Exemple #1
        //  Conversion time from DEGREE fromat to H:M:S:MS format
        //  time - output
        //  time_deg - input time in range 0 deg to 360 deg
        //             where 0 deg = 0:00 AM and 360 deg = 12:00 PM
        public void SetDegTime(double time_deg)
            double time_hr = 0.0;

            time_deg = GCMath.putIn360(time_deg);

            // hour
            time_hr = time_deg / 360 * 24;
            hour    = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(time_hr));

            // minute
            time_hr -= hour;
            time_hr *= 60;
            min      = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(time_hr));

            // second
            time_hr -= min;
            time_hr *= 60;
            sec      = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(time_hr));

            // miliseconds
            time_hr -= sec;
            time_hr *= 1000;
            mili     = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(time_hr));
Exemple #2
        public double GetPlanetHouse(double longitudeTropical, double julianDate, GCEarthData earth)
            double longitudeSidereal = longitudeTropical - GCAyanamsha.GetAyanamsa(julianDate);
            double firstHouseStart   = earth.GetAscendantDegrees(julianDate) - 15.0;

            return(GCMath.putIn360(longitudeSidereal - firstHouseStart) / 30.0);
Exemple #3
        public static int GetNextYogaStart(GCEarthData ed, GregorianDateTime startDate, out GregorianDateTime nextDate)
            double            phi = 40.0 / 3.0;
            double            l1, l2, longitudeSun;
            double            jday = startDate.GetJulianComplete();
            double            xj;
            double            longitudeMoon;
            GregorianDateTime d = new GregorianDateTime();

            GregorianDateTime xd        = new GregorianDateTime();
            double            scan_step = 0.5;
            int    prev_tit             = 0;
            int    new_tit   = -1;
            double ayanamsha = GCAyanamsha.GetAyanamsa(jday);

            longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(d, ed);
            longitudeSun  = GCCoreAstronomy.GetSunLongitude(d, ed);
            l1            = GCMath.putIn360(longitudeMoon + longitudeSun - 2 * ayanamsha);
            prev_tit      = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(l1 / phi));

            int counter = 0;

            while (counter < 20)
                xj = jday;

                jday    += scan_step;
                d.shour += scan_step;
                if (d.shour > 1.0)
                    d.shour -= 1.0;

                longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(d, ed);
                longitudeSun  = GCCoreAstronomy.GetSunLongitude(d, ed);
                l2            = GCMath.putIn360(longitudeMoon + longitudeSun - 2 * ayanamsha);
                new_tit       = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Floor(l2 / phi));

                if (prev_tit != new_tit)
                    jday = xj;
                    scan_step *= 0.5;
                    l1 = l2;
            nextDate = d;

Exemple #4
        /*                                                                   */
        /*   finds previous time when starts next tithi                      */
        /*                                                                   */
        /*   timezone is not changed                                         */
        /*                                                                   */
        /*   return value: index of tithi 0..29                              */
        /*                 or -1 if failed                                   */

        public static int GetPrevTithiStart(GCEarthData ed, GregorianDateTime startDate, out GregorianDateTime nextDate)
            double            phi = 12.0;
            double            l1, l2, longitudeSun, longitudeMoon;
            double            jday = startDate.GetJulianComplete();
            double            xj;
            GregorianDateTime d = new GregorianDateTime();

            GregorianDateTime xd        = new GregorianDateTime();
            double            scan_step = 0.5;
            int prev_tit = 0;
            int new_tit  = -1;

            longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(d, ed);
            longitudeSun  = GCCoreAstronomy.GetSunLongitude(d, ed);
            l1            = GCMath.putIn360(longitudeMoon - longitudeSun - 180.0);
            prev_tit      = GCMath.IntFloor(l1 / phi);

            int counter = 0;

            while (counter < 20)
                xj = jday;

                jday    -= scan_step;
                d.shour -= scan_step;
                if (d.shour < 0.0)
                    d.shour += 1.0;

                longitudeSun  = GCCoreAstronomy.GetSunLongitude(d, ed);
                longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(d, ed);
                l2            = GCMath.putIn360(longitudeMoon - longitudeSun - 180.0);
                new_tit       = GCMath.IntFloor(l2 / phi);

