Exemple #1
        private static void ParseOperatorAttributes(Specification S, string elementName, XmlAttributeCollection A)
            int nbArgs = (elementName == XML_UNARY_OPERATOR) ? 1 : 2;
            String symbol = "";
            String function = "";
            bool prefix = true;
            bool prefixAttributeSpecified = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < A.Count; i++)
                switch (A[i].Name)
                    case XML_PREFIX:
                        prefix = (A[i].Value.ToLower() == XML_TRUE);
                        prefixAttributeSpecified = true;
                    case XML_FUNCTION:
                        function = A[i].Value;
                    case XML_SYMBOL:
                        symbol = A[i].Value;
                        throw new G25.UserException("XML parsing error: Unknown attribute '" + A[i].Name + "' in specification.");

            if ((nbArgs != 1) && prefixAttributeSpecified)
                throw new G25.UserException("Prefix specified for operator '" + symbol + "' bound to '" + function + "' (todo: improve this error message).");

            S.AddOperator(new Operator(nbArgs, prefix, symbol, function));
Exemple #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Throws an exception when the same basis blade is listed twice, or
 /// when a basis blade is not contained in the algebra space. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S">Specification of the algebra.</param>
 /// <param name="bvNames">Names of all basis vectors (used for converting basis blades to strings when throwing the exception).</param>
 public virtual void SanityCheck(Specification S, String[] bvNames)
     int spaceDim = S.m_dimension;
     bool[] present = new bool[1 << spaceDim];
     for (int i = 0; i < m_basisBlades.Length; i++) {
         for (int j = 0; j < m_basisBlades[i].Length; j++)
             if (m_basisBlades[i][j].bitmap > (1 << spaceDim))
                 throw new Exception("MV.SanityCheck: basis blade is not contained within the space of the algebra");
             if (present[m_basisBlades[i][j].bitmap])
                 throw new G25.UserException("Basis blade '" + m_basisBlades[i][j].ToString(bvNames) + "' is listed more than once in multivector type " + Name + ".");
             present[m_basisBlades[i][j].bitmap] = true;
Exemple #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the language identifier of non-constant coordinate 'nonConstCoordIdx'. Depending
 /// on 'CS', the may be a string like "c[1]" or a string like "e1_e2";
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nonConstCoordIdx">index of the coordinate (counting only variable coordinates)</param>
 /// <param name="S">The specification (only S.m_coordStorage and S.m_basisVectorNames are used).</param>
 /// <param name="CS">The way coordinates are stored (VARIABLES or ARRAY).</param>
 /// <returns>the language identifier of non-constant coordinate 'nonConstCoordIdx'.</returns>
 public virtual String GetCoordLangID(int nonConstCoordIdx, Specification S, COORD_STORAGE CS)
     // todo: make adjustment for SMVOM here (or make this function virtual)
         string coordArrayName = "c";
         return coordArrayName + "[" + nonConstCoordIdx + "]";
     else return NonConstBasisBlade(nonConstCoordIdx).ToLangString(S.m_basisVectorNames);
Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the language identifier of non-constant coordinate 'nonConstCoordIdx'. 
 /// This is approximately "m" + m_gradeOM + "[" + (m_columnOM + nonConstCoordIdx * domainSize + "]";
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nonConstCoordIdx">index of the coordinate (counting only variable coordinates)</param>
 /// <param name="S">The specification (only S.m_coordStorage and S.m_basisVectorNames are used).</param>
 /// <param name="CS">The way coordinates are stored (VARIABLES or ARRAY).</param>
 /// <returns>the language identifier of non-constant coordinate 'nonConstCoordIdx'.</returns>
 public override String GetCoordLangID(int nonConstCoordIdx, Specification S, COORD_STORAGE CS)
     return "m" + m_gradeOM +
         "[" +
         m_parentOM.getCoordinateIndex(m_gradeOM, m_columnOM, nonConstCoordIdx) +
     //                (m_columnOM + m_parentOM.DomainForGrade(m_gradeOM).Length * nonConstCoordIdx) +
Exemple #5
 public static bool CanConvertSumToGmv(Specification S, SMV smv1, SMV smv2)
     if (S.m_GMV.MemoryAllocationMethod == GMV.MEM_ALLOC_METHOD.PARITY_PURE)
         return (smv1.IsEven() && smv2.IsEven()) || (smv1.IsOdd() && smv2.IsOdd());
     else return true;
Exemple #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines whether this fgs is a converter. To be a converted, the name
 /// of the function should start with and underscore (<c>_</c>) and the remaining
 /// part of the name should be a specialized multivector typename.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>true if this fgs is a converter (underscore constructor).</returns>
 public bool IsConverter(Specification S)
     if (ArgumentTypeNames.Length != 1) return false;
     else if ((Name.Length > 0) && (Name[0] == '_'))
         return (S.IsSpecializedMultivectorName(Name.Substring(1)));
     else return false;
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether this fgs is a converter with source 'type'/'FT'.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsConverterSource(Specification S, G25.SMV smv, FloatType FT)
            if (!IsConverter(S)) return false;

            if (!ArgumentTypeNames[0].Equals(smv.GetName())) return false;
            foreach (string floatName in FloatNames)
                if (floatName.Equals(FT.type)) return true;
            return false;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes an empty Specification from an XML document
        /// </summary>
        public static void InitFromXmlDocument(Specification S, XmlDocument doc)
            XmlElement rootElement = doc.DocumentElement;
            if (rootElement.Name != XML_G25_SPEC)
                throw new G25.UserException("Missing root element " + XML_G25_SPEC + " in XML file.");

            ParseRootElement(S, rootElement);

            // initializes the RefGA.Metric variables of the m_metrics

            // check if specification is sane
Exemple #9
        public static void ParseFunction(Specification S, XmlElement E)
            // storage for all info:
            String functionName = null;
            String outputFunctionName = null;
            const int MAX_NB_ARGS = 100;
            String returnTypeName = "";
            String[] argumentTypeNames = new String[MAX_NB_ARGS];
            String[] argumentVariableName = new String[MAX_NB_ARGS];
            List<String> floatNames = new List<string>();
            String metricName = "default";
            String comment = "";
            int nbArgs = 0;
            Dictionary<String, String> options = new Dictionary<string, string>();

            { // handle attributes
                XmlAttributeCollection A = E.Attributes;

                // handle all attributes
                for (int i = 0; i < A.Count; i++)
                    // functionName
                    if (A[i].Name == XML_NAME)
                        functionName = A[i].Value;

