public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); // set up event handlers for the 3D projection control lDesignCtrl.AngleChangeEvent += new ControlAngleChangeCallback(lDesignControlAngleChangeHandler); lDesignCtrl.ScalingChangeEvent += new ControlScalingChangeCallback(lScalingChangeEventHandler); // load prefs lAppPrefs = new AppPrefs(); // set window position prefs Location = new Point(lAppPrefs.WindowLeft, lAppPrefs.WindowTop); ClientSize = new Size(lAppPrefs.WindowWidth, lAppPrefs.WindowHeight); WindowState = (lAppPrefs.WindowMaximized ? FormWindowState.Maximized : FormWindowState.Normal); // set listview column widths if (lAppPrefs.PartsListColumnWidths.Count > 0) { int colndx = 0; foreach (int colwidth in lAppPrefs.PartsListColumnWidths) { if (colndx < lPartsLvw.Columns.Count) { lPartsLvw.Columns[colndx].Width = colwidth; colndx++; } else { break; } } } // set the title Text = "GWH CAD Application (Version " + System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString() + ")"; // populate the last files combo box lPopulateLastFilesListFromPrefs(); if (lTSDesignFileCbx.Items.Count > 0) { lTSDesignFileCbx.SelectedIndex = 0; } lTSShowAxesCbx.SelectedIndex = (lAppPrefs.ShowAxes ? 0 : 1); lTSShowLabelsCbx.SelectedIndex = (lAppPrefs.ShowLabels ? 0 : 1); }
public AppPrefs() { lLoadPrefs(); GAppPrefs = this; }