CiSymbol Lookup(CiSymbolAccess expr) { CiSymbol symbol = expr.Symbol; if (symbol is CiUnknownSymbol) { symbol = this.Symbols.Lookup(((CiUnknownSymbol)symbol).Name); } return(symbol); }
CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiSymbolAccess expr) { CiSymbol symbol = Lookup(expr); if (symbol is CiVar) return new CiVarAccess { Var = (CiVar) symbol }; if (symbol is CiConst) return GetValue((CiConst) symbol); if (symbol is CiField) { if (this.CurrentMethod.CallType == CiCallType.Static) throw new ResolveException("Cannot access field from a static method"); symbol.Accept(this); return CreateFieldAccess(new CiVarAccess { Var = this.CurrentMethod.This }, (CiField) symbol); } throw new ResolveException("Invalid expression"); }
CiExpr ParsePrimaryExpr() { if (See(CiToken.Increment) || See(CiToken.Decrement) || See(CiToken.Minus) || See(CiToken.Not)) { CiToken op = this.CurrentToken; NextToken(); CiExpr inner = ParsePrimaryExpr(); return new CiUnaryExpr { Op = op, Inner = inner }; } if (Eat(CiToken.CondNot)) { CiExpr inner = ParsePrimaryExpr(); return new CiCondNotExpr { Inner = inner }; } CiExpr result; if (See(CiToken.IntConstant)) { result = new CiConstExpr(this.CurrentInt); NextToken(); } else if (See(CiToken.StringConstant)) { result = new CiConstExpr(this.CurrentString); NextToken(); } else if (Eat(CiToken.LeftParenthesis)) { result = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); } else if (See(CiToken.Id)) { string name = ParseId(); if (name == "BinaryResource") result = ParseBinaryResource(); else { CiSymbol symbol = this.Symbols.TryLookup(name); if (symbol is CiMacro) { Expand((CiMacro) symbol); Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); result = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); } else { if (symbol == null) symbol = new CiUnknownSymbol { Name = name }; result = new CiSymbolAccess { Symbol = symbol }; } } } else if (Eat(CiToken.New)) { CiType newType = ParseType(); if (!(newType is CiClassStorageType || newType is CiArrayStorageType)) throw new ParseException("'new' syntax error"); result = new CiNewExpr { NewType = newType }; } else throw new ParseException("Invalid expression"); for (;;) { if (Eat(CiToken.Dot)) result = new CiUnknownMemberAccess { Parent = result, Name = ParseId() }; else if (Eat(CiToken.LeftParenthesis)) { CiMethodCall call = new CiMethodCall(); call.Obj = result; List<CiExpr> args = new List<CiExpr>(); if (!See(CiToken.RightParenthesis)) { do args.Add(ParseExpr()); while (Eat(CiToken.Comma)); } Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); call.Arguments = args.ToArray(); result = call; } else if (Eat(CiToken.LeftBracket)) { CiExpr index = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightBracket); result = new CiIndexAccess { Parent = result, Index = index }; } else if (See(CiToken.Increment) || See(CiToken.Decrement)) { CiToken op = this.CurrentToken; NextToken(); return new CiPostfixExpr { Inner = result, Op = op }; } else return result; } }
CiType LookupType(string name) { CiSymbol symbol = this.Symbols.TryLookup(name); if (symbol is CiType) { return((CiType)symbol); } if (symbol is CiClass) { return new CiClassPtrType { Name = name, Class = (CiClass)symbol } } ; if (symbol == null) { CiType unknown = new CiUnknownType(); unknown.Name = name; return(unknown); } throw new ParseException("{0} is not a type", name); } CiType ParseArrayType(CiType baseType) { if (Eat(CiToken.LeftBracket)) { if (Eat(CiToken.RightBracket)) { return new CiArrayPtrType { ElementType = ParseArrayType(baseType) } } ; CiExpr len = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightBracket); return(new CiArrayStorageType { LengthExpr = len, ElementType = ParseArrayType(baseType) }); } return(baseType); } CiType ParseType() { string baseName = ParseId(); CiType baseType; if (Eat(CiToken.LeftParenthesis)) { if (baseName == "string") { baseType = new CiStringStorageType { LengthExpr = ParseExpr() }; Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); } else { Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); baseType = new CiClassStorageType { Name = baseName, Class = new CiUnknownClass { Name = baseName } }; } } else { baseType = LookupType(baseName); } return(ParseArrayType(baseType)); } object ParseConstInitializer(CiType type) { if (type is CiArrayType) { Expect(CiToken.LeftBrace); CiType elementType = ((CiArrayType)type).ElementType; List <object> list = new List <object>(); if (!See(CiToken.RightBrace)) { do { list.Add(ParseConstInitializer(elementType)); }while (Eat(CiToken.Comma)); } Expect(CiToken.RightBrace); return(list.ToArray()); } return(ParseExpr()); } CiConst ParseConst() { Expect(CiToken.Const); CiConst konst = new CiConst(); konst.Type = ParseType(); konst.Name = ParseId(); Expect(CiToken.Assign); konst.Value = ParseConstInitializer(konst.Type); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); if (this.Symbols.Parent != null && konst.Type is CiArrayType) { this.ConstArrays.Add(konst); konst.GlobalName = "CiConstArray_" + this.ConstArrays.Count; } return(konst); } CiBinaryResourceExpr ParseBinaryResource() { Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); CiExpr nameExpr = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); return(new CiBinaryResourceExpr { NameExpr = nameExpr }); } CiExpr ParsePrimaryExpr() { if (See(CiToken.Increment) || See(CiToken.Decrement) || See(CiToken.Minus) || See(CiToken.Not)) { CiToken op = this.CurrentToken; NextToken(); CiExpr inner = ParsePrimaryExpr(); return(new CiUnaryExpr { Op = op, Inner = inner }); } if (Eat(CiToken.CondNot)) { CiExpr inner = ParsePrimaryExpr(); return(new CiCondNotExpr { Inner = inner }); } CiExpr result; if (See(CiToken.IntConstant)) { result = new CiConstExpr(this.CurrentInt); NextToken(); } else if (See(CiToken.StringConstant)) { result = new CiConstExpr(this.CurrentString); NextToken(); } else if (Eat(CiToken.LeftParenthesis)) { result = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); } else if (See(CiToken.Id)) { string name = ParseId(); if (name == "BinaryResource") { result = ParseBinaryResource(); } else { CiSymbol symbol = this.Symbols.TryLookup(name); if (symbol is CiMacro) { Expand((CiMacro)symbol); Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); result = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); } else { if (symbol == null) { symbol = new CiUnknownSymbol { Name = name } } ; result = new CiSymbolAccess { Symbol = symbol }; } } } else if (Eat(CiToken.New)) { CiType newType = ParseType(); if (!(newType is CiClassStorageType || newType is CiArrayStorageType)) { throw new ParseException("'new' syntax error"); } result = new CiNewExpr { NewType = newType }; } else { throw new ParseException("Invalid expression"); } for (;;) { if (Eat(CiToken.Dot)) { result = new CiUnknownMemberAccess { Parent = result, Name = ParseId() } } ; else if (Eat(CiToken.LeftParenthesis)) { CiMethodCall call = new CiMethodCall(); call.Obj = result; List <CiExpr> args = new List <CiExpr>(); if (!See(CiToken.RightParenthesis)) { do { args.Add(ParseExpr()); }while (Eat(CiToken.Comma)); } Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); call.Arguments = args.ToArray(); result = call; } else if (Eat(CiToken.LeftBracket)) { CiExpr index = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightBracket); result = new CiIndexAccess { Parent = result, Index = index }; } else if (See(CiToken.Increment) || See(CiToken.Decrement)) { CiToken op = this.CurrentToken; NextToken(); return(new CiPostfixExpr { Inner = result, Op = op }); } else { return(result); } } } CiExpr ParseMulExpr() { CiExpr left = ParsePrimaryExpr(); while (See(CiToken.Asterisk) || See(CiToken.Slash) || See(CiToken.Mod)) { CiToken op = this.CurrentToken; NextToken(); left = new CiBinaryExpr { Left = left, Op = op, Right = ParsePrimaryExpr() }; } return(left); } CiExpr ParseAddExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseMulExpr(); while (See(CiToken.Plus) || See(CiToken.Minus)) { CiToken op = this.CurrentToken; NextToken(); left = new CiBinaryExpr { Left = left, Op = op, Right = ParseMulExpr() }; } return(left); } CiExpr ParseShiftExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseAddExpr(); while (See(CiToken.ShiftLeft) || See(CiToken.ShiftRight)) { CiToken op = this.CurrentToken; NextToken(); left = new CiBinaryExpr { Left = left, Op = op, Right = ParseAddExpr() }; } return(left); } CiExpr ParseRelExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseShiftExpr(); while (See(CiToken.Less) || See(CiToken.LessOrEqual) || See(CiToken.Greater) || See(CiToken.GreaterOrEqual)) { CiToken op = this.CurrentToken; NextToken(); left = new CiBoolBinaryExpr { Left = left, Op = op, Right = ParseShiftExpr() }; } return(left); } CiExpr ParseEqualityExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseRelExpr(); while (See(CiToken.Equal) || See(CiToken.NotEqual)) { CiToken op = this.CurrentToken; NextToken(); left = new CiBoolBinaryExpr { Left = left, Op = op, Right = ParseRelExpr() }; } return(left); } CiExpr ParseAndExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseEqualityExpr(); while (Eat(CiToken.And)) { left = new CiBinaryExpr { Left = left, Op = CiToken.And, Right = ParseEqualityExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseXorExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseAndExpr(); while (Eat(CiToken.Xor)) { left = new CiBinaryExpr { Left = left, Op = CiToken.Xor, Right = ParseAndExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseOrExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseXorExpr(); while (Eat(CiToken.Or)) { left = new CiBinaryExpr { Left = left, Op = CiToken.Or, Right = ParseXorExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseCondAndExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseOrExpr(); while (Eat(CiToken.CondAnd)) { left = new CiBoolBinaryExpr { Left = left, Op = CiToken.CondAnd, Right = ParseOrExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseCondOrExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseCondAndExpr(); while (Eat(CiToken.CondOr)) { left = new CiBoolBinaryExpr { Left = left, Op = CiToken.CondOr, Right = ParseCondAndExpr() } } ; return(left); } CiExpr ParseExpr() { CiExpr left = ParseCondOrExpr(); if (Eat(CiToken.QuestionMark)) { CiCondExpr result = new CiCondExpr(); result.Cond = left; result.OnTrue = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.Colon); result.OnFalse = ParseExpr(); return(result); } return(left); } CiMaybeAssign ParseMaybeAssign() { CiExpr left = ParseExpr(); CiToken op = this.CurrentToken; if (op == CiToken.Assign || op == CiToken.AddAssign || op == CiToken.SubAssign || op == CiToken.MulAssign || op == CiToken.DivAssign || op == CiToken.ModAssign || op == CiToken.AndAssign || op == CiToken.OrAssign || op == CiToken.XorAssign || op == CiToken.ShiftLeftAssign || op == CiToken.ShiftRightAssign) { NextToken(); CiAssign result = new CiAssign(); result.Target = left; result.Op = op; result.Source = ParseMaybeAssign(); return(result); } return(left); } ICiStatement ParseExprWithSideEffect() { ICiStatement result = ParseMaybeAssign() as ICiStatement; if (result == null) { throw new ParseException("Useless expression"); } return(result); } CiExpr ParseCond() { Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); CiExpr cond = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); return(cond); } void OpenScope() { this.Symbols = new SymbolTable { Parent = this.Symbols }; } void CloseScope() { this.Symbols = this.Symbols.Parent; } CiVar ParseVar() { CiVar def = new CiVar(); def.Type = ParseType(); def.Name = ParseId(); if (Eat(CiToken.Assign)) { def.InitialValue = ParseExpr(); } Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); this.Symbols.Add(def); return(def); } ICiStatement ParseVarOrExpr() { string name = this.CurrentString; CiSymbol symbol = this.Symbols.TryLookup(name); if (symbol is CiMacro) { NextToken(); Expand((CiMacro)symbol); return(ParseStatement()); } // try var StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); this.CopyTo = sb; try { return(ParseVar()); } catch (ParseException) { } finally { this.CopyTo = null; } // try expr this.CurrentString = name; this.CurrentToken = CiToken.Id; BeginExpand("ambigous code", sb.ToString(), null); SetReader(new StringReader(sb.ToString())); ICiStatement result = ParseExprWithSideEffect(); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(result); } CiNativeBlock ParseNativeBlock() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); this.CopyTo = sb; NextToken(); bool oneLine = true; try { if (See(CiToken.LeftBrace)) { oneLine = false; sb = new StringBuilder(); this.CopyTo = sb; Expect(CiToken.LeftBrace); } int level = 1; for (;;) { if (oneLine && See(CiToken.Semicolon) && level == 1) { break; } if (See(CiToken.EndOfFile)) { throw new ParseException("Native block not terminated"); } if (See(CiToken.LeftBrace)) { level++; } else if (See(CiToken.RightBrace)) { if (--level == 0) { break; } } NextToken(); } } finally { this.CopyTo = null; } NextToken(); Trace.Assert(sb[sb.Length - 1] == '}'); if (!oneLine) { sb.Length--; } else { sb.Append("\n\t"); } return(new CiNativeBlock { Content = sb.ToString() }); } CiSwitch ParseSwitch() { Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); CiSwitch result = new CiSwitch(); result.Value = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); Expect(CiToken.LeftBrace); List <CiCase> cases = new List <CiCase>(); while (Eat(CiToken.Case)) { List <object> values = new List <object>(); do { values.Add(ParseExpr()); Expect(CiToken.Colon); } while (Eat(CiToken.Case)); if (See(CiToken.Default)) { throw new ParseException("Please remove case before default"); } CiCase kase = new CiCase { Values = values.ToArray() }; List <ICiStatement> statements = new List <ICiStatement>(); do { statements.Add(ParseStatement()); }while (!See(CiToken.Case) && !See(CiToken.Default) && !See(CiToken.Goto) && !See(CiToken.RightBrace)); kase.Body = statements.ToArray(); if (Eat(CiToken.Goto)) { if (Eat(CiToken.Case)) { kase.FallthroughTo = ParseExpr(); } else if (Eat(CiToken.Default)) { kase.FallthroughTo = null; } else { throw new ParseException("Expected goto case or goto default"); } Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); kase.Fallthrough = true; } cases.Add(kase); } if (cases.Count == 0) { throw new ParseException("Switch with no cases"); } result.Cases = cases.ToArray(); if (Eat(CiToken.Default)) { Expect(CiToken.Colon); List <ICiStatement> statements = new List <ICiStatement>(); do { statements.Add(ParseStatement()); }while (!See(CiToken.RightBrace)); result.DefaultBody = statements.ToArray(); } Expect(CiToken.RightBrace); return(result); } ICiStatement ParseStatement() { while (Eat(CiToken.Macro)) { this.Symbols.Add(ParseMacro()); } if (See(CiToken.Id)) { return(ParseVarOrExpr()); } if (See(CiToken.LeftBrace)) { OpenScope(); CiBlock result = ParseBlock(); CloseScope(); return(result); } if (Eat(CiToken.Break)) { Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(new CiBreak()); } if (See(CiToken.Const)) { CiConst konst = ParseConst(); this.Symbols.Add(konst); return(konst); } if (Eat(CiToken.Continue)) { Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(new CiContinue()); } if (Eat(CiToken.Delete)) { CiExpr expr = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(new CiDelete { Expr = expr }); } if (Eat(CiToken.Do)) { CiDoWhile result = new CiDoWhile(); result.Body = ParseStatement(); Expect(CiToken.While); result.Cond = ParseCond(); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(result); } if (Eat(CiToken.For)) { Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); OpenScope(); CiFor result = new CiFor(); if (See(CiToken.Id)) { result.Init = ParseVarOrExpr(); } else { Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); } if (!See(CiToken.Semicolon)) { result.Cond = ParseExpr(); } Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); if (!See(CiToken.RightParenthesis)) { result.Advance = ParseExprWithSideEffect(); } Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); result.Body = ParseStatement(); CloseScope(); return(result); } if (Eat(CiToken.If)) { CiIf result = new CiIf(); result.Cond = ParseCond(); result.OnTrue = ParseStatement(); if (Eat(CiToken.Else)) { result.OnFalse = ParseStatement(); } return(result); } if (See(CiToken.Native)) { return(ParseNativeBlock()); } if (Eat(CiToken.Return)) { CiReturn result = new CiReturn(); if (this.CurrentMethod.Signature.ReturnType != CiType.Void) { result.Value = ParseExpr(); } Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(result); } if (Eat(CiToken.Switch)) { return(ParseSwitch()); } if (Eat(CiToken.Throw)) { CiThrow result = new CiThrow(); result.Message = ParseExpr(); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(result); } if (Eat(CiToken.While)) { CiWhile result = new CiWhile(); result.Cond = ParseCond(); result.Body = ParseStatement(); return(result); } throw new ParseException("Invalid statement"); } CiBlock ParseBlock() { Expect(CiToken.LeftBrace); List <ICiStatement> statements = new List <ICiStatement>(); while (!Eat(CiToken.RightBrace)) { statements.Add(ParseStatement()); } return(new CiBlock { Statements = statements.ToArray() }); } CiParam CreateThis() { CiParam thiz = new CiParam(); thiz.Type = new CiClassPtrType { Name = this.CurrentClass.Name, Class = this.CurrentClass }; thiz.Name = "this"; this.Symbols.Add(thiz); return(thiz); } CiType ParseReturnType() { if (Eat(CiToken.Void)) { return(CiType.Void); } return(ParseType()); } CiParam[] ParseParams() { Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); List <CiParam> paramz = new List <CiParam>(); if (!See(CiToken.RightParenthesis)) { do { CiParam param = new CiParam(); param.Documentation = ParseDoc(); param.Type = ParseType(); param.Name = ParseId(); this.Symbols.Add(param); paramz.Add(param); } while (Eat(CiToken.Comma)); } Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); return(paramz.ToArray()); } void ParseMethod(CiMethod method) { this.CurrentMethod = method; OpenScope(); if (method.CallType != CiCallType.Static) { method.This = CreateThis(); } method.Signature.Params = ParseParams(); if (method.CallType == CiCallType.Abstract) { Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); } else { method.Body = ParseBlock(); } CloseScope(); this.CurrentMethod = null; } CiMethod ParseConstructor() { NextToken(); Expect(CiToken.LeftParenthesis); Expect(CiToken.RightParenthesis); OpenScope(); CiMethod method = new CiMethod( CiType.Void, "<constructor>") { Class = this.CurrentClass, CallType = CiCallType.Normal, This = CreateThis() }; this.CurrentMethod = method; method.Body = ParseBlock(); CloseScope(); this.CurrentMethod = null; return(method); } CiClass ParseClass() { CiClass klass = new CiClass(); klass.SourceFilename = this.Filename; if (Eat(CiToken.Abstract)) { klass.IsAbstract = true; } Expect(CiToken.Class); klass.Name = ParseId(); if (Eat(CiToken.Colon)) { klass.BaseClass = new CiUnknownClass { Name = ParseId() } } ; Expect(CiToken.LeftBrace); OpenScope(); this.CurrentClass = klass; klass.Members = this.Symbols; while (!Eat(CiToken.RightBrace)) { CiCodeDoc doc = ParseDoc(); CiVisibility visibility = CiVisibility.Private; if (Eat(CiToken.Public)) { visibility = CiVisibility.Public; } else if (Eat(CiToken.Internal)) { visibility = CiVisibility.Internal; } CiSymbol symbol; if (See(CiToken.Const)) { symbol = ParseConst(); ((CiConst)symbol).Class = klass; } else if (Eat(CiToken.Macro)) { if (visibility != CiVisibility.Private) { throw new ParseException("Macros must be private"); } symbol = ParseMacro(); } else { if (See(CiToken.Id) && this.CurrentString == klass.Name) { if (klass.Constructor != null) { throw new ParseException("Duplicate constructor"); } klass.Constructor = ParseConstructor(); continue; } CiCallType callType; if (Eat(CiToken.Static)) { callType = CiCallType.Static; } else if (Eat(CiToken.Abstract)) { if (!klass.IsAbstract) { throw new ParseException("Abstract methods only allowed in abstract classes"); } callType = CiCallType.Abstract; if (visibility == CiVisibility.Private) { visibility = CiVisibility.Internal; } } else if (Eat(CiToken.Virtual)) { callType = CiCallType.Virtual; if (visibility == CiVisibility.Private) { visibility = CiVisibility.Internal; } } else if (Eat(CiToken.Override)) { callType = CiCallType.Override; if (visibility == CiVisibility.Private) { visibility = CiVisibility.Internal; } } else { callType = CiCallType.Normal; } CiType type = ParseReturnType(); string name = ParseId(); if (See(CiToken.LeftParenthesis)) { CiMethod method = new CiMethod(type, name) { Class = klass, CallType = callType }; ParseMethod(method); symbol = method; } else { if (visibility != CiVisibility.Private) { throw