Exemple #1
        internal float GetSelectionHeight(AdvancedDropdownDataSource dataSource, Rect buttonRect)
            if (State.GetSelectedIndex(dataSource.MainTree) == -1)

            float heigth = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < dataSource.MainTree.Children.Count(); i++)
                AdvancedDropdownItem child   = dataSource.MainTree.Children.ElementAt(i);
                GUIContent           content = new GUIContent(child.Name, child.Icon);
                if (State.GetSelectedIndex(dataSource.MainTree) == i)
                    float diff = (LineStyle.CalcHeight(content, 0) - buttonRect.height) / 2f;
                    return(heigth + diff);

                if (child.IsSeparator())
                    heigth += Styles.lineSeparator.CalcHeight(content, 0) + Styles.lineSeparator.margin.vertical;
                    heigth += LineStyle.CalcHeight(content, 0);

        public void Show(Rect rect)
            if (windowInstance != null)
                windowInstance = null;

            if (dataSource == null)
                dataSource = new CallbackDataSource(BuildRoot);

            if (gui == null)
                gui = new AdvancedDropdownGUI();

            windowInstance = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <AdvancedDropdownWindow> ();
            if (minimumSize != Vector2.zero)
                windowInstance.minSize = minimumSize;
            if (maximumSize != Vector2.zero)
                windowInstance.maxSize = maximumSize;

            windowInstance.State         = state;
            windowInstance.DataSource    = dataSource;
            windowInstance.Gui           = gui;
            windowInstance.WindowClosed += (w) => ItemSelected(w.GetSelectedItem());
        public void Init(Rect buttonRect)
            Vector2 screenPoint = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(new Vector2(buttonRect.x, buttonRect.y));

            buttonRectScreenPos.x = screenPoint.x;
            buttonRectScreenPos.y = screenPoint.y;

            if (state == null)
                state = new AdvancedDropdownState();
            if (dataSource == null)
                dataSource = new MultiLevelDataSource();
            if (gui == null)
                gui = new AdvancedDropdownGUI();

            gui.State = state;

            // Has to be done before calling Show / ShowWithMode
            screenPoint  = GUIUtility.GUIToScreenPoint(new Vector2(buttonRect.x, buttonRect.y));
            buttonRect.x = screenPoint.x;
            buttonRect.y = screenPoint.y;

            Vector2 requiredDropdownSize;

            currentlyRenderedTree = HasSearch ? dataSource.SearchTree : dataSource.MainTree;
            ShowAsDropDown(buttonRect, CalculateWindowSize(buttonRectScreenPos, out requiredDropdownSize));

            // If the dropdown is as height as the screen height, give it some margin
            if (position.height < requiredDropdownSize.y)
                Rect pos = position;
                pos.y      += 5;
                pos.height -= 10;
                position    = pos;

            if (SetInitialSelectionPosition)
                initialSelectionPosition = gui.GetSelectionHeight(dataSource, buttonRect);

            wantsMouseMove = true;
Exemple #4
        internal Vector2 CalculateContentSize(AdvancedDropdownDataSource dataSource)
            float maxWidth     = 0;
            float maxHeight    = 0;
            bool  includeArrow = false;
            float arrowWidth   = 0;

            foreach (AdvancedDropdownItem child in dataSource.MainTree.Children)
                GUIContent content = new GUIContent(child.Name, child.Icon);
                Vector2    a       = LineStyle.CalcSize(content);
                a.x += IconSize.x + 1;

                if (maxWidth < a.x)
                    maxWidth      = a.x + 1;
                    includeArrow |= child.Children.Any();

                if (child.IsSeparator())
                    maxHeight += Styles.lineSeparator.CalcHeight(content, maxWidth) + Styles.lineSeparator.margin.vertical;
                    maxHeight += LineStyle.CalcHeight(content, maxWidth);

                if (arrowWidth == 0)
                    LineStyle.CalcMinMaxWidth(Styles.arrowRightContent, out arrowWidth, out arrowWidth);

            if (includeArrow)
                maxWidth += arrowWidth;

            return(new Vector2(maxWidth, maxHeight));