private static bool BuildCSProj(FileInfo msbuild, string projFileName, string config, string platform, string optionalArgs, bool isRequired) { try { FileInfo projFile; if (!SourceDownloader.GetBuildRelFile(projFileName, out projFile) || !projFile.Exists) { if (isRequired) { Program.WriteError("Could not find project file {0}", projFileName); return(false); } else { Program.WriteWarning("Could not find project file {0}", projFileName); return(true); } } var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.UseShellExecute = false; psi.RedirectStandardError = true; psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; psi.WorkingDirectory = projFile.Directory.FullName; psi.FileName = msbuild.FullName; psi.Arguments = string.Format(MsBuildCommand, projFile.Name, config, platform, optionalArgs); psi.CreateNoWindow = true; var process = new Process(); process.StartInfo = psi; process.OutputDataReceived += OutputReceived; process.Start(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.WaitForExit(); Program.WriteInfo("EXIT: {0}", process.ExitCode); return(process.ExitCode == 0 || !isRequired); } catch (Exception e) { if (isRequired) { Program.WriteError("Failed to build project {0} - {1}", projFileName, e.Message); return(false); } else { Program.WriteWarning("Failed to build project {0} - {1}", projFileName, e.Message); return(true); } } }
public static bool Build(bool isRebuildForced) { if (!isRebuildForced && Verify(outputs)) { Program.WriteInfo("Z3 dependencies have already been built; skipping this build step."); return(true); } var result = true; DirectoryInfo z3Src = new DirectoryInfo(@"C:\Projects\Git\Formula\Ext\Z3\z3_"); result = SourceDownloader.Download(SourceDownloader.DependencyKind.Z3, out z3Src) && result; if (!result) { Program.WriteError("Could not acquire Z3 dependency"); return(false); } FileInfo vcVars; result = SourceDownloader.GetVCVarsBat(out vcVars) && result; if (!result) { Program.WriteError("Could not find Visual Studio environment variables"); return(false); } Program.WriteInfo("Building Z3 for x86."); DirectoryInfo outDir; result = BuildPlatform(vcVars, Z3Buildx86) && SourceDownloader.GetBuildRelDir(Z3x86Drop, true, out outDir) && DoMove(z3Src, z3x86MoveMap) && result; if (!result) { Program.WriteError("Could not build z3 (x86)"); return(false); } Program.WriteInfo("Building Z3 for x64."); result = BuildPlatform(vcVars, Z3Buildx64) && SourceDownloader.GetBuildRelDir(Z3x64Drop, true, out outDir) && DoMove(z3Src, z3x64MoveMap) && result; if (!result) { Program.WriteError("Could not build z3 (x64)"); return(false); } return(result); }
void Run() { if (layout) { SourceDownloader.PrintSourceURLs(); GardensPointBuilder.PrintOutputs(); Z3Builder.PrintOutputs(); return; } string python = FindInPath("Python.exe"); if (python == null) { Program.WriteError("Could not find Python, please install Python 2.7"); Program.WriteError("and make sure the location is in your PATH environment."); Program.WriteError("See:"); return; } WriteInfo("Building in {0} configuration", isDebug ? "debug" : "release"); var result = GardensPointBuilder.Build(isForced); if (solver) { result |= Z3Builder.Build(isForced); } result |= FormulaBuilder.Build(isDebug, solver, isForced); if (!result) { WriteError("Build failed"); Environment.ExitCode = FailCode; return; } else { WriteInfo("Build succeeded"); } }
public static bool Build(bool isBldDebug, bool solver, bool isForced) { var result = true; FileInfo msbuild, msbuild32 = null; result = SourceDownloader.GetMsbuild(out msbuild) && SourceDownloader.GetMsbuild(out msbuild32, true) && result; if (!result) { Program.WriteError("Could not build Formula, unable to find msbuild"); return(false); } var config = isBldDebug ? ConfigDebug : ConfigRelease; foreach (var proj in Projects) { Program.WriteInfo("Building {0}: Config = {1}, Platform = {2}", proj.Item2, config, proj.Item3); string optionalArgs = solver ? "/p:SOLVER=SOLVER" : "/p:SOLVER=NOSOLVER"; if (isForced) { optionalArgs += " /t:rebuild"; } result = BuildCSProj(proj.Item1 ? msbuild32 : msbuild, proj.Item2, config, proj.Item3, optionalArgs, proj.Item4) && result; } if (!result) { return(false); } result = DoMove(isBldDebug ? DebugMoveMap : ReleaseMoveMap) && result; if (solver) { result = DoMove(isBldDebug ? DebugZ3MoveMap : ReleaseZ3MoveMap) && result; } InstallVsix(isBldDebug ? CodeGeneratorDebug : CodeGeneratorRelease); return(result); }