new ParseException("Fields must be private"); } if (callType != CiCallType.Normal) { throw new ParseException("Fields cannot be static, abstract, virtual or override"); } if (type == CiType.Void) { throw new ParseException("Field is void"); } Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); symbol = new CiField { Class = klass, Type = type, Name = name }; } } symbol.Documentation = doc; symbol.Visibility = visibility; klass.Members.Add(symbol); } this.CurrentClass = null; CloseScope(); klass.ConstArrays = this.ConstArrays.ToArray(); this.ConstArrays.Clear(); return(klass); } CiDelegate ParseDelegate() { CiDelegate del = new CiDelegate(); Expect(CiToken.Delegate); del.ReturnType = ParseReturnType(); del.Name = ParseId(); OpenScope(); del.Params = ParseParams(); CloseScope(); Expect(CiToken.Semicolon); return(del); } public void Parse(string filename, TextReader reader) { Open(filename, reader); while (!See(CiToken.EndOfFile)) { CiCodeDoc doc = ParseDoc(); bool pub = Eat(CiToken.Public); CiSymbol symbol; if (See(CiToken.Enum)) { symbol = ParseEnum(); } else if (See(CiToken.Class) || See(CiToken.Abstract)) { symbol = ParseClass(); } else if (See(CiToken.Delegate)) { symbol = ParseDelegate(); } else { throw new ParseException("Expected class, enum or delegate"); } symbol.Documentation = doc; symbol.Visibility = pub ? CiVisibility.Public : CiVisibility.Internal; this.Symbols.Add(symbol); } } public CiProgram Program { get { return(new CiProgram { Globals = this.Symbols }); } } } }
CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiSymbolAccess expr) { CiSymbol symbol = Lookup(expr); if (symbol is CiVar) { return new CiVarAccess { Var = (CiVar)symbol } } ; if (symbol is CiConst) { return(GetValue((CiConst)symbol)); } if (symbol is CiField) { if (this.CurrentMethod.CallType == CiCallType.Static) { throw new ResolveException("Cannot access field from a static method"); } symbol.Accept(this); return(CreateFieldAccess(new CiVarAccess { Var = this.CurrentMethod.This }, (CiField)symbol)); } throw new ResolveException("Invalid expression"); } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiUnknownMemberAccess expr) { if (expr.Parent is CiSymbolAccess) { CiSymbol symbol = Lookup((CiSymbolAccess)expr.Parent); if (symbol is CiEnum) { return(new CiConstExpr(((CiEnum)symbol).LookupMember(expr.Name))); } if (symbol is CiClass) { symbol = ((CiClass)symbol).Members.Lookup(expr.Name); if (symbol is CiConst) { return(GetValue((CiConst)symbol)); } throw new ResolveException("Cannot access " + expr.Name); } } CiExpr parent = Resolve(expr.Parent); CiSymbol member = parent.Type.LookupMember(expr.Name); member.Accept(this); if (member is CiField) { return(CreateFieldAccess(parent, (CiField)member)); } if (member is CiProperty) { CiProperty prop = (CiProperty)member; if (parent is CiConstExpr) { if (prop == CiLibrary.LowByteProperty) { return(new CiConstExpr((byte)GetConstInt(parent))); } if (prop == CiLibrary.SByteProperty) { return(new CiConstExpr((int)(sbyte)GetConstInt(parent))); } if (prop == CiLibrary.StringLengthProperty) { return(new CiConstExpr(((string)((CiConstExpr)parent).Value).Length)); } } return(new CiPropertyAccess { Obj = parent, Property = prop }); } if (member is CiConst) { return(new CiConstExpr(((CiConst)member).Value)); } throw new ResolveException(member.ToString()); } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiIndexAccess expr) { CiExpr parent = Resolve(expr.Parent); CiExpr index = Coerce(Resolve(expr.Index), CiIntType.Value); if (parent.Type is CiArrayType) { return new CiArrayAccess { Array = parent, Index = index } } ; if (parent.Type is CiStringType) { if (parent is CiConstExpr && index is CiConstExpr) { string s = (string)((CiConstExpr)parent).Value; int i = GetConstInt(index); if (i < s.Length) { return(new CiConstExpr((int)s[i])); } } return(new CiMethodCall { Method = CiLibrary.CharAtMethod, Obj = parent, Arguments = new CiExpr[1] { index } }); } throw new ResolveException("Indexed object is neither array or string"); } void ICiSymbolVisitor.Visit(CiDelegate del) { del.ReturnType = Resolve(del.ReturnType); foreach (CiParam param in del.Params) { param.Type = Resolve(param.Type); } } CiType ICiTypeVisitor.Visit(CiDelegate del) { ((ICiSymbolVisitor)this).Visit(del); return(del); } void ResolveObj(CiMethodCall expr) { if (expr.Obj is CiSymbolAccess) { // Foo(...) CiMethod method = Lookup((CiSymbolAccess)expr.Obj) as CiMethod; if (method != null) { expr.Method = method; if (method.CallType == CiCallType.Static) { expr.Obj = null; } else { if (this.CurrentMethod.CallType == CiCallType.Static) { throw new ResolveException("Cannot call instance method from a static method"); } expr.Obj = Coerce(new CiVarAccess { Var = this.CurrentMethod.This }, new CiClassPtrType { Class = method.Class }); CheckCopyPtr(method.This.Type, expr.Obj); } return; } } else if (expr.Obj is CiUnknownMemberAccess) { // ???.Foo(...) CiUnknownMemberAccess uma = (CiUnknownMemberAccess)expr.Obj; if (uma.Parent is CiSymbolAccess) { CiClass klass = Lookup((CiSymbolAccess)uma.Parent) as CiClass; if (klass != null) { // Class.Foo(...) CiMethod method = klass.Members.Lookup(uma.Name) as CiMethod; if (method != null) { if (method.CallType != CiCallType.Static) { throw new ResolveException("{0} is a non-static method", method.Name); } expr.Method = method; expr.Obj = null; return; } } } CiExpr obj = Resolve(uma.Parent); { CiMethod method = obj.Type.LookupMember(uma.Name) as CiMethod; if (method != null) { // obj.Foo(...) if (method.CallType == CiCallType.Static) { throw new ResolveException("{0} is a static method", method.Name); } if (method.This != null) { // user-defined method CheckCopyPtr(method.This.Type, obj); obj = Coerce(obj, new CiClassPtrType { Class = method.Class }); } expr.Method = method; expr.Obj = obj; return; } } } expr.Obj = Resolve(expr.Obj); if (!