                if (prev_tit != new_tit)
                    jday = xj;
                    scan_step *= 0.5;
                    l1 = l2;
            nextDate = d;
            //	nextDate.shour += startDate.tzone / 24.0;
            //	nextDate.NormalizeValues();
Exemple #5
        public static int GetNextMoonRasi(GCEarthData ed, GregorianDateTime startDate, out GregorianDateTime nextDate)
            double            phi = 30.0;
            double            l1, l2, longitudeMoon;
            double            jday = startDate.GetJulianComplete();
            GregorianDateTime d    = new GregorianDateTime();

            double ayanamsa  = GCAyanamsha.GetAyanamsa(jday);
            double scan_step = 0.5;
            int    prev_naks = 0;
            int    new_naks  = -1;

            double            xj;
            GregorianDateTime xd = new GregorianDateTime();

            longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(d, ed);
            l1            = GCMath.putIn360(longitudeMoon - ayanamsa);
            prev_naks     = GCMath.IntFloor(l1 / phi);

            int counter = 0;

            while (counter < 20)
                xj = jday;

                jday    += scan_step;
                d.shour += scan_step;
                if (d.shour > 1.0)
                    d.shour -= 1.0;

                longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(d, ed);
                l2            = GCMath.putIn360(longitudeMoon - ayanamsa);
                new_naks      = GCMath.IntFloor(l2 / phi);
                if (prev_naks != new_naks)
                    jday = xj;
                    scan_step *= 0.5;
                    l1 = l2;
            nextDate = new GregorianDateTime();
Exemple #6
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="julianDateUTC">Time in UT1 or for general use UTC. This should reflect also hours, minutes and seconds. When finding local sidereal time,
        /// this argument should contains time that is observed on Greenwich meridian. Use function GetJulianDetailed or GetGreenwichDateTime</param>
        /// <param name="longitudeDegrees"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double SiderealTimeLocal(double julianDateUTC, double longitudeDegrees, double timezoneDegrees)
            double julianDate2000, julianMillenium;
            double delta_phi = 0.0, epsilon = 0.0;

            julianDate2000  = julianDateUTC - 2451545.0;
            julianMillenium = julianDate2000 / 36525.0;
            GCEarthData.CalculateNutations(julianDateUTC, out delta_phi, out epsilon);
            return(GCMath.putIn360(280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * julianDate2000 +
                                   julianMillenium * julianMillenium * (0.000387933 - julianMillenium / 38710000) +
                                   delta_phi * GCMath.cosDeg(epsilon) + longitudeDegrees - timezoneDegrees));
Exemple #7
        public static double SiderealTimeGreenwich(double date)
            double jd, t;
            double delta_phi = 0.0, epsilon = 0.0;

            jd = date;
            t  = (jd - 2451545.0) / 36525.0;
            GCEarthData.CalculateNutations(date, out delta_phi, out epsilon);
            return(GCMath.putIn360(280.46061837 + 360.98564736629 * (jd - 2451545.0) +
                                   t * t * (0.000387933 - t / 38710000) +
                                   delta_phi * GCMath.cosDeg(epsilon)));
Exemple #8

        public void calc_horizontal(double date, double longitude, double latitude)
            double h;

            h = GCMath.putIn360(GCEarthData.SiderealTimeGreenwich(date) - this.rightAscension + longitude);

            this.azimuth = GCMath.rad2deg(Math.Atan2(GCMath.sinDeg(h),
                                                     GCMath.cosDeg(h) * GCMath.sinDeg(latitude) -
                                                     GCMath.tanDeg(this.declination) * GCMath.cosDeg(latitude)));

            this.elevation = GCMath.rad2deg(Math.Asin(GCMath.sinDeg(latitude) * GCMath.sinDeg(this.declination) +
                                                      GCMath.cosDeg(latitude) * GCMath.cosDeg(this.declination) * GCMath.cosDeg(h)));
Exemple #9
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="julianDateUTC">This contains time UTC, that means time observed on Greenwich meridian. DateTime in other
        /// timezones should be converted into timezone UTC+0h before using in this method.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public double GetAscendantDegrees(double julianDateUTC)
            double A         = GCEarthData.SiderealTimeLocal(julianDateUTC, longitudeDeg, OffsetUtcHours * 15.0);
            double E         = 23.4392911;
            double ascendant = GCMath.arcTan2Deg(-GCMath.cosDeg(A), GCMath.sinDeg(A) * GCMath.cosDeg(E) + GCMath.tanDeg(latitudeDeg) * GCMath.sinDeg(E));

