public virtual bool TakeDamage(WIMaterialType materialType, Vector3 damagePoint, float attemptedDamage, Vector3 attemptedForce, string damageSource, out float actualDamage, out bool isDead) { actualDamage = attemptedDamage; isDead = false; State.TotalDamage += actualDamage; if (HasPlayerFocus) { GUIHud.Get.ShowProgressBar(Colors.Get.GeneralHighlightColor, Colors.Darken(Colors.Get.GenericNeutralValue), NormalizedDamage); } if (State.SpawnOnDamaage && State.TotalDamage >= State.SpawnDamageMinimum) //reset { State.TotalDamage = 0f; //spawn a thing WorldItem worlditem = null; if (WorldItems.CloneRandomFromCategory(State.SpawnCategory, ParentChunk.AboveGroundGroup, out worlditem)) { //spit it out at the player Vector3 direction = (Player.Local.Position - damagePoint).normalized * 5f; = ParentChunk.AboveGroundGroup.transform; = damagePoint; worlditem.Props.Local.FreezeOnStartup = false; worlditem.Props.Local.Transform.CopyFrom(; worlditem.Initialize(); worlditem.SetMode(WIMode.World); worlditem.ApplyForce(direction, damagePoint); FXManager.Get.SpawnFX(, "DrawAttentionToItem"); worlditem.GetOrAdd <DespawnOnPlayerLeave>(); } } return(true); }
public void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { if (VisitableLocation == null || !VisitableLocation.Initialized) { return; } if (other.isTrigger) { return; } if (other.gameObject.layer == Globals.LayerNumPlayer) { VisitableLocation.PlayerLeave(); if (VisitableLocation.PlayerOnly) { return; } } //do we care about any world items? if (other.gameObject.layer == Globals.LayerNumWorldItemActive && VisitableLocation.ItemsOfInterest.Count > 0) { mIoiCheck = null; if (WorldItems.GetIOIFromCollider(other, out mIoiCheck) && mIoiCheck.IOIType == ItemOfInterestType.WorldItem && mIoiCheck.worlditem.HasAtLeastOne(VisitableLocation.ItemsOfInterest)) { VisitableLocation.ItemOfInterestLeave(mIoiCheck.worlditem); } } }
protected IEnumerator OnSetRemovedMode() { yield return(null); try { //if we're going into world mode then we're not in the stack any more OnRemoveFromStack.SafeInvoke(); //tell our group that we're permanently gone Group.RemoveChildItemFromGroup(this); //this will call OnRemovedFromGroup OnRemovedFromGame.SafeInvoke(); //make sure to save the state so we know it's removed! PrepareToUnload(); } catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError("Exception while removing object: " + e.ToString()); } while (!ReadyToUnload) { yield return(null); } BeginUnload(); while (!FinishedUnloading) { yield return(null); } yield return(null); WorldItems.Unload(this); }
public override void PopulateOptionsList(System.Collections.Generic.List <GUIListOption> options, List <string> message) { if (mGenericLiquid == null) { if (!WorldItems.GetRandomGenericWorldItemFromCatgeory(State.LiquidCategory, out mGenericLiquid)) { return; } } mOptionsListItems.Clear(); LiquidContainer liquidContainer = null; if (Player.Local.Tool.IsEquipped && Player.Local.Tool.worlditem.Is <LiquidContainer>(out liquidContainer)) { options.Add(new GUIListOption("Fill " + liquidContainer.worlditem.DisplayName, "Fill")); } // Dictionary <int,IWIBase> QuickslotItems = Player.Local.Inventory.QuickslotItems; // foreach (KeyValuePair <int,IWIBase> quickslotItem in QuickslotItems) { // IWIBase qsItem = quickslotItem.Value; // //foreach liquid container in quickslots // if (qsItem.Is <LiquidContainer> () && qsItem.IsWorldItem) { // //TODO make sure we can actually fill the item // options.Add (new GUIListOption ("Fill " + qsItem.DisplayName, qsItem.FileName)); // mOptionsListItems.Add (qsItem.FileName, qsItem); // } // } options.Add(new GUIListOption("Drink " + mGenericLiquid.DisplayName, "Drink")); }
