private static void HPGL_SP(string nr)                  // select Pen Nr
     if (nr.Length > 0)
         int pen = int.Parse(nr);
         Plotter.PathColor = pen.ToString();
         if (!groupObjects)
             Plotter.ToolChange(pen, "Pen " + pen.ToString());   // add tool change commands (if enabled) and set XYFeed etc.
Exemple #2
        // draw a piece of the letter path: M x,y  or L x,y
        private static void drawToken(StringBuilder gcodeString, string svgPath, double offX, double offY, float scale, int tnr, string comment)
            var    cmd           = svgPath.Take(1).Single();
            string remainingargs = svgPath.Substring(1);
            string argSeparators = @"[\s,]|(?=-)";
            var    splitArgs     = Regex
                                   .Split(remainingargs, argSeparators)
                                   .Where(t => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(t));

            double[] floatArgs = splitArgs.Select(arg => double.Parse(arg, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo) * scale).ToArray();
            if (tnr == 1)
                if (pathCount > 0)
                    gcode.Comment(gcodeString, Plotter.SetFigureEnd(pathCount));
                gcode.Comment(gcodeString, string.Format("{0} {1} char='{2}'>", xmlMarker.figureStart, (++pathCount), comment));
            if (cmd == 'M')
                if (gcConnectLetter && isSameWord && (tnr == 1))
                    for (int i = 0; i < floatArgs.Length; i += 2)
                        gcodeMove(gcodeString, 1, (float)(offX + floatArgs[i]), (float)(offY - floatArgs[i + 1]));
                    for (int i = 0; i < floatArgs.Length; i += 2)
                        gcodeMove(gcodeString, 0, (float)(offX + floatArgs[i]), (float)(offY - floatArgs[i + 1]));
            if (cmd == 'L')
                for (int i = 0; i < floatArgs.Length; i += 2)
                    gcodeMove(gcodeString, 1, (float)(offX + floatArgs[i]), (float)(offY - floatArgs[i + 1]));
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert DXF and create GCode
        /// </summary>
        private static string convertDXF(string txt)
            Logger.Debug("convertDXF {0}", txt);

            dxfBezierAccuracy = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.importBezierLineSegmentsCnt;
            gcodeReduce       = Properties.Settings.Default.importRemoveShortMovesEnable;
            gcodeReduceVal    = (double)Properties.Settings.Default.importRemoveShortMovesLimit;
            dxfComments       = Properties.Settings.Default.importSVGAddComments;
            dxfUseColorIndex  = Properties.Settings.Default.importDXFToolIndex;      // use DXF color index instead real color
            groupObjects      = Properties.Settings.Default.importGroupObjects;      // DXF-Import group objects
            nodesOnly         = Properties.Settings.Default.importSVGNodesOnly;

            dxfColorID    = 259;
            dxfColorIDold = dxfColorID;
            toolToUse     = toolNr = 1;

            Plotter.StartCode();        // initalize variables
            GetVectorDXF();             // convert graphics
            Plotter.SortCode();         // sort objects
            return(Plotter.FinalGCode("DXF import", txt));
        // get text, break it into chars, get path, etc... This event needs to be assigned in MainForm to poll text
        private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)     // in MainForm:  _text_form.btnApply.Click += getGCodeFromText;
            GCodeFromFont.gcText          = tBText.Text;
            GCodeFromFont.gcFontName      = cBFont.Items[cBFont.SelectedIndex].ToString();
            GCodeFromFont.gcHeight        = (double)nUDFontSize.Value;
            GCodeFromFont.gcFontDistance  = (double)nUDFontDistance.Value;
            GCodeFromFont.gcLineDistance  = (double)(nUDFontLine.Value / nUDFontSize.Value);
            GCodeFromFont.gcSpacing       = (double)(nUDFontLine.Value / nUDFontSize.Value) / 1.5;
            GCodeFromFont.gcPauseChar     = cBPauseChar.Checked;
            GCodeFromFont.gcPauseWord     = cBPauseWord.Checked;
            GCodeFromFont.gcPauseLine     = cBPauseLine.Checked;
            GCodeFromFont.gcConnectLetter = cBConnectLetter.Checked;

            bool groupObjects = Properties.Settings.Default.importGroupObjects;

            Plotter.StartCode();        // initalize variables
            Plotter.IsPathFigureEnd = true;
            Plotter.SortCode();         // sort objects
            textgcode = Plotter.FinalGCode("Text import", "");
            Properties.Settings.Default.importGroupObjects = groupObjects;
Exemple #5
 private static void dxfStopPath(string cmt = "")
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Insert G0, Pen down gcode command
 /// </summary>
 private static void dxfStartPath(double x, double y, string cmt = "")
     Plotter.StartPath(translateXY((float)x, (float)y), cmt);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate round corner of DXFLWPolyLine if Bulge is given
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="var1">First vertex coord</param>
        /// <param name="var2">Second vertex</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static void AddRoundCorner(DXFLWPolyLine.Element var1, DXFLWPolyLine.Element var2)
            double bulge = var1.Bulge;
            double p1x   = (double)var1.Vertex.X;
            double p1y   = (double)var1.Vertex.Y;
            double p2x   = (double)var2.Vertex.X;
            double p2y   = (double)var2.Vertex.Y;

            //Definition of bulge, from Autodesk DXF fileformat specs
            double angle = Math.Abs(Math.Atan(bulge) * 4);
            bool   girou = false;

            //For my method, this angle should always be less than 180.
            if (angle > Math.PI)
                angle = Math.PI * 2 - angle;
                girou = true;

            //Distance between the two vertexes, the angle between Center-P1 and P1-P2 and the arc radius
            double distance = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(p1x - p2x, 2) + Math.Pow(p1y - p2y, 2));
            double alpha    = (Math.PI - angle) / 2;
            double ratio    = distance * Math.Sin(alpha) / Math.Sin(angle);

            if (angle == Math.PI)
                ratio = distance / 2;

            double xc, yc, direction;

            //Used to invert the signal of the calculations below
            if (bulge < 0)
                direction = 1;
                direction = -1;

            //calculate the arc center
            double part = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(2 * ratio / distance, 2) - 1);

            if (!girou)
                xc = ((p1x + p2x) / 2) - direction * ((p1y - p2y) / 2) * part;
                yc = ((p1y + p2y) / 2) + direction * ((p1x - p2x) / 2) * part;
                xc = ((p1x + p2x) / 2) + direction * ((p1y - p2y) / 2) * part;
                yc = ((p1y + p2y) / 2) - direction * ((p1x - p2x) / 2) * part;

            string cmt = "";

            if (dxfComments)
                cmt = "Bulge " + bulge.ToString();

            if (bulge > 0)
                Plotter.Arc(3, (float)p2x, (float)p2y, (float)(xc - p1x), (float)(yc - p1y), cmt);
                Plotter.Arc(2, (float)p2x, (float)p2y, (float)(xc - p1x), (float)(yc - p1y), cmt);
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Process entities
        /// </summary>
        private static void processEntities(DXFEntity entity, double offsetX = 0, double offsetY = 0, bool updateColor = true)
            int    index = 0;
            double x, y;//, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, bulge;

            if (updateColor)
                dxfColorID       = entity.ColorNumber;
                Plotter.PathName = "Layer:" + entity.LayerName;

