Exemple #1
        public static void DoRedirect(ControlCollection logToControls, bool redirectWhenNo404Detected = false, bool onlyLogWhen404 = false)
            // find incoming URL
            string incoming = "";

                // nothing to do if it's already a redirect because of an error
                //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["aspxerrorpath"]))
                //    return;

                bool is404 = false;
                // we're matching lowercased: case insensitive
                incoming = IncomingUrl(logToControls, ref is404).ToLower();
                // enable logging when DNN detects a 404 later on (e.g. for extentionless urls)
                HttpContext.Current.Items["40F_SEO_IncomingUrl"] = incoming;
                // register whether or not a 404 was detected

                // since generating a 404 inside a 404 page
                // (which is what we do in case of .aspx errors)
                // will cause an additional redirect to the error page,
                // we here check if the incoming url contains an aspx error path
                // if so: stop processing, we're already done.
                if (HasAspxError(incoming))

                if (UserInfo.IsSuperUser)
                    logToControls.Add(new LiteralControl(String.Format("Incoming: {0}<br/>", incoming)));

                // check if URL is in Sources of mappingtable
                string target = "";

                var mappingsNoRegex = RedirectConfig.Instance.MappingsDictionary(false);

                if (UserInfo.IsSuperUser)
                    logToControls.Add(new LiteralControl(String.Format("Mappings (with regex): {0}<br/>", RedirectConfig.Instance.MappingsDictionary(true).Count)));
                if (UserInfo.IsSuperUser)
                    logToControls.Add(new LiteralControl(String.Format("Mappings (no regex): {0}<br/>", mappingsNoRegex.Count)));

                // if we're in a 404, let's try to find a mapping
                if (is404 || redirectWhenNo404Detected)
                    Common.Logger.Debug($"Try to find a mapping for [{incoming}]");
                    // first try non-regex mappings, as they're supposed to be faster
                    if (mappingsNoRegex.ContainsKey(incoming))
                        target = mappingsNoRegex[incoming];
                        Common.Logger.Debug($"Mapping without regex found, Target: [{target}]");
                    else if (mappingsNoRegex.ContainsKey(ToRelativeUrl(incoming)))
                        target = mappingsNoRegex[ToRelativeUrl(incoming)];
                        Common.Logger.Debug($"Mapping without regex found, Target: [{target}]");
                        // no match found without regexes, try the ones with regex
                        var mappingsUsingRegex = RedirectConfig.Instance.MappingsDictionary(true);

                        // now try and match each one
                        foreach (var mapping in mappingsUsingRegex)
                            var mappingSource = ToFullUrl(mapping.Key);
                            var mappingTarget = ToFullUrl(mapping.Value);

                            if (Regex.IsMatch(incoming, mappingSource))
                                // got a match!
                                target = Regex.Replace(incoming, mappingSource, mappingTarget);
                                Common.Logger.Debug($"Mapping with regex found, Target: [{target}]");

                // Log this 404
                var ps = Common.CurrentPortalSettings;
                if (is404 || (redirectWhenNo404Detected && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(target)))
                    Common.Logger.Debug($"Logging redirect: is404:{is404}, redirectWhenNo404Detected:{redirectWhenNo404Detected}, target:[{target}]");
                    AddRedirectLog(ps.PortalId, incoming, target);
                else if (!onlyLogWhen404)
                    Common.Logger.Debug($"Logging redirect for !onlyLogWhen404 target:[{target}]");
                    AddRedirectLog(ps.PortalId, incoming, target);

                if (UserInfo.IsSuperUser)
                    logToControls.Add(new LiteralControl(String.Format("Target: {0}<br/>", target)));
                // if so: redirect
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(target))
                        Common.Logger.Debug($"Redirect to:[{target}]");
                        Response.Redirect(target, false);
                        Response.StatusCode = 301;
                    catch (Exception)
                        // do nothing: threadabortexception is normal behaviour

                // we're only displaying the logging if it's a 404
                if (!is404)

                //else if (is404) // only if it was a 404 incoming
                //    // tell the client that the page wasn't found
                //    SetStatus404();
            catch (Exception exception)
                Common.Logger.Error($"Exception in DoRedirect: {exception.Message}. Stacktrace: {exception.StackTrace}");
                // we're not writing in the eventlog, since the amount of log records can really explode
                if (UserInfo.IsSuperUser)
                    logToControls.Add(new LiteralControl(String.Format("Error: {0}<br/>", exception.Message + "<br/>" + exception.StackTrace)));