FindSetting() public méthode

Returns the ExportSetting for the specified settingName from the Settings.
public FindSetting ( string settingName ) : ExportSetting
settingName string of the to be retrieved.
Résultat ExportSetting
Exemple #1
        private void CreateContext(Export export)
            ExportContext context;

            lock (m_contexts)
                if (!m_contexts.TryGetValue(export.Name, out context))
                    // Context for the export does not exist, so we create one.
                    ExportSetting clientConfigSetting = export.FindSetting("CommunicationConfiguration");
                    ExportSetting legacyModeSetting   = export.FindSetting("LegacyMode");
                    ExportSetting packetSizeSetting   = export.FindSetting("PacketSize");
                    if ((clientConfigSetting != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientConfigSetting.Value))
                        // Create the client socket for the export context.
                        context        = new ExportContext();
                        context.Socket = ClientBase.Create(clientConfigSetting.Value + "; Port=0");
                        context.Socket.MaxConnectionAttempts = 1;   // Try connection attempt no more than 1 time.

                        // Determine the format of transmission.
                        if (legacyModeSetting != null && Convert.ToBoolean(legacyModeSetting.Value))
                            // Data is to be transmitted using PacketType1.
                            context.TransmitHandler = TransmitPacketType1;
                            if (packetSizeSetting != null)
                                // Custom packet size is specified, so determine the maximum number of data points in a packet.
                                context.DataPerPacket = Convert.ToInt32(packetSizeSetting.Value) / PacketType1.FixedLength;
                                // Custom packet size is not specified, so used the defaults for the transmission protocol.
                                context.DataPerPacket = (context.Socket.TransportProtocol == TransportProtocol.Tcp ? 50 : 1400);
                            // Data is to be transmitted using PacketType101.
                            context.TransmitHandler = TransmitPacketType101;
                            if (packetSizeSetting != null)
                                // Custom packet size is specified, so determine the maximum number of data points in a packet.
                                context.DataPerPacket = Convert.ToInt32(packetSizeSetting.Value) / PacketType101DataPoint.FixedLength;
                                // Custom packet size is not specified, so used the defaults for the transmission protocol.
                                context.DataPerPacket = (context.Socket.TransportProtocol == TransportProtocol.Tcp ? 1000000 : 2200);

                        // Save export context.
                        m_contexts.Add(export.Name, context);

                        // Provide a status update.
                        OnStatusUpdate(string.Format("{0} based client created for export {1}", context.Socket.TransportProtocol.ToString().ToUpper(), export.Name));
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the <paramref name="export"/> using the current <see cref="DataListener.Data"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export"><see cref="Export"/> to be processed.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><b>OutputFile</b> or <b>OutputFormat</b> setting is missing from the <see cref="Export.Settings"/> of the <paramref name="export"/>.</exception>
        protected override void ProcessExport(Export export)
            DataSet rawData = GetBufferedData(export.Name);

                // Ensure that required settings are present.
                ExportSetting outputFileSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFile");
                if (outputFileSetting == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("OutputFile setting is missing");
                ExportSetting outputFormatSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFormat");
                if (outputFormatSetting == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("OutputFormat setting is missing");

                if (rawData != null)
                    // Buffered data exists for exporting.
                    lock (rawData)
                        // Update the export timestamp, row count and interval.
                        rawData.Tables[1].Rows.Add(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"), rawData.Tables[0].Rows.Count, string.Format("{0} seconds", export.Interval));

                        // Write the buffered raw data for the export to the specified files in specified format.
                        FileHelper.WriteToFile(outputFileSetting.Value, outputFormatSetting.Value, rawData);
                if (rawData != null)
                    lock (rawData)
                        // Clear the buffered data to make space for new data that is to be buffered.
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the <paramref name="export"/> using the current <see cref="DataListener.Data"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export"><see cref="Export"/> to be processed.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><b>OutputFile</b> or <b>OutputFormat</b> setting is missing from the <see cref="Export.Settings"/> of the <paramref name="export"/>.</exception>
        protected override void ProcessExport(Export export)
            // Ensure that required settings are present.
            ExportSetting outputFileSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFile");

            if (outputFileSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("OutputFile setting is missing");
            ExportSetting outputFormatSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFormat");

            if (outputFormatSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("OutputFormat setting is missing");

            // Get the calculated statistics.
            Statistics stats = GetStatistics(export);