            Plotter.PathDashArray = new double[0];                  // default no dashes
            if ((entity.LineType == null) || (entity.LineType == "ByLayer"))
                if (layerLType.ContainsKey(entity.LayerName))        // check if layer name is known
                    string dashType = layerLType[entity.LayerName];  // get name of pattern
                    if (lineTypes.ContainsKey(dashType))             // check if pattern name is known
                        Plotter.PathDashArray = lineTypes[dashType]; // apply pattern
                if (lineTypes.ContainsKey(entity.LineType))             // check if pattern name is known
                    Plotter.PathDashArray = lineTypes[entity.LineType]; // apply pattern

            if (dxfColorID > 255)
                if (layerColor.ContainsKey(entity.LayerName))
                    dxfColorID = layerColor[entity.LayerName];

            if (dxfColorID < 0)
                dxfColorID = 0;
            if (dxfColorID > 255)
                dxfColorID = 7;
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.importDXFSwitchWhite && (dxfColorID == 7))
                dxfColorID = 0;

            dxfColorHex       = getColorFromID(dxfColorID);
            Plotter.PathColor = dxfColorHex;

            if (dxfUseColorIndex)
                toolNr = dxfColorID + 1;      // avoid ID=0 to start tool-table with index 1
                toolNr = toolTable.getToolNr(dxfColorHex, 0);
                //Logger.Trace("toolNr = {0}",toolNr);

            Plotter.SetGroup(toolNr);       // set index if grouping and tool

            if (dxfColorIDold != dxfColorID)

                toolToUse = toolNr;
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.importGCToolTableUse && Properties.Settings.Default.importGCToolDefNrUse)
                    toolToUse = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.importGCToolDefNr;

                Plotter.PathToolNr = toolToUse;

                if (!groupObjects)
                    if (dxfUseColorIndex)
                        Plotter.ToolChange(toolToUse, dxfColorID.ToString());   // add tool change commands (if enabled) and set XYFeed etc.
                        Plotter.ToolChange(toolToUse, dxfColorHex);
            dxfColorIDold = dxfColorID;

            Logger.Trace("  Entity: {0}", entity.GetType().ToString());

            if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFPointEntity))
                DXFPointEntity point = (DXFPointEntity)entity;
                x = (float)point.Location.X + (float)offsetX;
                y = (float)point.Location.Y + (float)offsetY;
                if (!nodesOnly)
                    dxfStartPath(x, y, "Start Point");
                    gcodeDotOnly(x, y, "Start Point");
                Logger.Trace("    Point: {0};{1} ", x, y);

            #region DXFLWPolyline
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFLWPolyLine))
                DXFLWPolyLine lp = (DXFLWPolyLine)entity;
                index = 0;
                double bulge = 0;
                DXFLWPolyLine.Element coordinate;
                bool roundcorner = false;
                x = 0; y = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < lp.VertexCount; i++)
                    coordinate = lp.Elements[i];
                    bulge      = coordinate.Bulge;
                    //            x2 = x; y2 = y;
                    x = (double)coordinate.Vertex.X + (double)offsetX;
                    y = (double)coordinate.Vertex.Y + (double)offsetY;
                    //                  Logger.Trace("    Vertex: {0};{1} ", x, y);

                    if (i == 0)
                        if (!nodesOnly)
                            dxfStartPath(x, y, "Start LWPolyLine - Nr pts " + lp.VertexCount.ToString());
                            Plotter.IsPathReduceOk = true;
                            gcodeDotOnly(x, y, "Start LWPolyLine");

                    if ((!roundcorner))
                        dxfMoveTo(x, y, "");
                    if (bulge != 0)
                        if (i < (lp.VertexCount - 1))
                            AddRoundCorner(lp.Elements[i], lp.Elements[i + 1]);
                        if (lp.Flags == DXFLWPolyLine.FlagsEnum.closed)
                            AddRoundCorner(lp.Elements[i], lp.Elements[0]);
                        roundcorner = true;
                        roundcorner = false;
                if ((lp.Flags > 0))// && (x2 != x) && (y2 != y))   // only move if prev pos is differnent
                    dxfMoveTo((float)(lp.Elements[0].Vertex.X + offsetX), (float)(lp.Elements[0].Vertex.Y + offsetY), "End LWPolyLine " + lp.Flags.ToString());
            #region DXFPolyline
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFPolyLine))
                DXFPolyLine lp = (DXFPolyLine)entity;
                index = 0;
                foreach (DXFVertex coordinate in lp.Children)
                    if (coordinate.GetType() == typeof(DXFVertex))
                        if (coordinate.Location.X != null && coordinate.Location.Y != null)
                            x = (float)coordinate.Location.X + (float)offsetX;
                            y = (float)coordinate.Location.Y + (float)offsetY;
                            //                      Logger.Trace("    Vertex: {0};{1} ", x, y);
                            if (!nodesOnly)
                                if (index == 0)
                                    dxfStartPath(x, y, "Start PolyLine");
                                    dxfMoveTo(x, y, "");
                                gcodeDotOnly(x, y, "PolyLine");
            #region DXFLine
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFLine))
                DXFLine line = (DXFLine)entity;
                x = (double)line.Start.X + offsetX;
                y = (double)line.Start.Y + offsetY;
                double x2 = (double)line.End.X + offsetX;
                double y2 = (double)line.End.Y + offsetY;
                Plotter.IsPathReduceOk = false;
                if (!nodesOnly)
                    dxfStartPath(x, y, "Start Line");
                    dxfMoveTo(x2, y2, "");
                    gcodeDotOnly(x, y, "Start Line");
                    gcodeDotOnly(x2, y2, "End Line");
                Logger.Trace("    From: {0};{1}  To: {2};{3}", x, y, x2, y2);
            #region DXFSpline
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFSpline))
            {   // from Inkscape DXF import - modified
                DXFSpline spline = (DXFSpline)entity;
                index = 0;