            if (ascendant < 180)
                ascendant += 180;
                ascendant -= 180;
            return(GCMath.putIn360(ascendant - GCAyanamsha.GetAyanamsa(julianDateUTC)));
Exemple #10
        public static GCHorizontalCoords equatorialToHorizontalCoords(GCEquatorialCoords eqc, GCEarthData obs, double date)
            double             localHourAngle;
            GCHorizontalCoords hc;

            localHourAngle = GCMath.putIn360(GCEarthData.SiderealTimeGreenwich(date) - eqc.rightAscension + obs.longitudeDeg);

            hc.azimut = GCMath.rad2deg(Math.Atan2(GCMath.sinDeg(localHourAngle),
                                                  GCMath.cosDeg(localHourAngle) * GCMath.sinDeg(obs.latitudeDeg) -
                                                  GCMath.tanDeg(eqc.declination) * GCMath.cosDeg(obs.latitudeDeg)));

            hc.elevation = GCMath.rad2deg(Math.Asin(GCMath.sinDeg(obs.latitudeDeg) * GCMath.sinDeg(eqc.declination) +
                                                    GCMath.cosDeg(obs.latitudeDeg) * GCMath.cosDeg(eqc.declination) * GCMath.cosDeg(localHourAngle)));

Exemple #11
        private void CalculatePlanetRasi(int bodyId, GCLocation loc, GregorianDateTime vcEnd, GregorianDateTime vcAdd, GCConfigRatedEvents rec)
            int    nData;
            double JD, JDE;

            JD    = vcAdd.GetJulian() - 0.5 - loc.OffsetUtcHours / 24.0;
            JDE   = vcEnd.GetJulian() + 0.5 - loc.OffsetUtcHours / 24.0;
            nData = GCMath.IntFloor(GCMath.putIn360(GCVSOPAstronomy.GetPlanetLongitude(bodyId, JD) - GCAyanamsha.GetAyanamsa(JD)) / 30.0);

            // initial rasi at the start date 00:00
            AddRating(JD, loc, rec.rateGrahaRasi[bodyId, nData], rec.rateGrahaRasi[bodyId, Prev(nData, 12)]);

            while ((JD = FindNextRasiChange(JD, JDE, bodyId, out nData)) < JDE)
                AddRating(JD, loc, rec.rateGrahaRasi[bodyId, nData], rec.rateGrahaRasi[bodyId, Prev(nData, 12)]);
                JD += 1.0;
Exemple #12
        /*  Finds next time when rasi is changed                             */
        /*                                                                   */
        /*  startDate - starting date and time, timezone member must be valid */
        /*  zodiac [out] - found zodiac sign into which is changed           */
        /*                                                                   */

        public static GregorianDateTime GetNextSankranti(GregorianDateTime startDate, GCEarthData earth, out int zodiac)
            GregorianDateTime d = new GregorianDateTime();
            double            step = 1.0;
            int               count = 0;
            double            ld, prev;
            int               prev_rasi, new_rasi;
            GregorianDateTime prevday;

            //d.shour = 0.0;
            zodiac = 0;

            prev      = GCMath.putIn360(GCCoreAstronomy.GetSunLongitude(d, earth) - GCAyanamsha.GetAyanamsa(d.GetJulian()));
            prev_rasi = GCMath.IntFloor(prev / 30.0);

            while (count < 20)
                prevday = new GregorianDateTime();
                d.shour += step;
                if (d.shour > 1.0)
                    d.shour -= 1.0;

                ld       = GCMath.putIn360(GCCoreAstronomy.GetSunLongitude(d, earth) - GCAyanamsha.GetAyanamsa(d.GetJulian()));
                new_rasi = GCMath.IntFloor(ld / 30.0);

                if (prev_rasi != new_rasi)
                    zodiac = new_rasi;
                    //v uplynulom dni je sankranti
                    step *= 0.5;