            // Get the dataset template we'll be outputting.
            DataSet output = DatasetTemplate("Statistics");

            // Modify the dataset template for statistical values.
            DataTable data = output.Tables[0];

            data.PrimaryKey = null;
            data.Columns.Add("MinimumValue", typeof(double));
            data.Columns.Add("MaximumValue", typeof(double));
            data.Columns.Add("AverageValue", typeof(double));

            foreach (DataColumn column in data.Columns)
                column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;

            // Add the calculated statistical value.
            data.Rows.Add(stats.MinimumValue, stats.MaximumValue, stats.AverageValue);

            // Update the export timestamp, row count and interval.
            output.Tables[1].Rows.Add(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"), output.Tables[0].Rows.Count, string.Format("{0} seconds", export.Interval));

            // Write the statistical data for the export to the specified files in specified format.
            FileHelper.WriteToFile(outputFileSetting.Value, outputFormatSetting.Value, output);
Exemple #4
        private void CreateContext(Export export)
            ExportContext context = null;

            lock (m_contexts)
                if (!m_contexts.TryGetValue(export.Name, out context))
                    // Context for the export does not exist, so we create one.
                    ExportSetting serverPortSetting = export.FindSetting("ServerPort");
                    ExportSetting legacyModeSetting = export.FindSetting("LegacyMode");
                    if ((serverPortSetting != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverPortSetting.Value))
                        // Create the server socket for export context.
                        context.Socket = ServerBase.Create(string.Format("Protocol=TCP;Port={0}", serverPortSetting.Value));
                        context.Socket.Start();             // Start the server; need to do only one time.
                        context.Socket.ClientConnected    += CommunicationServer_ClientConnected;
                        context.Socket.ClientDisconnected += CommunicationServer_ClientDisconnected;

                        // Determine the format of transmission.
                        if (legacyModeSetting != null && Convert.ToBoolean(legacyModeSetting.Value))
                            // Data is to be transmitted using PacketType1.
                            context.DataPerPacket   = 50;
                            context.TransmitHandler = TransmitPacketType1;
                            // Data is to be transmitted using PacketType101.
                            context.DataPerPacket   = 1000000;
                            context.TransmitHandler = TransmitPacketType101;

                        // Save export context
                        m_contexts.Add(export.Name, context);

                        // Provide a status update.
                        OnStatusUpdate(string.Format("TCP server created for export {0}", export.Name));
Exemple #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the <paramref name="export"/> using the current <see cref="DataListener.Data"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export"><see cref="Export"/> to be processed.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><b>OutputFile</b> setting is missing from the <see cref="Export.Settings"/> of the <paramref name="export"/>.</exception>
        protected override void ProcessExport(Export export)
            // Ensure that required settings are present.
            ExportSetting outputFileSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFile");

            if (outputFileSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("OutputFile setting is missing");

            // Write the current data for the export to the specified files in CSV format.
            FileHelper.WriteToFile(outputFileSetting.Value, "CSV", GetExportDataAsDataset(export, null));
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the <paramref name="export"/> using the current <see cref="DataListener.Data"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export"><see cref="Export"/> to be processed.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><b>OutputFile</b> setting is missing from the <see cref="Export.Settings"/> of the <paramref name="export"/>.</exception>
        protected override void ProcessExport(Export export)
            // Ensure that required settings are present.
            ExportSetting outputFileSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFile");
            if (outputFileSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("OutputFile setting is missing");

            // Write the current data for the export to the specified files in CSV format.
            FileHelper.WriteToFile(outputFileSetting.Value, "CSV", GetExportDataAsDataset(export, null));
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the calculated <see cref="Statistics"/> from buffered data of the specified <paramref name="export"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export"><see cref="Export"/> for which statistical values are to be calculated.</param>
        /// <returns>The calculated <see cref="Statistics"/> from buffered data of the specified <paramref name="export"/>.</returns>
        protected virtual Statistics GetStatistics(Export export)
            Statistics    stats                 = new Statistics();
            DataSet       rawData               = GetBufferedData(export.Name);
            ExportSetting filterClauseSetting   = export.FindSetting("FilterClause");
            ExportSetting slopeThresholdSetting = export.FindSetting("SlopeThreshold");

