private void printRingForUser(UserShows userShow, int UserID, Document doc, ref List<int> defaultUsers, ref int pageCount)
            String html = "";
            float[] ringColumns = new float[] { 300, 300, 300, 300};

            Font pageFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 22, Font.NORMAL);
            Font headerFont = new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 16, Font.BOLD, Color.BLACK);
            Font judgeFont = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 9, Font.BOLD);
            Font notInClassFont = new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 6, Font.NORMAL, Color.BLACK);
            Font inClassFont = new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 9, Font.NORMAL, Color.BLACK);
            Font font = new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 10, Font.NORMAL, Color.BLACK);
            Font font1 = FontFactory.GetFont("Arial", 18, Font.BOLD);
            Font dogNotInClass = new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 6, Font.NORMAL, Color.BLACK);
            Font dogInClass = new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 9, Font.NORMAL, Color.BLACK);
            Font dogDetailsInClass = new Font(Font.HELVETICA, 9, Font.BOLD, Color.BLACK);
            Fpp.WebModules.Business.User currentUser = new User(userShow.Userid);
            Shows show = new Shows(userShow.ShowID);

            List<ShowDetails> showDetailsList = ShowDetails.GetShowDaysList(userShow.ShowID);
            doc.Add(new Paragraph(show.ShowName, pageFont));

            Rings r = new Rings();
            DataSet ringList = r.GetAllRingsForShow(userShow.ShowID, "ShowDate");

            Dogs d = new Dogs();

            DogClasses dc = new DogClasses();
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            int currentRingID = 0;
            int ShowDetailsID = -1;
            int PrevShowDetailsID = -1;
            PdfPTable rings = new PdfPTable(ringColumns);

            int ringCnt = 0;
            PdfPCell cell = null;
            PdfPTable ringDetails = null;
            PdfPTable classDetailsTable = null;
            List<int> dogsRunningToday = new List<int>();
            foreach (DataRow ringRow in ringList.Tables[0].Rows)
                int RingID = Convert.ToInt32(ringRow["RingID"]);
                ShowDetailsID = Convert.ToInt32(ringRow["ShowDetailsID"]);

                if (ringRow.IsNull("ClassID"))
                int ClassID = Convert.ToInt32(ringRow["ClassID"]);
                DateTime rowDT = Convert.ToDateTime(ringRow["ShowDate"]);
                if (rowDT != dt)
                    if (currentRingID != 0)
                        if (ringCnt % 4 != 0)
                            var remind = ringCnt % 4;
                            while (remind-- > 0)
                                cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(" ", pageFont)));
                                cell.BorderWidth = 0;

                        if (currentUser.UserID == UserID)
                            doc.Add(getHandlerDetails(userShow, currentUser, PrevShowDetailsID, dogsRunningToday));
                            User defaultHandler = new User(UserID);
                            doc.Add(getHandlerDetails(userShow, defaultHandler, PrevShowDetailsID, dogsRunningToday));
                        if (dogsRunningToday.Count > 0)
                    doc.Add(new Paragraph(rowDT.ToString("dddd d MMM"), headerFont));
                    doc.Add(new Paragraph("  ", judgeFont));
                    dt = rowDT;
                    rings = new PdfPTable(ringColumns);
                    rings.WidthPercentage = 100;
                    ringCnt = 0;

                if (currentRingID != RingID)
                    ringDetails = new PdfPTable(1);
                    rings.AddCell(new PdfPCell( ringDetails));

                    List<Judge> judgeList = Judge.getJudgesForRingList(RingID);

                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Chunk("Ring No " + ringRow["RingNo"].ToString(), judgeFont)));
                    cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                    cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER;

                    foreach (Judge judge in judgeList)
                        cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(judge.Name, judgeFont)));
                        cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                        cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER;
                    currentRingID = RingID;
                    classDetailsTable = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 50, 225, 100 });
                    classDetailsTable.DefaultCell.BorderWidth = 0;
                html += "<tr>";
                DataSet dogsList = d.GetDogsInClass(userShow.Userid, ClassID);
                int DogsInClass = d.dogsInClassCount(ClassID);