                Point  offset = new Point(offsetX, offsetY);
                double lastX  = (double)spline.ControlPoints[0].X + offsetX;
                double lastY  = (double)spline.ControlPoints[0].Y + offsetY;

                string cmt = "Start Spline " + spline.KnotValues.Count.ToString() + " " + spline.ControlPoints.Count.ToString() + " " + spline.FitPoints.Count.ToString();
                Plotter.IsPathReduceOk = true;

                int knots = spline.KnotCount;
                int ctrls = spline.ControlPointCount;
                Logger.Trace("    Spline  ControlPointCnt: {0} KnotsCount: {1}", ctrls, knots);

                if ((ctrls > 3) && (knots == ctrls + 4))    //  # cubic
                    if (ctrls > 4)
                        for (int i = (knots - 5); i > 3; i--)
                            if ((spline.KnotValues[i] != spline.KnotValues[i - 1]) && (spline.KnotValues[i] != spline.KnotValues[i + 1]))
                                double   a0  = (spline.KnotValues[i] - spline.KnotValues[i - 2]) / (spline.KnotValues[i + 1] - spline.KnotValues[i - 2]);
                                double   a1  = (spline.KnotValues[i] - spline.KnotValues[i - 1]) / (spline.KnotValues[i + 2] - spline.KnotValues[i - 1]);
                                DXFPoint tmp = new DXFPoint();
                                tmp.X = (double)((1.0 - a1) * spline.ControlPoints[i - 2].X + a1 * spline.ControlPoints[i - 1].X);
                                tmp.Y = (double)((1.0 - a1) * spline.ControlPoints[i - 2].Y + a1 * spline.ControlPoints[i - 1].Y);
                                spline.ControlPoints.Insert(i - 1, tmp);
                                spline.ControlPoints[i - 2].X = (1.0 - a0) * spline.ControlPoints[i - 3].X + a0 * spline.ControlPoints[i - 2].X;
                                spline.ControlPoints[i - 2].Y = (1.0 - a0) * spline.ControlPoints[i - 3].Y + a0 * spline.ControlPoints[i - 2].Y;
                                spline.KnotValues.Insert(i, spline.KnotValues[i]);
                        knots = spline.KnotValues.Count;
                        for (int i = (knots - 6); i > 3; i -= 2)
                            if ((spline.KnotValues[i] != spline.KnotValues[i - 2]) && (spline.KnotValues[i - 1] != spline.KnotValues[i + 1]) && (spline.KnotValues[i - 2] != spline.KnotValues[i]))
                                double   a1  = (spline.KnotValues[i] - spline.KnotValues[i - 1]) / (spline.KnotValues[i + 2] - spline.KnotValues[i - 1]);
                                DXFPoint tmp = new DXFPoint();
                                tmp.X = (double)((1.0 - a1) * spline.ControlPoints[i - 2].X + a1 * spline.ControlPoints[i - 1].X);
                                tmp.Y = (double)((1.0 - a1) * spline.ControlPoints[i - 2].Y + a1 * spline.ControlPoints[i - 1].Y);
                                spline.ControlPoints.Insert(i - 1, tmp);
                    ctrls = spline.ControlPoints.Count;
                    dxfStartPath(lastX, lastY, cmt);
                    for (int i = 0; i < Math.Floor((ctrls - 1) / 3d); i++)     // for i in range(0, (ctrls - 1) // 3):
                        if (!nodesOnly)
                            importMath.calcCubicBezier(new Point(lastX, lastY), toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[3 * i + 1], offset), toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[3 * i + 2], offset), toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[3 * i + 3], offset), dxfMoveTo, "C");
                            gcodeDotOnly(lastX, lastY, "");
                            gcodeDotOnly(toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[3 * i + 3], offset), "");
                        lastX = (float)(spline.ControlPoints[3 * i + 3].X + offsetX);
                        lastY = (float)(spline.ControlPoints[3 * i + 3].Y + offsetY);
                        //  path += ' C %f,%f %f,%f %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][3 * i + 1], vals[groups['20']][3 * i + 1], vals[groups['10']][3 * i + 2], vals[groups['20']][3 * i + 2], vals[groups['10']][3 * i + 3], vals[groups['20']][3 * i + 3])
                if ((ctrls == 3) && (knots == 6)) //  # quadratic
                {                                 //  path = 'M %f,%f Q %f,%f %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], vals[groups['10']][1], vals[groups['20']][1], vals[groups['10']][2], vals[groups['20']][2])
                    if (!nodesOnly)
                        dxfStartPath(lastX, lastY, cmt);
                        importMath.calcQuadraticBezier(toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[0], offset), toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[1], offset), toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[2], offset), dxfMoveTo, "Q");
                        gcodeDotOnly(lastX, lastY, "");
                        gcodeDotOnly(toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[2], offset), "");
                if ((ctrls == 5) && (knots == 8)) //  # spliced quadratic
                {                                 //  path = 'M %f,%f Q %f,%f %f,%f Q %f,%f %f,%f' % (vals[groups['10']][0], vals[groups['20']][0], vals[groups['10']][1], vals[groups['20']][1], vals[groups['10']][2], vals[groups['20']][2], vals[groups['10']][3], vals[groups['20']][3], vals[groups['10']][4], vals[groups['20']][4])
                    if (!nodesOnly)
                        dxfStartPath(lastX, lastY, cmt);
                        importMath.calcQuadraticBezier(toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[0], offset), toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[1], offset), toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[2], offset), dxfMoveTo, "SQ");
                        importMath.calcQuadraticBezier(toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[3], offset), toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[4], offset), toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[5], offset), dxfMoveTo, "SQ");
                        gcodeDotOnly(lastX, lastY, "");
                        gcodeDotOnly(toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[2], offset), "");
                        gcodeDotOnly(toPoint(spline.ControlPoints[5], offset), "");
            #region DXFCircle
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFCircle))
                DXFCircle circle = (DXFCircle)entity;
                x = (float)circle.Center.X + (float)offsetX;
                y = (float)circle.Center.Y + (float)offsetY;
                dxfStartPath(x + circle.Radius, y, "Start Circle");
                Plotter.Arc(2, (float)x + (float)circle.Radius, (float)y, -(float)circle.Radius, 0, "");
                Logger.Trace("    Center: {0};{1}  R: {2}", x, y, circle.Radius);
            #region DXFEllipse
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFEllipse))
            {   // from Inkscape DXF import - modified
                DXFEllipse ellipse = (DXFEllipse)entity;
                float      xc      = (float)ellipse.Center.X + (float)offsetX;
                float      yc      = (float)ellipse.Center.Y + (float)offsetY;
                float      xm      = (float)ellipse.MainAxis.X;
                float      ym      = (float)ellipse.MainAxis.Y;
                float      w       = (float)ellipse.AxisRatio;
                double     a2      = -ellipse.StartParam;
                double     a1      = -ellipse.EndParam;

                float  rm   = (float)Math.Sqrt(xm * xm + ym * ym);
                double a    = Math.Atan2(-ym, xm);
                float  diff = (float)((a2 - a1 + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI));

