Exemple #1
        public void GetDataReport(ReportSeachWhereOR whereOR
		   , out DataTable reReport, out DataTable reList)

            string SqlReport = @"select val.*,tc.ChannelName from (
            select deviceno,ChannelNo,monitordate,
            round( avg(MonitorValue),2) avgValue,
            max(MonitorValue) maxValue,min(MonitorValue) minValue from ReportTemp
            group by deviceno,ChannelNo,monitordate
            ) as val
            left join t_Channel tc on tc.DeviceID= val.deviceno and tc.ChannelNo= val.ChannelNo order by monitordate;";
            DataTable dtReport = db.ExecuteQuery(SqlReport);
            reReport = dtReport;

            string sqlList = @"select val.*,tc.ChannelName from (
            select deviceno,ChannelNo,
            round( avg(MonitorValue),2) avgValue,
            max(MonitorValue) maxValue,min(MonitorValue) minValue from ReportTemp
            group by deviceno,ChannelNo
            ) as val
            left join t_Channel tc on tc.DeviceID= val.deviceno and tc.ChannelNo= val.ChannelNo;

            DataTable dtList = db.ExecuteQuery(sqlList);
            reList = dtList;
Exemple #2
        public void SearchReportDataToTemp(ReportSeachWhereOR whereOR)
            DateTime begin = whereOR.StartTime;
            DateTime end = whereOR.EndTime;
            int stationID = whereOR.StationID;
            string devName = whereOR.DeviceName;
            int nDeviceID = whereOR.DeviceID;

            string Datastr = whereOR.GetDataConver();
            string ChanncelWhere = whereOR.GetChanncelWhere("t1.channelno");

            string sqlTruncate = " truncate table ReportTemp;";

            // 以1970年为限,(年份-1970)×12+月份为数值,一直循环到结束时间
            int t1 = (begin.Year - 1970) * 12 + begin.Month - 1;
            int t2 = (end.Year - 1970) * 12 + end.Month - 1;
            int t = 0;

            for (t = t1; t <= t2; t++)
                int year = t / 12 + 1970;
                int month = t % 12 + 1;

                // 生成表名
                string strmonth = string.Format("{0:00}", month);// 00001234
                string targetTable = "t_" + stationID.ToString().Trim() + "_" + devName + "_" + Convert.ToString(year) + "_" + strmonth;

                //string tableName2 = targetTable;
                string tableNametemp = "\"" + targetTable + "\"";
                string tableName2 = "";
                foreach (char c in tableNametemp)
                    if (c == '(' || c == ')')
                        tableName2 += new string('/', 1);
                    tableName2 += new string(c, 1);

                string strSQL = "SELECT count(*) FROM dbo.sysobjects WHERE id = OBJECT_ID(N'" + tableName2 + "') AND OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1";
                string s = db.ExecuteScalar(strSQL).ToString();
                if (s == "" || Convert.ToInt32(s) <= 0)

                // 根据表名和时间返回数据
                string time1 = begin.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                string time2 = end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                string strdev = nDeviceID.ToString();

                string strSql = string.Format(@"insert into ReportTemp ([deviceno],[channelno],[monitorvalue],[monitordate],MonitorTime)
            select  t1.deviceid as deviceno, t1.channelno as channelno,
            convert(float,t1.monitorvalue) as monitorvalue,{0} as monitordate,MonitorTime from {1} t1
            where t1.MonitorTime between '{2}' and '{3}' and ({4})", Datastr, tableName2, time1, time2, ChanncelWhere);

            }// end for
 public void SearchData(ReportSeachWhereOR whereOR)
     DataTable dtReport=new DataTable();
     DataTable dtList=new DataTable();
     new ReportSeachDA().GetDataReport(whereOR, out dtReport, out dtList);
     gvList.DataSource = dtList;
     BindSeries(dtReport, whereOR);
        public void Init(ReportSeachWhereOR whereOR)
            lblName.Text = whereOR.ReportName;

            lblTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
            lblType.Text = whereOR.ReportTypeName;//.Replace("历史(", "").Replace(")", "");

            lblProp.Text = whereOR.ListChanncel[0].ChanncelName;

            chtReport.Titles[0].Text = string.Format("{0}:{1}",
                whereOR.ReportName, whereOR.ListChanncel[0].ChanncelName);
Exemple #5
        protected void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (dpdDeviceid.SelectedItem == null)
            ReportSeachWhereOR whereOR = new ReportSeachWhereOR();
            whereOR.StationID = Convert.ToInt32(dpdStationID.SelectedValue);
            whereOR.DeviceType = Convert.ToInt32(dpdDeviceType.SelectedValue);

            whereOR.DeviceID = Convert.ToInt32(dpdDeviceid.SelectedValue);
            whereOR.DeviceName = dpdDeviceid.SelectedItem.Text;

            whereOR.StartTime = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartTime.Text);
            whereOR.EndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndTime.Text);

            whereOR.ReportType = dpdDtaill.SelectedValue;
            whereOR.ReportTypeName = dpdDtaill.SelectedItem.Text;

            whereOR.ReportName = GetReportType(Request.QueryString["type"]);