public override GameObject GetDoppleganger(WorldItem item, Transform dopplegangerParent, string dopplegangerName, WIMode mode, string state, string subcat, float scaleMultiplier, TimeOfDay tod, TimeOfYear toy) { GameObject doppleganger = dopplegangerParent.gameObject.FindOrCreateChild(dopplegangerName).gameObject; Books.Get.InitializeBookAvatarGameObject(doppleganger, item.StackName, subcat); WorldItems.ApplyDopplegangerMode(item, doppleganger, mode, scaleMultiplier); return(doppleganger); }
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (other.isTrigger) { return; } if (WorldItems.GetIOIFromCollider(other, out LastItemOfInterest) && Flags.Check((uint)TriggeredBy, (uint)LastItemOfInterest.IOIType, Flags.CheckType.MatchAny)) { trigger.TryToTrigger(); } }
public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision other) { if (other.gameObject.collider.isTrigger) { return; } if (Props.HasThorns) { if (WorldItems.GetIOIFromCollider(other.collider, out Plants.Get.ThornDamage.Target)) { DamageManager.Get.SendDamage(Plants.Get.ThornDamage); } } }
//custom doppleganger script for plants public override GameObject GetDoppleganger(WorldItem item, Transform dopplegangerParent, string dopplegangerName, WIMode mode, string state, string subcat, float scaleMultiplier, TimeOfDay tod, TimeOfYear toy) { GameObject doppleganger = dopplegangerParent.gameObject.FindOrCreateChild(dopplegangerName).gameObject; Vector3 offset =; //we have a lookup based on season so this has to be in season form toy = WorldClock.TimeOfYearToSeason(toy); Plants.Get.InitializeWorldPlantGameObject(doppleganger, subcat, toy); if (Flags.Check((uint)mode, (uint)(WIMode.Stacked | WIMode.Selected | WIMode.Crafting | WIMode.Wear), Flags.CheckType.MatchAny)) { WorldItems.AutoScaleDoppleganger(dopplegangerParent, doppleganger, item.BaseObjectBounds, ref scaleMultiplier, ref offset); } //TODO debug so this isn't necessary... offset.y = 0f; WorldItems.ApplyDopplegangerMode(item, doppleganger, mode, scaleMultiplier, offset); return(doppleganger); }
public static bool SpawnCreature(CreatureDen den, WIGroup group, Vector3 spawnPosition, bool isDead, string causeOfDeath, float timeSinceDeath, out Creature newCreature) { if (Globals.MissionDevelopmentMode) { //we don't care about creatures in mission dev mode newCreature = null; return(false); } newCreature = null; CreatureTemplate template = null; if (mTemplateLookup.TryGetValue(den.State.NameOfCreature.ToLower().Trim(), out template)) { WorldItem newCreatureWorldItem = null; if (WorldItems.CloneFromPrefab(Get.CreatureBase.GetComponent <WorldItem> (), group, out newCreatureWorldItem)) { //since this is the first time the creature is spawned //it has no idea what it is //so before we send it back we're going to set its template name newCreature = newCreatureWorldItem.gameObject.GetOrAdd <Creature> (); newCreature.State.TemplateName = template.Name; newCreature.Template = template; if (isDead) { Debug.Log("Spawning dead creature"); newCreature.State.IsDead = true; Damageable damageable = newCreature.GetComponent <Damageable> (); damageable.State.CauseOfDeath = causeOfDeath; damageable.State.DamageTaken = damageable.State.Durability; damageable.State.TimeKilled = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime - timeSinceDeath; } else { newCreature.State.IsDead = false; } newCreature.Den = den; newCreatureWorldItem.Props.Local.Transform.Position = spawnPosition; newCreatureWorldItem.Props.Local.Transform.Rotation.y = UnityEngine.Random.Range(0f, 360f); //Debug.Log ("Setting position of creature to " + spawnPosition.ToString ()); } } //and that's it! the rest will be taken care of by the creature return(newCreature != null); }
