Exemple #1
        public PostQueryResult Find(PostQueryOption option)
            object condition = null;
            var wherePart = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.SectionId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.AuthorId))
                condition = new { SectionId = option.SectionId, AuthorId = option.AuthorId };
                wherePart = "WHERE p.SectionId = @SectionId and p.AuthorId = @AuthorId";
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.SectionId))
                condition = new { SectionId = option.SectionId };
                wherePart = "WHERE p.SectionId = @SectionId";
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.AuthorId))
                condition = new { AuthorId = option.AuthorId };
                wherePart = "WHERE p.AuthorId = @AuthorId";

            using (var connection = GetConnection())
                var countSql = string.Format(@"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {0} p {1}", Constants.PostTable, wherePart);
                var totalCount = connection.Query<int>(countSql, condition).Single();

                var pageIndex = option.PageInfo.PageIndex;
                var pageSize = option.PageInfo.PageSize;
                var sql = string.Format(@"
                        SELECT * FROM (
                            SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY p.LastUpdateTime desc) AS RowNumber, p.*, a1.Name as AuthorName, a2.Name as MostRecentReplierName
                            FROM {0} p
                            LEFT JOIN {1} a1 ON p.AuthorId = a1.Id
                            LEFT JOIN {1} a2 ON p.MostRecentReplierId = a2.Id
                            {2}) AS Total
                        WHERE RowNumber >= {3} AND RowNumber <= {4}",
                    Constants.PostTable, Constants.AccountTable, wherePart, (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize + 1, pageIndex * pageSize);

                var posts = connection.Query<PostInfo>(sql, condition);

                foreach (var post in posts)
                    post.AuthorName = FormatValue(post.AuthorName);
                    post.MostRecentReplyId = FormatValue(post.MostRecentReplyId);
                    post.MostRecentReplierId = FormatValue(post.MostRecentReplierId);
                    post.MostRecentReplierName = FormatValue(post.MostRecentReplierName);

                return new PostQueryResult { Posts = posts, TotalCount = totalCount };
        public PostQueryResult Find(PostQueryOption option)
            object condition = null;
            var wherePart = string.Empty;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.SectionId) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.AuthorId))
                condition = new { SectionId = option.SectionId, AuthorId = option.AuthorId };
                wherePart = "WHERE p.SectionId = @SectionId and p.AuthorId = @AuthorId";
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.SectionId))
                condition = new { SectionId = option.SectionId };
                wherePart = "WHERE p.SectionId = @SectionId";
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(option.AuthorId))
                condition = new { AuthorId = option.AuthorId };
                wherePart = "WHERE p.AuthorId = @AuthorId";

            using (var connection = GetConnection())
                var countSql = string.Format(@"SELECT COUNT(1) FROM {0} p {1}", Constants.PostTable, wherePart);
                var totalCount = connection.Query<int>(countSql, condition).Single();

                var pageIndex = option.PageInfo.PageIndex;
                var pageSize = option.PageInfo.PageSize;
                var sql = string.Format(@"
                        SELECT * FROM (
                            SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY p.Sequence) AS RowNumber, p.*, a.Name as AuthorName, r.ReplyCount, r.MostRecentReplySequence
                            FROM {0} p
                            LEFT JOIN {1} a ON p.AuthorId = a.Id
                            LEFT JOIN (SELECT PostId, COUNT(*) AS ReplyCount, MAX(Sequence) AS MostRecentReplySequence FROM {2} GROUP BY PostId) r on r.PostId = p.Id
                            {3}) AS Total
                        WHERE RowNumber >= {4} AND RowNumber <= {5}",
                    Constants.PostTable, Constants.AccountTable, Constants.ReplyTable, wherePart, (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize + 1, pageIndex * pageSize);

                var posts = connection.Query<PostInfo>(sql, condition);

                var sequenceIds = string.Join(",", posts.Select(x => x.MostRecentReplySequence));
                if (sequenceIds.Count() > 0)
                    sql = string.Format(@"
                        select r.Id, r.Sequence, r.AuthorId, a.Name as AuthorName, r.CreatedOn from {0} r left join {1} a on r.AuthorId = a.Id where r.Sequence in ({2})",
                            Constants.ReplyTable, Constants.AccountTable, sequenceIds);
                    var replies = connection.Query(sql);
                    foreach (var post in posts)
                        post.AuthorName = FormatValue(post.AuthorName);
                        var mostRecentReply = replies.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Sequence == post.MostRecentReplySequence);
                        if (mostRecentReply != null)
                            post.MostRecentReplyId = FormatValue(mostRecentReply.Id);
                            post.MostRecentReplierId = FormatValue(mostRecentReply.AuthorId);
                            post.MostRecentReplierName = FormatValue(mostRecentReply.AuthorName);
                            post.MostRecentReplyCreatedOn = mostRecentReply.CreatedOn;

                return new PostQueryResult { Posts = posts, TotalCount = totalCount };