Exemple #1
 public DeviceItemOREx SelectDeviceItemORExByID(string m_id)
     string sql = string.Format(@"select dt.TypeName,sty.name ClassName,WarningStatus.MonitorValue WarningStatus,
     State.MonitorValue State,HealthStatus.MonitorValue HealthStatus,dev.*,
     case(dev.Performance) when '故障' then 0 when  '报警' then 2 when '未启动' then 3 else 0 end  perf
      from t_DevItemList  dev
     left join t_DeviceType dt on dev.DeviceTypeID = dt.DeviceTypeID
     left join t_ServersType sty on sty.typeid= dt.typeid and sty.ServerID= dt.ServerID
     left join  t_TmpValue WarningStatus on WarningStatus.DeviceID= dev.DeviceID and WarningStatus.ChannelNO=11101
     left join  t_TmpValue HealthStatus on HealthStatus.DeviceID= dev.DeviceID and HealthStatus.ChannelNO=11102
     left join  t_TmpValue State on State.DeviceID= dev.DeviceID and State.ChannelNO=11103
     where dev.Deviceid='{0}'", m_id);
     DataTable dt = null;
         dt = db.ExecuteQueryDataSet(sql).Tables[0];
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw ex;
     if (dt == null)
         return null;
     if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
         return null;
     DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
     DeviceItemOREx m_obj = new DeviceItemOREx(dr);
     return m_obj;
 public DeviceANDItemRefOR(DeviceItemOREx obj)
     DeviceID = obj.DeviceID;