protected IEnumerator SleepingOverTime(Bed bed) { //first go to the bed sleep point //TODO make this a motile action = bed.SleepingPosition; Motile motile = null; if (worlditem.Is <Motile> (out motile)) { mSleepAction.Reset(); mSleepAction.IdleAnimation = GameWorld.Get.FlagByName("IdleAnimation", "Sleeping"); motile.PushMotileAction(mSleepAction, MotileActionPriority.ForceTop); //let them sleep zzzzz yield return(mSleepAction.WaitForActionToFinish(0.25f)); //once we wake up, if the bed is not null //clear its occupant! if (bed != null) { bed.Occupant = null; } } mIsSleeping = false; yield break; }
public void SleepInBed(Bed bed) { if (!mIsSleeping) { mIsSleeping = true; StartCoroutine(SleepingOverTime(bed)); } }
public IEnumerator SendPlayerToHealingBed() { worlditem.ActiveState = WIActiveState.Active; Structure structure = worlditem.Get <Structure>(); while (!structure.Is(StructureLoadState.ExteriorLoaded)) { yield return(null); } Structures.AddInteriorToLoad(structure); while (!structure.Is(StructureLoadState.InteriorLoaded)) { yield return(null); } Player.Local.Spawn(); //find the first bed List <WorldItem> bedWorldItems = structure.StructureGroup.GetChildrenOfType(new List <string>() { "Bed" }); while (bedWorldItems.Count == 0) { double waitUntil = Frontiers.WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime + 0.1f; while (Frontiers.WorldClock.AdjustedRealTime < waitUntil) { yield return(null); } bedWorldItems = structure.StructureGroup.GetChildrenOfType(new List <string>() { "Bed" }); } WorldItem bedWorldItem = bedWorldItems[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, bedWorldItems.Count)]; Bed bed = bedWorldItem.Get <Bed>(); Player.Local.transform.position = bed.BedsidePosition; bed.TryToSleep(WorldClock.Get.TimeOfDayAfter(WorldClock.TimeOfDayCurrent)); yield break; }