Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a valid bridge that can be used to create a mesh
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="validBridgeInput"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Bridge PrepareBridge(CreateBridgeParameters createBridgParamters)
            FindMirrorPointsForBridge(ref createBridgParamters);

            float bridgeLength = 0.0f;

            FindUVsForBridge(ref createBridgParamters, out bridgeLength);

            return(new Bridge(createBridgParamters.BridgePoints.ToArray(), bridgeLength));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the UVs for all points along a bridge
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inOutBridgePoints"></param>
        private static void FindUVsForBridge(ref CreateBridgeParameters inOutBridgePoints, out float bridgeLength)
            Assert.IsTrue(inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints.Count >= 2);


            bridgeLength = 0.0f;

            ValidBridgePoint startPoint = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[0];

            startPoint.UV = new Vector2(bridgeLength, 0.0f);

            for (int i = 0; i < inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints.Count - 1; i++)
                Vector3 pointA = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[i].PositionWS;
                Vector3 pointB = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[i + 1].PositionWS;

                bridgeLength += Vector3.Distance(pointA, pointB);

                ValidBridgePoint bridgePoint = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[i + 1];
                bridgePoint.UV = new Vector2(bridgeLength, 0.0f);
                inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[i + 1] = bridgePoint;
        /// <summary>
        /// Places the given bridge point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="placePoint"></param>
        /// <returns>True, if the bridge needs to be updated now</returns>
        bool PlaceBridgePoint(RawBridgePoint placePoint, out CreateBridgeParameters outBridgeParamters)
            outBridgeParamters = new CreateBridgeParameters();
            bool firstPointIsValid  = m_FirstBridgePoint.IsValid();
            bool secondPointIsValid = m_SecondBridgePoint.IsValid();


            if (!firstPointIsValid && !secondPointIsValid)
                // No point set? Set the first point
                m_FirstBridgePoint = placePoint;
            else if (firstPointIsValid && !secondPointIsValid)
                // Does this point work to create a bridge?
                CreateBridgeParameters createBridgeParamters;
                BridgeValidationResult result = BridgePlanner.ValidateBridgePlacement(new ValidateBridgeInput(m_FirstBridgePoint, placePoint), out createBridgeParamters);
                if (result == BridgeValidationResult.Success)
                    // Yes! Lets prepare everything for updating the bridge
                    m_SecondBridgePoint = placePoint;
                    outBridgeParamters  = createBridgeParamters;
                    // No. Instead, override the first point!
                    m_FirstBridgePoint = placePoint;
            else if (firstPointIsValid && secondPointIsValid)
                // First try to override second point, if that fails, try to override first point.

                // Try first point.
                CreateBridgeParameters createBridgeParamters;
                BridgeValidationResult result = BridgePlanner.ValidateBridgePlacement(new ValidateBridgeInput(m_FirstBridgePoint, placePoint), out createBridgeParamters);
                if (result == BridgeValidationResult.Success)
                    // Make the new point the second point
                    m_SecondBridgePoint = placePoint;
                    outBridgeParamters  = createBridgeParamters;
                    result = BridgePlanner.ValidateBridgePlacement(new ValidateBridgeInput(placePoint, m_SecondBridgePoint), out createBridgeParamters);
                    if (result == BridgeValidationResult.Success)
                        // Make the previous second the first point & the new point the second point
                        m_FirstBridgePoint  = m_SecondBridgePoint;
                        m_SecondBridgePoint = placePoint;
                        outBridgeParamters  = createBridgeParamters;
                Debug.LogError("BridgePlanner: Second point is valid but first is not?!");

Exemple #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a valid bridge could exist between two input points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bridgeInput"></param>
        /// <param name="bridgeOutput"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static BridgeValidationResult ValidateBridgePlacement(ValidateBridgeInput bridgeInput, out CreateBridgeParameters bridgeOutput)
            bridgeOutput = CreateBridgeParameters.INVALIED;

            // Input

            Vector3 startPoint = bridgeInput.PointStart.PositionWS;
            Vector3 endPoint   = bridgeInput.PointEnd.PositionWS;

            Vector3 startNormal = bridgeInput.PointStart.WallNormalWS;
            Vector3 endNormal   = bridgeInput.PointEnd.WallNormalWS;

            Vector3 startToEnd      = endPoint - startPoint;
            Vector3 startToEndRight = Vector3.Cross(startToEnd, Vector3.up);

            // Get right extends

            Vector3 startPointWallExtendRight = Vector3.Cross(startNormal, Vector3.up);
            Vector3 endPointWallExtendRight   = Vector3.Cross(endNormal, Vector3.up);

            // The two normals should face each other
            if (Vector3.Dot(startPointWallExtendRight, endPointWallExtendRight) > 0)

            // Start Point is facing opposite direction of End Point, so it checks for "< 0" instead of ">= 0"
            if (Vector3.Dot(startToEndRight, startPointWallExtendRight) < 0)
                startPointWallExtendRight *= -1;

            if (Vector3.Dot(startToEndRight, endPointWallExtendRight) >= 0)
                endPointWallExtendRight *= -1;

            // Check both Wall Angles

            float startPointWallAngle = Vector3.Angle(-startToEnd, startNormal);
            float endPointWallAngle   = Vector3.Angle(startToEnd, endNormal);

            bool startAngleTooNarrow = startPointWallAngle < BridgeOptions.MIN_TO_WALL_ANGLE;
            bool endAngleTooNarrow   = endPointWallAngle < BridgeOptions.MIN_TO_WALL_ANGLE;

            if (startAngleTooNarrow || endAngleTooNarrow)