                if ((Math.Abs(diff) > 0.0001) && (Math.Abs(diff - 2 * Math.PI) > 0.0001))
                    int large = 0;
                    if (diff > Math.PI)
                        large = 1;
                    float xt = rm * (float)Math.Cos(a1);
                    float yt = w * rm * (float)Math.Sin(a1);
                    float x1 = (float)(xt * Math.Cos(a) - yt * Math.Sin(a));
                    float y1 = (float)(xt * Math.Sin(a) + yt * Math.Cos(a));
                    xt = rm * (float)Math.Cos(a2);
                    yt = w * rm * (float)Math.Sin(a2);
                    float x2 = (float)(xt * Math.Cos(a) - yt * Math.Sin(a));
                    float y2 = (float)(xt * Math.Sin(a) + yt * Math.Cos(a));
                    dxfStartPath(xc + x1, yc - y1, "Start Ellipse 1");
                    importMath.calcArc(xc + x1, yc - y1, rm, w * rm, (float)(-180.0 * a / Math.PI), large, 0, (xc + x2), (yc - y2), dxfMoveTo);
                    //  path = 'M %f,%f A %f,%f %f %d 0 %f,%f' % (xc + x1, yc - y1, rm, w* rm, -180.0 * a / math.pi, large, xc + x2, yc - y2)
                    dxfStartPath(xc + xm, yc + ym, "Start Ellipse 2");
                    importMath.calcArc(xc + xm, yc + ym, rm, w * rm, (float)(-180.0 * a / Math.PI), 1, 0, xc - xm, yc - ym, dxfMoveTo);
                    importMath.calcArc(xc - xm, yc - ym, rm, w * rm, (float)(-180.0 * a / Math.PI), 1, 0, xc + xm, yc + ym, dxfMoveTo);
                    //    path = 'M %f,%f A %f,%f %f 1 0 %f,%f %f,%f %f 1 0 %f,%f z' % (xc + xm, yc - ym, rm, w* rm, -180.0 * a / math.pi, xc - xm, yc + ym, rm, w* rm, -180.0 * a / math.pi, xc + xm, yc - ym)
                Logger.Trace("    Center: {0};{1}  R1: {2} R2: {3} Start: {4} End: {5}", xc, yc, rm, w * rm, ellipse.StartParam, ellipse.EndParam);
            #region DXFArc
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFArc))
                DXFArc arc = (DXFArc)entity;

                double X          = (double)arc.Center.X + offsetX;
                double Y          = (double)arc.Center.Y + offsetY;
                double R          = arc.Radius;
                double startAngle = arc.StartAngle;
                double endAngle   = arc.EndAngle;
                if (startAngle > endAngle)
                    endAngle += 360;
                double stepwidth = (double)Properties.Settings.Default.importGCSegment; // from setup-GCode modification-Avoid G2/3 commands...
                float  StepAngle = (float)(Math.Asin(stepwidth / R) * 180 / Math.PI);
                double currAngle = startAngle;
                index = 0;
                if (!nodesOnly)
                    while (currAngle < endAngle)
                        double angle = currAngle * Math.PI / 180;
                        double rx    = (double)(X + R * Math.Cos(angle));
                        double ry    = (double)(Y + R * Math.Sin(angle));

                        if (index == 0)
                            dxfStartPath(rx, ry, "Start Arc");
                            Plotter.IsPathReduceOk = true;
                            dxfMoveTo(rx, ry, "");
                        currAngle += StepAngle;
                        if (currAngle > endAngle)
                            double angle2 = endAngle * Math.PI / 180;
                            double rx2    = (double)(X + R * Math.Cos(angle2));
                            double ry2    = (double)(Y + R * Math.Sin(angle2));

                            if (index == 0)
                                dxfStartPath(rx2, ry2, "Start Arc");
                                dxfMoveTo(rx2, ry2, "");
                    Logger.Trace("    Center: {0};{1}  R: {2}", X, Y, R);
            #region DXFMText
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFMText))
            {   //
                DXFMText txt    = (DXFMText)entity;
                xyPoint  origin = new xyPoint(0, 0);

                foreach (var entry in txt.Entries)
                    if (entry.GroupCode == 1)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcText = entry.Value.ToString();
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 40)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcHeight = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 41)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcWidth = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 71)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcAttachPoint = Convert.ToInt16(entry.Value);
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 10)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcOffX = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + offsetX;
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 20)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcOffY = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + offsetY;
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 50)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcAngle = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 44)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcSpacing = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 7)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcFontName = entry.Value.ToString();
                string tmp = string.Format("Id=\"{0}\" Color=\"#{1}\" ToolNr=\"{2}\"", dxfColorID, dxfColorHex, toolToUse);
                Plotter.IsPathFigureEnd = true;
                Logger.Trace("    Text: {0}", GCodeFromFont.gcText);
                Plotter.Comment("Unknown: " + entity.GetType().ToString());
 private static void gcodeMove(int gnr, float x, float y, string cmd = "")
     Plotter.MoveToSimple(new xyPoint(x, y), cmd, (gnr == 0));
        private void btnApply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            gcode.setup(false);                                         // load defaults from setup-tab
            gcode.gcodeXYFeed       = (float)nUDToolFeedXY.Value;       // override devault values
            gcode.gcodeZFeed        = (float)nUDToolFeedZ.Value;        // override devault values
            gcode.gcodeSpindleSpeed = (float)nUDToolSpindleSpeed.Value; // override devault values
            gcode.gcodeZDown        = (float)nUDImportGCZDown.Value;

            Logger.Debug("Create GCode {0}", gcode.getSettings());


            gcode.Tool(gcodeString, tprop.toolnr,;
            //       if (!Properties.Settings.Default.importGCSpindleToggle) gcode.SpindleOn(gcodeString, "Start");

            float x, y, rShape, d, dTool, overlap, rTool, zStep;
            float zStart = 0;

            x       = (float)nUDShapeX.Value;
            y       = (float)nUDShapeY.Value;
            rShape  = (float)nUDShapeR.Value;
            d       = 2 * rShape;
            dTool   = (float)nUDToolDiameter.Value;              // tool diameter;
            overlap = dTool * (float)nUDToolOverlap.Value / 100; // tool overlap
            if (rBToolpath1.Checked)
                dTool = 0;
            }                                                   // engrave
            if (rBToolpath3.Checked)
                dTool = -dTool;
            }                                                   // outside
            rTool = dTool / 2;                                  // tool radius

            int   counter = 0, safety = 100;
            int   zStepCount = 0;
            float dx = 0, dy = 0, rDelta = 0;
            int   passCount   = 0;
            int   figureCount = 1;

            gcode.jobStart(gcodeString, "StartJob");
            //    gcode.PenUp(gcodeString);

            bool inOneStep = (nUDToolZStep.Value >= -nUDImportGCZDown.Value);

            gcode.Comment(gcodeString, xmlMarker.figureStart + " " + figureCount.ToString() + " >");
            if (rBShape1.Checked)                               // rectangle
                getOffset(x, y);
                offsetX -= rTool; offsetY -= rTool;
                x       += dTool; y += dTool;                   // width +/- tool diameter (outline / inline)
                zStep    = zStart;
                while (zStep > (float)nUDImportGCZDown.Value)   // nUDImportGCZDown.Value e.g. -2
                    zStep -= (float)nUDToolZStep.Value;         // nUDToolZStep.Value e.g.  0.5
                    if (zStep < (float)nUDImportGCZDown.Value)
                        zStep = (float)nUDImportGCZDown.Value;

                    if ((overlap > x / 2) || (overlap > y / 2))
                        overlap = (float)(Math.Min(x, y) / 2.1);

