Exemple #1
 private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)//AddInvestorButton
     if (Globals.GlobalYouth.Count == 0)
         MessageBox.Show("Please enter at least one youth in the database before adding investors.");
     AddInvestorForm _addInvestorForm = new AddInvestorForm();
         * The following is the click event for the "Save & New Investor" tool strip menu item
         * When clicked, the investor information will be saved to the database and any
         * investments will also be saved to the DB.  After the save operation is completed, 
         * a new add investor form will automatically open.
        private void toolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //First check for invalid cells on the datagrid
            foreach (DataGridViewRow row in InvDataGridView.SelectedRows)
                if (checkForInvalidValues(row))

            //check to make sure that the required fields have been entered
            if (!RequiredFieldsAreFilledOut())
                MessageBox.Show("Please fill out all required fields.");

            //After all the user data has been verified, make sure the user is ready to save changes.
            var dialogResult = MessageBox.Show("Changes will be saved now.  Continue?", "Alert!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
            if (dialogResult == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No)

            int checkIfUserExistsResult = DBCommunication.checkIfInvestorExists(InvestorFNTextBox.Text, InvestorLNTextBox.Text);
            if (checkIfUserExistsResult == -1)
            if (checkIfUserExistsResult > 0)
                MessageBox.Show(string.Format("A user with the first name {0} and last name {1} already exists in the database.", InvestorFNTextBox.Text, InvestorLNTextBox.Text));

            if (!DBCommunication.SaveNewInvestor(InvestorFNTextBox.Text, InvestorLNTextBox.Text, InvestorAddressTextBox.Text,
                InvestorCityTextBox.Text, InvestorStateTextBox.Text, InvestorZipTextBox.Text, InvestorEmailTextBox.Text, InvestorPhoneMaskedTextBox.Text,
                InvestorDeceasedCheckBox.Checked, InvestorJoinDateDateTimePicker.Value, InvestorNotesRichTextBox.Text))
                return; //error message supplied to user in the SaveNewInvestor() method

            //Update the global list of investors to reflect the addition of the new investor
            Globals.GlobalInvestors = DBCommunication.GetInvestors();

            if (!InvDataGridView.Rows[0].IsNewRow)
                List<Investment2> newInvestments = new List<Investment2>();
                int investorID = Globals.GlobalInvestors.Where(i => i.LabelName == InvestorFNTextBox.Text + " " + InvestorLNTextBox.Text).Single().InvestorID;
                FetchNewInvestments(newInvestments, investorID);

                int numSuccessfullySaved = DBCommunication.SaveNewInvestments(newInvestments);
                if(numSuccessfullySaved != newInvestments.Count)

                PDFCreator pdfCreator = new PDFCreator(Globals.GlobalInvestors.Where(i => i.InvestorID == investorID).Single());
                bool savePDFSuccess = false;
                foreach (Investment2 i in newInvestments)
                    savePDFSuccess = pdfCreator.createPDF(i, "saveOnly");
            MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Save operation successfully completed."));
            Globals.rebindOnMainForm = true;
            AddInvestorForm AIF = new AddInvestorForm();