public void AddGLI(GameListItem item) { if (item.Icon == null) { item.SyncIcon(); } if (fullKeyMap.ContainsKey(item.FullPath)) { var FullPre = item.FullPath + "@"; var i = 1; while (fullKeyMap.ContainsKey(FullPre + i)) { i++; } item.FullKey = FullPre + i; } else { item.FullKey = item.FullPath; } lvApps.LargeImageList.Images.Add(item.FullKey, item.Icon); lvApps.SmallImageList.Images.Add(item.FullKey, item.Icon); item.ImageKey = item.FullKey; lvApps.Items.Add(item); fullKeyMap[item.FullKey] = item; }
public static ListViewItemSnap Start(ListView lv) { switch (lv.View) { case View.LargeIcon: case View.Tile: break; default: return(null); } // var items = lv.GetSortedItems(); var q = new ListViewItemSnap(); GameListItem first = null; foreach (var pair in items) { var item = pair.Value; if (first == null) { first = item; q.refX = first.Position.X; q.refY = first.Position.Y; } else if (q.divX == 0 && item.Position.X != q.refX) { q.divX = item.Position.X - first.Position.X; } else if (q.divY == 0 && item.Position.Y != q.refY) { q.divY = item.Position.Y - first.Position.Y; } } return(first != null ? q : null); }
private void tsiAddBookmark_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ofdExe.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) { return; } var path = ofdExe.FileName; var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetFileName(path)); var item = new GameListItem(name, path); AddGLI(item); }
public void SetGameListItem(GameListItem item) { tbPath.Text = item.FullPath; tbIcon.Text = item.IconPath != null ? item.IconPath : "<default>"; tbName.Text = item.Text; tbNotes.Text = item.Notes; tbArgs.Text = item.CLIArgs; cbWindowed.Checked = item.ForceWindowed; Icon = item.Icon; item.Editor = this; gameListItem = item; }
public void RemoveGLI(GameListItem item) { var fullKey = item.FullKey; lvApps.LargeImageList.Images.RemoveByKey(fullKey); lvApps.SmallImageList.Images.RemoveByKey(fullKey); if (item.Editor != null) { item.Editor.Close(); } lvApps.Items.Remove(item); fullKeyMap.Remove(fullKey); }
private void FormMain_DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { var files = (string[])e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop); foreach (var path in files) { if (Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower() != ".exe") { continue; } var name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetFileName(path)); var item = new GameListItem(name, path); AddGLI(item); } }
public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); Icon = Properties.Resources.GMT; typeof(Control).GetProperty("DoubleBuffered", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance) .SetValue(lvApps, true, null); // var AppData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData); var AppDir = AppData + @"\GMTogether"; if (!Directory.Exists(AppDir)) { try { Directory.CreateDirectory(AppDir); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to create an appdata directory!" + " Very cursed." + " This means that we won't be able to save your bookmarks." + " See if you are missing user permissions somehow." + " Full error:\r\n" + e, Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } } IniPath = AppDir + @"\GMTUI.ini"; // ExeFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.ExecutablePath); LauncherPath = ExeFolder + @"\GMT-Launcher.exe"; if (!File.Exists(LauncherPath)) { MessageBox.Show( "Please extract GMT to GMTUI's directory before using the program.", Text, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); } // var ini = new StrangeIni(); if (ini.Load(IniPath)) { var top = ini.topSection; try { lvApps.View = (View)Enum.Parse(typeof(View), top["view"]); switch (lvApps.View) { case View.Details: SyncViewItems(tsiViewDetails); break; case View.LargeIcon: SyncViewItems(tsiViewBigIcons); break; case View.SmallIcon: SyncViewItems(tsiViewSmallIcons); break; case View.List: SyncViewItems(tsiViewList); break; case View.Tile: SyncViewItems(tsiViewTile); break; } } catch (Exception) { } if (int.TryParse(top["width"], out var w)) { Width = w; } if (int.TryParse(top["height"], out var h)) { Height = h; } foreach (var sct in ini.sections) { if ( != "Bookmark") { continue; } var name = sct["name"] ?? "?"; var path = sct["path"] ?? ""; var item = new GameListItem(name, path); item.Notes = sct["text"] ?? ""; item.IconPath = sct["icon"]; item.CLIArgs = sct["args"] ?? ""; item.ForceWindowed = sct["fwnd"] == "1"; AddGLI(item); } } }