                    // functionName
                    else if (A[i].Name == XML_OUTPUT_NAME)
                        outputFunctionName = A[i].Value;

                    // metricName
                    else if (A[i].Name == XML_METRIC)
                        metricName = A[i].Value.ToLower();

                    // comment
                    else if (A[i].Name == XML_COMMENT)
                        comment = A[i].Value;

                    // floatType
                    else if (A[i].Name == XML_FLOAT_TYPE)

                     // return type
                    else if (A[i].Name == XML_RETURN_TYPE)
                        returnTypeName = A[i].Value;
                        if (!S.IsTypeName(returnTypeName))
                            if (returnTypeName.ToLower() == XML_SCALAR) // "scalar" is also allowed as returntype
                                returnTypeName = XML_SCALAR;
                            else throw new G25.UserException("Error parsing function '" + functionName + "': '" + returnTypeName + "' is not a type (inside element '" + XML_FUNCTION + "').");

                    // argNameX
                    else if (A[i].Name.StartsWith(XML_ARGNAME))
                        int argNameIdx = 0;
                            argNameIdx = System.Int32.Parse(A[i].Name.Substring(XML_ARGNAME.Length)) - 1;
                        catch (System.Exception)
                            throw new G25.UserException("Error parsing function '" + functionName + "': invalid attribute '" + A[i].Name + "' in element '" + XML_FUNCTION + "'.");
                        if ((argNameIdx >= argumentVariableName.Length) || (argNameIdx < 0))
                            throw new G25.UserException("Error parsing function '" + functionName + "': invalid attribute index '" + A[i].Name + "' in element '" + XML_FUNCTION + "'.");

                        argumentVariableName[argNameIdx] = A[i].Value;

                    // argX
                    else if (A[i].Name.StartsWith(XML_ARG))
                        int argIdx = 0;
                            argIdx = System.Int32.Parse(A[i].Name.Substring(XML_ARG.Length)) - 1;
                        catch (System.Exception)
                            throw new G25.UserException("Error parsing function '" + functionName + "': invalid attribute '" + A[i].Name + "' in element '" + XML_FUNCTION + "'.");
                        if ((argIdx >= argumentTypeNames.Length) || (argIdx < 0))
                            throw new G25.UserException("Error parsing function '" + functionName + "': invalid attribute index '" + A[i].Name + "' in element '" + XML_FUNCTION + "'.");

                        string typeName = A[i].Value;
                        if (!S.IsTypeName(typeName))
                            // it may be a constant, like 'e1', try adding a "_t"
                            if (S.IsTypeName(typeName + Specification.CONSTANT_TYPE_SUFFIX))
                                typeName = typeName + Specification.CONSTANT_TYPE_SUFFIX;
                            else throw new G25.UserException("Error parsing function '" + functionName + "': '" + typeName + "' is not a type (inside element '" + XML_FUNCTION + "')");

                        argumentTypeNames[argIdx] = typeName;
                        if (argIdx >= nbArgs)
                            nbArgs = argIdx + 1;

                    else if (A[i].Name.StartsWith(XML_OPTION))
                        String optionName = A[i].Name.Substring(XML_OPTION.Length).ToLower();
                        if (optionName.Length > 0)
                            String optionValue = A[i].Value;
                            options[optionName] = optionValue;

                // check if function name was specified:
                if (functionName == null)
                    throw new G25.UserException("Missing attribute '" + XML_NAME + "' in element '" + XML_FUNCTION + "'");

                // if output function name is missing, just use the regular function name
                if (outputFunctionName == null) outputFunctionName = functionName;

                // if no float type are specified, copy all from specification
                if (floatNames.Count == 0)
                    foreach (FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)

                // resize arguments arrays:
                Array.Resize(ref argumentTypeNames, nbArgs);
                Array.Resize(ref argumentVariableName, nbArgs);

                // check for nulls in argument arrays
                for (int i = 0; i < argumentTypeNames.Length; i++)
                    if (argumentTypeNames[i] == null)
                        throw new G25.UserException("XML parsing error in function '" + functionName + "': Missing attribute '" + XML_ARG + (1 + i).ToString() + "' in element '" + XML_FUNCTION + "'");
                    if (argumentVariableName[i] == null)
                        argumentVariableName[i] = fgs.DefaultArgumentName(i);

            fgs F = new fgs(functionName, outputFunctionName, returnTypeName, argumentTypeNames, argumentVariableName, floatNames.ToArray(), metricName, comment, options);

Exemple #10
 private static void ParseSOMelementAndAttributes(Specification S, XmlElement E)
     bool specialized = true;
     SOM som = ParseOMelementAndAttributes(S, E, specialized) as SOM;
     if (S.IsTypeName(som.Name))
         throw new G25.UserException("In specialized outermorphism definition: a type '" + som.Name + "' already exists.");
Exemple #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a G25.fgs to an XML string representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S"></param>
        /// <param name="F"></param>
        /// <returns>XML string representation of 'F'.</returns>
        public static string FunctionToXmlString(Specification S, G25.fgs F)
            StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
            SB.Append("<" + XML_FUNCTION);

            // name
            SB.Append(" " + XML_NAME + "=\"" + F.Name + "\"");

            // output name, if different
            if (F.Name != F.OutputName)
                SB.Append(" " + XML_OUTPUT_NAME + "=\"" + F.OutputName + "\"");

            // return type, if set
            if (F.ReturnTypeName.Length > 0)
                SB.Append(" " + XML_RETURN_TYPE + "=\"" + F.ReturnTypeName + "\"");

            // argument types, names
            for (int a = 0; a < F.NbArguments; a++)
                string argTypeName = F.ArgumentTypeNames[a];

                if (argTypeName.EndsWith(Specification.CONSTANT_TYPE_SUFFIX)) // check if it is a constant
                    G25.SMV smv = S.GetType(argTypeName) as G25.SMV;
                    if ((smv != null) && smv.IsConstant())
                    { // if constant, remove the "_t" from the typename
                        argTypeName = argTypeName.Substring(0, argTypeName.Length - Specification.CONSTANT_TYPE_SUFFIX.Length);

                SB.Append(" " + XML_ARG + (a + 1).ToString() + "=\"" + F.ArgumentTypeNames[a] + "\"");
                if (F.ArgumentVariableNames[a] != fgs.DefaultArgumentName(a))
                    SB.Append(" " + XML_ARGNAME + (a + 1).ToString() + "=\"" + F.ArgumentVariableNames[a] + "\"");

