public static void ExportLocoControllerCurves(CommandArg[] args) { if (Terminal.IssuedError) { return; } string name = args[0].String; if (Enum.TryParse(name, out TrainCarType carType)) { GameObject prefab = CarTypes.GetCarPrefab(carType); if (!prefab) { Debug.LogError($"CarType {name} has missing prefab"); return; } LocoControllerBase locoController = prefab.GetComponent <LocoControllerBase>(); if (!locoController) { Debug.LogWarning($"CarType {name} prefab does not have a loco controller"); return; } var props = new JObject(); // brake & traction JObject brakeCurve = ComponentsToJson.AnimationCurve(locoController.brakePowerCurve); props.Add("brakePowerCurve", brakeCurve); if (locoController is LocoControllerDiesel lcd) { var tractionCurve = ComponentsToJson.AnimationCurve(lcd.tractionTorqueCurve); props.Add("tractionTorqueCurve", tractionCurve); } else if (locoController is LocoControllerSteam lcs) { var tractionCurve = ComponentsToJson.AnimationCurve(lcs.tractionTorqueCurve); props.Add("tractionTorqueCurve", tractionCurve); } else if (locoController is LocoControllerShunter lcShunt) { var tractionCurve = ComponentsToJson.AnimationCurve(lcShunt.tractionTorqueCurve); props.Add("tractionTorqueCurve", tractionCurve); } // driving force props.Add("drivingForce", ComponentsToJson.DrivingForce(locoController.drivingForce)); GameObjectDumper.SendJsonToFile(name, "loco_curves", props); } }
private static JObject GetCollidersRecursive(Transform currentLevel) { var collidersOnThis = currentLevel.gameObject.GetComponents <Collider>(); JArray colliderList = null; if (collidersOnThis.Length > 0) { colliderList = ComponentsToJson.Colliders(collidersOnThis); } JArray children = null; if (currentLevel.childCount > 0) { children = new JArray(); foreach (Transform child in currentLevel) { JObject childJson = GetCollidersRecursive(child); if (childJson != null) { children.Add(childJson); } } } if ((colliderList != null) || ((children != null) && (children.Count > 0))) { JObject result = new JObject() { new JProperty("name", }; if (colliderList != null) { result.Add(new JProperty("colliders", colliderList)); } if ((children != null) && (children.Count > 0)) { result.Add(new JProperty("children", children)); } return(result); } else { return(null); } }
public static void ExportDamageProperties(CommandArg[] args) { if (Terminal.IssuedError) { return; } string name = args[0].String; if (Enum.TryParse(name, out TrainCarType carType)) { GameObject prefab = CarTypes.GetCarPrefab(carType); if (!prefab) { Debug.LogError($"CarType {name} has missing prefab"); return; } var damage = prefab.GetComponent <DamageController>(); if (!damage) { Debug.LogWarning($"CarType {name} prefab does not have a damage controller"); return; } var ctrlProps = new JObject { { "wheelsHP", damage.wheels.fullHitPoints }, { "speedToBrakeDamageCurve", ComponentsToJson.AnimationCurve(damage.speedToBrakeDamageCurve) }, }; if (damage is DamageControllerDiesel dcd) { ctrlProps.Add("engineHP", dcd.engine.fullHitPoints); } else if (damage is DamageControllerShunter dcs) { ctrlProps.Add("engineHP", dcs.engine.fullHitPoints); } if (TrainCarAndCargoDamageProperties.carDamageProperties.TryGetValue(carType, out CarDamageProperties dmgProps)) { ctrlProps.Add("bodyDamage", ComponentsToJson.CarDamageProperties(dmgProps)); } GameObjectDumper.SendJsonToFile(name, "damage", ctrlProps); } }
public static void ExportCabControls(CommandArg[] args) { if (Terminal.IssuedError) { return; } string name = args[0].String; if (Enum.TryParse(name, out TrainCarType carType)) { GameObject prefab = CarTypes.GetCarPrefab(carType); if (!prefab) { Debug.LogError($"CarType {name} has missing prefab"); return; } TrainCar car = prefab.GetComponent <TrainCar>(); if (!car) { Debug.LogError($"Couldn't find TrainCar on carType {name}"); return; } if (!car.interiorPrefab) { Debug.LogWarning($"TrainCar on carType {name} doesn't have an interiorPrefab assigned"); return; } var specList = new JArray(); var controlSpecs = car.interiorPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren <ControlSpec>(); foreach (ControlSpec spec in controlSpecs) { specList.Add(ComponentsToJson.GenericObject(spec)); } var indicators = car.interiorPrefab.GetComponentsInChildren <Indicator>(); foreach (Indicator ind in indicators) { specList.Add(ComponentsToJson.GenericObject(ind)); } GameObjectDumper.SendJsonToFile(name, "control_spec", specList); } }
public static void ExportCarColliders(CommandArg[] args) { if (Terminal.IssuedError) { return; } string name = args[0].String; if (Enum.TryParse(name, out TrainCarType carType)) { GameObject prefab = CarTypes.GetCarPrefab(carType); if (!prefab) { Debug.LogError($"CarType {name} has missing prefab"); return; } Transform colliderRoot = prefab.transform.Find("[colliders]"); if (!colliderRoot) { Debug.LogWarning($"CarType {name} does not have a colliders root transform"); return; } var colliderDict = new JObject(); foreach (string categoryName in colliderCategories) { Transform subTransform = colliderRoot.Find(categoryName); if (subTransform) { Collider[] colliders = subTransform.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Collider>(); var colliderCategory = ComponentsToJson.Colliders(colliders); colliderDict.Add(new JProperty(categoryName, colliderCategory)); } } GameObjectDumper.SendJsonToFile(name, "colliders", colliderDict); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Invalid car type " + name); } }
public static void DumpComponentPools(CommandArg[] args) { if (Terminal.IssuedError) { return; } JToken audioPool = ComponentsToJson.AudioPoolReferences(TrainComponentPool.Instance.audioPoolReferences); //JToken cargoPool = ComponentsToJson.GenericObject(TrainComponentPool.Instance.cargoPoolReferences.poolData); var output = new JObject() { new JProperty("audioPool", audioPool), //new JProperty("cargoPool", cargoPool) }; GameObjectDumper.SendJsonToFile("TrainComponentPool", "members", output); }