Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Resizes and saves the image as the asset ID jpg
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="VAsset">VOD Asset</param>
        /// <param name="Height">Final height of the image</param>
        /// <param name="Width">Final width of the image</param>
        /// <param name="token">Cancellation token</param>
        private int ProcessImage(VODAsset VAsset, int Height, int Width, string vhoName, CancellationToken token)

            //Temporary folder path used to backup any existing images before any manipulation
            string tmpPath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "Temp");
            string tmpFile = string.Empty;

            //Create root temp folder if it doesn't exist
            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpPath))

            //Make a temp path child folder by VHO name to prevent asset id conflicts
            tmpPath = Path.Combine(tmpPath, vhoName);
            if (!Directory.Exists(tmpPath))

                //Poster destination file name cannot be null
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(VAsset.PosterDest))
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("Destination folder cannot be null. " + VAsset.ToString());

                //Verify file extension is .jpg
                if (!VAsset.PosterDest.EndsWith(".jpg"))
                    throw new ArgumentException("(ProcessImages) Invalid destination file name.", VAsset.PosterDest);

                //Throw error if source file not found, used to populate missing poster log
                if (!File.Exists(VAsset.PosterSource))
                    throw new FileNotFoundException(string.Format("(ProcessImages) Source poster file not found. AssetID: {0}", VAsset.AssetId), VAsset.PosterSource);

                //if destination file already exists, check if it needs updated using timestamp
                if (File.Exists(VAsset.PosterDest))
                    tmpFile = Path.Combine(tmpPath, Path.GetFileName(VAsset.PosterDest));

                    //If a temp file exists in the temp directory for this asset, remove it
                    if (File.Exists(tmpFile))

                    //Move the file to the temp directory, and set it as a temp file
                    File.Move(VAsset.PosterDest, tmpFile);
                    File.SetAttributes(tmpFile, FileAttributes.Temporary);

                //Resize source image file if it is above 50MB
                    FileInfo srcFInfo = new FileInfo(VAsset.PosterSource);
                    if (((srcFInfo.Length / 1024F) / 1024F) > 50)
                        string tmpName = Path.Combine(Path.GetFullPath(srcFInfo.FullName), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(srcFInfo.FullName) + "_tmp.jpg");

                        using (var origBM = new Bitmap(srcFInfo.FullName))
                            using (var srcBM = new Bitmap(origBM, Width, Height))
                                srcBM.Save(tmpName, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                        File.Copy(tmpName, srcFInfo.FullName, true);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Trace.TraceError("Failed to resize source image file above 50mb. {0}", ex.Message);

                //Resize poster, save, and increment progress success if no errors
                using (var sourceBM = new Bitmap(VAsset.PosterSource))
                    using (var destBM = new Bitmap(sourceBM, Width, Height))
                    //using (var destBM = Toolset.ResizeBitmap(sourceBM, Width, Height, null, null, true))
                        destBM.Save(VAsset.PosterDest, ImageFormat.Jpeg);

                //Verify file was saved and it exists
                if (!File.Exists(VAsset.PosterDest))
                    throw new Exception("(ProcessImages) File failed to save in destination folder.");

                //Restore backup file from temp directory
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpFile) && File.Exists(tmpFile))
                    File.Copy(tmpFile, VAsset.PosterDest, true);

                //Delete backup file from temp directory
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tmpFile) && File.Exists(tmpFile))