            // options
                foreach (KeyValuePair<String, String> KVP in F.Options)
                    SB.Append(" " + XML_OPTION + KVP.Key + "=\"" + KVP.Value + "\"");

            // float names, if not all float names of algebra are used:
            if (!F.UsesAllFloatTypes(S.m_floatTypes))
                for (int f = 0; f < F.NbFloatNames; f++)
                    SB.Append(" " + XML_FLOAT_TYPE + "=\"" + F.FloatNames[f] + "\"");

            // metric name, if not default
            if (F.MetricName != "default")
                SB.Append(" " + XML_METRIC + "=\"" + F.MetricName + "\"");

            // metric name, if not default
            if (F.Comment.Length > 0)
                SB.Append(" " + XML_COMMENT + "=\"" + F.Comment + "\"");


            return SB.ToString();
Exemple #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses an XML_SMV element and stores the result.
        /// The XML_SMV element should contain the name, and optionally the type, const property and constant name.
        /// If the const property is true and no name is specified, the regular name is used as the name
        /// of the singleton constant and the name of the type is renamed to name_t.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="E">XML_SMV element</param>
        private static void ParseSMVelementAndAttributes(Specification S, XmlElement E)
            string typeName = null;
            bool isConstant = false;
            string constantName = null;

            { // handle attributes
                XmlAttributeCollection A = E.Attributes;

                // handle all attributes
                for (int i = 0; i < A.Count; i++)
                    // name
                    if (A[i].Name == XML_NAME)
                        typeName = A[i].Value;

                    // const
                    else if (A[i].Name == XML_CONST)
                        isConstant = (A[i].Value.ToLower() == XML_TRUE);

                    // type
                    else if (A[i].Name == XML_TYPE)
                        if (A[i].Value == XML_MULTIVECTOR)
                            mvType = SMV.MULTIVECTOR_TYPE.MULTIVECTOR;
                        else if (A[i].Value == XML_BLADE)
                            mvType = SMV.MULTIVECTOR_TYPE.BLADE;
                        else if (A[i].Value == XML_ROTOR)
                            mvType = SMV.MULTIVECTOR_TYPE.ROTOR;
                        else if (A[i].Value == XML_VERSOR)
                            mvType = SMV.MULTIVECTOR_TYPE.VERSOR;
                        else throw new G25.UserException("XML parsing error: Invalid value for attribute'" + XML_TYPE + "':'" + A[i].Value + "' in element '" + XML_SMV + "'.");

                // sanity check on name
                if (typeName == null)
                    throw new G25.UserException("XML parsing error: Missing '" + XML_NAME + "' attribute in element '" + XML_SMV + "'.");

                // if constant and no constantName provided, use the typeName as the constantName, and set typeName to typeName + "_t"
                if (isConstant && (constantName == null))
                    // if a constant should be generated and no constant name is specified
                    constantName = typeName;
                    typeName = constantName + Specification.CONSTANT_TYPE_SUFFIX;

                // check if name is already present
                if (S.IsTypeName(typeName))
                    throw new G25.UserException("In specialized multivector definition: type '" + typeName + "' already exists.");

            } // end of 'handle attributes'

            // parse list of basis blades and optional comment
            List<G25.rsbbp.BasisBlade> L = ParseBasisBladeList(S, E.FirstChild, typeName);
            string comment = ParseComment(S, E.FirstChild);

            if (L == null)
                throw new G25.UserException("XML parsing error in element '" + XML_SMV + "': Missing basis blade list for specialized multivector '" + typeName + "'");

            SMV smv = new SMV(typeName, L.ToArray(), mvType, comment);

            // add new type to list of specialized multivectors

            // if constant name is specified, the user wants a constant:
            if (constantName != null)
                S.AddConstant(new ConstantSMV(constantName, smv, null, comment));
Exemple #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses the attributes of the XML_G25_SPEC root element
 /// </summary>
 private static void ParseRootElementAttributes(Specification S, XmlAttributeCollection A)
     // parse all attributes of the root element
     for (int i = 0; i < A.Count; i++)
         switch (A[i].Name)
             case XML_LICENSE:
             case XML_COPYRIGHT:
                 S.m_copyright = A[i].Value;
             case XML_LANGUAGE:
             case XML_NAMESPACE:
                 S.m_namespace = A[i].Value;
             case XML_COORD_STORAGE:
                 if (A[i].Value == XML_ARRAY)
                     S.m_coordStorage = COORD_STORAGE.ARRAY;
                 else if (A[i].Value == XML_VARIABLES)
                     S.m_coordStorage = COORD_STORAGE.VARIABLES;
                 else throw new G25.UserException("XML parsing error: Unknown attribute value '" + A[i].Value + "' for attribute '" + XML_COORD_STORAGE + "'.");
                 if (A[i].Value.ToLower() == XML_TRUE)
             case XML_DIMENSION:
                 int dim;
                     dim = System.Int32.Parse(A[i].Value);
                 catch (System.Exception) { throw new G25.UserException("Invalid dimension for space of algebra: '" + A[i].Value + "'."); }
             case XML_REPORT_USAGE:
                 S.m_reportUsage = (A[i].Value.ToLower() == XML_TRUE);
             case XML_GMV_CODE:
                 if (A[i].Value.ToLower() == XML_RUNTIME)
                     S.m_gmvCodeGeneration = GMV_CODE.RUNTIME;
                 else if (A[i].Value.ToLower() == XML_EXPAND)
                     S.m_gmvCodeGeneration = GMV_CODE.EXPAND;
                 else throw new G25.UserException("Invalid value '" + A[i].Value + "' for attribute '" + XML_GMV_CODE + "'.");
             case XML_PARSER:
                 if (A[i].Value.ToLower() == XML_NONE)
                     S.m_parserType = PARSER.NONE;
                 else if (A[i].Value.ToLower() == XML_ANTLR)
                     S.m_parserType = PARSER.ANTLR;
                 else if (A[i].Value.ToLower() == XML_BUILTIN)
                     S.m_parserType = PARSER.BUILTIN;
                 else throw new G25.UserException("Invalid value '" + A[i].Value + "' for attribute '" + XML_PARSER + "'.");
             case XML_TEST_SUITE:
                 S.m_generateTestSuite = (A[i].Value.ToLower() == XML_TRUE);
                 throw new G25.UserException("XML parsing error: Unknown XML attribute '" + A[i].Name + "' in root element '" + XML_G25_SPEC + "'.");
Exemple #14
        private static void ParseRootElement(Specification S, XmlElement rootElement)
            ParseRootElementAttributes(S, rootElement.Attributes);