                String clsName = String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}",
                String grades = ShowClasses.shortenGrades(ringRow);
                int ix = clsName.IndexOf("Grd");
                if (ix == -1) ix = clsName.IndexOf("Cmb");
                if (ix > -1)
                    clsName = clsName.Substring(0, ix + 3) + " " + grades + " " + clsName.Substring(ix + 4);
                    ix = clsName.IndexOf(" ");
                    clsName = clsName.Substring(0, ix) + " " + grades + " " + clsName.Substring(ix + 1);

                if (dogsList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    Phrase[] tmpCells = new Phrase[3];
                    tmpCells[0] = new Phrase(new Chunk(ringRow["ClsNo"].ToString(), dogInClass));
                    tmpCells[1] = new Phrase(new Chunk(clsName, dogInClass));
                    tmpCells[2] = new Phrase(new Chunk(String.Format("({0})", DogsInClass), dogInClass));

                    int countDogs = 0;
                    int DefaultHandler;
                    Paragraph p = new Paragraph();
                    foreach (DataRow dogRow in dogsList.Tables[0].Rows)
                        int DogID = Convert.ToInt32(dogRow["DogID"]);
                        DefaultHandler = Convert.ToInt32(dogRow["DefaultHandler"]);
                        if (DefaultHandler == 0) DefaultHandler = -1;
                        if ((DefaultHandler == -1 && currentUser.UserID == UserID) ||
                            (DefaultHandler == UserID)
                            if (countDogs == 0)
                                cell = new PdfPCell(tmpCells[0]);
                                cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                                cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT;
                            if (!dogsRunningToday.Contains(DogID))
                            String img = "<img src='data:image/gif;base64," + CreateImage(dogRow["DogColour"].ToString()) + "' />";
                            String dogName = dogRow["DogName"].ToString();
                            if (dogName.Length == 0)
                                dogName = dogRow["KCName"].ToString();
                            var chunk = new Chunk("   ", dogDetailsInClass);
                            chunk.SetBackground(new Color( System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(dogRow["DogColour"].ToString())  ));
                            p.Add(new Phrase(chunk));
                            p.Add(new Phrase(new Chunk(String.Format(" [{1}] {0}", dogName, dogRow["RO"]), dogDetailsInClass)));

                            int AltHandler = Convert.ToInt32(dogRow["AltHandler"]);
                            String HandlerName = "";
                            if (AltHandler > 0)
                                User u = new User(AltHandler);
                                HandlerName = u.Name;

                                html += "<div class='altHandler'>Handler:" + AltHandler + "</div>";
                                p.Add(new Phrase(new Chunk(String.Format("Handler:", AltHandler),dogInClass)));
                            if (defaultUsers != null && defaultUsers.IndexOf(DefaultHandler) == -1)
                    if (countDogs == 0)
                        cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(ringRow["ClsNo"].ToString(), dogNotInClass)));
                        cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                        cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT;

                        cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(clsName, dogNotInClass)));
                        cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                        cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT;
                        cell.NoWrap = true;

                        cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(String.Format("({0})", DogsInClass), dogNotInClass)));
                        cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                        cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT;

                        cell = new PdfPCell(p);
                        cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                        cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT;
                        cell.NoWrap = true;

                        cell = new PdfPCell(tmpCells[2]);
                        cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                        cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT;
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(ringRow["ClsNo"].ToString(), dogNotInClass)));
                    cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                    cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT;

                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(clsName, dogNotInClass)));
                    cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                    cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT;

                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(String.Format("({0})", DogsInClass), dogNotInClass)));
                    cell.BorderWidth = 0;
                    cell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT;