// = new GenericWorldItem (); public void CreateDarkrotSpawner(Vector3 spawnerPosition, Vector3 spawnerRotation, WIGroup group, int numDarkrotReleaesd, float releaseDelay, float releaseInterval) { StackItem spawnerStackItem = gDarkrotSpawner.ToStackItem(); spawnerStackItem.Transform.Position = spawnerPosition; spawnerStackItem.Transform.Rotation = spawnerRotation; spawnerStackItem.Props.Local.FreezeOnStartup = true; spawnerStackItem.Props.Local.Mode = WIMode.Frozen; WorldItem newSpawner = null; if (WorldItems.CloneFromStackItem(spawnerStackItem, group, out newSpawner)) { newSpawner.Initialize(); DarkrotSpawner ds = newSpawner.Get <DarkrotSpawner> (); ds.State.MaxDarkrotAtOneTime = numDarkrotReleaesd; ds.State.SpawnDelay = releaseDelay; ds.State.SpawnInterval = releaseInterval; } Debug.Log("Created spawner"); }
public override GameObject GetDoppleganger(WorldItem item, Transform dopplegangerParent, string dopplegangerName, WIMode mode, string state, string subcat, float scaleMultiplier, TimeOfDay tod, TimeOfYear toy) { GameObject doppleganger = dopplegangerParent.gameObject.FindOrCreateChild(dopplegangerName).gameObject; //use the subcat to get our blueprint result Vector3 offset =; ItemBounds.size =; =; doppleganger.transform.parent = null; doppleganger.transform.ResetLocal(); PreparedFoods.InitializePreparedFoodGameObject(doppleganger, subcat, true, ref ItemBounds); doppleganger.transform.parent = dopplegangerParent; if (Flags.Check((uint)mode, (uint)(WIMode.Stacked | WIMode.Selected | WIMode.Crafting | WIMode.Wear), Flags.CheckType.MatchAny)) { WorldItems.AutoScaleDoppleganger(dopplegangerParent, doppleganger, ItemBounds, ref scaleMultiplier, ref offset); } WorldItems.ApplyDopplegangerMode(item, doppleganger, mode, scaleMultiplier, offset); WorldItems.ApplyDopplegangerMaterials(doppleganger, mode); return(doppleganger); }
protected override void HandleEncounter(UnityEngine.Collider other) { //this will cover most cases including the player mlisteningItemCheck = (IListener)other.GetComponent(typeof(IListener)); if (mlisteningItemCheck == null) { //whoops, we have to do some heavy lifting //see if it's a world item mIoiCheck = null; mlistenerCheck = null; if (WorldItems.GetIOIFromCollider(other, out mIoiCheck) && mIoiCheck.IOIType == ItemOfInterestType.WorldItem && mIoiCheck.worlditem.Is <Listener>(out mlistenerCheck)) { mlisteningItemCheck = mlistenerCheck; } } //unlike the visibility bubble //listeners are responsible for figuring out whether they can hear the item //so just add it to the list and it'll be pushed in OnUpdateAwareness Listeners.SafeAdd(mlisteningItemCheck); }
public void Initialize(Projectile launchedProjectile, Transform actionPoint, Weapon fromWeapon, float initialLaunchForce) { FromWeapon = fromWeapon; LaunchedProjectile = launchedProjectile; TrajectoryObject = new GameObject("TrajectoryObject"); InitialLaunchForce = initialLaunchForce; //align the trajectory object with the launched object //disregard the x rotation, we only want 2D orientation //then set parent to null; //finally, parent the launched projectile under this object //its 2D motion will now translate into 3D space TrajectoryObject.transform.position = actionPoint.position; Vector3 actionPointRotation = actionPoint.transform.rotation.eulerAngles; TrajectoryObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(actionPointRotation.x, actionPointRotation.y, 0f); ProjectileDoppleganger = WorldItems.GetDoppleganger(launchedProjectile.worlditem, TrajectoryObject.transform, ProjectileDoppleganger); ProjectileDoppleganger.layer = Globals.LayerNumWorldItemActive; //use the trajectory's forward vector to determine the angle Trail = ProjectileDoppleganger.AddComponent <TrailRenderer>(); Trail.startWidth = 0.01f; Trail.endWidth = 0.5f; Trail.autodestruct = true; Trail.time = 0.65f; Trail.material = Mats.Get.TrailRendererMaterial; InitialAngleInDegrees = Mathf.Acos(Vector3.Dot(TrajectoryObject.transform.forward, actionPoint.forward)).Clean(); //create a damage package mDamage = new DamagePackage(); mDamage.DamageSent = LaunchedProjectile.DamagePerHit * initialLaunchForce; mDamage.SenderMaterial = LaunchedProjectile.worlditem.Props.Global.MaterialType; mDamage.Source = fromWeapon.worlditem; mDamage.SenderName = fromWeapon.worlditem.DisplayName; Current3DPosition = ProjectileDoppleganger.transform.position; mInitialized = true; }
