Exemple #1
        private void SimulateTEM(ref ProgressReporter progressReporter, ref Stopwatch timer, ref CancellationToken ct)
            mCL.initialiseCTEMSimulation(CurrentResolution, SimRegion.xStart, SimRegion.yStart, SimRegion.xFinish, SimRegion.yFinish, isFull3D, isFD, dz, integrals);

            // Reset atoms incase TDS has been used

            // Use Background worker to progress through each step
            var NumberOfSlices = 0;

            mCL.getNumberSlices(ref NumberOfSlices, isFD);

            // Seperate into setup, loop over slices and final steps to allow for progress reporting.
            for (var i = 1; i <= NumberOfSlices; i++)
                if (ct.IsCancellationRequested == true)

                mCL.doMultisliceStep(i, NumberOfSlices);
                var mem = mCL.getCLMemoryUsed();
                // Report progress of the work.

                float ms = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;
                progressReporter.ReportProgress((val) =>
                    CancelButton.IsEnabled = true;
                    UI_UpdateSimulationProgress(ms, NumberOfSlices, 1, 1, i, mem);
                }, i);
Exemple #2
        private void SimulateCBED(int TDSruns, ref ProgressReporter progressReporter, ref Stopwatch timer, ref CancellationToken ct)
            mCL.initialiseSTEMSimulation(CurrentResolution, SimRegion.xStart, SimRegion.yStart, SimRegion.xFinish, SimRegion.yFinish, isFull3D, isFD, dz, integrals, 1);

            //int posX = CurrentResolution / 2;
            //int posY = CurrentResolution / 2;

            var posx = (CBED_xpos - SimRegion.xStart) / pixelScale;
            var posy = (CBED_ypos - SimRegion.yStart) / pixelScale;

            // Use Background worker to progress through each step
            var NumberOfSlices = 0;

            mCL.getNumberSlices(ref NumberOfSlices, isFD);
            // Seperate into setup, loop over slices and final steps to allow for progress reporting.

            var runs = 1;

            if (doTDS_CBED)
                runs = TDSruns;

            TDSImage = new float[CurrentResolution * CurrentResolution];

            for (var j = 0; j < runs; j++)
                mCL.initialiseSTEMWaveFunction(posx, posy, 1);

                for (var i = 1; i <= NumberOfSlices; i++)
                    if (ct.IsCancellationRequested == true)

                    mCL.doMultisliceStep(i, NumberOfSlices);
                    var   mem = mCL.getCLMemoryUsed();
                    float ms  = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                    // Report progress of the work.
                    progressReporter.ReportProgress((val) =>
                        CancelButton.IsEnabled = true;
                        // Note: code passed to "ReportProgress" can access UI elements freely.
                        UI_UpdateSimulationProgress(ms, NumberOfSlices, runs, j, i, mem);
                    }, i);

                // After a complete run if TDS need to sum up the DIFF...
                //mCL.AddTDSDiffImage(TDSImage, CurrentResolution);
                mCL.getDiffImage(TDSImage, CurrentResolution);

                // Sum it in C++ also for the stem pixel measurement...

                if (ct.IsCancellationRequested == true)
                progressReporter.ReportProgress((val) =>
                    CancelButton.IsEnabled = false;
                }, j);
Exemple #3
        private void SimulateSTEM(int TDSruns, ref ProgressReporter progressReporter, ref Stopwatch timer, ref CancellationToken ct, int multistem)
            LockedDetectors = Detectors;
            LockedArea      = STEMRegion;

            foreach (DetectorItem dt in LockedDetectors)
                dt.PixelScaleX = LockedArea.getxInterval;
                dt.PixelScaleY = LockedArea.getyInterval;
                dt.SetPositionReadoutElements(ref LeftXCoord, ref LeftYCoord);

            if (LockedDetectors.Count == 0)
                var result = MessageBox.Show("No Detectors Have Been Set", "", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);

            int numPix = LockedArea.xPixels * LockedArea.yPixels;
            int pix    = 0;

