/// <summary> /// main method is a entry point /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param> static void Main(string[] args) { Utility util = new Utility(); Console.WriteLine("List Of Programs...."); Console.WriteLine("1. To Find the ReplaceString" + "\n2. To Find the Flip Coin" + "\n3. To Find theLeap year" + "\n4. To find the Power Of 2" + "\n5. To find the Nth Harmonic Value" + "\n6. To Find the Prime Factor" + "\n7. To Play the Gambler Game" + "\n8. To Genrate the Coupon Number" + "\n9. 2D Array" + "\n10. Sum of Triplet In Array" + "\n11. Find the Euclidean Distance" + "\n13. Get Elapsed Time In Stop Watch" + "\n15. Find the Root Of Quadratic Equation" + "\n16. To calculate the WindChill"); Console.WriteLine("Enter Your Choice"); try { int choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); ////here switch is used to operate the program through user choice and for them making raltive object class ///and call their method to perform the operation switch (choice) { case 1: Console.WriteLine("\nReplace String Operation to be Performed :"); ReplaceString replaceString = new ReplaceString(); replaceString.Replace(); break; case 2: Console.WriteLine("\nFlip coin Operation to be Performed :"); FlipCoin flipCoin = new FlipCoin(); flipCoin.Flip(); break; case 3: Console.WriteLine("\nLeap Year Operation to be Performed :"); LeapYear leapy = new LeapYear(); leapy.Leap(); break; case 4: Console.WriteLine("\nFinding Power of 2 Operation to be Performed :"); PowerOf2 power2 = new PowerOf2(); power2.Power(); break; case 5: Console.WriteLine("\nFinding Harmonic Number Operation to be Performed :"); HarmonicNumber number = new HarmonicNumber(); number.Harmonic(); break; case 6: Console.WriteLine("\nFinding Prime Number Operation to be Performed :"); PrimeFactor prime = new PrimeFactor(); prime.Factor(); break; case 7: Console.WriteLine("\nPlay the Gambler game:"); Gambler gambler = new Gambler(); gambler.Play(); break; case 8: Console.WriteLine("\nFinding Distinct Coupon Number Operation to be Performed :"); Coupon coupon = new Coupon(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Number to genrate Distinct Coupon Number"); int n = util.InputInteger(); int count = coupon.Collect(n); Console.WriteLine("Total count of distinct coupon Number is :" + count); break; case 9: Console.WriteLine("\n2D Array Operation to be Performed :"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Number of Rows"); int r = util.InputInteger(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Number of Columns"); int co = util.InputInteger(); TwoDArray dArray = new TwoDArray(); int[,] arrInt1 = dArray.ArrayInteger(r, co); double[,] arrDouble1 = dArray.Arraydouble(r, co); bool[,] arrBool1 = dArray.ArrayBoolean(r, co); dArray.Display(arrInt1, arrDouble1, arrBool1, r, co); break; case 10: Console.WriteLine("\nFinding Triplet sum will be Zero In Array Operation to be Performed :"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Number in how many Element you want to check"); int num = util.InputInteger(); SumOfArray sum = new SumOfArray(); sum.ArraySum(num); break; case 11: Console.WriteLine("\nFinding Ecludian Distance Operation to be Performed :"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the first cordinate of distance"); int x = util.InputInteger(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Second Cordinate of distance"); int y = util.InputInteger(); Distance distance = new Distance(); distance.EcludianDistance(x, y); break; case 12: Console.WriteLine("\nFinding Permutation of String Operation to be Performed :"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the string Which you want to Find the Permutation"); Permutation permute = new Permutation(); permute.PermutateString(); break; case 13: Console.WriteLine("\nFinding Elapsed time in stop watch Operation to be Performed :"); StopWatch stop = new StopWatch(); Console.WriteLine("Enter 1 for start the Timer"); int h = util.InputInteger(); stop.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Enter 2 for stop the Timer"); int h1 = util.InputInteger(); stop.Stop(); long l = stop.GetElapsedTime(); Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time in milliSecond is: " + l); break; case 14: TicTacToe tic = new TicTacToe(); tic.play(); break; case 15: Console.WriteLine("\nFinding Quadratic Roots Operation to be Performed :"); Console.WriteLine("Enter Value of a To finding the Roots"); int a = util.InputInteger(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Value of b To finding the Roots"); int b = util.InputInteger(); Console.WriteLine("Enter Value of c To finding the Roots"); int c = util.InputInteger(); Quuadratic Root = new Quuadratic(); Root.FindRoot(a, b, c); break; case 16: Console.WriteLine("\nConverting Temperature in Degree Celsicius to Farenhite And Vice Versa Operation to be Performed :"); Console.WriteLine("Enter the temperature in Farenhite"); double t = util.InputDouble(); Console.WriteLine("Enter the Wind Speed In Miles Per Hour"); double v = util.InputDouble(); WindMills wind1 = new WindMills(); wind1.Wind(t, v); break; } }catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); } }
/// <summary> /// Defines the entry point of the application. /// </summary> /// <param name="args">The arguments.</param> static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("1: Replace String"); Console.WriteLine("2: FlipCoin"); Console.WriteLine("3: Leap Year"); Console.WriteLine("4: Power of 2"); Console.WriteLine("5: Harmonic Number"); Console.WriteLine("6: Prime Factors"); Console.WriteLine("7: Gambler"); Console.WriteLine("8: Coupon Numbers"); Console.WriteLine("9: 2D Array"); Console.WriteLine("10: Sum of Integer Zero"); Console.WriteLine("11: Distance"); Console.WriteLine("12: Permutations"); Console.WriteLine("13: Stop Watch"); Console.WriteLine("14: Tic-Tac-Toe"); Console.WriteLine("15: Quadratic"); Console.WriteLine("16: Wind Chill"); int choice = 0; while (!(choice > 0 && choice < 17)) { try { Console.Write("Enter your choice: "); choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } catch (FormatException) { //Console.WriteLine(Ex); } } //Console.WriteLine(choice); switch (choice) { case 1: ReplaceString replaceString = new ReplaceString(); replaceString.Print(); break; case 2: FlipCoin flip = new FlipCoin(); flip.flipCoin(); break; case 3: LeapYear leap = new LeapYear(); leap.leapYear(); break; case 4: PowerOfTwo powerOfTwo = new PowerOfTwo(); powerOfTwo.printPowerOfTwo(); break; case 5: HarmonicNumber harmonic = new HarmonicNumber(); harmonic.printHarmonicNumber(); break; case 6: Factors factors = new Factors(); factors.printFactors(); break; case 7: Gambler gambler = new Gambler(); gambler.gambling(); break; case 8: CouponNumbers coupon = new CouponNumbers(); coupon.CouponCode(); break; case 9: TwoDArray array = new TwoDArray(); array.input(); break; case 10: SumZero sumZero = new SumZero(); sumZero.checkSumForZero(); break; case 11: Distance distance = new Distance(); distance.calculateDistance(); break; case 12: Permutations permutations = new Permutations(); permutations.permutation(); break; case 13: StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.simulate(); break; case 14: TicTacToe ticTacToe = new TicTacToe(); ticTacToe.game(); break; case 15: Quadratic quadratic = new Quadratic(); quadratic.roots(); break; case 16: WindChill windChill = new WindChill(); int t = 100; int v = 0; while (!(Math.Abs(t) <= 50 && v <= 120 && v >= 3)) { Console.WriteLine("Enter Temperature and Wind Speed: "); t = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); v = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); } windChill.calculateEffectiveTemperature(t, v); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Wrong Choice!"); break; } }