 6 * 128), 3, 1000, 100, factory.CreateEnemy(0, 0)));
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(new EnemySpawnComponent(new Point(2 * 128, 13 * 128), 5, 100, 100, factory.CreateEnemy(0, 0)));
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(new EnemySpawnComponent(new Point(10 * 128, 13 * 128), 5, 100, 100, factory.CreateEnemy(0, 0)));
            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(new EnemySpawnComponent(new Point(15 * 128, 13 * 128), 5, 100, 100, factory.CreateEnemy(0, 0)));

            cm.AddEntityWithComponents(new EnemySpawnComponent(new Point(35 * 128, 7 * 128), 15, 700, 100, factory.CreateEnemy(0, 0)));
            //cm.AddEntityWithComponents(new EnemySpawnComponent(new Point(36 * 128, 6 * 128), 3, 500, 100, factory.CreateEnemy(0, 0)));
            //################## GUI ######################

            // Dialog window
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new GUIComponent(
                    new Point(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Width / 2 - 255, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 80),
            // P1 hp, ene, xp
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new GUIComponent(
                    new Point(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Left, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Top),
            //P2 hp, ene, xp
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new GUIComponent(
                    new Point(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Right - 108, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Top),
            // P1 Ationbar
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new GUIComponent(
                    new Point(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Left, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 40),
            // P2 Ationbar
            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new GUIComponent(
                    new Point(Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Right - 147, Viewport.TitleSafeArea.Bottom - 40),

            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new SkillComponent(SkillManager.HeavyAttack, 3, "HeavyAttack"),
                new CooldownComponent(3),

            cm.AddComponentsToEntity(EntityManager.GetEntityId(), new IComponent[]
                new WorldComponent(),
                new SoundComponent(new string[] { "Forest_Theme" }, new string[] { "Sound/theme" }, new bool[] { true }),