                    //if ((zStepCount++ == 0) || !cBNoZUp.Checked)    // move up the 1st time
                    if (!(zStepCount++ == 0) && !cBNoZUp.Checked)     // move up the 1st time
                        if (!inOneStep)
                            gcode.Comment(gcodeString, xmlMarker.passEnd + "  " + passCount.ToString() + ">");

                    if (!inOneStep)
                        gcode.Comment(gcodeString, string.Format("{0} {1} step='{2:0.000}' final='{3:0.000}'>", xmlMarker.passStart, passCount, zStep, nUDImportGCZDown.Value));

                    if (cBToolpathPocket.Checked)
                        gcode.MoveToRapid(gcodeString, offsetX + overlap, offsetY + overlap, "");
                        gcode.MoveToRapid(gcodeString, offsetX, offsetY, "");
                    gcode.gcodeZDown = zStep;                               // adapt Z-deepth
                    if (cBToolpathPocket.Checked)                           // 1st pocket
                        if ((x > Math.Abs(dTool)) && (y > Math.Abs(dTool))) // wide enough for pocket
                            dx = overlap; dy = overlap;
                            while (((dx < x / 2) && (dy < y / 2)) && (counter++ < safety))
                                makeRect(offsetX + dx, offsetY + dy, offsetX + x - dx, offsetY + y - dy, 0, false);  // rectangle clockwise
                                dx += overlap; dy += overlap;
                                if ((dx < x / 2) && (dy < y / 2))
                                    gcode.MoveTo(gcodeString, offsetX + dx, offsetY + dy, "Pocket");
                            if (cBNoZUp.Checked)
                                gcode.MoveTo(gcodeString, offsetX, offsetY, "Pocket finish");
                                gcode.PenUp(gcodeString, "Pocket finish");
                                gcode.MoveToRapid(gcodeString, offsetX, offsetY, "Pocket finish");

                    makeRect(offsetX, offsetY, offsetX + x, offsetY + y, 0, true);  // final rectangle clockwise
                if (!inOneStep)
                    gcode.Comment(gcodeString, xmlMarker.passEnd + " " + passCount.ToString() + ">");
            else if (rBShape2.Checked)           // rectangle with round edge
                getOffset(x, y);
                offsetX -= rTool; offsetY -= rTool;
                x       += dTool; y += dTool;

                if ((overlap > x / 2) || (overlap > y / 2))
                    overlap = (float)(Math.Min(x, y) / 2.1);
                //                   gcode.Move(gcodeString, 0, offsetX, offsetY + r, false, "");
                zStep = zStart;
                while (zStep > (float)nUDImportGCZDown.Value)
                    zStep -= (float)nUDToolZStep.Value;
                    if (zStep < (float)nUDImportGCZDown.Value)
                        zStep = (float)nUDImportGCZDown.Value;

                    //                    if ((zStepCount++ == 0) || !cBNoZUp.Checked)    // move up the 1st time
                    if (!(zStepCount++ == 0) && !cBNoZUp.Checked)     // move up the 1st time
                        if (!inOneStep)
                            gcode.Comment(gcodeString, xmlMarker.passEnd + " " + passCount.ToString() + ">");

                    if (!inOneStep)
                        gcode.Comment(gcodeString, string.Format("{0} {1} step='{2:0.000}' final='{3:0.000}'>", xmlMarker.passStart, passCount, zStep, nUDImportGCZDown.Value));

                    if (cBToolpathPocket.Checked)
                        gcode.MoveToRapid(gcodeString, offsetX + overlap, offsetY + rShape, "");
                        gcode.MoveToRapid(gcodeString, offsetX, offsetY + rShape, "");
                    gcode.gcodeZDown = zStep;               // adapt Z-deepth
                    if (cBToolpathPocket.Checked)
                        dx = overlap; dy = overlap; rDelta = rShape - overlap;
                        while (((dx < x / 2) && (dy < y / 2)) && (counter++ < safety))
                            makeRect(offsetX + dx, offsetY + dy, offsetX + x - dx, offsetY + y - dy, rDelta, false);  // rectangle clockwise
                            dx += overlap; dy += overlap; rDelta -= overlap;
                            if (dx > x / 2)
                                dx = x / 2;
                            if (dy > x / 2)
                                dy = y / 2;
                            if (rDelta < 0)
                                rDelta = 0;
                            if ((dx < x / 2) && (dy < y / 2))
                                gcode.MoveTo(gcodeString, offsetX + dx, offsetY + dy + rDelta, "");
                        if (cBNoZUp.Checked)
                            gcode.MoveTo(gcodeString, offsetX, offsetY + rShape, "");
                            gcode.MoveToRapid(gcodeString, offsetX, offsetY + rShape, "");
                    makeRect(offsetX, offsetY, offsetX + x, offsetY + y, rShape, true);  // rectangle clockwise
                if (!inOneStep)
                    gcode.Comment(gcodeString, xmlMarker.passEnd + " " + passCount.ToString() + ">");
            else if (rBShape3.Checked)           // circle
                getOffset(d, d);
                offsetX -= rTool; offsetY -= rTool;
                rShape  += rTool;                   // take care of tool diameter if set

                if (overlap > rShape)
                    overlap = (float)(rShape / 2.1);

                zStep = zStart;
                while (zStep > (float)nUDImportGCZDown.Value)
                    //if ((zStepCount++ == 0) || !cBNoZUp.Checked)    // move up the 1st time
                    if (!(zStepCount++ == 0) && !cBNoZUp.Checked)     // move up the 1st time
                        if (!inOneStep)
                            gcode.Comment(gcodeString, xmlMarker.passEnd + " " + passCount.ToString() + ">");

                    if (!inOneStep)
                        gcode.Comment(gcodeString, string.Format("{0} {1} step='{2:0.000}' final='{3:0.000}'>", xmlMarker.passStart, passCount, zStep, nUDImportGCZDown.Value));

                    if (cBToolpathPocket.Checked)
                        gcode.MoveToRapid(gcodeString, offsetX + rShape - overlap, offsetY + rShape, "");
                        gcode.MoveToRapid(gcodeString, offsetX, offsetY + rShape, "");
                    zStep -= (float)nUDToolZStep.Value;
                    if (zStep < (float)nUDImportGCZDown.Value)
                        zStep = (float)nUDImportGCZDown.Value;
                    gcode.gcodeZDown = zStep;               // adapt Z-deepth
                    rDelta  = overlap;
                    counter = 0;
                    if ((cBToolpathPocket.Checked) && (rShape > 2 * rTool))
                        while ((rDelta < rShape) && (counter++ < safety))
                            gcode.Arc(gcodeString, 2, offsetX + rShape - rDelta, offsetY + rShape, rDelta, 0, "");
                            rDelta += overlap;
                            if (rDelta < rShape)
                                gcode.MoveTo(gcodeString, offsetX + rShape - rDelta, offsetY + rShape, "");
                        gcode.MoveTo(gcodeString, offsetX, offsetY + rShape, "");
                    gcode.Arc(gcodeString, 2, offsetX, offsetY + rShape, rShape, 0, "");
                if (!inOneStep)
                    gcode.Comment(gcodeString, xmlMarker.passEnd + " " + passCount.ToString() + ">");
            gcode.Comment(gcodeString, Plotter.SetFigureEnd(figureCount));

