public abstract bool MoveAlbum (Album album, string end_name);
public abstract int AddItem (Album album, string path, string filename, string caption, string description, bool autorotate);
public override bool MoveAlbum (Album album, string end_name) { FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies); client.Add ("g2_form[cmd]", "move-album"); client.Add ("g2_form[protocol_version]", "2.10"); client.Add ("g2_form[set_albumName]", album.Name); client.Add ("g2_form[set_destalbumName]", end_name); AddG2Specific (client); return ParseMoveAlbum (client.Submit (uri)); }
public override string GetAlbumUrl(Album album) { return(Uri.ToString() + "?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=" + album.Name); }
public override int AddItem (Album album, string path, string filename, string caption, string description, bool autorotate) { FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies); client.Add ("cmd", "add-item"); client.Add ("protocol_version", "2.9"); client.Add ("set_albumName", album.Name); client.Add ("caption", caption); client.Add ("userfile_name", filename); client.Add ("force_filename", filename); client.Add ("auto_rotate", autorotate ? "yes" : "no"); client.Add ("userfile", new FileInfo (path)); client.Add ("extrafield.Description", description); client.expect_continue = expect_continue; return ParseAddItem (client.Submit (uri, Progress)); }
public ArrayList ParseFetchAlbumImages (HttpWebResponse response, Album album) { string [] data; StreamReader reader = null; ResultCode status = ResultCode.UnknownResponse; string status_text = "Error: Unable to parse server response"; try { Image current_image = null; reader = findResponse (response); while ((data = GetNextLine (reader)) != null) { if (data[0] == "status") { status = (ResultCode) int.Parse (data [1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("status_text")) { status_text = data[1]; Console.WriteLine ("StatusText : {0}", data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("")) { current_image = new Image (album, data[1]); album.Images.Add (current_image); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.raw_width")) { current_image.RawWidth = int.Parse (data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.raw_height")) { current_image.RawHeight = int.Parse (data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.raw_height")) { current_image.RawHeight = int.Parse (data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.raw_filesize")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.capturedate.year")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.capturedate.mon")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.capturedate.mday")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.capturedate.hours")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.capturedate.minutes")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.capturedate.seconds")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.hidden")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.resizedName")) { current_image.ResizedName = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.resized_width")) { current_image.ResizedWidth = int.Parse (data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.resized_height")) { current_image.ResizedHeight = int.Parse (data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.thumbName")) { current_image.ThumbName = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.thumb_width")) { current_image.ThumbWidth = int.Parse (data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.thumb_height")) { current_image.ThumbHeight = int.Parse (data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.caption")) { current_image.Caption = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.extrafield.Description")) { current_image.Description = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image.clicks")) { try { current_image.Clicks = int.Parse (data[1]); } catch (System.FormatException) { current_image.Clicks = 0; } } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("baseurl")) { album.BaseURL = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("image_count")) { if (album.Images.Count != int.Parse (data[1])) Console.WriteLine ("Parsed image count for " + album.Name + "(" + album.Images.Count + ") does not match image_count (" + data[1] + "). Something is amiss"); } else { Console.WriteLine ("Unparsed Line in ParseFetchAlbumImages(): {0}={1}", data[0], data[1]); } } //Console.WriteLine ("Found: {0} cookies", response.Cookies.Count); if (status != ResultCode.Success) { Console.WriteLine (status_text); throw new GalleryCommandException (status_text, status); } //Set the Urls for downloading the images. string baseUrl = album.BaseURL + "/"; foreach (Image image in album.Images) { image.Url = baseUrl + image.Name; } return album.Images; } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close (); response.Close (); } }