                PrevShowDetailsID = ShowDetailsID;

            if (ringCnt % 4 != 0)
                var remind = ringCnt % 4;
                while (remind-- > 0)
                    cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(new Chunk(" ", pageFont)));
                    cell.BorderWidth = 0;


            if (currentUser.UserID == UserID)
                doc.Add(getHandlerDetails(userShow, currentUser, PrevShowDetailsID, dogsRunningToday));
                User defaultHandler = new User(UserID);
                doc.Add(getHandlerDetails(userShow, defaultHandler, PrevShowDetailsID, dogsRunningToday));
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            FormsIdentity identity = (FormsIdentity)HttpContext.Current.User.Identity;
            FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = identity.Ticket;
            // get the roles stored as UserData into the ticket
            String[] userData = ticket.UserData.Split(':');
            String[] roles = userData[0].Split(',');
            int id = Convert.ToInt32(userData[1]);
            String html = "";

            Fpp.WebModules.Business.User currentUser = new User(id);
            int ShowID = Convert.ToInt32(Request["showid"]);
            Shows show = new Shows(ShowID);

            List<ShowDetails> showDetailsList = ShowDetails.GetShowDaysList(ShowID);
            html += "<h2>" + show.ShowName + "</h2>";

            Rings r = new Rings();
            DataSet ringList = r.GetAllRingsForShow(ShowID, "ShowDate");

            Dogs d = new Dogs();

            DogClasses dc = new DogClasses();
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            Boolean newday = false;
            int currentRingID = 0;
            foreach (DataRow ringRow in ringList.Tables[0].Rows)
                int RingID = Convert.ToInt32(ringRow["RingID"]);
                if (ringRow.IsNull("ClassID") )
                int ClassID = Convert.ToInt32(ringRow["ClassID"]);
                DateTime rowDT = Convert.ToDateTime(ringRow["ShowDate"]);
                if (rowDT != dt)
                    newday = true;
                    if (currentRingID != 0)
                        html += "</table></div>";
                        html += "<div class='pagebreak'></div>";
                    html += "<div class='clsDate'>" + rowDT.ToString("dddd d MMM") + "</div>";
                    dt = rowDT;

                if (currentRingID != RingID)
                    List<Judge> judgeList = Judge.getJudgesForRingList(RingID);

                    if (currentRingID != 0 && !newday)
                        html += "</table></div>";
                    html += "<div class='Ring'>";
                    html += "<table class='roClassesTbl'>";
                    html += "<tr class='ringInfo'>";
                    html += "<td colspan='3'>" +
                                "<div class='roTitle centered'>Ring No " + ringRow["RingNo"].ToString() + "</div>";
                    foreach (Judge judge in judgeList)
                        html += "<div class='roTitle centered'>" + judge.Name + "</div>";
                    html += "</td></tr>";
                    currentRingID = RingID;

                html += "<tr>";
                DataSet dogsList = d.GetDogsInClass(currentUser.UserID, ClassID);
                int DogsInClass = d.dogsInClassCount(ClassID);

                String clsName = ShowClasses.expandCatagory(ringRow) + " " + ShowClasses.expandHeight(ringRow) + ringRow["name"].ToString();
                String grades = ShowClasses.shortenGrades(ringRow);
                int ix = clsName.IndexOf("Grd");
                if (ix == -1) ix = clsName.IndexOf("Cmb");
                if (ix > -1)
                    clsName = clsName.Substring(0, ix + 3) + " (" + grades + ") " + clsName.Substring(ix + 4);
                    ix = clsName.IndexOf(" ");
                    clsName = clsName.Substring(0, ix) + " (" + grades + ") " + clsName.Substring(ix + 1);

                if (dogsList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    html += "<td valign='top' class='clsRing InClass'>" + ringRow["ClsNo"] + "</td>";
                    html += "<td  valign='top' class='clsDetails InClass'><div>" + clsName  + "</div>";
                    foreach (DataRow dogRow in dogsList.Tables[0].Rows)
                        String img = "<img src='data:image/gif;base64," + CreateImage(dogRow["DogColour"].ToString()) + "' />";

