public static IEnumerator UpdateGoToActionNode(Motile m, MotileAction action)
            if (action.HasLiveTarget)
                //m.rvoController.usePath = (action.Method == MotileGoToMethod.Pathfinding);
                m.GoalObject.position = action.LiveTarget.Position;
                ActionNode node = null;
                if (action.LiveTarget.IOIType == ItemOfInterestType.ActionNode)                         //see if we're there yet
                    node = action.LiveTarget.node;
                    float distanceFromTarget = Vector3.Distance(m.worlditem.Position, m.GoalObject.position);
                    //use the range variable for our distance check
                    if (distanceFromTarget <= action.Range)
                        m.TargetMovementSpeed = m.State.MotileProps.SpeedWalk;
                        //can we occupy this thing?
                        if (node.CanOccupy(m.worlditem))                                //hooray! we can occupy it
                            if (node.TryToOccupyNode(m.worlditem))                      //we've occupied it, huzzah
                                m.LastOccupiedNode    = node;
                                m.TargetMovementSpeed = 0.0f;
                                FinishAction(m, action);
                                yield break;
                            //if we didn't occupy it, it might mean we're not close enough
                            //because our range may be larger than the node range
                            //so try again next frame
                        else                                    //whoops, node is inaccessible
                        //set to error
                            action.State = MotileActionState.Error;
                            action.Error = MotileActionError.TargetInaccessible;
                    else if (distanceFromTarget <= action.Range * 1.5)
                        //don't stop, but do slow down a bit
                        m.TargetMovementSpeed = m.State.MotileProps.SpeedWalk;
                        //run and catch up!
                        m.TargetMovementSpeed = m.State.MotileProps.SpeedRun;
                else                            //weird, it got unloaded for some reason
                    action.State = MotileActionState.Error;
                    action.Error = MotileActionError.TargetNotLoaded;
            else                        //weird, live target is gone for some reason
            //try to get it again
            //(not implemented)
                action.State = MotileActionState.Error;
                action.Error = MotileActionError.TargetNotLoaded;
            //otherwise get live target
            yield return(null);

            yield break;
        public static bool FinishAction(Motile m, MotileAction action)
            //Debug.Log("Finishing action " + action.Name);
            if (action.BaseAction)

            m.AvoidingObstacle = false;

            action.State = MotileActionState.Finishing;
            bool finished = false;

            switch (action.Type)
            case MotileActionType.FocusOnTarget:
                finished = true;

            case MotileActionType.FollowGoal:
                finished = true;

            case MotileActionType.FollowRoutine:
                finished = true;

            case MotileActionType.WanderIdly:
                finished = true;

            case MotileActionType.FollowTargetHolder:
                m.GoalHolder = null;
                //move goal to group transform
                //this will stop the target holder from using it
                finished = true;

            case MotileActionType.GoToActionNode:
                //if we're at the action node, vacate the node
                //if we're not at the action node, do nothing
                if (m.LastOccupiedNode == null && action.HasLiveTarget && action.LiveTarget.IOIType == ItemOfInterestType.ActionNode)                   //if we actually have a live target
                    ActionNode node = action.LiveTarget.node;
                    if (!node.IsOccupant(m.worlditem))                          //try to occupy it one last time
                        //if we don't make it oh well
                finished = true;

            case MotileActionType.Wait:
                finished = true;

            if (finished)
                if (action.State != MotileActionState.Error)                    //preserve the error
                    action.State = MotileActionState.Finished;
                action.UpdateCoroutine = null;                //reset this
                action.WTFinished      = WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime;
                m.LastFinishedAction   = action;
                //send final messages and whatnot
                action.OnFinishAction = null;
                if (m != null && m.GoalObject != null)
                    m.GoalObject.parent = m.worlditem.Group.transform;
            //wait for finish to end (not implemented)
            //force refresh hud
            //m.rvoController.PositionLocked = false;
            //m.rvoController.RotationLocked = false;
            if (m != null)
            //action state is finsihed