Exemple #1
        public void SetTagStringValue(string tagName, string value)
            string su = tagName;

            GEDCOMTag P = FindTag(su, 0);

            if (P != null)
                P.StringValue = value;
                GEDCOMTag O = this;
                while (su != "")
                    string S;

                    int index = su.IndexOf('\\');
                    if (index >= 0)
                        S  = su.Substring(0, index);
                        su = su.Substring(index + 1);
                        S  = su;
                        su = "";

                    P = O.FindTag(S, 0);
                    if (P == null)
                        if (su == "")
                            P = O.AddTag(S, value, null);
                            P = O.AddTag(S, "", null);
                        if (su == "")
                            P.StringValue = value;
                    O = P;
Exemple #2
        public static void SetTagStrings(GEDCOMTag tag, string[] strings)
            if (tag == null)

            tag.StringValue = "";
            for (int i = tag.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                string subtag = tag[i].Name;
                if (subtag == "CONT" || subtag == "CONC")

            if (strings != null)
                bool isRecordTag = (tag is GEDCOMRecord);

                int num = strings.Length;
                for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
                    string str = strings[i];

                    int    len = ((str.Length > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) ? MAX_LINE_LENGTH : str.Length);
                    string sub = str.Substring(0, len);
                    str = str.Remove(0, len);

                    if (i == 0 && !isRecordTag)
                        tag.StringValue = sub;
                        tag.AddTag("CONT", sub, null);

                    while (str.Length > 0)
                        len = ((str.Length > MAX_LINE_LENGTH) ? MAX_LINE_LENGTH : str.Length);
                        tag.AddTag("CONC", str.Substring(0, len), null);
                        str = str.Remove(0, len);
Exemple #3
        public void Test_FindTags()
            var tag = new GEDCOMTag(null, null, "TEST", "");


            tag.AddTag("_SCOPE", "Private", null);
            tag.AddTag("_SCOPE", "Friends", null);
            tag.AddTag("_SCOPE", "Research", null);

            var subTags = tag.FindTags("_SCOPE");

            Assert.AreEqual(3, subTags.Count);


            subTags = tag.FindTags("_SCOPE");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, subTags.Count);
 /// <summary>
 /// Fix of line errors that are in the files of FamilyTreeBuilder.
 /// </summary>
 private static void FixFTBLine(GEDCOMCustomRecord curRecord, GEDCOMTag curTag, int lineNum, string str)
         if (curTag is GEDCOMNotes)
             curTag.AddTag("CONT", str, null);
             if (curRecord != null)
                 curRecord.AddTag("NOTE", str, null);
     catch (Exception ex)
         Logger.LogWrite("GEDCOMProvider.FixFTBLine(): Line " + lineNum.ToString() + " failed correct: " + ex.Message);
        private void LoadFromStream(Stream fileStream, StreamReader reader)
            fTree.State = GEDCOMState.osLoading;
                ProgressEventHandler progressHandler = fTree.OnProgress;

                fSourceEncoding = DEFAULT_ENCODING;
                fEncodingState  = EncodingState.esUnchecked;
                long fileSize = fileStream.Length;
                int  progress = 0;

                GEDCOMCustomRecord curRecord = null;
                GEDCOMTag          curTag    = null;

                int lineNum = 0;
                while (reader.Peek() != -1)
                    string str = reader.ReadLine();
                    str = GEDCOMUtils.TrimLeft(str);
                    if (str.Length == 0)

                    if (!ConvertHelper.IsDigit(str[0]))
                        FixFTBLine(curRecord, curTag, lineNum, str);
                        int    tagLevel;
                        string tagXRef = "", tagName, tagValue = "";

                            var strTok = new StringTokenizer(str);
                            strTok.RecognizeDecimals = false;
                            strTok.IgnoreWhiteSpace  = false;
                            strTok.RecognizeIdents   = true;

                            var token = strTok.Next(); // already trimmed
                            if (token.Kind != TokenKind.Number)
                                // syntax error
                                throw new EGEDCOMException(string.Format("The string {0} doesn't start with a valid number", str));
                            tagLevel = (int)token.ValObj;

                            token = strTok.Next();
                            if (token.Kind != TokenKind.WhiteSpace)
                                // syntax error

                            token = strTok.Next();
                            if (token.Kind == TokenKind.Symbol && token.Value[0] == '@')
                                token = strTok.Next();
                                while (token.Kind != TokenKind.Symbol && token.Value[0] != '@')
                                    tagXRef += token.Value;
                                    token    = strTok.Next();
                                // FIXME: check for errors
                                //throw new EGEDCOMException(string.Format("The string {0} contains an unterminated XRef pointer", str));
                                //throw new EGEDCOMException(string.Format("The string {0} is expected to start with an XRef pointer", str));

                                token = strTok.Next();

                            token = strTok.CurrentToken;
                            if (token.Kind != TokenKind.Word && token.Kind != TokenKind.Ident)
                                // syntax error
                            tagName = token.Value.ToUpperInvariant();

                            token = strTok.Next();
                            if (token.Kind == TokenKind.WhiteSpace)
                                tagValue = strTok.GetRest();
                        catch (EGEDCOMException ex)
                            throw new EGEDCOMException("Syntax error in line " + Convert.ToString(lineNum) + ".\r" + ex.Message);

                        // convert codepages
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tagValue) && fEncodingState == EncodingState.esChanged)
                            tagValue = ConvertStr(fSourceEncoding, tagValue);

                        if (tagLevel == 0)
                            if (curRecord == fTree.Header && fEncodingState == EncodingState.esUnchecked)
                                // beginning recognition of the first is not header record
                                // to check for additional versions of the code page

                            if (tagName == "INDI")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMIndividualRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "FAM")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMFamilyRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "OBJE")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMMultimediaRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "NOTE")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMNoteRecord(fTree, fTree, "", tagValue));
                            else if (tagName == "REPO")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMRepositoryRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "SOUR")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMSourceRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "SUBN")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMSubmissionRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "SUBM")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMSubmitterRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "_GROUP")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMGroupRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "_RESEARCH")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMResearchRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "_TASK")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMTaskRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "_COMM")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMCommunicationRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "_LOC")
                                curRecord = fTree.AddRecord(new GEDCOMLocationRecord(fTree, fTree, "", ""));
                            else if (tagName == "HEAD")
                                curRecord = fTree.Header;
                            else if (tagName == "TRLR")
                                curRecord = null;

                            if (curRecord != null && tagXRef != "")
                                curRecord.XRef = tagXRef;
                            curTag = null;
                            if (curRecord != null)
                                if (curTag == null || tagLevel == 1)
                                    curTag = curRecord.AddTag(tagName, tagValue, null);
                                    while (tagLevel <= curTag.Level)
                                        curTag = (curTag.Parent as GEDCOMTag);
                                    curTag = curTag.AddTag(tagName, tagValue, null);

                    if (progressHandler != null)
                        int newProgress = (int)Math.Min(100, (fileStream.Position * 100.0f) / fileSize);

                        if (progress != newProgress)
                            progress = newProgress;
                            progressHandler(fTree, progress);
                fTree.State = GEDCOMState.osReady;