public static Project ToProject(SerializableProject item)
            var working = new Project
                Name         = item.Name,
                Description  = item.Description,
                Organization = SerializableOrganization.ToOrganization(item.Organization),

            foreach (var itemFixedCost in item.FixedCosts)

            // Add all the tasks to the project tasks, but without linking
            foreach (var serTask in item.Tasks)

            // Now go through and link and add employees
            foreach (var serTask in item.Tasks)
                var actualTask = working.GetTaskById(serTask.Id);
                foreach (Guid descendantId in serTask.Descendants)
                    var descendant = working.GetTaskById(descendantId);

        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a SerializeablePertTask into a PertTask, but without the resource
        /// list or any linking
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static PertTask ToUnlinkedPertTask(SerializablePertTask item)
            var working = new PertTask
                Name         = item.Name,
                Id           = item.Id,
                Description  = item.Description,
                TimeEstimate = item.TimeEstimate,
                Resources    = new HashSet <IResource>(),
                Category     = item.Category

            if (working.TimeEstimate == null)
                working.TimeEstimate = new Estimate();