            XmlNode _E = rootElement.FirstChild;
            while (_E != null)
                XmlElement E = _E as XmlElement;
                if (E != null)
                    switch (E.Name)
                        case XML_CUSTOM_LICENSE:
                                if (S.m_license != XML_CUSTOM)
                                    throw new G25.UserException("License was not set to '" + XML_CUSTOM + "' but there still is a '" + XML_CUSTOM_LICENSE + "' in the specification");
                                XmlText T = E.FirstChild as XmlText;
                                if (T != null)
                                    S.m_license = T.Value;
                        case XML_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY:
                        case XML_OUTPUT_FILENAME:
                            S.SetOutputFilename(E.GetAttribute(XML_DEFAULT_NAME), E.GetAttribute(XML_CUSTOM_NAME));

                        case XML_INLINE:
                            ParseInlineAttributes(S, E.Attributes);
                        case XML_FLOAT_TYPE:
                            ParseFloatTypeAttributes(S, E.Attributes);
                        case XML_UNARY_OPERATOR:
                        case XML_BINARY_OPERATOR:
                            ParseOperatorAttributes(S, E.Name, E.Attributes);
                        case XML_BASIS_VECTOR_NAMES:
                            ParseBasisVectorNamesAttributes(S, E.Attributes);
                        case XML_METRIC:
                                // name
                                string name = E.GetAttribute(XML_NAME);
                                if (name == null) name = "default";

                                // parse actual metric:
                                XmlText T = E.FirstChild as XmlText;
                                if (T == null) throw new G25.UserException("Invalid  '" + XML_METRIC + "' element in specification.");
                                ParseMetric(S, name, T.Value);

                                // round?
                                if (E.GetAttribute(XML_ROUND) != null)
                                    S.GetMetric(name).m_round = !(E.GetAttribute(XML_ROUND).ToLower() == XML_FALSE);

                        case XML_MV:
                            ParseMVelementAndAttributes(S, E);
                        case XML_SMV:
                            ParseSMVelementAndAttributes(S, E);
                        case XML_OM:
                            ParseGOMelementAndAttributes(S, E);
                        case XML_SOM:
                            ParseSOMelementAndAttributes(S, E);
                        case XML_CONSTANT:
                            ParseConstantElementAndAttributes(S, E);
                        case XML_FUNCTION:
                            ParseFunction(S, E);
                        case XML_VERBATIM:
                            ParseVerbatim(S, E);
                            System.Console.WriteLine("Specification.ParseRootElement(): warning: unknown element '" + E.Name + "' in specification");

                _E = _E.NextSibling;
Exemple #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the whether argument 'argIdx' is a pointer. 
 /// If not filled in, 'false' is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S">Specification.</param>
 /// <param name="argIdx">Index of argument.</param>
 /// <returns>name of argument 'argIdx'.</returns>
 public bool GetArgumentPtr(Specification S, int argIdx)
     if (argIdx < 0) return (S.OutputC()) ? true : false;
     else if (NbArguments == 0) return false;
     else return ArgumentPtr[argIdx];
Exemple #16
        public static void ParseVerbatim(Specification S, XmlElement E)
            List<string> filenames = new List<string>();
            VerbatimCode.POSITION where = VerbatimCode.POSITION.INVALID;
            string customMarker = null;
            string verbatimCode = null;
            string verbatimCodeFile = null;

            { // handle attributes
                XmlAttributeCollection A = E.Attributes;

                // handle all attributes
                for (int i = 0; i < A.Count; i++)
                    // filename
                    if (A[i].Name.StartsWith(XML.XML_FILENAME))

                    // position
                    else if (A[i].Name == XML.XML_POSITION)
                        if (A[i].Value == XML.XML_TOP) where = VerbatimCode.POSITION.TOP;
                        else if (A[i].Value == XML.XML_BOTTOM) where = VerbatimCode.POSITION.BOTTOM;
                        else if (A[i].Value == XML.XML_BEFORE_MARKER) where = VerbatimCode.POSITION.BEFORE_MARKER;
                        else if (A[i].Value == XML.XML_AFTER_MARKER) where = VerbatimCode.POSITION.AFTER_MARKER;
                        else throw new G25.UserException("Invalid " + XML.XML_POSITION + " '" + A[i].Value + "'  in element '" + XML.XML_VERBATIM + "'.");

                    // marker
                    else if (A[i].Name == XML.XML_MARKER)
                        customMarker = A[i].Value;

                    // codeFilename
                    else if (A[i].Name == XML.XML_CODE_FILENAME)
                        if (A[i].Value.Length > 0)
                            verbatimCodeFile = A[i].Value;

                    else throw new G25.UserException("Invalid attribute '" + A[i].Name + "'  in element '" + XML.XML_VERBATIM + "'.");

                { // get verbatim code from _inside_ the element:
                    XmlText T = E.FirstChild as XmlText;
                    if ((T != null) && (T.Length > 0)) verbatimCode = T.Value;

                // check if function name was specified:
                if (filenames.Count == 0)
                    throw new G25.UserException("Missing attribute '" + XML.XML_FILENAME + "' in element '" + XML.XML_VERBATIM + "'");

                if (where == VerbatimCode.POSITION.INVALID)
                    throw new G25.UserException("Missing attribute '" + XML.XML_POSITION + "' in element '" + XML.XML_VERBATIM + "'");

                if (((where == VerbatimCode.POSITION.BEFORE_MARKER) ||
                    (where == VerbatimCode.POSITION.AFTER_MARKER)) &&
                    (customMarker == null))
                    throw new G25.UserException("Missing attribute '" + XML.XML_MARKER + "' in element '" + XML.XML_VERBATIM + "'");

                if ((verbatimCode == null) && (verbatimCodeFile == null))
                    throw new G25.UserException("Missing/empty verbatim code or verbatim code filename in element '" + XML.XML_VERBATIM + "'");
            } // end of 'handle attributes'

