public FriendControl GetFriendControl( Friend friend )
            foreach ( FriendControl fc in this.Controls )
                if ( fc.Friend.SteamID == friend.SteamID )
                    return fc;

            return null;
        public void SetSteamID( Friend steamid )
            Friend = steamid;

            nameLbl.Text = steamid.GetName();
            statusLbl.Text = steamid.GetStatus();
            gameLbl.Text = steamid.GetGameName();

            nameLbl.ForeColor = statusLbl.ForeColor = gameLbl.ForeColor = Util.GetStatusColor( steamid );

            avatarBox.Image = ComposeAvatar( steamid );
Exemple #3
        public static Color GetStatusColor( Friend steamid )
            Color inGame = Color.FromArgb( 177, 251, 80 );
            Color online = Color.FromArgb( 111, 189, 255 );
            Color offline = Color.FromArgb( 137, 137, 137 );

            if ( steamid.IsInGame() )
                return inGame;

            if ( !steamid.IsOnline() )
                return offline;

            return online;
Exemple #4
        List<Friend> GetFriends()
            List<Friend> friends = new List<Friend>();

            int friendCount = SteamContext.ClientFriends.GetFriendCount( ( int )EFriendFlags.k_EFriendFlagImmediate );
            for ( int x = 0 ; x < friendCount ; ++x )
                ulong friendId = SteamContext.ClientFriends.GetFriendByIndex( x, ( int )EFriendFlags.k_EFriendFlagImmediate );

                Friend friend = new Friend( friendId );
                friends.Add( friend );

            return friends;
        Bitmap GetAvatar( Friend steamid )
            GCHandle imgHandle = new GCHandle();

                int avatarId = SteamContext.ClientFriends.GetSmallFriendAvatar( steamid.SteamID );

                if ( avatarId == 0 )
                    return Resources.IconUnknown;

                int width = 32, height = 32;
                byte[] imgData = new byte[ 4 * width * height ];

                if ( !SteamContext.SteamUtils.GetImageRGBA( avatarId, imgData, imgData.Length ) )
                    return Resources.IconUnknown;

                // imgData is in RGBA format, .NET expects BGRA
                // so lets prep the data by swapping R and B
                for ( int x = 0 ; x < imgData.Length ; x += 4 )
                    byte r = imgData[ x ];
                    byte b = imgData[ x + 2 ];

                    imgData[ x ] = b;
                    imgData[ x + 2 ] = r;

                imgHandle = GCHandle.Alloc( imgData, GCHandleType.Pinned );

                return new Bitmap( width, height, 4 * width, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, imgHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject() );
                return Resources.IconUnknown;
        Bitmap GetHolder( Friend steamid )
            if ( steamid.IsInGame() )
                return Resources.IconIngame;

            if ( steamid.IsOnline() )
                return Resources.IconOnline;

            return Resources.IconOffline;
 public FriendControl( Friend steamid )
     : this()
     SetSteamID( steamid );
        Bitmap ComposeAvatar( Friend steamid )
            Bitmap holder = GetHolder( steamid );
            Bitmap avatar = GetAvatar( steamid );

            Graphics gfx = null;
                gfx = Graphics.FromImage( holder );
                gfx.DrawImage( avatar, new Rectangle( 4, 4, avatar.Width, avatar.Height ) );

            return holder;