public void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col) { if (col.gameObject.CompareTag(Globals.TagGroundTerrain)) { return; } if (WorldItems.GetIOIFromGameObject(col.gameObject, out mIoi)) { if (gDamagePackage == null) { gDamagePackage = new DamagePackage(); gDamagePackage.DamageSent = Globals.DamageOnRockslideHit; gDamagePackage.SenderMaterial = WIMaterialType.Stone; gDamagePackage.Source = this; } gDamagePackage.ForceSent = col.relativeVelocity.magnitude * 0.1f; gDamagePackage.Point = tr.position; gDamagePackage.Target = mIoi; DamageManager.Get.SendDamage(gDamagePackage); } }
public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (mStartedDestroying || mDestroyed) { return; } IItemOfInterest ioi = null; if (WorldItems.GetIOIFromCollider(other, out ioi)) { Listener listener = null; if (ioi.IOIType == ItemOfInterestType.WorldItem && ioi.worlditem.Is <Listener> (out listener) && !Listeners.Contains(listener)) { Listeners.Add(listener); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ParentSpeech.OnAudibleCommand)) { listener.HearCommand(this, ParentSpeech.OnAudibleCommand); } } } }
public void OnPlayerUseWorldItemSecondary(object secondaryResult) { WIListResult dialogResult = secondaryResult as WIListResult; switch (dialogResult.SecondaryResult) { case "Drink": if (!CanBuyDrink) { if (gBartenderSpeech == null) { gBartenderSpeech = new Speech(); } gBartenderSpeech.Text = "That's enough for one night, {lad/lass}."; worlditem.Get <Talkative>().SayDTS(gBartenderSpeech); } else { if (Player.Local.Inventory.InventoryBank.TryToRemove(PricePerDrink)) { Profile.Get.CurrentGame.Character.Rep.GainGlobalReputation(1); //spawn a cup and put some mead in it WorldItem cup = null; if (WorldItems.CloneRandomFromCategory("BartenderCups", WIGroups.Get.World, out cup)) { cup.Initialize(); LiquidContainer container = null; if (cup.Is <LiquidContainer>(out container)) { container.State.Contents.CopyFrom(BartenderDrinkContents); container.State.Contents.InstanceWeight = container.State.Capacity; } //try to equip it in the player's hands Player.Local.Inventory.TryToEquip(cup); } State.NumTimesBoughtDrink++; State.NumTimesBoughtDrinkTonight++; State.LastTimeBoughtDrink = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime; } } break; case "Round": if (Player.Local.Inventory.InventoryBank.TryToRemove(PricePerRound)) { if (gBartenderSpeech == null) { gBartenderSpeech = new Speech(); } gBartenderSpeech.Text = "Looks like this round's on {PlayerFirstName}!"; worlditem.Get <Talkative>().SayDTS(gBartenderSpeech); Profile.Get.CurrentGame.Character.Rep.GainGlobalReputation(5); State.NumTimesBoughtRound++; State.LastTimeBoughtRound = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime; } break; default: break; } }
//this editor function does a bunch of sanity-check stuff //to make sure that the foodstuff is set up properly public override void InitializeTemplate() { mCurrentProps = null; if (State.PotentialProps.Count > 0) { WIStates states = null; if (gameObject.HasComponent <WIStates>(out states)) { for (int i = 0; i < State.PotentialProps.Count; i++) { if (State.PotentialProps[i].Name == states.DefaultState) { mCurrentProps = State.PotentialProps[i]; break; } } } if (mCurrentProps == null) { for (int i = 0; i < State.PotentialProps.Count; i++) { if (State.PotentialProps[i].Name == "Raw") { mCurrentProps = State.PotentialProps[i]; break; } } } if (mCurrentProps == null) { //f**k it mCurrentProps = State.PotentialProps[0]; } } return; if (Application.isPlaying) { return; } if (worlditem.Props.Global.MaterialType != WIMaterialType.Plant && worlditem.Props.Global.MaterialType != WIMaterialType.Flesh) { worlditem.Props.Global.MaterialType = WIMaterialType.Food; } if (State.PotentialProps.Count == 0) { Debug.Log("Didn't find any potential food props, creating 'Raw' now"); FoodStuffProps props = new FoodStuffProps(); props.Name = "Raw"; props.Type = FoodStuffEdibleType.Edible; props.HungerRestore = PlayerStatusRestore.B_OneFifth; props.Perishable = false; State.PotentialProps.Add(props); } else { Debug.Log("Found " + State.PotentialProps.Count.ToString() + " props"); } if (worlditem.States != null) { Debug.Log("worlditem has states"); foreach (WIState state in worlditem.States.States) { bool foundAccompanyingFoodState = false; foreach (FoodStuffProps props in this.State.PotentialProps) { if (props.Name == state.Name) { foundAccompanyingFoodState = true; } } if (!foundAccompanyingFoodState) { Debug.Log("Didn't find accompanying food state in " + + " for worlditem state: " + state.Name + ", adding now"); FoodStuffProps newProps = new FoodStuffProps(); newProps.Name = state.Name; //there are some common states that we can make guesses for switch (state.Name) { case "Rotten": newProps.Type = FoodStuffEdibleType.Edible; newProps.HungerRestore = PlayerStatusRestore.B_OneFifth; newProps.ConditionChance = 0.95f; newProps.ConditionName = "FoodPoisoning"; newProps.Perishable = false; break; case "Raw": newProps.Type = FoodStuffEdibleType.Edible; newProps.HungerRestore = PlayerStatusRestore.C_TwoFifths; newProps.Perishable = true; break; case "Cooked": newProps.Type = FoodStuffEdibleType.Edible; newProps.HungerRestore = PlayerStatusRestore.F_Full; newProps.Perishable = true; break; case "Burned": newProps.Type = FoodStuffEdibleType.Edible; newProps.HungerRestore = PlayerStatusRestore.B_OneFifth; newProps.Perishable = false; break; case "Preserved": case "Dried": newProps.Type = FoodStuffEdibleType.Edible; newProps.HungerRestore = PlayerStatusRestore.D_ThreeFifths; newProps.Perishable = false; break; default: newProps.Type = FoodStuffEdibleType.None; //make it inedible break; } State.PotentialProps.Add(newProps); } } } bool requiresRottenState = false; foreach (FoodStuffProps props in State.PotentialProps) { if (props.Name == "Raw") { bool foundCooked = false; foreach (FoodStuffProps cookedProps in State.PotentialProps) { if (cookedProps.Name == "Cooked") { foundCooked = true; props.ConditionName = "FoodPoisoning"; props.ConditionChance = 0.25f; break; } } if (!foundCooked) { props.ConditionName = string.Empty; props.ConditionChance = 0f; } else { gameObject.GetOrAdd <Photosensitive>(); } } requiresRottenState |= props.Perishable; if (props.Name == "Rotten") { requiresRottenState |= true; } } //check our states against our props and make sure there's parity if (State.PotentialProps.Count > 1) { if (worlditem.States == null) { worlditem.States = worlditem.gameObject.AddComponent <WIStates>(); worlditem.InitializeTemplate(); return; } //now attempt to match our props up against our states and make sure there's parity foreach (FoodStuffProps props in State.PotentialProps) { WIState existingState = null; bool foundAccompanyingState = false; foreach (WIState state in worlditem.States.States) { if (state.Name == props.Name) { if (!foundAccompanyingState) { existingState = state; foundAccompanyingState = true; } if (state.Name == "Rotten") { requiresRottenState = true; } } } if (!foundAccompanyingState) { WIState newState = null; Debug.Log("Didn't find accompanying worlditem state in " + + " for food state: " + props.Name + ", adding now"); if (worlditem.States.States.Count == 0) { //create a state from the base object - this will also strip the base object of renderers etc. newState = WorldItems.CreateTemplateState(worlditem, props.Name, worlditem.gameObject); } else { //otherwise just make a copy from the first existing state, we'll clean it up later newState = WorldItems.CreateTemplateState(worlditem, props.Name, worlditem.States.States[0].StateObject); } existingState = newState; } if (existingState != null) { existingState.IsInteractive = true; existingState.Suffix = props.Name; existingState.StackName = props.Name + " " + worlditem.Props.Name.StackName; existingState.UnloadWhenStacked = true; existingState.CanEnterInventory = true; existingState.CanBePlaced = true; existingState.CanBeDropped = true; existingState.CanBeCarried = true; switch (existingState.Name) { case "Raw": existingState.IsPermanent = false; break; case "Cooked": existingState.IsPermanent = true; existingState.FXOnChange = "FoodstuffCookedSmoke"; break; case "Rotten": existingState.IsPermanent = true; break; case "Burned": existingState.IsPermanent = true; existingState.FXOnChange = "FoodstuffBurnedSmoke"; break; case "Preserved": case "Dried": existingState.IsPermanent = true; break; default: break; } } } } else { Debug.Log("Only 1 foodstuff props so no need for states"); if (worlditem.States != null && worlditem.States.States.Count == 0) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(worlditem.States); } } if (requiresRottenState) { Debug.Log("Requires perishable, checking now"); bool hasRottenState = false; bool hasRawState = false; foreach (FoodStuffProps props in State.PotentialProps) { if (props.Name == "Raw") { props.Perishable = true; hasRawState = true; } else if (props.Name == "Rotten") { hasRottenState = true; } } if (!hasRawState) { FoodStuffProps newProps = new FoodStuffProps(); newProps.Name = "Raw"; newProps.Perishable = true; newProps.Type = FoodStuffEdibleType.Edible; newProps.HungerRestore = PlayerStatusRestore.C_TwoFifths; newProps.Perishable = true; State.PotentialProps.Add(newProps); } if (!hasRottenState) { FoodStuffProps newProps = new FoodStuffProps(); newProps.Name = "Rotten"; newProps.Type = FoodStuffEdibleType.Edible; newProps.HungerRestore = PlayerStatusRestore.C_TwoFifths; newProps.ConditionChance = 0.5f; newProps.ConditionName = "FoodPoisoning"; State.PotentialProps.Add(newProps); } } else { Debug.Log("Didn't require rotten state"); } if (worlditem.States != null) { bool foundDefaultState = false; foreach (WIState state in worlditem.States.States) { if (worlditem.States.DefaultState == state.Name) { foundDefaultState = true; break; } } if (!foundDefaultState) { Debug.Log("Didin't find default state " + worlditem.States.DefaultState + ", setting to Raw"); worlditem.States.DefaultState = "Raw"; } } if (worlditem.HasStates) { //now that the worlditem has states it shouldn't have its own mesh stuff //destroy the me now MeshFilter worldItemMF = null; if (worlditem.gameObject.HasComponent <MeshFilter>(out worldItemMF)) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(worldItemMF); } MeshRenderer worldItemMR = null; if (worlditem.gameObject.HasComponent <MeshRenderer>(out worldItemMR)) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(worldItemMR); } if (worlditem.collider != null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(worlditem.collider); } } foreach (FoodStuffProps props in State.PotentialProps) { if (props.IsLiquid) { props.EatFoodSound = "DrinkLiquidGeneric"; } else { props.EatFoodSound = "EatFoodGeneric"; } } mCurrentProps = null; base.InitializeTemplate(); }
public void Update() { if (!mInitialized) { return; } if (Cooldown) { if (Trail == null || LaunchedProjectile == null) { //trail has self-destructed enabled = false; GameObject.Destroy(this); GameObject.Destroy(ProjectileDoppleganger); } else { ProjectileDoppleganger.transform.position =; ProjectileDoppleganger.transform.rotation =; } return; } //send the projectile along the parameter CurrentTime += WorldClock.RTDeltaTime; Last3DPosition = Current3DPosition; UpdatePositionAlongTrajectory(CurrentTime); ProjectileDoppleganger.