                        html += String.Format("<div class='dogInClass'><div style='background:{2};' class='dogIcon'>{3}</div>[{1}] {0}</div>", dogRow["DogName"], dogRow["RO"], dogRow["DogColour"], img);
                    html += "</td>";
                    html += "<td valign='top' class='clsEntry'><div>(" + DogsInClass+ ")</div></td>";
                    html += "<td valign='top' class='clsRing notInClass'>" + ringRow["ClsNo"] + "</td>";
                    html += "<td valign='top' class='clsDetails notInClass'>" + clsName + "</td>";
                    html += "<td valign='top' class='clsEntry notInClass'><div>(" + DogsInClass + ")</div></td>";

                html += "</tr>";
                newday = false;

            html += "</table>";
            html += "</div>";
            ringPlanContainer.InnerHtml = html;
        private String printRingForUser(UserShows userShow, int UserID, ref List<int> defaultUsers)
            String html = "";

            Fpp.WebModules.Business.User currentUser = new User(userShow.Userid);
            Shows show = new Shows(userShow.ShowID);

            List<ShowDetails> showDetailsList = ShowDetails.GetShowDaysList(userShow.ShowID);
            html += "<h2>" + show.ShowName + "</h2>";

            Rings r = new Rings();
            DataSet ringList = r.GetAllRingsForShow(userShow.ShowID, "ShowDate");

            Dogs d = new Dogs();

            DogClasses dc = new DogClasses();
            DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
            Boolean newday = false;
            int currentRingID = 0;
            int ShowDetailsID = -1;
            int PrevShowDetailsID = -1;
            foreach (DataRow ringRow in ringList.Tables[0].Rows)
                    int RingID = Convert.ToInt32(ringRow["RingID"]);
                    int EntryType = Convert.ToInt32(ringRow["EntryType"]);
                    ShowDetailsID = Convert.ToInt32(ringRow["ShowDetailsID"]);
                    if (ringRow.IsNull("ClassID"))
                    int ClassID = Convert.ToInt32(ringRow["ClassID"]);
                    DateTime rowDT = Convert.ToDateTime(ringRow["ShowDate"]);
                    if (rowDT != dt)
                        newday = true;
                        if (currentRingID != 0)
                            html += "</table></div></div>";
                            if (currentUser.UserID == UserID)
                                html += getHandlerDetails(userShow, currentUser, PrevShowDetailsID);
                                User defaultHandler = new User(UserID);
                                html += getHandlerDetails(userShow, defaultHandler, PrevShowDetailsID);
                            html += "<div class='pagebreak'></div>";
                        html += "<div class='day group'>";
                        html += "<div class='clsDate'>" + rowDT.ToString("dddd d MMM") + "</div>";
                        dt = rowDT;

                    if (currentRingID != RingID)
                        List<Judge> judgeList = Judge.getJudgesForRingList(RingID);

                        if (currentRingID != 0 && !newday)
                            html += "</table></div>";
                        html += "<div class='Ring'>";
                        html += "<table class='roClassesTbl'>";
                        html += "<tr class='ringInfo'>";
                        html += "<td colspan='3'>" +
                                    "<div class='roTitle centered'>Ring No " + ringRow["RingNo"].ToString() + "</div>";
                        foreach (Judge judge in judgeList)
                            html += "<div class='roTitle centered'>" + judge.Name + "</div>";
                        html += "</td></tr>";
                        currentRingID = RingID;

                    html += "<tr>";
                    DataSet dogsList = d.GetDogsInClass(userShow.Userid, ClassID);
                    int DogsInClass = d.dogsInClassCount(ClassID);

