        * Math operators + - * /
        * *****************************************/
        public static Fraction operator +(Fraction f1, Fraction f2)
            Fraction f3 = new Fraction();
            Fraction f4; //these recieve values from the out parameters
            Fraction f5;

            if (f1.denominator != f2.denominator)
                //the denominators don't match
                //get the greatest common denominator
                //the out parameters provide a way of returning
                //more than one value from a method
                f3.GreatestCommonDenominator(f1, f2, out f4, out f5);
                //if they do match we still need to assign
                //the values to the new fractions so we
                //can do the math below
                f4 = f1;
                f5 = f2;

            f3.denominator = f4.denominator;

            f3.numerator = f4.numerator + f5.numerator;

            //reduce the resulting fraction
            f3 = f3.ReduceFraction(f3);

        public static Fraction operator -(Fraction f1, Fraction f2)
            Fraction f3 = new Fraction();
            Fraction f4;
            Fraction f5;

            if (f1.denominator != f2.denominator)
                f3.GreatestCommonDenominator(f1, f2, out f4, out f5);
                f4 = f1;
                f5 = f2;

            f3.denominator = f4.denominator;

            f3.numerator = f4.numerator - f5.numerator;

            f3 = f3.ReduceFraction(f3);

        public static Fraction operator *(Fraction f1, Fraction f2)
            Fraction f  = new Fraction();
            Fraction f3 = new Fraction();

            f3.numerator   = f1.numerator * f2.numerator;
            f3.denominator = f1.denominator * f2.denominator;
            f3             = f.ReduceFraction(f3);
        public static Fraction operator /(Fraction f1, Fraction f2)
            Fraction f  = new Fraction();
            Fraction f3 = new Fraction(f2.denominator, f2.numerator);
            Fraction f4 = new Fraction();

            f4.numerator   = f1.numerator * f3.numerator;
            f4.denominator = f1.denominator * f3.denominator;
            f4             = f.ReduceFraction(f4);