            S.m_verbatimCode.Add(new VerbatimCode(filenames, where, customMarker, verbatimCode, verbatimCodeFile));
Exemple #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes <c>m_argumentPtr</c> automatically from the <c>m_argumentTypeNames</c>.
        /// The length of the <c>m_argumentPtr</c> array is adjusted to match <c>m_argumentTypeNames</c>.
        /// Existing values are not changed. The other values are set in a language-dependent way.
        /// (currently only for 'C' language).
        /// Does nothing when <c>m_argumentTypeNames</c> is null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Used for <c>m_outputLanguage</c> and the types.</param>
        public void InitArgumentPtrFromTypeNames(Specification S)
            if (m_argumentTypeNames == null) return;

            int i = (m_argumentPtr == null) ? 0 : m_argumentPtr.Length;
            if (i != m_argumentTypeNames.Length)
            {// resize the array
                System.Array.Resize<bool>(ref m_argumentPtr, m_argumentTypeNames.Length);
                System.Array.Resize<bool>(ref m_argumentArr, m_argumentTypeNames.Length);

            if (S.OutputC()) {
                // if it is not a float or a double, then it is a pointer
                for (; i < m_argumentTypeNames.Length; i++)
                    //m_argumentPtr[i] = !(S.IsFloatType(m_argumentTypeNames[i]);
                    m_argumentPtr[i] = S.IsGaTypeName(m_argumentTypeNames[i]);
Exemple #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a G25.SMV to an XML string representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S"></param>
        /// <param name="smv"></param>
        /// <returns>XML string representation of 'smv'.</returns>
        public static string SMVtoXmlString(Specification S, G25.SMV smv)
            StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
            bool constant = smv.IsConstant() && (S.GetMatchingConstant(smv) != null);
            string name = smv.Name;

            // remove the extra constant suffix?
            if (constant && name.EndsWith(Specification.CONSTANT_TYPE_SUFFIX))
                name = name.Substring(0, name.Length - Specification.CONSTANT_TYPE_SUFFIX.Length);

            SB.Append("<" + XML_SMV);

            // name
            SB.Append(" " + XML_NAME + "=\"" + name + "\"");

            // constant?
            if (constant)
                SB.Append(" " + XML_CONST + "=\"" + XML_TRUE + "\"");

            // type
            SB.Append(" " + XML_TYPE + "=\"" + smv.MvTypeString + "\"");

            // end of XML_SMV tag

            { // emit coordinate order:
                string[] bvNames = (string[])S.m_basisVectorNames.ToArray();
                // loop over all basis blades
                for (int b = 0; b < smv.Group(0).Length; b++)
                    if (b > 0) SB.Append(" ");
                    string bbStr = BasisBladeToString(smv.BasisBlade(0, b), bvNames);

                    // if constant, add '=....'
                    if (smv.IsCoordinateConstant(b))
                        SB.Append("=" + smv.ConstBasisBladeValue(smv.BladeIdxToConstBladeIdx(b)).ToString());
                if (smv.Comment.Length > 0)
                    SB.Append("  <" + XML_COMMENT + ">" + smv.Comment + "</" + XML_COMMENT + ">");

            SB.Append("</" + XML_SMV + ">\n");

            return SB.ToString();
Exemple #19
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines whether this fgs is a converter for destination 'type'/'FT'.
        /// </summary>
        public bool IsConverterDestination(Specification S, G25.SMV smv, FloatType FT)
            if (!IsConverter(S)) return false;

            if (!Name.Equals("_" + smv.GetName())) return false;
            foreach (string floatName in FloatNames)
                if (floatName.Equals(FT.type)) return true;
            return false;
Exemple #20
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts this specification to XML (that can be parsed by the constructor)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An XML string that can be parsed by the constructor</returns>
        public static string ToXmlString(Specification S)
            StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();
            SB.Append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n");
            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line
            SB.Append("<" + XML_G25_SPEC + "\n");

            bool customLicense = false; // used later on to know whether to emit full license text
            { // output attributes of g25spec element
                { // license
                    string licString = S.m_license;
                    if (licString == Licenses.GPL_LICENSE)
                        licString = XML_GPL;
                    else if (licString == Licenses.BSD_LICENSE)
                        licString = XML_BSD;
                        licString = XML_CUSTOM;
                        customLicense = true;
                    SB.Append("\t" + XML_LICENSE + "=\"" + licString + "\"\n");

                { // copyright
                    if ((S.m_copyright != null) && (S.m_copyright.Length > 0))
                        SB.Append("\t" + XML_COPYRIGHT + "=\"" + S.m_copyright + "\"\n");

                { // language
                    SB.Append("\t" + XML_LANGUAGE + "=\"" + S.GetOutputLanguageString() + "\"\n");

                // namespace
                if ((S.m_namespace != null) && (S.m_namespace.Length > 0))
                    SB.Append("\t" + XML_NAMESPACE + "=\"" + S.m_namespace + "\"\n");

                // coordinate storage
                SB.Append("\t" + XML_COORD_STORAGE + "=\"" + ((S.m_coordStorage == COORD_STORAGE.ARRAY) ? XML_ARRAY : XML_VARIABLES) + "\"\n");

                // operator bindings
                SB.Append("\t" + XML_DEFAULT_OPERATOR_BINDINGS + "=\"" + (S.DefaultOperatorBindings() ? XML_TRUE : XML_FALSE) + "\"\n");

                // dimension
                SB.Append("\t" + XML_DIMENSION + "=\"" + S.m_dimension.ToString() + "\"\n");

                // report usage of non-optimized functions
                SB.Append("\t" + XML_REPORT_USAGE + "=\"" + (S.m_reportUsage ? XML_TRUE : XML_FALSE) + "\"\n");

                { // what type of GMV code to generate:
                    SB.Append("\t" + XML_GMV_CODE + "=\"");
                    switch (S.m_gmvCodeGeneration)
                        case GMV_CODE.EXPAND: SB.Append(XML_EXPAND); break;
                        case GMV_CODE.RUNTIME: SB.Append(XML_RUNTIME); break;
                        default: SB.Append("BAD GMV CODE OPTION"); break;

                { // what type of parser to generate:
                    SB.Append("\t" + XML_PARSER + "=\"");
                    switch (S.m_parserType)
                        case PARSER.NONE: SB.Append(XML_NONE); break;
                        case PARSER.ANTLR: SB.Append(XML_ANTLR); break;
                        case PARSER.BUILTIN: SB.Append(XML_BUILTIN); break;
                        default: SB.Append("BAD PARSER OPTION"); break;