(expr.Obj.Type is CiDelegate)) { throw new ResolveException("Invalid call"); } if (expr.Obj.HasSideEffect) { throw new ResolveException("Side effects not allowed in delegate call"); } } void CoerceArguments(CiMethodCall expr) { expr.Signature.Accept(this); CiParam[] paramz = expr.Signature.Params; if (expr.Arguments.Length != paramz.Length) { throw new ResolveException("Invalid number of arguments for {0}, expected {1}, got {2}", expr.Signature.Name, paramz.Length, expr.Arguments.Length); } for (int i = 0; i < paramz.Length; i++) { CiExpr arg = Resolve(expr.Arguments[i]); CheckCopyPtr(paramz[i].Type, arg); expr.Arguments[i] = Coerce(arg, paramz[i].Type); } } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiMethodCall expr) { ResolveObj(expr); CoerceArguments(expr); if (expr.Method != null && expr.Method != this.CurrentMethod) { if (expr.Method.IsMutator) { MarkWritable(expr.Obj); } expr.Method.CalledBy.Add(this.CurrentMethod); this.CurrentMethod.Calls.Add(expr.Method); } return(expr); } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiUnaryExpr expr) { CiExpr resolved; if (expr.Op == CiToken.Increment || expr.Op == CiToken.Decrement) { resolved = ResolveLValue(expr.Inner); } else { resolved = Resolve(expr.Inner); } expr.Inner = Coerce(resolved, CiIntType.Value); if (expr.Op == CiToken.Minus && expr.Inner is CiConstExpr) { return(new CiConstExpr(-GetConstInt(expr.Inner))); } return(expr); } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiCondNotExpr expr) { expr.Inner = Coerce(Resolve(expr.Inner), CiBoolType.Value); return(expr); } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiPostfixExpr expr) { expr.Inner = Coerce(ResolveLValue(expr.Inner), CiIntType.Value); return(expr); } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiBinaryExpr expr) { CiExpr left = Resolve(expr.Left); CiExpr right = Resolve(expr.Right); if (expr.Op == CiToken.Plus && (left.Type is CiStringType || right.Type is CiStringType)) { if (!(left is CiConstExpr && right is CiConstExpr)) { throw new ResolveException("String concatenation allowed only for constants. Consider using +="); } string a = GetConstString(left); string b = GetConstString(right); return(new CiConstExpr(a + b)); } left = Coerce(left, CiIntType.Value); right = Coerce(right, CiIntType.Value); if (right is CiConstExpr) { int b = GetConstInt(right); if (left is CiConstExpr) { int a = GetConstInt(left); switch (expr.Op) { case CiToken.Asterisk: a *= b; break; case CiToken.Slash: a /= b; break; case CiToken.Mod: a %= b; break; case CiToken.And: a &= b; break; case CiToken.ShiftLeft: a <<= b; break; case CiToken.ShiftRight: a >>= b; break; case CiToken.Plus: a += b; break; case CiToken.Minus: a -= b; break; case CiToken.Or: a |= b; break; case CiToken.Xor: a ^= b; break; } return(new CiConstExpr(a)); } if (expr.Op == CiToken.And && (b & ~0xff) == 0) { CiCoercion c = left as CiCoercion; if (c != null && c.Inner.Type == CiByteType.Value) { left = (CiExpr)c.Inner; } } } expr.Left = left; expr.Right = right; return(expr); } static CiType FindCommonType(CiExpr expr1, CiExpr expr2) { CiType type1 = expr1.Type; CiType type2 = expr2.Type; if (type1.Equals(type2)) { return(type1); } if ((type1 == CiIntType.Value && type2 == CiByteType.Value) || (type1 == CiByteType.Value && type2 == CiIntType.Value)) { return(CiIntType.Value); } CiType type = type1.Ptr; if (type != null) { return(type); // stg, ptr || stg, null } type = type2.Ptr; if (type != null) { return(type); // ptr, stg || null, stg } if (type1 != CiType.Null) { return(type1); // ptr, null } if (type2 != CiType.Null) { return(type2); // null, ptr } throw new ResolveException("Incompatible types"); } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiBoolBinaryExpr expr) { CiExpr left = Resolve(expr.Left); CiExpr right = Resolve(expr.Right); CiType type; switch (expr.Op) { case CiToken.CondAnd: case CiToken.CondOr: type = CiBoolType.Value; break; case CiToken.Equal: case CiToken.NotEqual: type = FindCommonType(left, right); break; default: type = CiIntType.Value; break; } expr.Left = Coerce(left, type); expr.Right = Coerce(right, type); CiConstExpr cleft = expr.Left as CiConstExpr; if (cleft != null) { switch (expr.Op) { case CiToken.CondAnd: return((bool)cleft.Value ? expr.Right : new CiConstExpr(false)); case CiToken.CondOr: return((bool)cleft.Value ? new CiConstExpr(true) : expr.Right); case CiToken.Equal: case CiToken.NotEqual: CiConstExpr cright = expr.Right as CiConstExpr; if (cright != null) { bool