                    String clsName = String.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3}",
                    String grades = ShowClasses.shortenGrades(ringRow);
                    int ix = clsName.IndexOf("Grd");
                    if (ix == -1) ix = clsName.IndexOf("Cmb");
                    if (ix > -1)
                        clsName = clsName.Substring(0, ix + 3) + " " + grades + " " + clsName.Substring(ix + 4);
                        ix = clsName.IndexOf(" ");
                        clsName = clsName.Substring(0, ix) + " " + grades + " " + clsName.Substring(ix + 1);

                    if (dogsList.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        String tmphtml = "<td valign='top' class='clsRing InClass'>" + ringRow["ClsNo"] + "</td>" +
                                            "<td  valign='top' class='clsDetails InClass'><div>" + clsName + "</div>";
                        int countDogs = 0;
                        int DefaultHandler;
                        foreach (DataRow dogRow in dogsList.Tables[0].Rows)
                            int DogID = Convert.ToInt32(dogRow["DogID"]);
                            DefaultHandler = Convert.ToInt32(dogRow["DefaultHandler"]);
                            if (DefaultHandler == 0) DefaultHandler = -1;
                            if ((DefaultHandler == -1 && currentUser.UserID == UserID) ||
                                (DefaultHandler == UserID)
                                html += tmphtml;
                                tmphtml = "";

                                String img = "<img src='data:image/gif;base64," + CreateImage(dogRow["DogColour"].ToString()) + "' />";
                                String dogName = dogRow["DogName"].ToString();
                                if (dogName.Length == 0)
                                    dogName = dogRow["KCName"].ToString();
                                html += String.Format("<div class='dogInClass'><div style='background:{2};' class='dogIcon'>{3}</div>[{1}] {0}</div>", dogName, dogRow["RO"], dogRow["DogColour"], img);

                                int AltHandler = Convert.ToInt32(dogRow["AltHandler"]);
                                String HandlerName = "";
                                if (AltHandler > 0)
                                    User u = new User(AltHandler);
                                    HandlerName = u.Name;

                                    html += "<div class='altHandler'>Handler:" + AltHandler + "</div>";

                                // Pairs
                                if (EntryType == 4)

                                    MultiDog md = new MultiDog(UserID, DogID, ClassID);
                                    html += String.Format("<div class='dogInClass'><div style='width:8px;height:10px;' class='dogIcon'></div>[{1}] {0}</div>", md.Dogname, dogRow["RO"]);

                                if (defaultUsers != null && defaultUsers.IndexOf(DefaultHandler) == -1)
                        if (countDogs == 0)
                            html += "<td valign='top' class='clsRing notInClass'>" + ringRow["ClsNo"] + "</td>";
                            html += "<td valign='top' class='clsDetails notInClass'>" + clsName + "</td>";
                            html += "<td valign='top' class='clsEntry notInClass'><div>(" + DogsInClass + ")</div></td>";
                            html += "</td>";
                            html += "<td valign='top' class='clsEntry'><div>(" + DogsInClass + ")</div></td>";
                        html += "<td valign='top' class='clsRing notInClass'>" + ringRow["ClsNo"] + "</td>";
                        html += "<td valign='top' class='clsDetails notInClass'>" + clsName + "</td>";
                        html += "<td valign='top' class='clsEntry notInClass'><div>(" + DogsInClass + ")</div></td>";

                    html += "</tr>";
                    newday = false;
                    PrevShowDetailsID = ShowDetailsID;
                catch (Exception e)
                    AppException.LogEvent("Printing Ring Plan:  " + e.Message);
            html += "</table>";
            html += "</div>";
            html += "</div>";

            if (currentUser.UserID == UserID)
                html += getHandlerDetails(userShow, currentUser, PrevShowDetailsID);
                User defaultHandler = new User(UserID);
                html += getHandlerDetails(userShow, defaultHandler, PrevShowDetailsID);
            html += "<div class='pagebreak'></div>";

            return html;