Exemple #13
        public static GCEquatorialCoords eclipticalToEquatorialCoords(ref GCEclipticalCoords ecc, double date)
            GCEquatorialCoords eqc;

            double epsilon;
            double nutationLongitude;

            GCEarthData.CalculateNutations(date, out nutationLongitude, out epsilon);

            // formula from Chapter 21
            ecc.longitude = GCMath.putIn360(ecc.longitude + nutationLongitude);

            // formulas from Chapter 12
            eqc.rightAscension = GCMath.arcTan2Deg(GCMath.sinDeg(ecc.longitude) * GCMath.cosDeg(epsilon) - GCMath.tanDeg(ecc.latitude) * GCMath.sinDeg(epsilon),

            eqc.declination = GCMath.arcSinDeg(GCMath.sinDeg(ecc.latitude) * GCMath.cosDeg(epsilon) + GCMath.cosDeg(ecc.latitude) * GCMath.sinDeg(epsilon) * GCMath.sinDeg(ecc.longitude));

Exemple #14
        /*                                                                   */
        /* Calculation of Rasi from sun-logitude and ayanamsa                */
        /*                                                                   */

        public static int GetRasi(double SunLongitude, double Ayanamsa)
            return(GCMath.IntFloor(GCMath.putIn360(SunLongitude - Ayanamsa) / 30.0));
Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// This is implementation from Chapter 21, Astronomical Algorithms
        /// Nutation of longitude and Obliquity of ecliptic
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="julianDateUTC"></param>
        /// <param name="nutationLongitude"></param>
        /// <param name="obliquity"></param>
        public static void CalculateNutations(double julianDateUTC, out double nutationLongitude, out double obliquity)
            double t, omega;
            double d, m, ms, f, s, l, ls;
            int    i;
            double meanObliquity, nutationObliquity;

            t = (julianDateUTC - 2451545.0) / 36525;

            // longitude of rising knot
            omega = GCMath.putIn360(125.04452 + (-1934.136261 + (0.0020708 + 1.0 / 450000 * t) * t) * t);

            if (LowPrecisionNutations)
                // (*@/// delta_phi and delta_epsilon - low accuracy *)
                //(* mean longitude of sun (l) and moon (ls) *)
                l  = 280.4665 + 36000.7698 * t;
                ls = 218.3165 + 481267.8813 * t;

                //(* correction due to nutation *)
                nutationObliquity = 9.20 * GCMath.cosDeg(omega) + 0.57 * GCMath.cosDeg(2 * l) + 0.10 * GCMath.cosDeg(2 * ls) - 0.09 * GCMath.cosDeg(2 * omega);

                //(* longitude correction due to nutation *)
                nutationLongitude = (-17.20 * GCMath.sinDeg(omega) - 1.32 * GCMath.sinDeg(2 * l) - 0.23 * GCMath.sinDeg(2 * ls) + 0.21 * GCMath.sinDeg(2 * omega)) / 3600;
                // mean elongation of moon to sun
                d = GCMath.putIn360(297.85036 + (445267.111480 + (-0.0019142 + t / 189474) * t) * t);

                // mean anomaly of the sun
                m = GCMath.putIn360(357.52772 + (35999.050340 + (-0.0001603 - t / 300000) * t) * t);

                // mean anomaly of the moon
                ms = GCMath.putIn360(134.96298 + (477198.867398 + (0.0086972 + t / 56250) * t) * t);

                // argument of the latitude of the moon
                f = GCMath.putIn360(93.27191 + (483202.017538 + (-0.0036825 + t / 327270) * t) * t);

                nutationLongitude = 0;
                nutationObliquity = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < 31; i++)
                    s = arg_mul[i, 0] * d
                        + arg_mul[i, 1] * m
                        + arg_mul[i, 2] * ms
                        + arg_mul[i, 3] * f
                        + arg_mul[i, 4] * omega;
                    nutationLongitude = nutationLongitude + (arg_phi[i, 0] + arg_phi[i, 1] * t * 0.1) * GCMath.sinDeg(s);
                    nutationObliquity = nutationObliquity + (arg_eps[i, 0] + arg_eps[i, 1] * t * 0.1) * GCMath.cosDeg(s);

                nutationLongitude = nutationLongitude * 0.0001 / 3600;
                nutationObliquity = nutationObliquity * 0.0001;
            // angle of ecliptic
            meanObliquity = 84381.448 + (-46.8150 + (-0.00059 + 0.001813 * t) * t) * t;