                // generate test suite
                SB.Append("\t" + XML_TEST_SUITE + "=\"" + (S.m_generateTestSuite ? XML_TRUE : XML_FALSE) + "\"\n");


            SB.Append("\t>\n"); // end of <g25spec> entry

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            if (customLicense) // output custom license
                SB.Append("<" + XML_CUSTOM_LICENSE + ">" + S.m_license + "</" + XML_CUSTOM_LICENSE + ">\n");

            if (S.m_verbatimCode.Count > 0) // output verbatim code
                foreach (VerbatimCode VC in S.m_verbatimCode)
                    // determine if code is in XML or in file:
                    bool hasCode = ((VC.m_verbatimCode != null) && (VC.m_verbatimCode.Length > 0));
                    // open XML tag
                    SB.Append("<" + XML_VERBATIM);

                    // output all filenames to which verbatim code should be applied
                    for (int f = 0; f < VC.m_filenames.Count; f++)
                        SB.Append(" " + XML_FILENAME);
                        if (f > 0) SB.Append((f + 1).ToString());
                        SB.Append("=\"" + VC.m_filenames[f] + "\"");

                    // output the filename where verbatim code comes from
                    if ((VC.m_verbatimCodeFile != null) && (VC.m_verbatimCodeFile.Length > 0))
                        SB.Append(" " + XML_CODE_FILENAME + "=\"" + VC.m_verbatimCodeFile + "\"");

                    // output position
                    SB.Append(" " + XML_POSITION + "=");
                    switch (VC.m_where)
                        case VerbatimCode.POSITION.TOP:
                            SB.Append("\"" + XML_TOP + "\"");
                        case VerbatimCode.POSITION.BOTTOM:
                            SB.Append("\"" + XML_BOTTOM + "\"");
                        case VerbatimCode.POSITION.BEFORE_MARKER:
                            SB.Append("\"" + XML_BEFORE_MARKER + "\"");
                        case VerbatimCode.POSITION.AFTER_MARKER:
                            SB.Append("\"" + XML_AFTER_MARKER + "\"");

                    if ((VC.m_where == VerbatimCode.POSITION.BEFORE_MARKER) ||
                        (VC.m_where == VerbatimCode.POSITION.AFTER_MARKER))
                        SB.Append(" " + XML_MARKER + "=\"" + VC.m_customMarker + "\"");

                    // output verbatim code that goes into XML, if present
                    if (hasCode)
                        SB.Append(">" + VC.m_verbatimCode + "</" + XML_VERBATIM + ">\n");
                    else SB.Append("/>\n");

            if (S.m_outputDirectoryExplicitlySet) // output dir
                SB.Append("<" + XML_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY + " " + XML_PATH + "=\"" + S.m_outputDirectory + "\"/>\n");

            { // overrides
                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in S.m_outputFilenameOverrides)
                    SB.Append("<" + XML_OUTPUT_FILENAME + " " +
                        XML_DEFAULT_NAME + "=\"" + kvp.Key + "\" " +
                        XML_CUSTOM_NAME + "=\"" + kvp.Value +

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            { // inline
                SB.Append("<" + XML_INLINE + "\n");
                SB.Append("\t" + XML_CONSTRUCTORS + "=\"" + ((S.m_inlineConstructors) ? XML_TRUE : XML_FALSE) + "\"\n");
                SB.Append("\t" + XML_SET + "=\"" + ((S.m_inlineSet) ? XML_TRUE : XML_FALSE) + "\"\n");
                SB.Append("\t" + XML_ASSIGN + "=\"" + ((S.m_inlineAssign) ? XML_TRUE : XML_FALSE) + "\"\n");
                SB.Append("\t" + XML_OPERATORS + "=\"" + ((S.m_inlineOperators) ? XML_TRUE : XML_FALSE) + "\"\n");
                SB.Append("\t" + XML_FUNCTIONS + "=\"" + ((S.m_inlineFunctions) ? XML_TRUE : XML_FALSE) + "\"\n");
                SB.Append("\t/>\n"); // end of <inline> entry

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            { // float types
                foreach (FloatType FT in S.m_floatTypes)
                    SB.Append("<" + XML_FLOAT_TYPE + " " + XML_TYPE + "=\"" + FT.type + "\"");
                    if (FT.prefix.Length > 0) SB.Append(" " + XML_PREFIX + "=\"" + FT.prefix + "\"");
                    if (FT.suffix.Length > 0) SB.Append(" " + XML_SUFFIX + "=\"" + FT.suffix + "\"");
                    SB.Append("/>\n"); // end of <floatType> entry

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            { // basis vector names
                SB.Append("<" + XML_BASIS_VECTOR_NAMES);
                for (int i = 0; i < S.m_basisVectorNames.Count; i++)
                    SB.Append("\n\t" + XML_NAME + (i + 1).ToString() + "=\"" + S.m_basisVectorNames[i] + "\"");
                SB.Append("\n\t/>\n"); // end of <basisVectorNames> entry

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            { // metric
                // printed out in order of basisvectors
                foreach (Metric M in S.m_metric)
                    if (M.m_name == Specification.INTERNAL_EUCLIDEAN_METRIC) continue; // do not emit auto-generated metric to XML
                    for (int v1 = 0; v1 < S.m_dimension; v1++)
                        for (int v2 = 0; v2 < S.m_dimension; v2++)
                            for (int i = 0; i < M.m_metricBasisVectorIdx1.Count; i++)
                                if ((v1 == M.m_metricBasisVectorIdx1[i]) && (v2 == M.m_metricBasisVectorIdx2[i]))
                                    SB.Append("<" + XML_METRIC + " " + XML_NAME + "=\"" + M.m_name + "\"");
                                    if (!M.m_round) // default = true, so only print when false
                                        SB.Append(" " + XML_ROUND + "=\"" + XML_FALSE + "\"");
                                    SB.Append(S.m_basisVectorNames[v1] + "." + S.m_basisVectorNames[v2] + "=" + M.m_metricValue[i]);
                                    SB.Append("</" + XML_METRIC + ">\n");

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            // operators
            foreach (Operator op in S.m_operators)
                // first check if this isn't a 'default operator'
                if (S.m_defaultOperators.Contains(op)) continue;

                bool unary = (op.NbArguments == 1);
                string opStr = (unary) ? XML_UNARY_OPERATOR : XML_BINARY_OPERATOR;

