public UGrCells SelectNoCells(int no) { int noB = 1 << no; List <UCell> UCsS = UCellLst.FindAll(Q => (Q.FreeB & noB) > 0); UGrCells GCs = new UGrCells(tfx, no); GCs.Add(UCsS); return(GCs); }
private void SearchGroupedLink() { try{ UGrCells[] LQ = new UGrCells[3]; for (int no = 0; no < 9; no++) { int noB = 1 << no; Bit81 BPnoB = new Bit81(pBDL, noB); //------------------------------------------ for (int tfx = 0; tfx < 18; tfx++) { Bit81 BPnoB2 = BPnoB & pHouseCells[tfx]; List <Bit81> houseLst = new List <Bit81>(); List <int> tfxLst = new List <int>(); for (int k = 0; k < 9; k++) { int hx = (tfx < 9)? (k + 9): k; Bit81 BX = BPnoB2 & pHouseCells[hx]; if (BX.IsZero()) { continue; } houseLst.Add(BX); tfxLst.Add(hx); } for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int hx = (tfx < 9)? (tfx / 3 * 3 + k): ((tfx - 9) / 3 + k * 3); hx += 18; Bit81 BX = BPnoB2 & pHouseCells[hx]; if (BX.IsZero()) { continue; } houseLst.Add(BX); tfxLst.Add(hx); } if (houseLst.Count < 2) { continue; } Permutation prm = new Permutation(houseLst.Count, 2); while (prm.Successor()) { int na = prm.Index[0], nb = prm.Index[1]; Bit81 HA = houseLst[na]; Bit81 HB = houseLst[nb]; if (!(HA & HB).IsZero()) { continue; } UGrCells LA = new UGrCells(tfxLst[na], no); UGrCells LB = new UGrCells(tfxLst[nb], no); foreach (var P in HA.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, 0x1FF)) { LA.Add(P); } foreach (var P in HB.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, 0x1FF)) { LB.Add(P); } SetGroupedLink(tfxLst[nb], W, no, LA, LB); if (!(BPnoB2 - (HA | HB)).IsZero()) { continue; } SetGroupedLink(tfxLst[nb], S, no, LA, LB); } } //------------------------------------------ for (int tfx = 18; tfx < 27; tfx++) { int bx = tfx - 18; int b0 = (bx / 3 * 27 + (bx % 3) * 3); //Cell number at the top left of the block Bit81 BPnoB2 = BPnoB & pHouseCells[tfx]; List <Bit81> houseLst = new List <Bit81>(); List <int> tfxLst = new List <int>(); for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int r0 = (b0 / 9 + k); Bit81 BX = BPnoB2 & pHouseCells[r0]; if (BX.IsZero()) { continue; } houseLst.Add(BX); tfxLst.Add(r0); } for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++) { int c0 = (b0 % 9) + k; Bit81 BX = BPnoB2 & pHouseCells[c0 + 9]; if (BX.IsZero()) { continue; } houseLst.Add(BX); tfxLst.Add(c0 + 9); } if (houseLst.Count >= 2) { Permutation prm = new Permutation(houseLst.Count, 2); while (prm.Successor()) { int na = prm.Index[0], nb = prm.Index[1]; Bit81 HA = houseLst[na]; Bit81 HB = houseLst[nb] - HA; if (HB.IsZero()) { continue; } UGrCells LA = new UGrCells(tfxLst[na], no); UGrCells LB = new UGrCells(tfxLst[nb], no); foreach (var P in HA.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, 0x1FF)) { LA.Add(P); } foreach (var P in HB.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, 0x1FF)) { LB.Add(P); } SetGroupedLink(tfxLst[nb], W, no, LA, LB); if (!(BPnoB2 - (HA | HB)).IsZero()) { continue; } SetGroupedLink(tfxLst[nb], S, no, LA, LB); } } if (houseLst.Count >= 1) { for (int na = 0; na < houseLst.Count; na++) { Bit81 HA = houseLst[na]; UGrCells LA = new UGrCells(tfxLst[na], no); foreach (var P in HA.IEGetUCeNoB(pBDL, 0x1FF)) { LA.Add(P); } foreach (var rc in BPnoB2.IEGet_rc()) { if (HA.IsHit(rc)) { continue; } UGrCells LB = new UGrCells(-9, no, pBDL[rc]); SetGroupedLink(tfxLst[na], W, no, LA, LB); SetGroupedLink(-9, W, no, LB, LA); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { WriteLine(ex.Message); WriteLine(ex.StackTrace); } }
public IEnumerable <GroupedLink> IEGet_SuperLink(GroupedLink GLKpre) { int SWCtrl = GLKpre.type; bool ALSpre = GLKpre is ALSLink; if (GLKpre.UGCellsB.Count == 1) { UCell U = GLKpre.UGCellsB[0]; List <UCellLink> Plst = CeLKMan.CeLK81[U.rc]; if (Plst != null) { foreach (var LK in Plst) { if (ALSpre && LK.type != W) { continue; } GroupedLink GLK = new GroupedLink(LK); if (Check_SuperLinkSequence(GLKpre, GLK)) { yield return(GLK); } } } } if (GNPXApp000.GMthdOption["GroupedCells"] == "1") { foreach (var GP in GLKMan.GrpCeLKLst) { if (ALSpre && GP.type != W) { continue; } if (!GLKpre.UGCellsB.EqualsRC(GP.UGCellsA)) { continue; } if (GLKpre.no2 != { continue; } if (Check_SuperLinkSequence(GLKpre, GP)) { yield return(GP); } } } if (GNPXApp000.GMthdOption["ALS"] == "1" && ALSMan.AlsInnerLink != null) { if (GLKpre.type == W) { foreach (var GP in ALSMan.AlsInnerLink.Where(p => (p.ALSbase.Level == 1))) { if (GLKpre.no2 != { continue; } if (GLKpre.UGCellsB.Equals(GP.UGCellsA)) { yield return(GP); } } } } if (ALSpre) { ALSLink ALK = GLKpre as ALSLink; int noB = 1 << ALK.no2; Bit81 BPnoB = new Bit81(pBDL, noB); Bit81 BP = BPnoB & ALK.UGCellsB.B81; // ALK.UGCellsB.ForEach(P=>{ if((P.FreeB&noB)>0) BP.BPSet(P.rc); }); Bit81 UsedCs = GLKpre.UsedCs; for (int tfx = 0; tfx < 27; tfx++) { Bit81 HS = BPnoB & pHouseCells[tfx]; if (!(BP - HS).IsZero()) { continue; } if ((HS - BP).IsZero()) { continue; } Bit81 NxtBP = HS - BP - UsedCs; if (NxtBP.IsZero()) { continue; } //C WriteLine("\n tfx:"+tfx ); //C WriteLine( " BP:"+BP ); //C WriteLine( " HS:"+HS ); //C WriteLine( "HS-BP:"+(HS-BP) ); //C WriteLine( "NxtBP:"+NxtBP ); List <UCell> NxtCs = NxtBP.ToList().ConvertAll(rc => pBDL[rc]); for (int k = 1; k < (1 << NxtCs.Count); k++) { UGrCells NxtGrpdCs = new UGrCells(tfx, ALK.no2); int kb = k; for (int n = 0; n < NxtCs.Count; n++) { if ((kb & 1) > 0) { NxtGrpdCs.Add(new UGrCells(NxtCs[n], ALK.no2)); } kb >>= 1; } GroupedLink GP = new GroupedLink(GLKpre.UGCellsB, NxtGrpdCs, tfx, W); //C WriteLine( GP ); yield return(GP); } } } yield break; }