Exemple #1
        public void Plan(GOAP_Goal Goal, GOAP_Agent Agent, System.Action <Queue <GOAP_ActionState>, GOAP_Goal> OnDone)
            GOAP_State GoalState = Goal.Goal.RemoveConditions(Agent.Memory.State.Conditions); // remove already satisfied goals based on agent memory

            if (IsAchievable(GoalState, Agent))                                               // first check wheter with the given actions the disired goal can be achived before forcing it with a*
                GOAP_Searcher            Searcher = new GOAP_Searcher();                      // create new A* GOAP searches
                Queue <GOAP_ActionState> NewPlan  = Searcher.Solve <GOAP_ActionState>(
                    new GOAP_Graph(),                                                         // initialize new goap graph
                    (GOAP_GraphNode Node) => {
                    new GOAP_GraphNode(GoalState, Agent, null, null),          // start state is the goal cause of backwards searching
                    new GOAP_GraphNode(Agent.Memory.State, Agent, null, null), // goal state is the current state cuase of backwards searching
                    false,                                                     // include start in the que
                    500                                                        // max 500 iterations before force exit
                    );                                                         // solve plan finding

                if (NewPlan != null)
                    OnDone.Invoke(NewPlan, Goal); return;
                }                                                                            // created plan invoke

            // could not find a plan
            OnDone.Invoke(null, Goal);
Exemple #2
 // When done with planning
 private void OnDonePlanning(Queue <GOAP_ActionState> Plan, GOAP_Goal Goal)
     IsPlanning = false;
     if (Plan != null && Plan.Count > 0 && Goal != null)
         SetNewPlan(Plan, Goal);
         return;                 // find a purpose
     SetNewPlan(null, null);
Exemple #3
        // finds the most valid goal at the moment and creates a plan to complete it
        private void CreateNewPlan()
            if (_CurrentPlan != null && _CurrentPlan.Count > 0)

            List <GOAP_Goal> PriorGoals = PrioritizedGoals; // get current available goals sorted by priority

            if (PriorGoals != null && PriorGoals.Count > 0) // there are available goals found
                PlanGoal(PriorGoals[0]);                    // get first prior goal and plan it
            else                                            // no available goals are found
                _CurrentGoal = null;
                _CurrentPlan = null;
                                #if DEBUG
                Debug.LogError("No available goals found in agent: " + this.gameObject.name);
                NoAvailableGoals();                  // run no available goals function
Exemple #4
 private void SetNewPlan(Queue <GOAP_ActionState> Plan, GOAP_Goal Goal)
     _CurrentGoal = Goal;             // set current goal
     _CurrentPlan = Plan;             // set current plan
Exemple #5
 // plan a new plan
 private void PlanGoal(GOAP_Goal TargetGoal)
     IsPlanning = true;                                     // set isplanning to true cause the Planner is planning a plan
     TargetGoal.PreCalculations();                          // do pre calculations before calculating path to goal state
     GOAP_Planner.I.Plan(TargetGoal, this, OnDonePlanning); // plan a new plan