                SB.Append("<" + opStr + " " + XML_SYMBOL + "=\"" + op.Symbol + "\" " + XML_FUNCTION + "=\"" + op.FunctionName + "\"");

                if (unary && (!op.IsPrefix))
                    SB.Append(" " + XML_PREFIX + "=\"" + XML_FALSE + "\"");



            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            if (S.m_GMV != null) // general multivector:
                SB.Append("<" + XML_MV);

                // name
                SB.Append(" " + XML_NAME + "=\"" + S.m_GMV.Name + "\"");

                // compression (by grade, group)
                bool compressedByGrade = S.m_GMV.IsGroupedByGrade(S.m_dimension);
                SB.Append(" " + XML_COMPRESS + "=\"");
                if (compressedByGrade) SB.Append(XML_BY_GRADE + "\"");
                else SB.Append(XML_BY_GROUP + "\"");

                // coordinate order
                bool defaultCoordinateOrder = (compressedByGrade && S.m_GMV.CompareBasisBladeOrder(rsbbp.ListToDoubleArray(S.m_basisBladeParser.GetDefaultBasisBlades())));
                SB.Append(" " + XML_COORDINATE_ORDER + "=\"");
                if (defaultCoordinateOrder) SB.Append(XML_DEFAULT + "\"");
                else SB.Append(XML_CUSTOM + "\"");

                // memory allocation method
                SB.Append(" " + XML_MEM_ALLOC + "=\"");
                if (S.m_GMV.MemoryAllocationMethod == GMV.MEM_ALLOC_METHOD.PARITY_PURE)
                    SB.Append(XML_PARITY_PURE + "\"");
                else if (S.m_GMV.MemoryAllocationMethod == GMV.MEM_ALLOC_METHOD.FULL)
                    SB.Append(XML_FULL + "\"");
                else SB.Append(XML_DYNAMIC + "\"");

                if (!defaultCoordinateOrder)
                { // emit coordinate order:
                    string[] bvNames = (string[])S.m_basisVectorNames.ToArray();
                    // loop over all groups:
                    for (int g = 0; g < S.m_GMV.NbGroups; g++)
                        SB.Append("<" + XML_GROUP + ">");
                        // loop over all basis blades of group
                        for (int i = 0; i < S.m_GMV.Group(g).Length; i++)
                            if (i > 0) SB.Append(" ");

                            string bbStr = BasisBladeToString(S.m_GMV.BasisBlade(g, i), bvNames);
                        SB.Append("</" + XML_GROUP + ">\n");

                SB.Append("</" + XML_MV + ">\n");

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            // specialized multivectors
            for (int i = 0; i < S.m_SMV.Count; i++)
                SB.Append(SMVtoXmlString(S, S.m_SMV[i]));

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            // constants
            for (int i = 0; i < S.m_constant.Count; i++)
                // assume only SMV constants for now
                ConstantSMV C = S.m_constant[i] as ConstantSMV;
                if (C == null) continue;

                // check if type has name X+CONSTANT_TYPE_SUFFIX and is constant
                if ((C.Type.GetName().Equals(C.Name + Specification.CONSTANT_TYPE_SUFFIX)) && (C.Type as SMV).IsConstant()) continue;

                SB.Append(ConstantToXmlString(S, C));

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            // outermorphisms
                // i = -1 = m_GOM, the rest is m_SOM
                for (int i = -1; i < S.m_SOM.Count; i++)
                    if (i == 0) SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

                    OM om = (i == -1) ? S.m_GOM as OM : S.m_SOM[i] as OM;
                    if (om == null) continue;
                    string XMLtag = ((om is GOM) ? XML_OM : XML_SOM);

                    SB.Append("<" + XMLtag);

                    // name
                    SB.Append(" " + XML_NAME + "=\"" + om.Name + "\"");

                    // coordinate order:
                    bool rangeEqualsDomain = om.DomainAndRangeAreEqual();
                    bool defaultCoordOrder = rangeEqualsDomain && om.CompareDomainOrder(rsbbp.ListToDoubleArray(S.m_basisBladeParser.GetDefaultBasisBlades()));
                    SB.Append(" " + XML_COORDINATE_ORDER + "=\"" + ((defaultCoordOrder) ? XML_DEFAULT : XML_CUSTOM) + "\"");

                    // end of XMLtag

                    if (!defaultCoordOrder)
                        string[] bvNames = (string[])S.m_basisVectorNames.ToArray();
                        for (int dr = 0; dr < 2; dr++)
                            string XML_DOMAIN_OR_RANGE = (dr == 0) ? XML_DOMAIN : XML_RANGE;
                            RefGA.BasisBlade[][] B = (dr == 0) ? om.Domain : om.Range;
                            if ((dr == 1) && rangeEqualsDomain) continue;

                            SB.Append("<" + XML_DOMAIN_OR_RANGE + ">");
                            bool first = true;
                            for (int g = 0; g < B.Length; g++)
                                for (int b = 0; b < B[g].Length; b++)
                                    if (!first) SB.Append(" ");

                                    String bbStr = BasisBladeToString(B[g][b], bvNames);

                                    first = false;

                            SB.Append("</" + XML_DOMAIN_OR_RANGE + ">\n");

                        // output domain info

                        if (!rangeEqualsDomain)
                            // output range info

                    SB.Append("</" + XMLtag + ">\n");

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            // function generation specifications
            for (int i = 0; i < S.m_functions.Count; i++)
                SB.AppendLine(FunctionToXmlString(S, S.m_functions[i]));

            SB.AppendLine(""); // empty line

            SB.Append("</" + XML_G25_SPEC + ">\n");

            return SB.ToString();
Exemple #21
 public rsbbp(Specification S)
     m_spec = S;
Exemple #22
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses basis blade list of SMVs and constants.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>List of basis blades, or null if 'F' does not contain such a list.</returns>
        private static List<G25.rsbbp.BasisBlade> ParseBasisBladeList(Specification S, XmlNode _F, string parentName)
            while (_F != null)
                XmlText FT = _F as XmlText;

                // is it text?
                if (FT != null)
                        return S.m_basisBladeParser.ParseBasisBlades(FT);
                    catch (Exception Ex)
                        throw new G25.UserException("While parsing basis blades of '" + parentName + "':\n" + Ex.Message);