private static bool InstallVsix(string vsixName) { Program.WriteInfo("Installing vsix {0}", vsixName); try { var runningLoc = new FileInfo(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location); var vsix = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(runningLoc.Directory.FullName, vsixName)); if (!vsix.Exists) { Program.WriteWarning("Could not install vsix; file {0} does not exist.", vsix.FullName); return(false); } FileInfo installer; if (!SourceDownloader.GetVsixInstaller(out installer)) { Program.WriteWarning("Could not install vsix; unable to find vsix installer."); return(false); } if (!RunInstaller(installer, "/q /u:4f5a7e3b-98cc-4601-a247-51cdbb9eb444")) { Program.WriteWarning("Attempt to uninstall previous vsix failed."); } if (!RunInstaller(installer, string.Format("/q \"{0}\"", vsix.FullName))) { Program.WriteWarning("Could not install vsix extension {0}", vsix.FullName); return(false); } return(true); } catch (Exception e) { Program.WriteWarning("Could not install vsix {0} - {1}", vsixName, e.Message); return(false); } }
private static bool BuildPlatform(FileInfo vcVars, string bat) { try { FileInfo batFile; if (!SourceDownloader.GetBuildRelFile(bat, out batFile)) { Program.WriteError("Could not find file {0}", bat); return(false); } var psi = new ProcessStartInfo(); psi.UseShellExecute = false; psi.RedirectStandardError = true; psi.RedirectStandardOutput = true; psi.WorkingDirectory = batFile.Directory.FullName; psi.FileName = batFile.FullName; psi.Arguments = string.Format("\"{0}\"", vcVars.FullName); psi.CreateNoWindow = true; var process = new Process(); process.StartInfo = psi; process.OutputDataReceived += OutputReceived; process.Start(); process.BeginErrorReadLine(); process.BeginOutputReadLine(); process.WaitForExit(); Program.WriteInfo("EXIT: {0}", process.ExitCode); return(process.ExitCode == 0); } catch (Exception e) { Program.WriteError("Failed to build z3 ({0}) - {1}", bat, e.Message); return(false); } }
public static bool Build(bool isRebuildForced) { if (!isRebuildForced && Verify(outputs)) { Program.WriteInfo("Gardens Point dependencies have already been built; skipping this build step."); return(true); } var result = true; FileInfo gppg, gplex; DirectoryInfo gplexSrc, gppgSrc; result = SourceDownloader.DownloadGardensPointBoot(out gppg, out gplex) && result; result = SourceDownloader.Download(SourceDownloader.DependencyKind.GPLEX, out gplexSrc) && result; result = SourceDownloader.Download(SourceDownloader.DependencyKind.GPPG, out gppgSrc) && result; if (!result) { Program.WriteError("Could not acquire Gardens Point dependencies"); return(false); } FileInfo csc; result = SourceDownloader.GetCsc(out csc) && result; if (!result) { Program.WriteError("Could not find CSharp compiler"); return(false); } FileInfo msbuild; result = SourceDownloader.GetMsbuild(out msbuild) && result; if (!result) { Program.WriteError("Could not find msbuild"); return(false); } //// Next try to compile gplex result = GenerateSpecFiles(gplexSrc, gplexGenBat, gplexGenBatOut, csc, gplex, gppg) && UpgradeAndCompile(gplexSrc, gplexProj, msbuild, "v4.5") && DoMove(gplexSrc, gplexMoveMap) && result; if (!result) { Program.WriteError("Could not compile the gplex dependency"); return(false); } //// Next try to compile gppg result = GenerateSpecFiles(gppgSrc, gppgGenBat, gppgGenBatOut, csc, gplex, gppg) && UpgradeAndCompile(gppgSrc, gppgProj, msbuild, "v4.5") && DoMove(gppgSrc, gppgMoveMap) && result; if (!result) { Program.WriteError("Could not compile the gppg dependency"); return(false); } return(result); }