public ArrayList ParseFetchAlbums(HttpWebResponse response) { //Console.WriteLine ("in ParseFetchAlbums()"); string [] data; StreamReader reader = null; ResultCode status = ResultCode.UnknownResponse; string status_text = "Error: Unable to parse server response"; albums = new ArrayList(); try { Album current_album = null; reader = findResponse(response); while ((data = GetNextLine(reader)) != null) { //Console.WriteLine ("Parsing Line: {0}={1}", data[0], data[1]); if (data[0] == "status") { status = (ResultCode)int.Parse(data [1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("status_text")) { status_text = data[1]; Console.WriteLine("StatusText : {0}", data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("")) { //this is the URL name int ref_num = -1; if (this.Version == GalleryVersion.Version1) { string [] segments = data[0].Split(new char[1] { '.' }); ref_num = int.Parse(segments[segments.Length - 1]); } else { ref_num = int.Parse(data[1]); } current_album = new Album(this, data[1], ref_num); albums.Add(current_album); //Console.WriteLine ("current_album: " + data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album.title")) { //this is the display name current_album.Title = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album.summary")) { current_album.Summary = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album.parent")) { //FetchAlbums and G2 FetchAlbumsPrune return ints //G1 FetchAlbumsPrune returns album names (and 0 for root albums) try { current_album.ParentRefNum = int.Parse(data[1]); } catch (System.FormatException) { current_album.ParentRefNum = LookupAlbum(data[1]).RefNum; } //Console.WriteLine ("album.parent data[1]: " + data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album.resize_size")) { current_album.ResizeSize = int.Parse(data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album.thumb_size")) { current_album.ThumbSize = int.Parse(data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("")) { //ignore, this is the album description } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album.perms.add")) { if (data[1] == "true") { current_album.Perms |= AlbumPermission.Add; } } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album.perms.write")) { if (data[1] == "true") { current_album.Perms |= AlbumPermission.Write; } } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album.perms.del_item")) { if (data[1] == "true") { current_album.Perms |= AlbumPermission.Delete; } } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album.perms.del_alb")) { if (data[1] == "true") { current_album.Perms |= AlbumPermission.DeleteAlbum; } } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album.perms.create_sub")) { if (data[1] == "true") { current_album.Perms |= AlbumPermission.CreateSubAlbum; } } else if (data[0].StartsWith("album_count")) { if (Albums.Count != int.Parse(data[1])) { Console.WriteLine("Parsed album count does not match album_count. Something is amiss"); } } else if (data[0].StartsWith("auth_token")) { AuthToken = data [1]; } else { Console.WriteLine("Unparsed Line in ParseFetchAlbums(): {0}={1}", data[0], data[1]); } } //Console.WriteLine ("Found: {0} cookies", response.Cookies.Count); if (status != ResultCode.Success) { Console.WriteLine(status_text); throw new GalleryCommandException(status_text, status); } //Console.WriteLine (After parse albums.Count + " albums parsed"); return(albums); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } response.Close(); } }
public ArrayList ParseFetchAlbums (HttpWebResponse response) { //Console.WriteLine ("in ParseFetchAlbums()"); string [] data; StreamReader reader = null; ResultCode status = ResultCode.UnknownResponse; string status_text = "Error: Unable to parse server response"; albums = new ArrayList (); try { Album current_album = null; reader = findResponse (response); while ((data = GetNextLine (reader)) != null) { //Console.WriteLine ("Parsing Line: {0}={1}", data[0], data[1]); if (data[0] == "status") { status = (ResultCode) int.Parse (data [1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("status_text")) { status_text = data[1]; Console.WriteLine ("StatusText : {0}", data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("")) { //this is the URL name int ref_num = -1; if (this.Version == GalleryVersion.Version1) { string [] segments = data[0].Split (new char[1]{'.'}); ref_num = int.Parse (segments[segments.Length -1]); } else { ref_num = int.Parse (data[1]); } current_album = new Album (this, data[1], ref_num); albums.Add (current_album); //Console.WriteLine ("current_album: " + data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album.title")) { //this is the display name current_album.Title = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album.summary")) { current_album.Summary = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album.parent")) { //FetchAlbums and G2 FetchAlbumsPrune return ints //G1 FetchAlbumsPrune returns album names (and 0 for root albums) try { current_album.ParentRefNum = int.Parse (data[1]); } catch (System.FormatException) { current_album.ParentRefNum = LookupAlbum (data[1]).RefNum; } //Console.WriteLine ("album.parent data[1]: " + data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album.resize_size")) { current_album.ResizeSize = int.Parse (data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album.thumb_size")) { current_album.ThumbSize = int.Parse (data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("")) { //ignore, this is the album description } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album.perms.add")) { if (data[1] == "true") current_album.Perms |= AlbumPermission.Add; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album.perms.write")) { if (data[1] == "true") current_album.Perms |= AlbumPermission.Write; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album.perms.del_item")) { if (data[1] == "true") current_album.Perms |= AlbumPermission.Delete; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album.perms.del_alb")) { if (data[1] == "true") current_album.Perms |= AlbumPermission.DeleteAlbum; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album.perms.create_sub")) { if (data[1] == "true") current_album.Perms |= AlbumPermission.CreateSubAlbum; } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("album_count")) { if (Albums.Count != int.Parse (data[1])) Console.WriteLine ("Parsed album count does not match album_count. Something is amiss"); } else if (data[0].StartsWith ("auth_token")) { AuthToken = data [1]; } else { Console.WriteLine ("Unparsed Line in ParseFetchAlbums(): {0}={1}", data[0], data[1]); } } //Console.WriteLine ("Found: {0} cookies", response.Cookies.Count); if (status != ResultCode.Success) { Console.WriteLine (status_text); throw new GalleryCommandException (status_text, status); } //Console.WriteLine (After parse albums.Count + " albums parsed"); return albums; } finally { if (reader != null) reader.Close (); response.Close (); } }
public abstract ArrayList FetchAlbumImages(Album album, bool include_ablums);
public abstract string GetAlbumUrl(Album album);
public abstract int AddItem(Album album, string path, string filename, string caption, string description, bool autorotate);
public abstract bool MoveAlbum(Album album, string end_name);
public Image(Album album, string name) { Name = name; Owner = album; }
public abstract ArrayList FetchAlbumImages (Album album, bool include_ablums);
public ArrayList ParseFetchAlbumImages(HttpWebResponse response, Album album) { string [] data; StreamReader reader = null; ResultCode status = ResultCode.UnknownResponse; string status_text = "Error: Unable to parse server response"; try { Image current_image = null; reader = findResponse(response); while ((data = GetNextLine(reader)) != null) { if (data[0] == "status") { status = (ResultCode)int.Parse(data [1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("status_text")) { status_text = data[1]; Console.WriteLine("StatusText : {0}", data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("")) { current_image = new Image(album, data[1]); album.Images.Add(current_image); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.raw_width")) { current_image.RawWidth = int.Parse(data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.raw_height")) { current_image.RawHeight = int.Parse(data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.raw_height")) { current_image.RawHeight = int.Parse(data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.raw_filesize")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.capturedate.year")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.capturedate.mon")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.capturedate.mday")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.capturedate.hours")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.capturedate.minutes")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.capturedate.seconds")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.hidden")) { } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.resizedName")) { current_image.ResizedName = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.resized_width")) { current_image.ResizedWidth = int.Parse(data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.resized_height")) { current_image.ResizedHeight = int.Parse(data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.thumbName")) { current_image.ThumbName = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.thumb_width")) { current_image.ThumbWidth = int.Parse(data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.thumb_height")) { current_image.ThumbHeight = int.Parse(data[1]); } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.caption")) { current_image.Caption = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.extrafield.Description")) { current_image.Description = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image.clicks")) { try { current_image.Clicks = int.Parse(data[1]); } catch (System.FormatException) { current_image.Clicks = 0; } } else if (data[0].StartsWith("baseurl")) { album.BaseURL = data[1]; } else if (data[0].StartsWith("image_count")) { if (album.Images.Count != int.Parse(data[1])) { Console.WriteLine("Parsed image count for " + album.Name + "(" + album.Images.Count + ") does not match image_count (" + data[1] + "). Something is amiss"); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Unparsed Line in ParseFetchAlbumImages(): {0}={1}", data[0], data[1]); } } //Console.WriteLine ("Found: {0} cookies", response.Cookies.Count); if (status != ResultCode.Success) { Console.WriteLine(status_text); throw new GalleryCommandException(status_text, status); } //Set the Urls for downloading the images. string baseUrl = album.BaseURL + "/"; foreach (Image image in album.Images) { image.Url = baseUrl + image.Name; } return(album.Images); } finally { if (reader != null) { reader.Close(); } response.Close(); } }
