Exemple #1
        public static float[] ProjectClosestIntersectionDist(HookComputer hook, float maxTime, Robot r, Vector2 start, Vector2 destination, API.Client.Body[] bullet)
            var path           = destination - start;
            var pLen           = path.Length();
            var targetPosition = start;
            int N = bullet.Length;

            float[] fout = new float[N];
            Parallel.For(0, N, i =>
                var bS = bullet[i].Position;
                var bM = bullet[i].Momentum;

                var fromPosition = bS;
                var toTarget     = targetPosition - fromPosition;

                var bulletSpeed    = bullet[i].Momentum.Length();
                var targetMomentum = (destination - start) / ((float)maxTime);

                var a = Vector2.Dot(targetMomentum, targetMomentum) - (bulletSpeed * bulletSpeed);
                var b = 2 * Vector2.Dot(targetMomentum, toTarget);
                var c = Vector2.Dot(toTarget, toTarget);

                var p = -b / (2 * a);
                var q = MathF.Sqrt((b * b) - 4 * a * c) / (2 * a);

                var t1 = p - q;
                var t2 = p + q;
                var t  = 0f;

                if (t1 > t2 && t2 > 0)
                    t = t2;
                    t = t1;
                t = MathF.Max(MathF.Min(maxTime + 10.0f, t), 0.0f);

                var aimSpot      = targetPosition + targetMomentum * t;
                var aimMinusS    = aimSpot - start;
                var desMinusS    = destination - start;
                var disss        = float.MaxValue;
                var bulletPath   = aimSpot - fromPosition;
                var timeToImpact = (int)(bulletPath.Length() / bulletSpeed);//speed must be in units per second

                if (timeToImpact > hook.Hook.BulletLife || (timeToImpact > maxTime + 10))
                    timeToImpact = int.MaxValue;
                    var themS = start + targetMomentum * ((float)timeToImpact);
                    disss     = (themS - aimSpot).Length();
                fout[i] = disss;
Exemple #2
        public static Vector2 FiringIntercept(
            HookComputer hook,
            Vector2 fromPosition,
            Vector2 targetPosition,
            Vector2 targetMomentum,
            int fleetSize
            int timeToImpact = 0;

            return(FiringIntercept(hook, fromPosition, targetPosition, targetMomentum, fleetSize, out timeToImpact));
Exemple #3
        public static Vector2 ProjectClosest(HookComputer hook, Vector2 fromPosition, Vector2 targetPosition, float maxTime, int fleetSize)
            var boostSpeed  = hook.Hook.BoostThrust;
            var bulletSpeed = hook.ShotThrust(fleetSize) * 10;
            var path        = targetPosition - fromPosition;
            var pLen        = path.Length();
            var maxD        = bulletSpeed * maxTime + boostSpeed * hook.Hook.BoostDuration;

            // if(maxD>pLen){
            //     Console.Write("Switch");
            // }
            return(fromPosition + path * (1.0f / pLen) * MathF.Min(pLen - 10.0f, maxD));
Exemple #4
        public static Vector2[] ProjectClosest(HookComputer hook, float maxTime, Vector2[] fromPosition, Vector2[] targetPosition, int[] fleetSize)
            var boostSpeed = hook.Hook.BoostThrust;
            int N          = fromPosition.Length;

            Vector2[] vout = new Vector2[N];
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                var bulletSpeed = hook.ShotThrust(fleetSize[i]) * 10;
                var path        = targetPosition[i] - fromPosition[i];
                var pLen        = path.Length();
                var maxD        = bulletSpeed * maxTime + boostSpeed * hook.Hook.BoostDuration;
                vout[i] = fromPosition[i] + path * (1.0f / pLen) * MathF.Min(pLen - 10.0f, maxD);
Exemple #5
        public static Vector2 FiringIntercept(
            HookComputer hook,
            Vector2 fromPosition,
            Vector2 targetPosition,
            Vector2 targetMomentum,
            int fleetSize,
            out int timeToImpact
            var toTarget = targetPosition - fromPosition;

            var bulletSpeed = hook.ShotThrust(fleetSize) * 10;

            var a = Vector2.Dot(targetMomentum, targetMomentum) - (bulletSpeed * bulletSpeed);
            var b = 2 * Vector2.Dot(targetMomentum, toTarget);
            var c = Vector2.Dot(toTarget, toTarget);

            var p = -b / (2 * a);
            var q = MathF.Sqrt((b * b) - 4 * a * c) / (2 * a);

            var t1 = p - q;
            var t2 = p + q;
            var t  = 0f;

            if (t1 > t2 && t2 > 0)
                t = t2;
                t = t1;

            var aimSpot = targetPosition + targetMomentum * t;

            var bulletPath = aimSpot - fromPosition;

            timeToImpact = (int)(bulletPath.Length() / bulletSpeed);//speed must be in units per second

            if (timeToImpact > hook.Hook.BulletLife)
                timeToImpact = int.MaxValue;

Exemple #6
        public static Vector2 ShipThrustProjection(
            HookComputer hookComputer,
            Vector2 position,
            ref Vector2 momentum,
            int fleetSize,
            float angle,
            long ms
            var thrustAmount = hookComputer.ShipThrust(fleetSize);
            var stepSize     = hookComputer.Hook.StepTime;

            for (var time = 0; time <= ms; time += stepSize)
                var thrust = new Vector2(MathF.Cos(angle), MathF.Sin(angle)) * thrustAmount;
                momentum  = (momentum + thrust) * hookComputer.Hook.Drag;
                position += momentum * stepSize;

Exemple #7
        public static bool MightHit(
            HookComputer hook,
            Fleet shooter,
            Fleet monstrosity,
            float angle
            Vector2 dirN = new Vector2(MathF.Cos(angle), MathF.Sin(angle));
            bool    hit  = false;

            foreach (var firer in shooter.Ships)
                foreach (var other in monstrosity.Ships)
                    var toTarget = other.Position - firer.Position;

                    var bulletSpeed = hook.ShotThrust(shooter.Ships.Count) * 10;
                    var b           = toTarget.Length();

                    var c = Vector2.Dot(dirN, toTarget);

                    var q = MathF.Sqrt((b * b) - c * c);

                    var bulletPath   = toTarget;
                    var timeToImpact = (int)(bulletPath.Length() / bulletSpeed);//speed must be in units per second

                    if (timeToImpact < hook.Hook.BulletLife && q < 1000 && c > 0)
                        hit = true;