            gcode.jobEnd(gcodeString, "EndJob");      // Spindle / laser off
            //    if (Properties.Settings.Default.importGCZEnable)
            //         gcode.SpindleOff(gcodeString, "Finish - Spindle off");

            string header = gcode.GetHeader("Simple Shape");
            string footer = gcode.GetFooter();

            gcodeString.Replace(',', '.');
            shapegcode = header + gcodeString.ToString() + footer;
 private static void gcodePause(string cmt)
 private static void gcodeComment(string cmt)
 private static void gcodePenUp(string cmt)
 private static void gcodePenDown(string cmt)
Exemple #15
        public static int getCode(StringBuilder gcodeString, int startCount, string cmt)
            pathCount = startCount;
            Logger.Trace("Create GCode, text length {0}, font {1}", gcText.Length, gcFontName);
            double scale = gcHeight / 21;
            string tmp1  = gcText.Replace('\r', '|');

            gcodeString.AppendFormat("( Text: {0} )\r\n", tmp1.Replace('\n', ' '));
            string[] fileContent = new string[] { "" };

            string fileName = "";

            if (gcFontName.IndexOf(@"fonts\") >= 0)
                fileName = gcFontName;
                fileName = datapath.fonts + "\\" + gcFontName + ".lff";

            if (gcFontName != "")
                if (File.Exists(fileName))
                    fileContent    = File.ReadAllLines(fileName);
                    scale          = gcHeight / 9;
                    useLFF         = true;
                    offsetY        = 0;
                    gcLineDistance = 1.667 * gcSpacing;
                    foreach (string line in fileContent)
                        if (line.IndexOf("LetterSpacing") >= 0)
                            string[] tmp = line.Split(':');
                            gcLetterSpacing = double.Parse(tmp[1].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);//Convert.ToDouble(tmp[1].Trim());
                        if (line.IndexOf("WordSpacing") >= 0)
                            string[] tmp = line.Split(':');
                            gcWordSpacing = double.Parse(tmp[1].Trim(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);//Convert.ToDouble(tmp[1].Trim());
                    gcodeString.AppendFormat("( Font '{0}' not found )\r\n", gcFontName);
                    if (!hersheyFonts.ContainsKey(gcFontName))
                        Logger.Error("Font '{0}' or file '{1}' not found", gcFontName, fileName);
            bool centerLine = false;
            bool rightLine  = false;

            if ((gcAttachPoint == 2) || (gcAttachPoint == 5) || (gcAttachPoint == 8))
                gcOffX -= gcWidth / 2; centerLine = true;
            if ((gcAttachPoint == 3) || (gcAttachPoint == 6) || (gcAttachPoint == 9))
                gcOffX -= gcWidth; rightLine = true;
            if ((gcAttachPoint == 4) || (gcAttachPoint == 5) || (gcAttachPoint == 6))
                gcOffY -= gcHeight / 2;
            if ((gcAttachPoint == 1) || (gcAttachPoint == 2) || (gcAttachPoint == 3))
                gcOffY -= gcHeight;

            string[] lines;
            if (gcText.IndexOf("\\P") >= 0)
                gcText = gcText.Replace("\\P", "\n");
            lines = gcText.Split('\n');

            int maxCharCount = 0;

            foreach (string tmp in lines)
                maxCharCount = Math.Max(maxCharCount, tmp.Length);
            double charWidth = gcWidth / maxCharCount;

            offsetX = 0;
            offsetY = 9 * scale + ((double)lines.Length - 1) * gcHeight * gcLineDistance;// (double)nUDFontLine.Value;
            if (useLFF)
                offsetY = ((double)lines.Length - 1) * gcHeight * gcLineDistance;// (double)nUDFontLine.Value;
            isSameWord = false;

            for (int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < lines.Length; lineIndex++)
                if (lineIndex > 0)
                    offsetY -= gcHeight * gcLineDistance;
                    if (gcPauseLine)
                        gcode.Pause(gcodeString, "Pause before line");
                string actualLine = lines[lineIndex];
                for (int txtIndex = 0; txtIndex < actualLine.Length; txtIndex++)
                    char actualChar  = actualLine[txtIndex];
                    int  chrIndex    = (int)actualChar - 32;
                    int  chrIndexLFF = (int)actualChar;

                    if (txtIndex == 0)    //actualChar == '\n')                   // next line
                        offsetX = 0;
                        if (centerLine)
                            offsetX = (gcWidth - (charWidth * actualLine.Length)) / 2;           //  center line
                        else if (rightLine)
                            offsetX = (gcWidth - (charWidth * actualLine.Length));
                        isSameWord = false;
                    if (useLFF) // LFF Font (LibreCAD font file format)
                        if (chrIndexLFF > 32)
                            gcode.Comment(gcodeString, string.Format("{0} {1} Char=\"{2}\" {3}>", xmlMarker.figureStart, (++pathCount), actualChar, cmt));

                        drawLetterLFF(gcodeString, ref fileContent, chrIndexLFF, scale);//, string.Format("Char: {0}", gcText[txtIndex])); // regular char
                        if (chrIndexLFF > 32)
                            gcode.Comment(gcodeString, Plotter.SetFigureEnd(pathCount));
                        if ((chrIndex < 0) || (chrIndex > 95))     // no valid char
                            offsetX   += 2 * gcSpacing;            // apply space
                            isSameWord = false;
                            if (gcPauseWord)
                                gcode.Pause(gcodeString, "Pause before word");
                            //gcodeString.AppendFormat("( Char: {0})\r\n", gcText[txtIndex]);
                            if (gcPauseChar)
                                gcode.Pause(gcodeString, "Pause before char");
                            if (gcPauseChar && (actualChar == ' '))
                                gcode.Pause(gcodeString, "Pause before word");
                            drawLetter(gcodeString, hersheyFonts[gcFontName][chrIndex], scale, actualChar.ToString() + cmt); // regular char
            if (!useLFF)
                gcode.Comment(gcodeString, Plotter.SetFigureEnd(pathCount));
            //         startCount = pathCount;
        private static void GetVectorHPGL(string htmlCode)
            string[] commands = htmlCode.Split(';');
            char[]   charsToTrim = { ' ', '\r', '\n' };
            string   line, cmd, parameter;

            foreach (string cmdline in commands)
                line = cmdline.Trim(charsToTrim);
                if (line.Length >= 2)
                    cmd       = line.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper();
                    parameter = line.Substring(2);
//                    Logger.Trace("=> {0} ", line);
                    if (cmd == "IN")
                        if (parameter.Length >= 2)
                            cmd       = parameter.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper();
                            parameter = cmd.Substring(2);

                    if (cmd == "SP")
                    else if (cmd == "PU")
                    else if (cmd == "PD")
                    else if (cmd == "PA")
                    else if (cmd == "PR")
                    else if (cmd == "FS")
                        HPGL_FS(cmd, parameter);
                    else if (cmd == "VS")
                        HPGL_VS(cmd, parameter);
                    else if (cmd == "WU")
                        HPGL_WU(cmd, parameter);
                    else if (cmd == "PW")
                        HPGL_PW(cmd, parameter);
                        if (!messageList.Contains(cmd))
                            Logger.Warn(" UNKOWN command {0} ", cmd);
                            Plotter.AddToHeader(string.Format("Unknown command: {0}", cmd));
Exemple #17
        private static void GetVectorDXF()
            Plotter.PenUp("DXF Start");