public abstract string GetAlbumUrl (Album album);
private void HandleResponse(object sender, Gtk.ResponseArgs args) { if (args.ResponseId != Gtk.ResponseType.Ok) { export_dialog.Destroy (); return; } if (scale_check != null) { scale = scale_check.Active; size = size_spin.ValueAsInt; } else scale = false; browser = browser_check.Active; meta = meta_check.Active; rotate = rotate_check.Active; if (account != null) { //System.Console.WriteLine ("history = {0}", album_optionmenu.History); album = (Album) account.Gallery.Albums [Math.Max (0, album_optionmenu.History)]; photo_index = 0; export_dialog.Destroy (); command_thread = new System.Threading.Thread (new System.Threading.ThreadStart (this.Upload)); command_thread.Name = Catalog.GetString ("Uploading Pictures"); progress_dialog = new ThreadProgressDialog (command_thread, items.Length); progress_dialog.Start (); // Save these settings for next time Preferences.Set (SCALE_KEY, scale); Preferences.Set (SIZE_KEY, size); Preferences.Set (BROWSER_KEY, browser); Preferences.Set (META_KEY, meta); Preferences.Set (ROTATE_KEY, rotate); } }
public override bool MoveAlbum (Album album, string end_name) { FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies); client.Add ("cmd", "move-album"); client.Add ("protocol_version", "2.7"); client.Add ("set_albumName", album.Name); client.Add ("set_destalbumName", end_name); return ParseMoveAlbum (client.Submit (uri)); }
public override ArrayList FetchAlbumImages (Album album, bool include_ablums) { FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies); client.Add ("g2_form[cmd]", "fetch-album-images"); client.Add ("g2_form[protocol_version]","2.10"); client.Add ("g2_form[set_albumName]", album.Name); client.Add ("g2_form[albums_too]", include_ablums ? "yes" : "no"); AddG2Specific (client); album.Images = ParseFetchAlbumImages (client.Submit (uri), album); return album.Images; }
public override ArrayList FetchAlbumImages (Album album, bool include_ablums) { FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies); client.Add ("cmd", "fetch-album-images"); client.Add ("protocol_version","2.3"); client.Add ("set_albumName", album.Name); client.Add ("albums_too", include_ablums ? "yes" : "no"); album.Images = ParseFetchAlbumImages (client.Submit (uri), album); return album.Images; }
public override string GetAlbumUrl (Album album) { return Uri.ToString() + "?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=" + album.Name; }
public override string GetAlbumUrl (Album album) { string url = Uri.ToString(); url = url.Remove (url.Length - script_name.Length, script_name.Length); string path = album.Name; url = url + path; url = url.Replace (" ", "+"); return url; }
public Image (Album album, string name) { Name = name; Owner = album; }
public override int AddItem (Album album, string path, string filename, string caption, string description, bool autorotate) { FormClient client = new FormClient (cookies); client.Add ("g2_form[cmd]", "add-item"); client.Add ("g2_form[protocol_version]", "2.10"); client.Add ("g2_form[set_albumName]", album.Name); client.Add ("g2_form[caption]", caption); client.Add ("g2_form[userfile_name]", filename); client.Add ("g2_form[force_filename]", filename); client.Add ("g2_form[auto_rotate]", autorotate ? "yes" : "no"); client.Add ("g2_form[extrafield.Description]", description); client.Add ("g2_userfile", new FileInfo (path)); client.expect_continue = expect_continue; AddG2Specific (client); return ParseAddItem (client.Submit (uri, Progress)); }
public int CompareTo(Object obj) { Album other = obj as Album; int numThis = this.Parents.Count; int numOther = other.Parents.Count; int thisVal = -1, otherVal = -1; //find where they first differ int maxIters = Math.Min(numThis, numOther); int i = 0; while (i < maxIters) { thisVal = (int)this.Parents[i]; otherVal = (int)other.Parents[i]; if (thisVal != otherVal) { break; } i++; } int retVal; if (i < numThis && i < numOther) { //Parentage differed retVal = thisVal.CompareTo(otherVal); } else if (i < numThis) { //other shorter thisVal = (int)this.Parents[i]; retVal = thisVal.CompareTo(other.RefNum); //if equal, we want to make the shorter one come first if (retVal == 0) { retVal = 1; } } else if (i < numOther) { //this shorter otherVal = (int)other.Parents[i]; retVal = this.RefNum.CompareTo(otherVal); //if equal, we want to make the shorter one come first if (retVal == 0) { retVal = -1; } } else { //children of the same parent retVal = this.RefNum.CompareTo(other.RefNum); } return(retVal); }