public string WriteHeaderSetterFunction(MemberVariable variable, bool isWithFunctionDefinition, int offset) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); string functionName = "set" + char.ToUpper(variable.PartialName[0]) + variable.PartialName.Substring(1); string functionSignature = "".PadLeft(4 * offset) + "void " + functionName + "(" + variable.Type + " " + variable.PartialName + ")"; string functionDefinition = variable.FullName + " = " + variable.PartialName + ";"; if (variable.FullName == variable.PartialName) { functionDefinition = "this->" + functionDefinition; } if (isWithFunctionDefinition) { return(functionSignature + " { " + functionDefinition + " }" + Environment.NewLine); } else { return(functionSignature + ";" + Environment.NewLine); } }
public string WriteSourceGetterFunction(MemberVariable variable) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); string functionName = "get" + char.ToUpper(variable.PartialName[0]) + variable.PartialName.Substring(1); string functionSignature = variable.Type + " " + variable.ClassName + "::" + functionName + "() const"; string functionDefinition = "return " + variable.FullName + ";"; return(functionSignature + Environment.NewLine + "{" + Environment.NewLine + "".PadLeft(4) + functionDefinition + Environment.NewLine + "}" + Environment.NewLine); }
//Gets the variables in the class public Dictionary <string, MemberVariable> GetClassVariables(CodeClass codeClass) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); Dictionary <string, MemberVariable> memberVariables = new Dictionary <string, MemberVariable>(); List <CodeVariable> attributes = new List <CodeVariable>(); foreach (CodeElement codeElement in codeClass.Children) { if (codeElement.Kind == vsCMElement.vsCMElementVariable) { MemberVariable memberVariable = new MemberVariable((codeElement as CodeVariable), codeClass.Name); memberVariables.Add(memberVariable.FullName, memberVariable); } } return(memberVariables); }
public string WriteSourceSetterFunction(MemberVariable variable) { ThreadHelper.ThrowIfNotOnUIThread(); string functionName = "set" + char.ToUpper(variable.PartialName[0]) + variable.PartialName.Substring(1); string functionSignature = "void " + variable.ClassName + "::" + functionName + "(" + variable.Type + " " + variable.PartialName + ")"; string functionDefinition = variable.FullName + " = " + variable.PartialName + ";"; if (variable.FullName == variable.PartialName) { functionDefinition = "this->" + functionDefinition; } return(functionSignature + Environment.NewLine + "{" + Environment.NewLine + "".PadLeft(4) + functionDefinition + Environment.NewLine + "}" + Environment.NewLine); }