            if (rawData != null)
                // Buffered data is available for the export, so calculate the statistics.
                if (slopeThresholdSetting != null)
                    // Slope-based data elimination is to be employed.
                    double slopeThreshold = Convert.ToDouble(slopeThresholdSetting.Value);
                    lock (rawData)
                        foreach (ExportRecord record in export.Records)
                            // Run data for each record against the slope-based data elimination algorithm.
                            double    slope   = 0;
                            bool      delete  = false;
                            DataRow[] records = rawData.Tables[0].Select(string.Format("Instance=\'{0}\' And ID={1}", record.Instance, record.Identifier), "TimeTag");
                            if (records.Length > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < records.Length - 1; i++)
                                    // Calculate slope for the data using standard slope formula.
                                    slope = Math.Abs((((float)records[i]["Value"]) - (float)records[i + 1]["Value"]) / (Ticks.ToSeconds((Convert.ToDateTime(records[i]["TimeTag"])).Ticks) - Ticks.ToSeconds((Convert.ToDateTime(records[i + 1]["TimeTag"])).Ticks)));
                                    if (slope > slopeThreshold)
                                        // Data for the point has slope that exceeds the specified slope threshold.
                                        delete = true;

                                if (delete)
                                    // Data for the record is to be excluded from the calculation.
                                    for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
                                    OnStatusUpdate(string.Format("{0}:{1} data eliminated (Slope={2}; Threshold={3})", record.Instance, record.Identifier, slope, slopeThreshold));

                if (filterClauseSetting == null)
                    // No filter clause setting exist for the export.
                    stats.Calculate(rawData, string.Empty);
                    // Filter clause setting exists for the export so use it.
                    stats.Calculate(rawData, filterClauseSetting.Value);

Exemple #8
        private void CreateContext(Export export)
            ExportContext context = null;
            lock (m_contexts)
                if (!m_contexts.TryGetValue(export.Name, out context))
                    // Context for the export does not exist, so we create one.
                    ExportSetting serverPortSetting = export.FindSetting("ServerPort");
                    ExportSetting legacyModeSetting = export.FindSetting("LegacyMode");
                    if ((serverPortSetting != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverPortSetting.Value))
                        // Create the server socket for export context.
                        context.Socket = ServerBase.Create(string.Format("Protocol=TCP;Port={0}", serverPortSetting.Value));
                        context.Socket.Start();             // Start the server; need to do only one time.
                        context.Socket.ClientConnected += CommunicationServer_ClientConnected;
                        context.Socket.ClientDisconnected += CommunicationServer_ClientDisconnected;

                        // Determine the format of transmission.
                        if (legacyModeSetting != null && Convert.ToBoolean(legacyModeSetting.Value))
                            // Data is to be transmitted using PacketType1.
                            context.DataPerPacket = 50;
                            context.TransmitHandler = TransmitPacketType1;
                            // Data is to be transmitted using PacketType101.
                            context.DataPerPacket = 1000000;
                            context.TransmitHandler = TransmitPacketType101;

                        // Save export context
                        m_contexts.Add(export.Name, context);

                        // Provide a status update.
                        OnStatusUpdate(string.Format("TCP server created for export {0}", export.Name));
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the calculated <see cref="Statistics"/> from buffered data of the specified <paramref name="export"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export"><see cref="Export"/> for which statistical values are to be calculated.</param>
        /// <returns>The calculated <see cref="Statistics"/> from buffered data of the specified <paramref name="export"/>.</returns>
        protected virtual Statistics GetStatistics(Export export)
            Statistics stats = new Statistics();
            DataSet rawData = GetBufferedData(export.Name);
            ExportSetting filterClauseSetting = export.FindSetting("FilterClause");
            ExportSetting slopeThresholdSetting = export.FindSetting("SlopeThreshold");
            if (rawData != null)
                // Buffered data is available for the export, so calculate the statistics.
                if (slopeThresholdSetting != null)
                    // Slope-based data elimination is to be employed.
                    double slopeThreshold = Convert.ToDouble(slopeThresholdSetting.Value);
                    lock (rawData)
                        foreach (ExportRecord record in export.Records)
                            // Run data for each record against the slope-based data elimination algorithm.
                            double slope = 0;
                            bool delete = false;
                            DataRow[] records = rawData.Tables[0].Select(string.Format("Instance=\'{0}\' And ID={1}", record.Instance, record.Identifier), "TimeTag");
                            if (records.Length > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < records.Length - 1; i++)
                                    // Calculate slope for the data using standard slope formula.
                                    slope = Math.Abs((((float)records[i]["Value"]) - (float)records[i + 1]["Value"]) / (Ticks.ToSeconds((Convert.ToDateTime(records[i]["TimeTag"])).Ticks) - Ticks.ToSeconds((Convert.ToDateTime(records[i + 1]["TimeTag"])).Ticks)));
                                    if (slope > slopeThreshold)
                                        // Data for the point has slope that exceeds the specified slope threshold.
                                        delete = true;