            foreach (DetectorItem i in LockedDetectors)
                i.ImageData = new float[numPix];
                i.Min       = float.MaxValue;
                i.Max       = float.MinValue;

            int runs = 1;

            if (doTDS_STEM)
                runs = TDSruns;

            int totalPix = numPix * runs;

            mCL.initialiseSTEMSimulation(CurrentResolution, SimRegion.xStart, SimRegion.yStart, SimRegion.xFinish, SimRegion.yFinish, isFull3D, isFD, dz, integrals, multistem);

            float xInterval = LockedArea.getxInterval;
            float yInterval = LockedArea.getyInterval;

            //List<float[]> TDSImages = new List<float[]>();
            List <float> fCoordxs = new List <float>();

            List <Tuple <Int32, Int32> > Pixels = new List <Tuple <Int32, Int32> >();

            for (int posY = 0; posY < LockedArea.yPixels; posY++)
                for (int posX = 0; posX < LockedArea.xPixels; posX++)
                    Pixels.Add(new Tuple <Int32, Int32>(posX, posY));

            for (int j = 0; j < runs; j++)
                Shuffler.Shuffle <Tuple <Int32, Int32> >(Pixels);

                // Reset image contrast limits for every run....
                foreach (DetectorItem i in LockedDetectors)
                    i.Min = float.MaxValue;
                    i.Max = float.MinValue;

                //for (int posY = 0; posY < LockedArea.yPixels * LockedArea.xPixels; posY+=multistem) // won't loop over end?
                int posY   = 0;
                int conPix = multistem;
                // numPix
                // multistem
                while (posY < numPix)

                    int thisPosY = posY;

                    if (posY + multistem > numPix && posY + multistem - numPix + 1 < multistem)
                        conPix = numPix - posY;
                        posY   = numPix;
                        posY += multistem;

                    for (int i = 1; i <= conPix; i++)
                        mCL.initialiseSTEMWaveFunction(((LockedArea.xStart + Pixels[(thisPosY + i - 1)].Item1 * xInterval - SimRegion.xStart) / pixelScale),
                                                       ((LockedArea.yStart + Pixels[(thisPosY + i - 1)].Item2 * yInterval - SimRegion.yStart) / pixelScale), i);

                    // Use Background worker to progress through each step
                    int NumberOfSlices = 0;
                    mCL.getNumberSlices(ref NumberOfSlices, isFD);
                    // Seperate into setup, loop over slices and final steps to allow for progress reporting.

                    for (int i = 1; i <= NumberOfSlices; i++)
                        if (ct.IsCancellationRequested == true)

                        mCL.doMultisliceStep(i, NumberOfSlices, conPix);
                        int   mem = mCL.getCLMemoryUsed();
                        float ms  = timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                        progressReporter.ReportProgress((val) =>
                            CancelButton.IsEnabled = true;
                            // Note: code passed to "ReportProgress" can access UI elements freely.
                            UI_UpdateSimulationProgressSTEM(ms, totalPix, pix, NumberOfSlices, i, mem);
                        }, i);
                    pix += conPix;

                    if (ct.IsCancellationRequested == true)

                    for (int i = 1; i <= conPix; i++)
                        // After a complete run if TDS need to sum up the DIFF...
                        //mCL.AddTDSDiffImage(TDSImages[i-1], CurrentResolution,i);
                        // Sum it in C++ also for the stem pixel measurement...

                    progressReporter.ReportProgress((val) =>
                        CancelButton.IsEnabled = false;
                    }, j);

                    for (int p = 1; p <= conPix; p++)
                        // loop through and get each STEM pixel for each detector at the same time
                        foreach (DetectorItem i in LockedDetectors)
                            float pixelVal = mCL.getSTEMPixel(i.Inner, i.Outer, i.xCentre, i.yCentre, p);
                            float newVal   = i.ImageData[LockedArea.xPixels * Pixels[thisPosY + p - 1].Item2 + Pixels[thisPosY + p - 1].Item1] + pixelVal;
                            i.ImageData[LockedArea.xPixels * Pixels[thisPosY + p - 1].Item2 + Pixels[thisPosY + p - 1].Item1] = newVal;