            List <DXFLayerRecord> tst = doc.Tables.Layers;

            foreach (DXFLayerRecord rec in tst)
                Plotter.AddToHeader(string.Format("Layer: {0} , color: {1} , line type: {2}", rec.LayerName, rec.Color, rec.LineType));
                layerColor.Add(rec.LayerName, rec.Color);
                layerLType.Add(rec.LayerName, rec.LineType);

            List <DXFLineTypeRecord> ltypes = doc.Tables.LineTypes;

            foreach (DXFLineTypeRecord lt in ltypes)
                //  Plotter.AddToHeader(string.Format("Description: {0} , Name: {1} , length: {2}", lt.Description, lt.LineTypeName, lt.PatternLength));
                string pattern = "";
                if ((lt.PatternLength > 0) && (lt.ElementCount > 0))
                    double[] tmp = new double[lt.ElementCount];
                    for (int i = 0; i < lt.ElementCount; i++)
                        if (lt.Elements[i].Length == 0)
                            tmp[i] = 0.5;
                            tmp[i] = Math.Abs(lt.Elements[i].Length);
                        pattern += string.Format(" {0} ", lt.Elements[i].Length);
                    lineTypes.Add(lt.LineTypeName, tmp);
                    //                Plotter.AddToHeader(string.Format("Name: {0} , length: {1}", lt.LineTypeName, pattern));

            foreach (DXFEntity dxfEntity in doc.Entities)
                if (dxfEntity.GetType() == typeof(DXFInsert))
                    DXFInsert ins   = (DXFInsert)dxfEntity;
                    double    ins_x = (double)ins.InsertionPoint.X;
                    double    ins_y = (double)ins.InsertionPoint.Y;

                    foreach (DXFBlock block in doc.Blocks)
                        if (block.BlockName.ToString() == ins.BlockName)
                            Logger.Trace("Block: {0}", block.BlockName);
                            dxfColorID       = block.ColorNumber;
                            Plotter.PathName = "Block:" + block.BlockName;
                            Plotter.AddToHeader("Block: " + block.BlockName);
                            foreach (DXFEntity blockEntity in block.Children)
                                processEntities(blockEntity, ins_x, ins_y, false);
 private static void HPGL_PU(string coord)               // Pen up
     penDown      = false;
     startPathPos = moveTo(coord);                                       // get last Pen up position
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Process entities
        /// </summary>
        private static void processEntities(DXFEntity entity, double offsetX = 0, double offsetY = 0, bool updateColor = true)
            int    index = 0;
            double x, y, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, bulge;

            if (updateColor)
                dxfColorID       = entity.ColorNumber;
                Plotter.PathName = "Layer:" + entity.LayerName;

            Plotter.PathDashArray = new double[0];                  // default no dashes
            if (entity.LineType == "ByLayer")
                if (layerLType.ContainsKey(entity.LayerName))        // check if layer name is known
                    string dashType = layerLType[entity.LayerName];  // get name of pattern
                    if (lineTypes.ContainsKey(dashType))             // check if pattern name is known
                        Plotter.PathDashArray = lineTypes[dashType]; // apply pattern
                if (lineTypes.ContainsKey(entity.LineType))             // check if pattern name is known
                    Plotter.PathDashArray = lineTypes[entity.LineType]; // apply pattern

            if (dxfColorID > 255)
                if (layerColor.ContainsKey(entity.LayerName))
                    dxfColorID = layerColor[entity.LayerName];

            if (dxfColorID < 0)
                dxfColorID = 0;
            if (dxfColorID > 255)
                dxfColorID = 7;
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.importDXFSwitchWhite && (dxfColorID == 7))
                dxfColorID = 0;

            dxfColorHex       = getColorFromID(dxfColorID);
            Plotter.PathColor = dxfColorHex;

            if (dxfUseColorIndex)
                toolNr = dxfColorID + 1;      // avoid ID=0 to start tool-table with index 1
                toolNr = toolTable.getToolNr(dxfColorHex, 0);
                //Logger.Trace("toolNr = {0}",toolNr);

            Plotter.SetGroup(toolNr);       // set index if grouping and tool

            if (dxfColorIDold != dxfColorID)

                toolToUse = toolNr;
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.importGCToolTableUse && Properties.Settings.Default.importGCToolDefNrUse)
                    toolToUse = (int)Properties.Settings.Default.importGCToolDefNr;

                Plotter.PathToolNr = toolToUse;

                if (!groupObjects)
                    if (dxfUseColorIndex)
                        Plotter.ToolChange(toolToUse, dxfColorID.ToString());   // add tool change commands (if enabled) and set XYFeed etc.
                        Plotter.ToolChange(toolToUse, dxfColorHex);
            dxfColorIDold = dxfColorID;

            if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFPointEntity))
                DXFPointEntity point = (DXFPointEntity)entity;
                x = (float)point.Location.X + (float)offsetX;
                y = (float)point.Location.Y + (float)offsetY;
                if (!nodesOnly)
                    dxfStartPath(x, y, "Start Point");
                    gcodeDotOnly(x, y, "Start Point");

            #region DXFLWPolyline
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFLWPolyLine))
                DXFLWPolyLine lp = (DXFLWPolyLine)entity;
                index = 0; bulge = 0;
                DXFLWPolyLine.Element coordinate;
                bool roundcorner = false;
                x = 0; y = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < lp.VertexCount; i++)
                    coordinate = lp.Elements[i];
                    bulge      = coordinate.Bulge;
                    x2         = x; y2 = y;
                    x          = (double)coordinate.Vertex.X + (double)offsetX;
                    y          = (double)coordinate.Vertex.Y + (double)offsetY;
                    if (i == 0)
                        if (!nodesOnly)
                            dxfStartPath(x, y, "Start LWPolyLine - Nr pts " + lp.VertexCount.ToString());
                            Plotter.IsPathReduceOk = true;
                            gcodeDotOnly(x, y, "Start LWPolyLine");