                                if (delete)
                                    // Data for the record is to be excluded from the calculation.
                                    for (int i = 0; i < records.Length; i++)
                                    OnStatusUpdate(string.Format("{0}:{1} data eliminated (Slope={2}; Threshold={3})", record.Instance, record.Identifier, slope, slopeThreshold));

                if (filterClauseSetting == null)
                    // No filter clause setting exist for the export.
                    stats.Calculate(rawData, string.Empty);
                    // Filter clause setting exists for the export so use it.
                    stats.Calculate(rawData, filterClauseSetting.Value);

            return stats;
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the <paramref name="export"/> using the current <see cref="DataListener.Data"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export"><see cref="Export"/> to be processed.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><b>OutputFile</b> or <b>OutputFormat</b> setting is missing from the <see cref="Export.Settings"/> of the <paramref name="export"/>.</exception>
        protected override void ProcessExport(Export export)
            // Ensure that required settings are present.
            ExportSetting outputFileSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFile");
            if (outputFileSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("OutputFile setting is missing");
            ExportSetting outputFormatSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFormat");
            if (outputFormatSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("OutputFormat setting is missing");

            // Get the calculated statistics.
            Statistics stats = GetStatistics(export);

            // Get the dataset template we'll be outputting.
            DataSet output = DatasetTemplate("Statistics");

            // Modify the dataset template for statistical values.
            DataTable data = output.Tables[0];
            data.PrimaryKey = null;
            data.Columns.Add("MinimumValue", typeof(double));
            data.Columns.Add("MaximumValue", typeof(double));
            data.Columns.Add("AverageValue", typeof(double));

            foreach (DataColumn column in data.Columns)
                column.ColumnMapping = MappingType.Attribute;

            // Add the calculated statistical value.
            data.Rows.Add(stats.MinimumValue, stats.MaximumValue, stats.AverageValue);

            // Update the export timestamp, row count and interval.
            output.Tables[1].Rows.Add(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"), output.Tables[0].Rows.Count, string.Format("{0} seconds", export.Interval));

            // Write the statistical data for the export to the specified files in specified format.
            FileHelper.WriteToFile(outputFileSetting.Value, outputFormatSetting.Value, output);
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the <paramref name="export"/> using the current <see cref="DataListener.Data"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export"><see cref="Export"/> to be processed.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><b>OutputFile</b>, <b>OutputFormat</b> or <b>OutputTimespan</b> setting is missing from the <see cref="Export.Settings"/> of the <paramref name="export"/>.</exception>
        protected override void ProcessExport(Export export)
            // Ensure that required settings are present.
            ExportSetting outputFileSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFile");

            if (outputFileSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("OutputFile setting is missing");
            ExportSetting outputFormatSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFormat");

            if (outputFormatSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("OutputFormat setting is missing");
            ExportSetting outputTimespanSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputTimespan");

            if (outputTimespanSetting == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("OutputTimespan setting is missing");

            // Initialize local variables.
            DataSet output = null;

            string[] outputFiles   = outputFileSetting.Value.Split(';', ',');
            DataSet  current       = GetExportDataAsDataset(export, null);
            DateTime dataStartDate = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(-Convert.ToInt32(outputTimespanSetting.Value));

            // Make the output filenames absolute.
            for (int i = 0; i < outputFiles.Length; i++)
                outputFiles[i] = FilePath.GetAbsolutePath(outputFiles[i].Trim());

            // Try to read-in data that might have been exported previously.
            foreach (string outputFile in outputFiles)
                if (File.Exists(outputFile))
                    // Wait for a lock on the file before reading.
                    FilePath.WaitForReadLock(outputFile, FileLockWaitTime);

                    // Read the file data and keep it in memory to be merged later.
                    output = current.Clone();
                    switch (outputFormatSetting.Value.ToLower())
                    case "xml":

                    case "csv":
                        MergeTables(output.Tables[0], File.ReadAllText(outputFile).ToDataTable(",", true), dataStartDate);


                    break; // Don't look any further.