                            //if (j == runs-1) // Only use final values to set contrast limits
                            if (newVal < i.Min)
                                i.Min = newVal;
                            if (newVal > i.Max)
                                i.Max = newVal;

                    // This will update display after each tds run...
                    progressReporter.ReportProgress((val) =>
                        foreach (DetectorItem i in LockedDetectors)
                    }, thisPosY);

                    if (ct.IsCancellationRequested == true)

                // Reset TDS arrays after pixel values retrieved


                if (ct.IsCancellationRequested == true)
Exemple #4
        private void SimulationMethod(bool select_TEM, bool select_STEM, bool select_CBED, int TDSruns, ref ProgressReporter progressReporter, ref Stopwatch timer, ref CancellationToken ct)
            // Add Pixelscale to image tabs and diffraction then run simulation
            if (select_TEM)
                EWDisplay.PixelScaleX   = pixelScale;
                DiffDisplay.PixelScaleX = pixelScale;

                EWDisplay.PixelScaleY   = pixelScale;
                DiffDisplay.PixelScaleY = pixelScale;

                EWDisplay.xStartPosition = SimRegion.xStart;
                EWDisplay.yStartPosition = SimRegion.yStart;

                SimulateTEM(ref progressReporter, ref timer, ref ct);
            else if (select_STEM)
                UInt64 mem       = mCL.getCLdevGlobalMemory();
                UInt64 multi64   = mem / ((UInt64)CurrentResolution * (UInt64)CurrentResolution * 8 * 4);
                int    multistem = (int)multi64;
                DiffDisplay.PixelScaleX = pixelScale;
                DiffDisplay.PixelScaleY = pixelScale;
                SimulateSTEM(TDSruns, ref progressReporter, ref timer, ref ct, multistem);
            else if (select_CBED)
                DiffDisplay.PixelScaleX = pixelScale;
                DiffDisplay.PixelScaleY = pixelScale;
                SimulateCBED(TDSruns, ref progressReporter, ref timer, ref ct);
Exemple #5
        // Simulation Button
        private void SimulationButton(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            select_TEM  = TEMRadioButton.IsChecked == true;
            select_STEM = STEMRadioButton.IsChecked == true;
            select_CBED = CBEDRadioButton.IsChecked == true;

            if (!TestSimulationPrerequisites())

            Application.Current.Resources["Accent"] = Application.Current.Resources["ErrorColOrig"];

            CurrentResolution = Resolution;
            CurrentPixelScale = pixelScale;

            CurrentWavelength = wavelength;
            CurrentVoltage    = ImagingParameters.kilovoltage;

            // DiffDisplay.tCanvas.Width = CurrentResolution;
            // DiffDisplay.tCanvas.Height = CurrentResolution;

            SimulateEWButton.IsEnabled    = false;
            SimulateImageButton.IsEnabled = false;

            var TDSruns = 1;

            if (select_STEM)
                TDSruns = Convert.ToInt32(STEM_TDSCounts.Text);
            else if (select_CBED)
                TDSruns = Convert.ToInt32(CBED_TDSCounts.Text);

            this.cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var cancellationToken = this.cancellationTokenSource.Token;
            var progressReporter  = new ProgressReporter();

            // Pull options from dialog
            Single.TryParse(SliceDz.Text, out dz);
            Int32.TryParse(Full3DIntegrals.Text, out integrals);

            CancelButton.IsEnabled = false;
            var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                Thread.CurrentThread.Priority = ThreadPriority.Normal;

                var timer = new Stopwatch();