                    if ((!roundcorner))
                        dxfMoveTo(x, y, "");
                    if (bulge != 0)
                        if (i < (lp.VertexCount - 1))
                            AddRoundCorner(lp.Elements[i], lp.Elements[i + 1]);
                        if (lp.Flags == DXFLWPolyLine.FlagsEnum.closed)
                            AddRoundCorner(lp.Elements[i], lp.Elements[0]);
                        roundcorner = true;
                        roundcorner = false;
                if ((lp.Flags > 0))// && (x2 != x) && (y2 != y))   // only move if prev pos is differnent
                    dxfMoveTo((float)(lp.Elements[0].Vertex.X + offsetX), (float)(lp.Elements[0].Vertex.Y + offsetY), "End LWPolyLine " + lp.Flags.ToString());
            #region DXFPolyline
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFPolyLine))
                DXFPolyLine lp = (DXFPolyLine)entity;
                index = 0;
                foreach (DXFVertex coordinate in lp.Children)
                    if (coordinate.GetType() == typeof(DXFVertex))
                        if (coordinate.Location.X != null && coordinate.Location.Y != null)
                            x = (float)coordinate.Location.X + (float)offsetX;
                            y = (float)coordinate.Location.Y + (float)offsetY;
                            if (!nodesOnly)
                                if (index == 0)
                                    dxfStartPath(x, y, "Start PolyLine");
                                    dxfMoveTo(x, y, "");
                                gcodeDotOnly(x, y, "PolyLine");
            #region DXFLine
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFLine))
                DXFLine line = (DXFLine)entity;
                x  = (float)line.Start.X + (float)offsetX;
                y  = (float)line.Start.Y + (float)offsetY;
                x2 = (float)line.End.X + (float)offsetX;
                y2 = (float)line.End.Y + (float)offsetY;
                Plotter.IsPathReduceOk = false;
                if (!nodesOnly)
                    dxfStartPath(x, y, "Start Line");
                    dxfMoveTo(x2, y2, "");
                    gcodeDotOnly(x, y, "Start Line");
                    gcodeDotOnly(x2, y2, "End Line");
            #region DXFSpline
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFSpline))
                DXFSpline spline = (DXFSpline)entity;
                index = 0;
                double cx0, cy0, cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2, cx3, cy3, cxMirror, cyMirror, lastX, lastY;
                lastX = (double)spline.ControlPoints[0].X + offsetX;
                lastY = (double)spline.ControlPoints[0].Y + offsetY;
                string cmt = "Start Spline " + spline.KnotValues.Count.ToString() + " " + spline.ControlPoints.Count.ToString() + " " + spline.FitPoints.Count.ToString();
                dxfStartPath(lastX, lastY, cmt);
                Plotter.IsPathReduceOk = true;

                for (int rep = 0; rep < spline.ControlPointCount; rep += 4)
                    cx0       = (double)spline.ControlPoints[rep].X + offsetX; cy0 = (double)spline.ControlPoints[rep].Y + offsetY;
                    cx1       = (double)spline.ControlPoints[rep + 1].X + offsetX; cy1 = (double)spline.ControlPoints[rep + 1].Y + offsetY;
                    cx2       = (double)spline.ControlPoints[rep + 2].X + offsetX; cy2 = (double)spline.ControlPoints[rep + 2].Y + offsetY;
                    cx3       = (double)spline.ControlPoints[rep + 3].X + offsetX; cy3 = (double)spline.ControlPoints[rep + 3].Y + offsetY;
                    points    = new System.Windows.Point[4];
                    points[0] = new System.Windows.Point(cx0, cy0); //(qpx1, qpy1);
                    points[1] = new System.Windows.Point(cx1, cy1); //(qpx1, qpy1);
                    points[2] = new System.Windows.Point(cx2, cy2); //(qpx2, qpy2);
                    points[3] = new System.Windows.Point(cx3, cy3);
                    cxMirror  = cx3 - (cx2 - cx3); cyMirror = cy3 - (cy2 - cy3);
                    lastX     = cx3; lastY = cy3;
                    var b = GetBezierApproximation(points, dxfBezierAccuracy);
                    if (!nodesOnly)
                        for (int i = 1; i < b.Points.Count; i++)
                            dxfMoveTo((float)b.Points[i].X, (float)b.Points[i].Y, "");
                        gcodeDotOnly(cx3, cy3, "Bezier");
            #region DXFCircle
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFCircle))
                DXFCircle circle = (DXFCircle)entity;
                x = (float)circle.Center.X + (float)offsetX;
                y = (float)circle.Center.Y + (float)offsetY;
                dxfStartPath(x + circle.Radius, y, "Start Circle");
                Plotter.Arc(2, (float)x + (float)circle.Radius, (float)y, -(float)circle.Radius, 0, "");

            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFEllipse))
                DXFEllipse circle = (DXFEllipse)entity;
                Plotter.Comment("Ellipse: " + circle.ColorNumber.ToString());
            #region DXFArc
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFArc))
                DXFArc arc = (DXFArc)entity;

                double X          = (double)arc.Center.X + offsetX;
                double Y          = (double)arc.Center.Y + offsetY;
                double R          = arc.Radius;
                double startAngle = arc.StartAngle;
                double endAngle   = arc.EndAngle;
                if (startAngle > endAngle)
                    endAngle += 360;
                double stepwidth = (double)Properties.Settings.Default.importGCSegment;
                float  StepAngle = (float)(Math.Asin(stepwidth / R) * 180 / Math.PI);// Settings.Default.page11arcMaxLengLine);
                double currAngle = startAngle;
                index = 0;
                if (!nodesOnly)
                    while (currAngle < endAngle)
                        double angle = currAngle * Math.PI / 180;
                        double rx    = (double)(X + R * Math.Cos(angle));
                        double ry    = (double)(Y + R * Math.Sin(angle));

                        if (index == 0)
                            dxfStartPath(rx, ry, "Start Arc");
                            Plotter.IsPathReduceOk = true;
                            dxfMoveTo(rx, ry, "");
                        currAngle += StepAngle;
                        if (currAngle > endAngle)
                            double angle2 = endAngle * Math.PI / 180;
                            double rx2    = (double)(X + R * Math.Cos(angle2));
                            double ry2    = (double)(Y + R * Math.Sin(angle2));

                            if (index == 0)
                                dxfStartPath(rx2, ry2, "Start Arc");
                                dxfMoveTo(rx2, ry2, "");
            #region DXFMText
            else if (entity.GetType() == typeof(DXFMText))
            {   //
                DXFMText txt    = (DXFMText)entity;
                xyPoint  origin = new xyPoint(0, 0);

                foreach (var entry in txt.Entries)
                    if (entry.GroupCode == 1)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcText = entry.Value.ToString();
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 40)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcHeight = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 41)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcWidth = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 71)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcAttachPoint = Convert.ToInt16(entry.Value);
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 10)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcOffX = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + offsetX;
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 20)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcOffY = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + offsetY;
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 50)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcAngle = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 44)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcSpacing = double.Parse(entry.Value, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat);
                    else if (entry.GroupCode == 7)
                        GCodeFromFont.gcFontName = entry.Value.ToString();
                string tmp = string.Format("Id=\"{0}\" Color=\"#{1}\" ToolNr=\"{2}\"", dxfColorID, dxfColorHex, toolToUse);
                Plotter.IsPathFigureEnd = true;
                Plotter.Comment("Unknown: " + entity.GetType().ToString());