            // Check Steepness

            float steepness = Vector3.Angle(startToEnd, new Vector3(startToEnd.x, 0, startToEnd.z));

            bool isPathTooSteep = steepness >= BridgeOptions.MAX_STEEP_ANGLE;

            if (isPathTooSteep)

            // Check Blocking

            float bridgeWidthHalf = BridgeOptions.WIDTH_WS / 2.0f;

            Vector3 startLeft  = startPoint - startPointWallExtendRight * bridgeWidthHalf;
            Vector3 startRight = startPoint + startPointWallExtendRight * bridgeWidthHalf;
            //Vector3 endLeft     = endPoint      - startPointWallExtendRight * bridgeWidthHalf;
            //Vector3 endRight    = endPoint      + startPointWallExtendRight * bridgeWidthHalf;

            float   rayLength            = startToEnd.magnitude - 0.2f;
            Vector3 startToEndNormalized = startPoint.normalized;

            Ray rayLeft  = new Ray(startLeft + startToEndNormalized * 0.1f, startToEndNormalized);
            Ray rayMid   = new Ray(startPoint + startToEndNormalized * 0.1f, startToEndNormalized);
            Ray rayRight = new Ray(startRight + startToEndNormalized * 0.1f, startToEndNormalized);

            if (Physics.Raycast(rayLeft, rayLength) || Physics.Raycast(rayMid, rayLength) || Physics.Raycast(rayRight, rayLength))

            // UV not yet set, will be set when the bridge is created
            bridgeOutput = new CreateBridgeParameters(
                new ValidBridgePoint(bridgeInput.PointStart.PositionWS, bridgeInput.PointStart.WallNormalWS, bridgeInput.PointStart.IsMirror, startPointWallExtendRight, Vector3.up, Vector2.zero),
                new ValidBridgePoint(bridgeInput.PointEnd.PositionWS, bridgeInput.PointEnd.WallNormalWS, bridgeInput.PointEnd.IsMirror, endPointWallExtendRight, Vector3.up, Vector2.zero));

Exemple #5
        *  //// Private Helpers                                     ////
        *  //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/

        /// <summary>
        /// Finds all bridge points a bridge would have.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="validBridgeInput"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static void FindMirrorPointsForBridge(ref CreateBridgeParameters inOutBridgePoints)
            Assert.IsTrue(inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints.Count >= 2);

            int debugCount = 0;
            // For both start & end point of the bridge parameters:
            // If the point is a mirror, try to find the point before. Continue until no mirror is hit anymore.

            int indexMirrorPoint = 0;
            int indexOther       = 1;

            // Start Point
            while (inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[indexMirrorPoint].IsMirror)
                Vector3 backToFront     = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[indexOther].PositionWS - inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[indexMirrorPoint].PositionWS;
                Vector3 mirroredVector  = Vector3.Reflect(backToFront, inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[indexMirrorPoint].WallNormalWS);
                Vector3 mirroredVectorN = mirroredVector.normalized;
                Vector3 startPosition   = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[indexMirrorPoint].PositionWS + mirroredVectorN * BridgeOptions.RAYCAST_PADDING;
                Ray     ray             = new Ray(startPosition, mirroredVector * BridgeOptions.MAX_BRIDGE_LENGTH);

                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    RawBridgePoint newPoint;
                    if (ValidateBridgePoint(hit, out newPoint) == BridgePointValidationResult.Success)
                        Vector3          wallExtendRight = Vector3.Cross(hit.normal, Vector3.up);
                        ValidBridgePoint newValidPoint   = new ValidBridgePoint(newPoint.PositionWS, newPoint.WallNormalWS, newPoint.IsMirror, wallExtendRight, Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);

                        inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints.Insert(indexMirrorPoint, newValidPoint);

                    Assert.IsTrue(debugCount < 20);


            // End Point
            indexMirrorPoint = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints.Count - 1;
            indexOther       = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints.Count - 2;

            // End Point
            while (inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[indexMirrorPoint].IsMirror)
                Vector3 backToFront     = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[indexMirrorPoint].PositionWS - inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[indexOther].PositionWS;
                Vector3 mirroredVector  = Vector3.Reflect(backToFront, inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[indexMirrorPoint].WallNormalWS);
                Vector3 mirroredVectorN = mirroredVector.normalized;
                Vector3 startPosition   = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints[indexMirrorPoint].PositionWS + mirroredVectorN * BridgeOptions.RAYCAST_PADDING;
                Ray     ray             = new Ray(startPosition, mirroredVector * BridgeOptions.MAX_BRIDGE_LENGTH);

                RaycastHit hit;
                if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
                    RawBridgePoint newPoint;
                    if (ValidateBridgePoint(hit, out newPoint) == BridgePointValidationResult.Success)
                        Vector3          wallExtendRight = Vector3.Cross(hit.normal, Vector3.up);
                        ValidBridgePoint newValidPoint   = new ValidBridgePoint(newPoint.PositionWS, newPoint.WallNormalWS, newPoint.IsMirror, wallExtendRight, Vector3.up, Vector3.zero);


                    Assert.IsTrue(debugCount < 20);
                    indexMirrorPoint = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints.Count - 1;
                    indexOther       = inOutBridgePoints.BridgePoints.Count - 2;