                // Upload Simulation Parameters to c++ class
                mCL.setCTEMParams(ImagingParameters.df, ImagingParameters.astigmag, ImagingParameters.astigang, ImagingParameters.kilovoltage, ImagingParameters.spherical, ImagingParameters.beta, ImagingParameters.delta, ImagingParameters.aperturemrad, ImagingParameters.astig2mag, ImagingParameters.astig2ang, ImagingParameters.b2mag, ImagingParameters.b2ang);

                mCL.setSTEMParams(ProbeParameters.df, ProbeParameters.astigmag, ProbeParameters.astigang, ProbeParameters.kilovoltage, ProbeParameters.spherical, ProbeParameters.beta, ProbeParameters.delta, ProbeParameters.aperturemrad);

                SimulationMethod(select_TEM, select_STEM, select_CBED, TDSruns, ref progressReporter, ref timer, ref cancellationToken);
            }, cancellationToken);

            // This runs on UI Thread so can access UI, probably better way of doing image though.
            //SimWorker.RunWorkerCompleted += delegate(object s, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs args)
            progressReporter.RegisterContinuation(task, () =>
                CancelButton.IsEnabled = false;
                ProgressBar1.Value     = 100;
                ProgressBar2.Value     = 100;

                if (select_STEM)
                    if (LockedDetectors.Count == 0)
                        SimulateEWButton.IsEnabled = true;

                    foreach (var i in LockedDetectors)

                    // just select the first tab for convenience
                    LockedDetectors[0].Tab.IsSelected = true;
                    SaveImageButton.IsEnabled         = true;
                else if (select_CBED)
                    SaveImageButton2.IsEnabled = true;
                    EWDisplay.Tab.IsSelected = true;
                    SaveImageButton.IsEnabled     = true;
                    SaveImageButton2.IsEnabled    = true;
                    SimulateImageButton.IsEnabled = true;

                Application.Current.Resources["Accent"] = Application.Current.Resources["AccentOrig"];
                SimulateEWButton.IsEnabled = true;
Exemple #6
        private void ImportStructureButton(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var openDialog = new Microsoft.Win32.OpenFileDialog
                FileName   = "file name",
                DefaultExt = ".xyz",
                Filter     = "XYZ Coordinates (.xyz)|*.xyz"

            // Set defaults for file dialog.

            var result = openDialog.ShowDialog();

            if (result == true)
                var fName = openDialog.FileName;
                fileNameLabel.Text    = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(fName);
                fileNameLabel.ToolTip = fName;

                // Now pass filename through to unmanaged where atoms can be imported inside structure class...

                // Update some dialogs if everything went OK.
                var   Len  = 0;
                float MinX = 0;
                float MinY = 0;
                float MinZ = 0;
                float MaxX = 0;
                float MaxY = 0;
                float MaxZ = 0;

                mCL.getStructureDetails(ref Len, ref MinX, ref MinY, ref MinZ, ref MaxX, ref MaxY, ref MaxZ);

                HaveStructure = true;

                WidthLabel.Content  = (MaxX - MinX).ToString("f2") + " Å";
                HeightLabel.Content = (MaxY - MinY).ToString("f2") + " Å";
                DepthLabel.Content  = (MaxZ - MinZ).ToString("f2") + " Å";
                AtomNoLabel.Content = Len.ToString();

                if (!userSTEMarea)
                    STEMRegion.xFinish = Convert.ToSingle((MaxX - MinX).ToString("f2"));
                    STEMRegion.yFinish = Convert.ToSingle((MaxY - MinY).ToString("f2"));

                if (!userSIMarea)
                    SimRegion.xFinish = Convert.ToSingle((MaxX - MinX).ToString("f2"));
                    SimRegion.yFinish = Convert.ToSingle((MaxY - MinY).ToString("f2"));


                // Now we want to sorting the atoms ready for the simulation process do this in a background worker...
                this.cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                var cancellationToken = this.cancellationTokenSource.Token;
                var progressReporter  = new ProgressReporter();
                var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                    // This is where we start sorting the atoms in the background ready to be processed later...
                }, cancellationToken);

                // This runs on UI Thread so can access UI, probably better way of doing image though.
                progressReporter.RegisterContinuation(task, () =>
                    IsSorted = true;