            obliquity = (meanObliquity + nutationObliquity) / 3600;
        // THIS IS HELP FUNCTION FOR GetPrevConjunction(VCTIME test_date,
        //                                         VCTIME &found, bool this_day, EARTHDATA earth)
        // looking for previous sun-moon conjunction
        // it starts from input day from 12:00 AM (noon) UTC
        // so output can be the same day
        // if output is the same day, then conjunction occurs between 00:00 AM and noon of this day
        // date - input / output
        // earth - input
        // return value - sun longitude in degs
        // error is when return value is greater than 999.0 deg

        public static double GetPrevConjunction(ref GregorianDateTime date, GCEarthData earth)
            int    bCont = 32;
            double prevSun = 0.0, prevMoon = 0.0, prevDiff = 0.0;
            double nowSun = 0.0, nowMoon = 0.0, nowDiff = 0.0;
            //	SUNDATA sun;
            double            jd, longitudeMoon;
            GregorianDateTime d = new GregorianDateTime();

            d.shour         = 0.5;
            d.TimezoneHours = 0.0;
            jd = d.GetJulian();//GetJulianDay(d.year, d.month, d.day);

            // set initial data for input day
            // NOTE: for grenwich
            //SunPosition(d, earth, sun);
            longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(d, earth);
            prevSun       = GCSunData.GetSunLongitude(d);
            prevMoon      = longitudeMoon;
            prevDiff      = GCMath.putIn180(prevSun - prevMoon);

                // shift to day before
                jd -= 1.0;
                // calculation
                //SunPosition(d, earth, sun);
                longitudeMoon = GCCoreAstronomy.GetMoonLongitude(d, earth);
                nowSun        = GCSunData.GetSunLongitude(d);
                nowMoon       = longitudeMoon;
                nowDiff       = GCMath.putIn180(nowSun - nowMoon);
                // if difference of previous has another sign than now calculated
                // then it is the case that moon was faster than sun and he
                //printf("        prevsun=%f\nprevmoon=%f\nnowsun=%f\nnowmoon=%f\n", prevSun, prevMoon, nowSun, nowMoon);

                if (IsConjunction(nowMoon, nowSun, prevSun, prevMoon))
                    // now it calculates actual time and zodiac of conjunction
                    double x;
                    if (prevDiff == nowDiff)
                    x = Math.Abs(nowDiff) / Math.Abs(prevDiff - nowDiff);
                    if (x < 0.5)
                        d.shour = x + 0.5;
                        d.shour = x - 0.5;
                    double other = GCSunData.GetSunLongitude(d);
                    //			double other2 = nowSun + (prevSun - nowSun)*x;
                    if (Math.Abs(prevSun - nowSun) > 10.0)
                        return(GCMath.putIn180(nowSun) + (GCMath.putIn180(prevSun) - GCMath.putIn180(nowSun)) * x);
                        return(nowSun + (prevSun - nowSun) * x);
                    //			return other2;
                prevSun  = nowSun;
                prevMoon = nowMoon;
                prevDiff = nowDiff;
            }while (bCont >= 0);

Exemple #17
        // this is not used effectovely
        // it is just try to have some alternative function for calculation sun position
        // but it needs to be fixed, because
        // it calculates correct ecliptical coordinates, but when transforming
        // into horizontal coordinates (azimut, elevation) it will do something wrong

        public static GCHorizontalCoords sunPosition(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int min, int sec,
                                                     double lat, double longi)
            double twopi   = GCMath.PI2;
            double deg2rad = GCMath.PI2 / 180;

            int[] month_days = { 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30 };
            for (int y2 = 0; y2 < month; y2++)
                day += month_days[y2];
            if ((year % 4 == 0) && ((year % 400 == 0) || (year % 100 != 0)) && (day >= 60) && !(month == 2 & day == 60))

            //# Get Julian date - 2400000
            double hourd = hour + min / 60.0 + sec / 3600.0; // hour plus fraction
            double delta = year - 1949;
            double leap  = Math.Floor(delta / 4);            // former leapyears
            double jd    = 32916.5 + delta * 365 + leap + day + hourd / 24.0;