            List<SearchChanncelOR> listChanncels = new List<SearchChanncelOR>();
            foreach (ListItem li in listSelectChannelNo.Items)
                listChanncels.Add(new SearchChanncelOR()
                    ChanncelNo = Convert.ToInt32(li.Value),
                    ChanncelName = li.Text

            if (listChanncels.Count == 0)
            whereOR.ListChanncel = listChanncels;

            Session["SearchWhere"] = whereOR;
        public void BindSeries(DataTable dtReport, ReportSeachWhereOR whereOR)
            if (dtReport == null)
            if (dtReport.Rows.Count == 0)

            foreach (SearchChanncelOR obj in whereOR.ListChanncel)

                 dtReport.DefaultView.RowFilter = string.Format(" ChannelNo={0}", obj.ChanncelNo);
                 DataTable dt = dtReport.DefaultView.ToTable();

                 Series ser = new Series();
                 ser.Points.DataBindXY(dt.Rows, "monitordate", dt.Rows, "avgValue");
                 ser.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
                 //ser.IsValueShownAsLabel = true;
                 ser.MarkerStyle = MarkerStyle.Circle;
                 ser.MarkerSize = 3;
                 ser.LegendText = obj.ChanncelName;
Exemple #7
        public void SecondMiddlewareInit(int DeviceID, DateTime begin, DateTime end)
            ReportSeachWhereOR whereOR = new ReportSeachWhereOR();
            whereOR.StartTime = begin;
            whereOR.EndTime = end;

            DeviceOR devObj = new DeviceDA().SelectDeviceORByID(DeviceID.ToString());
            if (devObj == null)
                throw new Exception("设备不存!");
            List<int> ListDevs = new List<int>();
            whereOR.ListDevices = GetBussMiddleware(DeviceID);
            whereOR.StationID = devObj.StationID;
            whereOR.ReportType = "day";
             * web	活动会话数	21102
             * 数据库连接池 活动连接	22603
             * 当前 JVM堆大小(kb)	22505
             * */
            whereOR.ListChanncel = new List<SearchChanncelOR>() {
            new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 21102}//--活动会话数
            ,new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 22603}//--活动连接
            ,new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 22505}	//JVM堆大小

            PDFReportSearch DataDA = new PDFReportSearch();
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void SecondDBInit(int DeviceID, DateTime begin, DateTime end)
            ReportSeachWhereOR whereOR = new ReportSeachWhereOR();
            whereOR.StartTime = begin;
            whereOR.EndTime = end;

            DeviceOR devObj = new DeviceDA().SelectDeviceORByID(DeviceID.ToString());
            if (devObj == null)
                throw new Exception("设备不存!");
            List<int> ListDevs = new List<int>();
            whereOR.ListDevices = GetBussDataBase(DeviceID);

            // whereOR.DeviceName = devObj.DeviceName;

            // whereOR.DeviceType = devObj.DeviceTypeID;
            whereOR.StationID = devObj.StationID;
            whereOR.ReportType = "day";

            whereOR.ListChanncel = new List<SearchChanncelOR>() {
            new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 42109}//--连接数
            ,new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 42105}//--%可用
            ,new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 41601}	//缓冲器
            ,new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 41602}	//数据字典
            ,new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 41603}	//库
            ,new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 41101}	//连接时间

            PDFReportSearch DataDA = new PDFReportSearch();
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void InitHostInfo(int DeviceID, DateTime begin, DateTime end)
            ReportSeachWhereOR whereOR = new ReportSeachWhereOR();
            whereOR.StartTime = begin;
            whereOR.EndTime = end;

            DeviceOR devObj = new DeviceDA().SelectDeviceORByID(DeviceID.ToString());
            if (devObj == null)
                throw new Exception("设备不存!");
            List<int> ListDevs = new List<int>();
            whereOR.ListDevices = GetBussDataHost(DeviceID);

            whereOR.StationID = devObj.StationID;
            whereOR.ReportType = "day";

            whereOR.ListChanncel = new List<SearchChanncelOR>() {
            new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 25201}//--主机CPU利用率
            ,new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 25202}//--内存压力
            ,new SearchChanncelOR(){ ChanncelNo= 25203}	//磁盘

            PDFReportSearch DataDA = new PDFReportSearch();