public static Block CreateBlock(Flowchart flowchart, Vector2 position)
            Block newBlock = flowchart.CreateBlock(position);

            Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(newBlock, "New Block");
            flowchart.selectedBlock = newBlock;

Exemple #2
        public virtual void CreateNewBlock()
            //TODO: fix block position;
            Flowchart flow = FindObjectOfType <Flowchart>();

            //Create block
            Vector2 blockPos = new Vector2(-500, -500);
            Block   b        = flow.CreateBlock(blockPos);

            //load in data
            string textData = FindObjectOfType <Localization>().rtfDocument.text;

            b.blockName = FindObjectOfType <Localization>();
            string[] lines = textData.Split('\n');

            Character lastSpeaker    = flow.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Character)) as Character; //used to keep track of who spoke last, outside of loop to remember.
            Character currentSpeaker = flow.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Character)) as Character; //used to keep track of who's speaking, outside of loop to remember.
            Sprite    speakerSprite  = null;
            bool      portraitStart  = false;

            //process line by line
            foreach (string line in lines)
                string buffer = line.Trim();

                if (buffer == "")

                //title of the block and create a new one
                if (buffer.StartsWith("TITLE:"))
                    blockPos = new Vector2(blockPos.x + 250, -500);
                    b        = flow.CreateBlock(blockPos);

                    buffer      = buffer.Substring(7, buffer.Length - 7); //cuts "TITLE: " from the front
                    b.blockName = buffer;


                //fade the scene with default params
                if (buffer.StartsWith("<<fade>>"))
                    FadeScreen newCommand = flow.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(FadeScreen)) as FadeScreen;
                    newCommand.parentBlock = b;
                    newCommand.itemId      = flow.NextItemId();


                //if it's a bg change then write the lineID and the buffer
                if (buffer.StartsWith("<<bg>>"))
                    //Add Say command
                    Say newCommand = flow.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Say)) as Say;
                    newCommand.parentBlock = b;
                    newCommand.itemId      = flow.NextItemId();
                    //assign text
                    newCommand.storyText = "ADD BACKGROUND TO OBJECT #" + flow.NextItemId() + " :" + buffer;


                //description of the block for reference of bgs
                if (buffer.StartsWith("BG:"))
                    buffer        = buffer.Substring(4, buffer.Length - 4); //cuts "BG: " from the front
                    b.description = buffer;

                    //if it starts with some portrait, we try and find that portrait and set it
                    if (buffer.StartsWith("<mei") || buffer.StartsWith("<bastion") || buffer.StartsWith("<soldier") || buffer.StartsWith("<mercy") || buffer.StartsWith("<genji"))
                        portraitStart = true; //using this to track whether or not to remember portrait

                        int    lasti      = buffer.LastIndexOf(">");
                        string spriteName = buffer.Substring(1, lasti - 1);
                        speakerSprite = FindSprite(spriteName);

                        buffer = buffer.Substring(lasti + 1, buffer.Length - lasti - 1).Trim();
                        portraitStart = false;

                    //Check second character is a colon, which would indicate that someone must have been speaking.
                    //we're assuming the id's won't ever be longer than 1
                    //if that's the case we look for the speaker based on the first letter and save that for later
                    if (buffer.Substring(1, 1) == ":")
                        currentSpeaker = WhoIsSpeaking(buffer.Substring(0, 1)); // will return null if it's the narrator

                        //if there is no portrait and the sentence starts with an ID we reset the speakerSprite
                        if (!portraitStart)
                            speakerSprite = null;

                        //cuts the identifier + the space from the front
                        buffer = buffer.Substring(3, buffer.Length - 3);
                        currentSpeaker = lastSpeaker;

                    //Add Say command
                    Say newCommand = flow.gameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Say)) as Say;
                    newCommand.parentBlock = b;
                    newCommand.itemId      = flow.NextItemId();
                    //assign text
                    newCommand.storyText = buffer;
                    //assign speaker
                    newCommand.character = currentSpeaker;

                    if (speakerSprite != null)
                        //if a portrait should be shown while narrator speaks
                        if (currentSpeaker == null)
                            newCommand.showNarratorPortrait = true;                        //show narrator portrait
                            newCommand.narratorCharacter    = WhoHasSprite(speakerSprite); //replace narrator character with whoever owns the sprite.
                            newCommand.narratorPortrait     = speakerSprite;               //replace narrator portrait
                            newCommand.portrait = speakerSprite;
                        if (currentSpeaker != null && currentSpeaker.portraits.Count > 0)
                            newCommand.portrait = currentSpeaker.portraits[0]; //default

                    lastSpeaker = currentSpeaker;

                    //remove speaker objects again
                    //TODO: fix this garbage, it's a workaround for the lack of "new" keyword
                    DestroyImmediate(flow.gameObject.GetComponent <Character>());