            // The input to the Atronomer's almanach is the difference between
            // the Julian date and JD 2451545.0 (noon, 1 January 2000)
            double time = jd - 51545.0;

            // Ecliptic coordinates

            // Mean longitude
            double mnlong = GCMath.putIn360(280.460 + .9856474 * time);

            // Mean anomaly
            double mnanom = GCMath.putIn360(357.528 + .9856003 * time);
            //mnanom <- mnanom * deg2rad

            // Ecliptic longitude and obliquity of ecliptic
            double eclong = mnlong + 1.915 * GCMath.sinDeg(mnanom) + 0.020 * GCMath.sinDeg(2 * mnanom);

            eclong = GCMath.putIn360(eclong);

            double oblqec = 23.439 - 0.0000004 * time;
            //-- eclong <- eclong * deg2rad
            //-- oblqec <- oblqec * deg2rad

            // Celestial coordinates
            // Right ascension and declination
            double num = GCMath.cosDeg(oblqec) * GCMath.sinDeg(eclong);
            double den = GCMath.cosDeg(eclong);
            double ra  = GCMath.arcTan2Deg(num, den);

            while (ra < 0)
                ra += 180;
            //-- ra[den < 0] <- ra[den < 0] + pi
            if (den >= 0 && num < 0)
                ra += 360;
            double dec = GCMath.arcSinDeg(GCMath.sinDeg(oblqec) * GCMath.sinDeg(eclong));

            // Local coordinates
            // Greenwich mean sidereal time
            double gmst = 6.697375 + .0657098242 * time + hourd;

            gmst = GCMath.putIn24(gmst);

            // Local mean sidereal time
            double lmst = gmst + longi / 15.0;

            lmst = GCMath.putIn24(lmst);
            lmst = lmst * 15.0;

            // Hour angle
            double ha = lmst - ra;

            ha = GCMath.putIn180(ha);

            // Azimuth and elevation
            double el = GCMath.arcSinDeg(GCMath.sinDeg(dec) * GCMath.sinDeg(lat) + GCMath.cosDeg(dec) * GCMath.cosDeg(lat) * GCMath.cosDeg(ha));
            double az = GCMath.arcSinDeg(-GCMath.cosDeg(dec) * GCMath.sinDeg(ha) / GCMath.cosDeg(el));

            //# -----------------------------------------------
            //# New code
            //# Solar zenith angle
            double zenithAngle = GCMath.arccosDeg(GCMath.sinDeg(lat) * GCMath.sinDeg(dec) + GCMath.cosDeg(lat) * GCMath.cosDeg(dec) * GCMath.cosDeg(ha));

            //# Solar azimuth
            az = GCMath.arccosDeg(((GCMath.sinDeg(lat) * GCMath.cosDeg(zenithAngle)) - GCMath.sinDeg(dec)) / (GCMath.cosDeg(lat) * GCMath.sinDeg(zenithAngle)));
            //# -----------------------------------------------

            //# Azimuth and elevation
            el = GCMath.arcSinDeg(GCMath.sinDeg(dec) * GCMath.sinDeg(lat) + GCMath.cosDeg(dec) * GCMath.cosDeg(lat) * GCMath.cosDeg(ha));

            //# -----------------------------------------------
            //# New code
            if (ha > 0)
                az += 180;
                az = 540 - az;
            az = GCMath.putIn360(az);

            // For logic and names, see Spencer, J.W. 1989. Solar Energy. 42(4):353
            //cosAzPos <- (0 <= sin(dec) - sin(el) * sin(lat))
            //sinAzNeg <- (sin(az) < 0)
            //az[cosAzPos & sinAzNeg] <- az[cosAzPos & sinAzNeg] + twopi
            //az[!cosAzPos] <- pi - az[!cosAzPos]

             * if (0 < GCMath.sinDeg(dec) - GCMath.sinDeg(el) * GCMath.sinDeg(lat))
             * {
             *   if(GCMath.sinDeg(az) < 0)
             *   {
             *       az = az + 360;
             *   }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *   az = 180 - az;
             * }

            //el <- el / deg2rad
            //az <- az / deg2rad
            //lat <- lat / deg2rad

            GCHorizontalCoords coords;

            coords.azimut    = az;
            coords.elevation = el;