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, Current2DPosition.y, Current2DPosition.x); Current3DPosition = ProjectileDoppleganger.transform.position; ProjectileDoppleganger.transform.position = Current3DPosition; CurrentForce = Vector3.Distance(Current3DPosition, Last3DPosition); CurrentOrientation = (Current3DPosition - Last3DPosition).normalized; if (CurrentOrientation != { ProjectileDoppleganger.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(CurrentOrientation, Vector3.up); } //let worlditems in our potential path know that the need to be 'active' //otherwise the projectile might go right through them WorldItems.Get.SetActiveStateOverride(Current3DPosition, CurrentForce * 2); RaycastHit hitInfo; if (Physics.Linecast(Last3DPosition, Current3DPosition, out hitInfo, Globals.LayersActive)) { IItemOfInterest target = null; BodyPart bodyPart = null; if (!hitInfo.collider.isTrigger) { if (WorldItems.GetIOIFromCollider(hitInfo.collider, out target, out bodyPart)) { if (target.IOIType == ItemOfInterestType.Player) { //Debug.Log ("Was player"); return; } mDamage.Point = hitInfo.point; mDamage.ForceSent = (CurrentForce + InitialLaunchForce) / 2; mDamage.Target = target; DamageManager.Get.SendDamage(mDamage, bodyPart); } = ProjectileDoppleganger.transform.position; = ProjectileDoppleganger.transform.rotation; LaunchedProjectile.OnCollide(hitInfo.collider, hitInfo.point); OnReachEnd(); } } }
public void OnCollectiveThoughtStart() { if (mDestroyed) { return; } IItemOfInterest itemOfInterest = character.CurrentThought.CurrentItemOfInterest; switch (itemOfInterest.IOIType) { case ItemOfInterestType.Player: if (worlditem.Is <Hostile> (out hostile) && hostile.PrimaryTarget == itemOfInterest) { //don't need to do anything else, we're already attacking the player character.CurrentThought.Should(IOIReaction.IgnoreIt); Debug.Log("Already hostile, not attacking player"); return; } else { if (WorldItems.HasLineOfSight(character.Body.Transforms.HeadTop.position, itemOfInterest, ref gTargetPosition, ref gHitPosition, out gHitIOI)) { if (ParentCamp.PlayerVisitingCamp) { ParentCamp.HasAttackedPlayerRecently = true; Debug.Log("Player is visiting camp, time to kill the player"); character.CurrentThought.Should(IOIReaction.KillIt); character.CurrentThought.Should(IOIReaction.KillIt); character.CurrentThought.Should(IOIReaction.KillIt); } else { Debug.Log("Player is NOT visiting camp"); character.CurrentThought.Should(IOIReaction.WatchIt); //if the player is on the outskirts then warn the player if (ParentCamp.HasAttackedPlayerRecently && !ParentCamp.HasTauntedPlayerRecently) { ParentCamp.HasTauntedPlayerRecently = true; Talkative talkative = worlditem.Get <Talkative> (); Motile motile = worlditem.Get <Motile> (); //get the node closest to the bandit talkative.GiveSpeech(ParentCamp.State.SpeechTaunt, motile.LastOccupiedNode); } else if (!ParentCamp.HasWarnedPlayerRecently) { Debug.Log("Warning player with speech" + ParentCamp.State.SpeechWarning); ParentCamp.HasWarnedPlayerRecently = true; Talkative talkative = worlditem.Get <Talkative> (); Motile motile = worlditem.Get <Motile> (); //get the node closest to the bandit talkative.GiveSpeech(ParentCamp.State.SpeechWarning, motile.LastOccupiedNode); } } } else { Debug.Log("Didn't have line of sight"); } } break; case ItemOfInterestType.Scenery: default: character.CurrentThought.Should(IOIReaction.IgnoreIt); break; case ItemOfInterestType.WorldItem: if (worlditem.Is <Hostile> (out hostile)) { //don't need to do anything else, we're already attacking the player character.CurrentThought.Should(IOIReaction.IgnoreIt); return; } else if (itemOfInterest.worlditem.Is <Creature> ()) { Debug.Log("Voting to kill creature " + + " in bandit"); character.CurrentThought.Should(IOIReaction.KillIt); character.CurrentThought.Should(IOIReaction.KillIt); } else { character.CurrentThought.Should(IOIReaction.WatchIt); } break; } }