Exemple #1
        internal static void Draw()
            mRender.Clear(Canvas, new Colorf(1, 1, 1, 1));

            foreach (var group in Groups)

        protected internal override void Excute(List <GameObject> passedGameObjectList)
            //solve to render debug property
            void renderDebugPropertySolver(GuiRender render, Shape shape)
                if (GuiRenderDebugProperty != null && GuiRenderDebugProperty.ShapeProperty != null)
                    var padding = GuiRenderDebugProperty.ShapeProperty.Padding;

                    switch (shape)
                    case RectangleShape rectangle:
                        //draw debug shape
                            rectangle: new Rectangle <float>(
                                left: -padding,
                                top: -padding,
                                right: rectangle.Size.Width + padding,
                                bottom: rectangle.Size.Height + padding),
                            color: GuiRenderDebugProperty.ShapeProperty.Color,
                            padding: GuiRenderDebugProperty.ShapeProperty.Padding);

                    default: break;

            //solve to render text component
            void textGuiComponentSolver(GuiRender render, TextGuiComponent textComponent)
                //update the property and create asset(Text)

                //not invisable text, we will render it
                if (textComponent.mTextAsset.Image.GpuTexture != null)
                    render.DrawText(new Position <float>(), textComponent.mTextAsset, textComponent.Color);

            //solve to render rectangle compoent
            void rectangleComponentSolver(GuiRender render, RectangleGuiComponent rectangleComponent)
                //get size of rectangle
                var size = (rectangleComponent.Shape as RectangleShape).Size;

                //swtich render mode
                switch (rectangleComponent.RenderMode)
                case GuiRenderMode.WireFrame:
                        rectangle: new Rectangle <float>(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height),
                        color: rectangleComponent.Color,
                        padding: rectangleComponent.Padding);

                case GuiRenderMode.Solid:
                        rectangle: new Rectangle <float>(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height),
                        color: rectangleComponent.Color);

                default: break;

            //solve to render image component
            void imageComponentSolver(GuiRender render, ImageGuiComponent imageComponent)
                var size = (imageComponent.Shape as RectangleShape).Size;

                //draw image
                render.DrawImage(new Rectangle <float>(
                                     left: 0, top: 0, right: size.Width, bottom: size.Height),
                                 image: imageComponent.Image,
                                 opacity: imageComponent.Opacity);

            //solve to render button component
            void buttonComponentSolver(GuiRender render, ButtonGuiComponent buttonComponent)
                //update the property and create asset(text)

                //get size of rectangle
                var size = (buttonComponent.Shape as RectangleShape).Size;

                //get position of button text
                var position = new Position <float>(
                    x: (size.Width - buttonComponent.mTextAsset.Size.Width) * 0.5f,
                    y: (size.Height - buttonComponent.mTextAsset.Size.Height) * 0.5f);

                //render button shape
                    new Rectangle <float>(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height),

                //render button text
                if (buttonComponent.mTextAsset.Image.GpuTexture != null)
                    render.DrawText(position, buttonComponent.mTextAsset, buttonComponent.Frontground);

            //solve to render input text component
            void inputTextComponentSolver(GuiRender render, InputTextGuiComponent inputTextComponent)
                //update the property and create asset(input text)

                var size           = (inputTextComponent.Shape as RectangleShape).Size;
                var cursorLocation = inputTextComponent.CursorLocation;

                var inputTextPosition = new Position <float>(
                    x: 0 + GuiProperty.InputTextPadding,
                    y: 0 + GuiProperty.InputTextPadding);
                var cursorPosition = new Position <float>(
                    x: inputTextPosition.X + (cursorLocation == 0 ? 0 : inputTextComponent.mInputText.GetCharacterPostLocation(cursorLocation - 1)),
                    y: inputTextPosition.Y);

                //render background box
                    new Rectangle <float>(0, 0, size.Width, size.Height),

                //render input text
                if (inputTextComponent.mInputText.Image.GpuTexture != null)
                    render.DrawText(inputTextPosition, inputTextComponent.mInputText, inputTextComponent.Frontground);

                //render cursor
                    start: cursorPosition,
                    end: new Position <float>(cursorPosition.X, size.Height - GuiProperty.InputTextPadding),
                    color: inputTextComponent.Frontground,
                    padding: GuiProperty.InputTextCursorWidth);

            //stack to maintain the path of game object's tree from node to root
            //matrix is the transform from root to node
            //bool is the visable status sum(operator &) from root to node
            Stack <Tuple <GameObject, Matrix4x4> > transformStack = new Stack <Tuple <GameObject, Matrix4x4> >();

            //add virtual root to stack
            transformStack.Push(new Tuple <GameObject, Matrix4x4>(null, Matrix4x4.Identity));

            //visual component solver
            mRender.Clear(mCanvas, new Color <float>(1, 1, 1, 1));

            foreach (var gameObject in passedGameObjectList)
                //maintain the elments in the stack are ancestors from root to node(with deep order, first element is root)
                //because the list of game objects is the dfs order of tree
                while (transformStack.Count != 1 && transformStack.Peek().Item1 != gameObject.Parent)

                //get current transform matrix, it is the result of root to node's transform matrix
                var transformComponent = gameObject.GetComponent <TransformGuiComponent>();
                var transformMatrix    = transformComponent.Transform * transformStack.Peek().Item2;

                //set transform

                switch (gameObject.GetComponent <VisualGuiComponent>())
                case TextGuiComponent textComponent:
                    textGuiComponentSolver(mRender, textComponent); break;

                case RectangleGuiComponent rectangleComponent:
                    rectangleComponentSolver(mRender, rectangleComponent); break;

                case ImageGuiComponent imageComponent:
                    imageComponentSolver(mRender, imageComponent); break;

                case ButtonGuiComponent buttonComponent:
                    buttonComponentSolver(mRender, buttonComponent); break;

                case InputTextGuiComponent inputComponent:
                    inputTextComponentSolver(mRender, inputComponent); break;

                default: break;

                //draw debug shape
                renderDebugPropertySolver(mRender, gameObject.GetComponent <VisualGuiComponent>().Shape);

                //update stack
                transformStack.Push(new Tuple <GameObject, Matrix4x4>(gameObject, transformMatrix));
