public static AjaxResult AddPhoto() { int gId = int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["galleryId"]); AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult(); ar.Message = string.Empty; ar.ReturnCode = 0; ar.Json = Utility.AddPhoto(gId).ToString(); return ar; }
public static AjaxResult AddAccount() { HttpRequest req = HttpContext.Current.Request; string firstName = req.Form["firstName"]; string lastName = req.Form["lastName"]; string email = req.Form["email"]; AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty, Json = "{}" }; if (Utility.CheckAccountExist(email)) { ar.ReturnCode = -1; ar.Message = "The current email has been regeistered before!"; return ar; } Utility.AddAccount(firstName, lastName, email); return ar; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { //string FILE_ID = "fileToUpload"; string FILE_ID = Request.QueryString["name"]; string photoType = Request.QueryString["ptype"]; int photoId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["pid"]); AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty }; if (Request.Files[FILE_ID] == null || Request.Files[FILE_ID].ContentLength == 0) { ar.Message = "No file found"; ar.ReturnCode = 1; } else { HttpPostedFile file = Request.Files[FILE_ID]; string fileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + file.FileName.Substring(file.FileName.LastIndexOf(".")); string folder = Server.MapPath(TARGET_FOLDER); string combined = string.Empty; if (folder.EndsWith("\\")) { combined = folder + fileName; } else { combined = folder + "\\" + fileName; } try { //if (folder.EndsWith("\\")) //{ // file.SaveAs(folder + fileName); //} //else //{ // file.SaveAs(folder + "\\" + fileName); //} file.SaveAs(combined); ar.Message = fileName; // update db Utility.UpdatePhotoFile(photoId, fileName, photoType); if (photoType.Equals("s2")) { Utility.UpdatePhotoSize(combined); System.Drawing.Size photoSize = Utility.GetPhotoSizeById(photoId); ar.Json = "{" + string.Format("\"width\":{0},\"height\":{1}", photoSize.Width, photoSize.Height) + "}"; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { ar.ReturnCode = 2; ar.Message = ex.Message + " and the file name is :" + combined.Replace("\\", "\\\\"); ar.Message.Replace("\\", "?"); } } //Response.ContentType = "application/x-javascript;charset=UTF-8"; Response.Clear(); WebMethods.OutputResult(ar); Response.End(); }
public static AjaxResult DeleteClient() { int clientId = int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["clientId"]); string sql = "DELETE FROM [TAccount] WHERE [ID] = " + clientId; SqlCommand com = Utility.GetCommand(sql); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); com.Connection.Close(); com.Dispose(); AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty, Json = "{}" }; return ar; }
public static AjaxResult UpdateGallery() { AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty, Json = "{}" }; HttpRequest req = HttpContext.Current.Request; try { int galleryId = int.Parse(req.Form["galleryId"]); int show = int.Parse(req.Form["Show"]); string galleryName = req.Form["galleryName"]; string comments = req.Form["galleryDescription"]; Utility.UpdateGallery(galleryId, galleryName, show, comments); } catch (System.Exception ex) { ar.ReturnCode = 1; ar.Message = ex.Message; } return ar; }
public static AjaxResult UpdatePriceSettings() { AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty, Json = "{}" }; Utility.UpdatePriceSettigns(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["priceSettings"]); return ar; }
public static AjaxResult RemovePassword() { AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty, Json = "{}" }; int id = int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["id"]); /* SqlCommand command = Utility.GetCommand(string.Format("DELETE FROM [TAccount] WHERE [ID] = {0}", id)); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); command.Connection.Close(); command.Dispose(); */ Utility.SetClientPassword(id, string.Empty, -1); return ar; }
public static AjaxResult SetClientPassword() { HttpRequest req = HttpContext.Current.Request; string password = req.Form["password"]; int id = int.Parse(req.Form["id"]); int galleryId = int.Parse(req.Form["galleryId"]); AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty, Json = "{}" }; if (Utility.CheckPasswordExist(password)) { ar.ReturnCode = -1; ar.Message = "The password has been used. Please select another onee!"; return ar; } Utility.SetClientPassword(id, password, galleryId); return ar; }
public static void OutputResult(AjaxResult ar) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ar.Json)) { ar.Json = "{}"; } HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("{" + string.Format("\"msgId\":{0},\"message\" :\"{1}\",\"data\":{2}", ar.ReturnCode, ar.Message.Replace("\"", "\\\""), ar.Json) + "}"); }