                _F = _F.NextSibling;
            return null;
Exemple #23
        /// <summary>
        /// Throws an exception when MV.SanityCheck(int spaceDim, String[] bvNames) throws an exception, or when not all basis blades are listed,
        /// or when blades of different grades are in the same group.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Specification of the algebra.</param>
        /// <param name="bvNames">Names of all basis vectors (used for converting basis blades to strings when throwing the exception).</param>
        public override void SanityCheck(Specification S, String[] bvNames)
            base.SanityCheck(S, bvNames);

            int spaceDim = S.m_dimension;
            bool[] present = new bool[1 << spaceDim];
            for (int i = 0; i < m_basisBlades.Length; i++)
                int grade = -1;
                for (int j = 0; j < m_basisBlades[i].Length; j++)
                    if (j == 0) grade = m_basisBlades[i][j].Grade();
                    else if (m_basisBlades[i][j].Grade() != grade)
                        throw new G25.UserException("In the general multivector type " + Name + ":\n"+
                            "Group " + (i+1) + " contains blades of different grades.");

                    present[m_basisBlades[i][j].bitmap] = true;

            if ((S.OutputC()) &&
                (MemoryAllocationMethod == MEM_ALLOC_METHOD.DYNAMIC))
                throw new G25.UserException("Dynamic memory allocation of general multivector type " + Name + " is not supported for the 'C' language.");

            for (int i = 0; i < (1 << spaceDim); i++)
                if (!present[i])
                    throw new G25.UserException("In the general multivector type " + Name + ":\n"+
                    "Missing basis blade '" + (new RefGA.BasisBlade((uint)i)).ToString(bvNames) + "'.");
Exemple #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets all basis vector names to "", then handle XML attributes (nameX = "..") and then checks if all names have been set.
        /// </summary>
        private static void ParseBasisVectorNamesAttributes(Specification S, XmlAttributeCollection A)
            // reset all names to ""
            for (int i = 0; i < S.m_basisVectorNames.Count; i++)
                S.m_basisVectorNames[i] = "";

            // handle all attributes
            for (int i = 0; i < A.Count; i++)
                if (!A[i].Name.StartsWith(XML_NAME))
                    throw new G25.UserException("XML parsing error: Invalid attribute '" + A[i].Name + "' in element '" + XML_BASIS_VECTOR_NAMES + "'.");

                int idx;
                    idx = System.Int32.Parse(A[i].Name.Substring(XML_NAME.Length)) - 1;
                catch (System.Exception)
                    throw new G25.UserException("XML parsing error: Invalid attribute '" + A[i].Name + "' in element '" + XML_BASIS_VECTOR_NAMES + "'.");
                S.SetBasisVectorName(idx, A[i].Value);

            // check if all have been set
Exemple #25
 /// <returns>true when this type can be converted to a general multivector
 /// This depends on whether this type is parity pure, and parity pure memory allocation is being used for GMV.</returns>
 public bool CanConvertToGmv(Specification S)
     if (S.m_GMV.MemoryAllocationMethod == GMV.MEM_ALLOC_METHOD.PARITY_PURE)
         return IsParityPure();
     else return true;
Exemple #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses a comment for SMVs and constants.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Comment string, or null if 'F' does not contain a comment.</returns>
        private static string ParseComment(Specification S, XmlNode _F)
            while (_F != null)
                // or comment?
                XmlElement FE = _F as XmlElement;
                if ((FE != null) && (FE.Name == XML_COMMENT))
                    XmlText CT = FE.FirstChild as XmlText;
                    return CT.Value;

                _F = _F.NextSibling;
            return null;
Exemple #27
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the language identifier of non-constant coordinate 'nonConstCoordIdx'. Depending
 /// on the specification, the may be a string like "c[1]" or a string like "e1_e2";
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nonConstCoordIdx">index of the coordinate (counting only variable coordinates)</param>
 /// <param name="S">The specification (only S.m_coordStorage and S.m_basisVectorNames are used).</param>
 /// <returns>the language identifier of non-constant coordinate 'nonConstCoordIdx'.</returns>
 public string GetCoordLangID(int nonConstCoordIdx, Specification S)
     return GetCoordLangID(nonConstCoordIdx, S, S.m_coordStorage);
Exemple #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the whether argument 'argIdx' is an array.
 /// If not filled in, 'false' is returned.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="S">Specification.</param>
 /// <param name="argIdx">Index of argument.</param>
 /// <returns>name of argument 'argIdx'.</returns>
 public bool GetArgumentArr(Specification S, int argIdx)
     if (argIdx < 0) return false;
     else if (NbArguments == 0) return false;
     else return ArgumentArr[argIdx];
Exemple #29
        /// <summary>
        /// Throws an exception when MV.SanityCheck(int spaceDim, String[] bvNames) throws an exception.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S">Specification of the algebra.</param>
        /// <param name="bvNames">Names of all basis vectors (used for converting basis blades to strings when throwing the exception).</param>
        public override void SanityCheck(Specification S, String[] bvNames)
            base.SanityCheck(S, bvNames);

            // complain when a converter to GMV cannot be written
            if (!CanConvertToGmv(S)) {
                System.Console.WriteLine("Warning: the type");
                System.Console.WriteLine("is not parity pure. The general multivector uses parity pure memory allocation, so " + Name + " type cannot be converted to a general multivector.");
Exemple #30
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a G25.Constant to an XML string representation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="C"></param>
        /// <param name="S"></param>
        /// <returns>XML string representation of 'smv'.</returns>
        public static string ConstantToXmlString(Specification S, G25.Constant C)
            StringBuilder SB = new StringBuilder();

            SB.Append("<" + XML_CONSTANT);

            // name
            SB.Append(" " + XML_NAME + "=\"" + C.Name + "\"");

            // type
            SB.Append(" " + XML_TYPE + "=\"" + C.Type.GetName() + "\"");

            // end of XML_CONSTANT tag

            { // emit value (assuming only SMV constants, for now)
                SMV smv = C.Type as SMV;
                ConstantSMV Csmv = C as ConstantSMV;
                string[] bvNames = (string[])S.m_basisVectorNames.ToArray();
                for (int b = 0; b < smv.NbNonConstBasisBlade; b++)
                    RefGA.BasisBlade B = smv.NonConstBasisBlade(b);
                    String basisBladeString = BasisBladeToString(B, bvNames);

                    if (b > 0) SB.Append(" ");
                    SB.Append("=" + Csmv.Value[b]);
                if (C.Comment.Length > 0)
                    SB.Append("  <" + XML_COMMENT + ">" + C.Comment + "</" + XML_COMMENT + ">");

            SB.Append("</" + XML_CONSTANT + ">\n");

            return SB.ToString();