public static IntPtr MarshalArray(ResultsInfo[] MyArray)
     int num = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(ResultsInfo));
     IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(num * MyArray.Length);
     int num2 = 0;
     foreach (ResultsInfo info in MyArray)
         int num4 = ptr.ToInt32() + (num2 * num);
         IntPtr ptr2 = new IntPtr(num4);
         Marshal.StructureToPtr(info, ptr2, false);
     return ptr;
 public bool ReportGame(int GameID, int Kills, int Deaths, ResultsInfo[] results)
     bool flag;
         if (Lobby.sProtocol != null)
             return Lobby.sProtocol.ReportGame(GameID, Kills, Deaths, results);
         ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
         foreach (ResultsInfo info in results)
         flag = mReportGame(GameID, Kills, Deaths, list.Count, list.ToArray(typeof(string)) as string[]);
     return flag;
 public bool ReportGame(int GameID, int Kills, int Deaths, ResultsInfo[] results)
     throw new Exception("Report Game is depricated.  This was GPGnet 1.5.37 original supcom gold.");
Exemple #4
 public static bool ReportWin(int gathering, string loserteam, string winnerteam, string gamexml, List<SupComStatsInfo> playerstats)
     if (gamexml == null)
         EventLog.WriteLine("GameXML is null and we are returning false", LogCategory.Get("Game"), new object[0]);
         EventLog.WriteLine("GameXML was added: " + gamexml, LogCategory.Get("Game"), new object[0]);
     if ((gamexml == null) || (gamexml.Length < ConfigSettings.GetInt("MinReportLength", 200)))
         return false;
         List<ResultsInfo> list = new List<ResultsInfo>();
         ResultsInfo item = new ResultsInfo {
             PlayerName = winnerteam,
             WonGame = 1
         item = new ResultsInfo {
             PlayerName = loserteam,
             WonGame = 0
         DataList list2 = DataAccess.GetQueryDataSet("GetGameGatheringID", true, new object[0]);
         int num = -1;
         if (list2.Count > 0)
             EventLog.WriteLine("We have a data row.", LogCategory.Get("Game"), new object[0]);
             if (list2[0].Count > 0)
                 num = Convert.ToInt32(list2[0][0]);
         bool flag = false;
         if ((winnerteam == User.Current.ID.ToString()) || !flag)
             if (ConfigSettings.GetBool("ReportOldWay", false) || (playerstats.Count == 0))
                 EventLog.WriteLine("OLD Reporting Game", LogCategory.Get("Game"), new object[0]);
                 Lobby.GetLobby().competitionHelper.ReportGame(gathering, 0, 0, list.ToArray());
                 EventLog.WriteLine("OLD Getting game identification", LogCategory.Get("Game"), new object[0]);
                 EventLog.WriteLine("NEW Reporting Game", LogCategory.Get("Game"), new object[0]);
                 Lobby.GetLobby().competitionHelper.CreateGameReport(gathering, playerstats[0].map, playerstats[0].duration, playerstats[0].gametype);
                 foreach (SupComStatsInfo info2 in playerstats)
                     string teamName = winnerteam;
                     int num2 = Lobby.GetLobby().authenticationHelper.FindIDByPlayerName(info2.playername);
                     if ((teamName + " ").IndexOf(num2.ToString() + " ") < 0)
                         teamName = loserteam;
                     teamName = teamName.Trim();
                     Lobby.GetLobby().competitionHelper.AddResult(gathering, info2.playername, info2.faction, info2.kills, info2.lost, info2.built, info2.damageDone, info2.damageReceived, teamName, info2.energyConsumed, info2.energyProduced, info2.massConsumed, info2.massProduced, info2.result);
                     foreach (SupcomStatUnitInfo info3 in info2.UnitInfo)
                         Lobby.GetLobby().competitionHelper.AddUnit(gathering, info2.playername, info3.unitid, info3.built, info3.lost, info3.killed, info3.damagedealt, info3.damagereceived);
                 EventLog.WriteLine("NEW Getting game identification", LogCategory.Get("Game"), new object[0]);
         DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("UpdateGameResult", new object[0]);
         EventLog.WriteLine("Sending game report.", LogCategory.Get("Game"), new object[0]);
         string s = gamexml.Replace("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>", "").Replace("<GameInfo", "<GameInfo gameid=\"" + num.ToString() + "\"");
         EventLog.WriteLine("Game XML:\r\n " + s, LogCategory.Get("Game"), new object[0]);
         if (ConfigSettings.GetBool("LogGameToQuazal", false))
             string str3 = Convert.ToBase64String(Compression.CompressData(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(s)));
             EventLog.WriteLine("Updating game to Quazal.", new object[0]);
             DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("LogGameReport", new object[] { num, str3 });
         ConfigSettings.GetBool("LogDetailsToQuazal", true);
         if (DataAccess.GetBool("GetConfigSetting", new object[] { "log_games" }))
             byte[] bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s);
             new { Url = ConfigSettings.GetString("GameStatsService", "") }.SubmitGameReport(Lobby.GetLobby().authenticationHelper.Server + "_" + Lobby.GetLobby().authenticationHelper.Port.ToString() + "_" + num.ToString(), User.Current.Name, bytes);
             DataAccess.ExecuteQuery("SubmissionComplete", new object[] { num });
         return false;
     catch (Exception exception)
         return false;