public static AjaxResult Process(bool needAuthentication) { HttpResponse response = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response; response.ContentType = "application/x-javascript;charset=UTF-8"; response.Clear(); string methodName = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString["method"]; AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty }; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(methodName)) { ar.ReturnCode = -1001; ar.Message = "No method found!"; } else { System.Reflection.MethodInfo method = typeof(WebMethods).GetMethod(methodName); try { ar = (AjaxResult)method.Invoke(null, null); } catch (System.Exception ex) { ar.ReturnCode = -1; ar.Message = ex.Message; } } //response.Write("{" + string.Format("\"msgId\":{0},\"message\" :\"{1}\"", // ar.ReturnCode, // ar.Message.Replace("\"", "\\\"")) + "}"); //ar.Json = jsonData; OutputResult(ar); //response.Write("{\"msgId\":0, \"message\":\"hi\"}"); //response.Write("{msgId:0}"); response.End(); return ar; }
public static AjaxResult GetPhotosFromClient() { AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty, Json = "[]" }; HttpRequest req = HttpContext.Current.Request; string password = req.Form["password"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(password)) { return ar; } string sql = "SELECT TOP 1 [GalleryId] FROM [TAccount] WHERE Password = '******'", "''") + "';"; DataTable t = Utility.GetTable(sql); if (t.Rows.Count == 0) return ar; int galleryId = int.Parse(t.Rows[0][0].ToString()); //req.Form.Add("galleryId", galleryId.ToString() ); //req.Form.Set("galleryId", galleryId.ToString()); ar.Json = JsonlizePhotoList(Utility.GetPhotos(galleryId)); ar.Message = Utility.GetGalleryDescription(galleryId); if (ar.Message == null) { ar.Message = string.Empty; } return ar; }
public static AjaxResult GetPhotos() { AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty }; HttpRequest req = HttpContext.Current.Request; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(req["galleryId"])) //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(req.Form["galleryId"])) { ar.ReturnCode = -1; ar.Message = "NO Gallery Found!"; OutputResult(ar); } //int gId = int.Parse(req.Form["galleryId"]); int gId = int.Parse(req["galleryId"]); DataTable t = Utility.GetPhotos(gId); /* System.Text.StringBuilder json = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); json.Append("["); if (t.Rows.Count > 0) { int count = 0; foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) { if (count > 0) { json.Append(","); } json.Append("{"); // id json.AppendFormat("\"id\":{0}", row["ID"].ToString()); json.AppendFormat(",\"s1\":\"{0}\"", row["ThumbName"]); json.AppendFormat(",\"s2\":\"{0}\"", row["PhotoName"]); json.AppendFormat(",\"order\":{0}", row["OrderIndex"].ToString()); json.AppendFormat(",\"width\":{0}", row["Width"].ToString()); json.AppendFormat(",\"height\":{0}", row["Height"].ToString()); json.Append("}"); ++count; } } json.Append("]"); //ar.Message = json.ToString(); */ ar.Json = JsonlizePhotoList(t); //HttpContext.Current.Response.Write("{\"msgId:0,\"message\":" + json.ToString() + "}"); return ar; }
public static AjaxResult GetGalleries() { //DataTable t = Utility.GetGalleries(); //DataRow[] rows = t.Select("Show=1"); //for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; ++i) //{ //} AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty, Json = Utility.GetGalleriesJson() }; return ar; }
public static AjaxResult GetClients() { DataTable t = Utility.GetTable("SELECT [ID],[FirstName],[LastName],[Email],[Password],[GalleryId] FROM [TAccount]"); AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult(); ar.ReturnCode = 0; ar.Message = string.Empty; if (t.Rows.Count == 0) { ar.Json = "{}"; return ar; } System.Text.StringBuilder json = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); json.Append("["); int count = 0; foreach (DataRow row in t.Rows) { if (count > 0) { json.Append(","); } //string firstName = row["FirstName"] == DBNull.Value ? string.Empty : row["FirstName"].ToString().Replace("\"", "\\\""); //string lastName = row["LastName json.Append("{"); json.AppendFormat("\"id\":{0}", row["ID"]); json.AppendFormat(",\"firstName\":\"{0}\"", Utility.JsonCellData(row["FirstName"])); json.AppendFormat(",\"lastName\":\"{0}\"", Utility.JsonCellData(row["LastName"])); json.AppendFormat(",\"email\":\"{0}\"", Utility.JsonCellData(row["Email"])); json.AppendFormat(",\"password\":\"{0}\"", Utility.JsonCellData(row["Password"])); json.AppendFormat(",\"galleryId\":{0}", row["GalleryId"]); json.Append("}"); ++count; } json.Append("]"); ar.Json = json.ToString(); return ar; }
public static AjaxResult DeletePhoto() { AjaxResult ar = new AjaxResult { ReturnCode = 0, Message = string.Empty, Json = "{}" }; //DataTable = Utility.GetTable( try { int photoId = int.Parse(HttpContext.Current.Request.Form["photoId"]); ar.ReturnCode = Utility.DeletePhoto(photoId); } catch (System.Exception ex) { ar.Message = ex.Message; } return ar; }