            if (output == null)
                // Output will be just current data since there is no previously exported data.
                output = current;
                // Merge previously exported data loaded from file with the current data for the export.
                MergeTables(output.Tables[0], current.Tables[0], dataStartDate);

            // Delete any old data from the output that don't fall in the export's rolling window.
            string filterCondition = string.Format("Convert(Time, System.DateTime) < #{0}#", dataStartDate);

            foreach (DataRow row in output.Tables[0].Select(filterCondition))

            // Update the export timestamp, row count and interval.
            DataRowCollection info = output.Tables[1].Rows;

            info.Add(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"), output.Tables[0].Rows.Count, string.Format("{0} seconds", export.Interval));

            // Write the data for the export to the specified files in specified format.
            FileHelper.WriteToFile(outputFileSetting.Value, outputFormatSetting.Value, output);
Exemple #12
        private void CreateContext(Export export)
            ExportContext context;
            lock (m_contexts)
                if (!m_contexts.TryGetValue(export.Name, out context))
                    // Context for the export does not exist, so we create one.
                    ExportSetting clientConfigSetting = export.FindSetting("CommunicationConfiguration");
                    ExportSetting legacyModeSetting = export.FindSetting("LegacyMode");
                    ExportSetting packetSizeSetting = export.FindSetting("PacketSize");
                    if ((clientConfigSetting != null) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientConfigSetting.Value))
                        // Create the client socket for the export context.
                        context = new ExportContext();
                        context.Socket = ClientBase.Create(clientConfigSetting.Value + "; Port=0");
                        context.Socket.MaxConnectionAttempts = 1;   // Try connection attempt no more than 1 time.

                        // Determine the format of transmission.
                        if (legacyModeSetting != null && Convert.ToBoolean(legacyModeSetting.Value))
                            // Data is to be transmitted using PacketType1.
                            context.TransmitHandler = TransmitPacketType1;
                            if (packetSizeSetting != null)
                                // Custom packet size is specified, so determine the maximum number of data points in a packet.
                                context.DataPerPacket = Convert.ToInt32(packetSizeSetting.Value) / PacketType1.FixedLength;
                                // Custom packet size is not specified, so used the defaults for the transmission protocol.
                                context.DataPerPacket = (context.Socket.TransportProtocol == TransportProtocol.Tcp ? 50 : 1400);
                            // Data is to be transmitted using PacketType101.
                            context.TransmitHandler = TransmitPacketType101;
                            if (packetSizeSetting != null)
                                // Custom packet size is specified, so determine the maximum number of data points in a packet.
                                context.DataPerPacket = Convert.ToInt32(packetSizeSetting.Value) / PacketType101DataPoint.FixedLength;
                                // Custom packet size is not specified, so used the defaults for the transmission protocol.
                                context.DataPerPacket = (context.Socket.TransportProtocol == TransportProtocol.Tcp ? 1000000 : 2200);

                        // Save export context.
                        m_contexts.Add(export.Name, context);

                        // Provide a status update.
                        OnStatusUpdate(string.Format("{0} based client created for export {1}", context.Socket.TransportProtocol.ToString().ToUpper(), export.Name));
Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the <paramref name="export"/> using the current <see cref="DataListener.Data"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="export"><see cref="Export"/> to be processed.</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException"><b>OutputFile</b> or <b>OutputFormat</b> setting is missing from the <see cref="Export.Settings"/> of the <paramref name="export"/>.</exception>
        protected override void ProcessExport(Export export)
            DataSet rawData = GetBufferedData(export.Name);
                // Ensure that required settings are present.
                ExportSetting outputFileSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFile");
                if (outputFileSetting == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("OutputFile setting is missing");
                ExportSetting outputFormatSetting = export.FindSetting("OutputFormat");
                if (outputFormatSetting == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException("OutputFormat setting is missing");

                if (rawData != null)
                    // Buffered data exists for exporting.
                    lock (rawData)
                        // Update the export timestamp, row count and interval.
                        rawData.Tables[1].Rows.Add(DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss tt"), rawData.Tables[0].Rows.Count, string.Format("{0} seconds", export.Interval));

                        // Write the buffered raw data for the export to the specified files in specified format.
                        FileHelper.WriteToFile(outputFileSetting.Value, outputFormatSetting.Value, rawData);
                if (rawData != null)
                    lock (rawData)
                        // Clear the buffered data to make space for new data that is to be buffered.