eq = object.Equals(cleft.Value, cright.Value); return(new CiConstExpr(expr.Op == CiToken.Equal ? eq : !eq)); } break; default: if (expr.Right is CiConstExpr) { int a = GetConstInt(cleft); int b = GetConstInt(expr.Right); bool result; switch (expr.Op) { case CiToken.Less: result = a < b; break; case CiToken.LessOrEqual: result = a <= b; break; case CiToken.Greater: result = a > b; break; case CiToken.GreaterOrEqual: result = a >= b; break; default: return(expr); } return(new CiConstExpr(result)); } break; } } return(expr); } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiCondExpr expr) { expr.Cond = Coerce(Resolve(expr.Cond), CiBoolType.Value); CiExpr expr1 = Resolve(expr.OnTrue); CiExpr expr2 = Resolve(expr.OnFalse); expr.ResultType = FindCommonType(expr1, expr2); expr.OnTrue = Coerce(expr1, expr.ResultType); expr.OnFalse = Coerce(expr2, expr.ResultType); CiConstExpr konst = expr.Cond as CiConstExpr; if (konst != null) { return((bool)konst.Value ? expr.OnTrue : expr.OnFalse); } return(expr); } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiBinaryResourceExpr expr) { string name = (string)ResolveConstExpr(expr.NameExpr, CiStringPtrType.Value); CiBinaryResource resource; if (!this.BinaryResources.TryGetValue(name, out resource)) { resource = new CiBinaryResource(); resource.Name = name; resource.Content = File.ReadAllBytes(FindFile(name)); resource.Type = new CiArrayStorageType { ElementType = CiByteType.Value, Length = resource.Content.Length }; this.BinaryResources.Add(name, resource); } expr.Resource = resource; return(expr); } CiExpr ICiExprVisitor.Visit(CiNewExpr expr) { CiType type = expr.NewType; CiClassStorageType classStorageType = type as CiClassStorageType; if (classStorageType != null) { classStorageType.Class = ResolveClass(classStorageType.Class); classStorageType.Class.IsAllocated = true; } else { CiArrayStorageType arrayStorageType = (CiArrayStorageType)type; arrayStorageType.ElementType = Resolve(arrayStorageType.ElementType); arrayStorageType.LengthExpr = Coerce(Resolve(arrayStorageType.LengthExpr), CiIntType.Value); } return(expr); } CiExpr Resolve(CiExpr expr) { return(expr.Accept(this)); } void ICiSymbolVisitor.Visit(CiField field) { field.Type = Resolve(field.Type); } bool Resolve(ICiStatement[] statements) { bool reachable = true; foreach (ICiStatement child in statements) { if (!reachable) { throw new ResolveException("Unreachable statement"); } child.Accept(this); reachable = child.CompletesNormally; } return(reachable); } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiBlock statement) { statement.CompletesNormally = Resolve(statement.Statements); } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiConst statement) { } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiVar statement) { statement.Type = Resolve(statement.Type); if (statement.InitialValue != null) { CiType type = statement.Type; CiExpr initialValue = Resolve(statement.InitialValue); CheckCopyPtr(type, initialValue); if (type is CiArrayStorageType) { type = ((CiArrayStorageType)type).ElementType; CiConstExpr ce = Coerce(initialValue, type) as CiConstExpr; if (ce == null) { throw new ResolveException("Array initializer is not constant"); } statement.InitialValue = ce; if (type == CiBoolType.Value) { if (!false.Equals(ce.Value)) { throw new ResolveException("Bool arrays can only be initialized with false"); } } else if (type == CiByteType.Value) { if (!((byte)0).Equals(ce.Value)) { throw new ResolveException("Byte arrays can only be initialized with zero"); } } else if (type == CiIntType.Value) { if (!0.Equals(ce.Value)) { throw new ResolveException("Int arrays can only be initialized with zero"); } } else { throw new ResolveException("Invalid array initializer"); } } else { statement.InitialValue = Coerce(initialValue, type); } } } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiExpr statement) { Resolve((CiExpr)statement); } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiAssign statement) { statement.Target = ResolveLValue(statement.Target); if (statement.Target is CiVarAccess && ((CiVarAccess)statement.Target).Var == this.CurrentMethod.This) { throw new ResolveException("Cannot assign to this"); } CiMaybeAssign source = statement.Source; if (source is CiAssign) { Resolve((ICiStatement)source); } else { source = Resolve((CiExpr)source); } CiType type = statement.Target.Type; CheckCopyPtr(type, source); statement.Source = Coerce(source, type); if (statement.Op != CiToken.Assign && type != CiIntType.Value && type != CiByteType.Value) { if (statement.Op == CiToken.AddAssign && type is CiStringStorageType && statement.Source.Type is CiStringType) { } // OK else { throw new ResolveException("Invalid compound assignment"); } } } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiDelete statement) { statement.Expr = Resolve(statement.Expr); ICiPtrType type = statement.Expr.Type as ICiPtrType; if (type == null) { throw new ResolveException("'delete' takes a class or array pointer"); } if (statement.Expr.HasSideEffect) { throw new ResolveException("Side effects not allowed in 'delete'"); } this.WritablePtrTypes.Add(type); } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiBreak statement) { if (this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch == null) { throw new ResolveException("break outside loop and switch"); } this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch.CompletesNormally = true; } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiContinue statement) { if (this.CurrentLoop == null) { throw new ResolveException("continue outside loop"); } } void ResolveLoop(CiLoop statement) { statement.CompletesNormally = false; if (statement.Cond != null) { statement.Cond = Coerce(Resolve(statement.Cond), CiBoolType.Value); statement.CompletesNormally = !statement.Cond.IsConst(false); } CiLoop oldLoop = this.CurrentLoop; CiCondCompletionStatement oldLoopOrSwitch = this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch; this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch = this.CurrentLoop = statement; Resolve(statement.Body); this.CurrentLoop = oldLoop; this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch = oldLoopOrSwitch; } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiDoWhile statement) { ResolveLoop(statement); } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiFor statement) { if (statement.Init != null) { Resolve(statement.Init); } if (statement.Advance != null) { Resolve(statement.Advance); } ResolveLoop(statement); } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiIf statement) { statement.Cond = Coerce(Resolve(statement.Cond), CiBoolType.Value); Resolve(statement.OnTrue); if (statement.OnFalse != null) { Resolve(statement.OnFalse); statement.CompletesNormally = statement.OnTrue.CompletesNormally || statement.OnFalse.CompletesNormally; } else { statement.CompletesNormally = true; } } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiNativeBlock statement) { } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiReturn statement) { CiType type = this.CurrentMethod.Signature.ReturnType; if (type != CiType.Void) { statement.Value = Coerce(Resolve(statement.Value), type); } } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiSwitch statement) { statement.Value = Resolve(statement.Value); CiType type = statement.Value.Type; CiCondCompletionStatement oldLoopOrSwitch = this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch; this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch = statement; HashSet <object> values = new HashSet <object>(); CiCase fallthroughFrom = null; foreach (CiCase kase in statement.Cases) { for (int i = 0; i < kase.Values.Length; i++) { kase.Values[i] = ResolveConstExpr((CiExpr)kase.Values[i], type); if (!values.Add(kase.Values[i])) { throw new ResolveException("Duplicate case value"); } } if (fallthroughFrom != null) { if (fallthroughFrom.FallthroughTo == null) { throw new ResolveException("goto default followed by case"); } if (!ResolveConstExpr(fallthroughFrom.FallthroughTo, type).Equals(kase.Values[0])) { throw new ResolveException("goto case doesn't match the next case"); } } bool reachable = Resolve(kase.Body); if (kase.Fallthrough) { if (!reachable) { throw new ResolveException("goto is not reachable"); } fallthroughFrom = kase; } else { if (reachable) { throw new ResolveException("case must end with break, return, throw or goto"); } fallthroughFrom = null; } } if (statement.DefaultBody != null) { if (fallthroughFrom != null && fallthroughFrom.FallthroughTo != null) { throw new ResolveException("goto case followed by default"); } bool reachable = Resolve(statement.DefaultBody); if (reachable) { throw new ResolveException("default must end with break, return, throw or goto"); } } else { if (fallthroughFrom != null) { throw new ResolveException("goto cannot be the last statement in switch"); } } this.CurrentLoopOrSwitch = oldLoopOrSwitch; } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiThrow statement) { statement.Message = Coerce(Resolve(statement.Message), CiStringPtrType.Value); this.ThrowingMethods.Add(this.CurrentMethod); } void ICiStatementVisitor.Visit(CiWhile statement) { ResolveLoop(statement); } void Resolve(ICiStatement statement) { statement.Accept(this); } void ICiSymbolVisitor.Visit(CiMethod method) { this.CurrentMethod = method; Resolve(method.Signature); if (method.CallType != CiCallType.Abstract) { Resolve(method.Body); if (method.Signature.ReturnType != CiType.Void && method.Body.CompletesNormally) { throw new ResolveException("Method can complete without a return value"); } } this.CurrentMethod = null; } void ResolveBase(CiClass klass) { if (klass.BaseClass != null) { klass.BaseClass = ResolveClass(klass.BaseClass); klass.Members.Parent = klass.BaseClass.Members; } } void ICiSymbolVisitor.Visit(CiClass klass) { this.CurrentClass = klass; this.Symbols = klass.Members; if (klass.Constructor != null) { klass.Constructor.Accept(this); } foreach (CiSymbol member in klass.Members) { member.Accept(this); } klass.BinaryResources = this.BinaryResources.Values.ToArray(); this.BinaryResources.Clear(); this.Symbols = this.Symbols.Parent; this.CurrentClass = null; }
CiSymbol Lookup(CiSymbolAccess expr) { CiSymbol symbol = expr.Symbol; if (symbol is CiUnknownSymbol) symbol = this.Symbols.Lookup(((CiUnknownSymbol) symbol).Name); return symbol; }